domingo, 2 de julio de 2017


ND denuncia debacle d Globaliz neoliberal y propone State-Social + Capit-compet in Econ

Neoliberal globalization is over. Financiers know it, they documented with graphics

When energy consumption growth per capita turns negative - even slightly so - tears in the social fabric start to appear. This is the problem we are starting to encounter.

“Friday’s ruling by the U.S. District Court takes the state’s finances from horrific to catastrophic,” Comptroller Susana Mendoza, a Democrat, said in an emailed statement after the ruling. "Payments to the state’s pension funds; state payroll including legislator pay; General State Aid to schools and payments to local governments will likely have to be cut.”

"It strikes me as unavoidable that large chunks of the money created by A.I. will have to be transferred to those whose jobs have been displaced... This seems feasible only through Keynesian policies of increased government spending, presumably raised through taxation on wealthy companies."
La seudo democ y sist  duopolico es obsoleto por fraudulento y corrupto. Urge cambiarlo

The next oil crisis will arrive in three years... or less.

Total capitulation by Governor Bruce Rauner is in the works. The taxoholics wore him down.
Global depression is on…China, RU, Iran search for State socialis+K- compet. D rest in limbo

China dispatched military vessels and fighter planes in response to warn off the US missile destroyer USS Stethem that trespassed China's territorial waters off the Xisha Islands, according to Foreign Ministry Spokesperson Lu Kang on July 2, 2017.

"The Nuclear Crisis Group assesses that the risk of nuclear weapons use, intended or otherwise, is unacceptably high and that all states must take constructive steps to reduce these risks..."
Here Trump contribution to world reaction against US if WW3 starts

According to a new study from Pew Research which polled 40,000 people in 37 nations, Donald Trump's presidency has had a "major negative impact on how the world sees the United States".

Global Econ-Pol crisis leads to more business-wars:  profiteers US-NATO under screen


The nasty business of US-NATO-Global-wars uncovered .. pro RU view

Se fueron los mercenarios pero se quedan los jefes: Big-business “war” will continue
Though Daesh Is Falling, US Top General Says US Should Stay in Iraq

The US military should maintain a presence in Iraq even after its mission in Mosul is over and Daesh is ousted from the country, Lt. Gen. Stephen Townsend said this week.

On June 29, three years and 19 days after the capture of Mosul by Daesh militants, the prime minister of Iraq declared the end of their fictitious caliphate.

Townsend, who currently commands the 18th Airborne Corps, headquartered in Fort Bragg, and the Combined Joint Task Force-Operation Inherent Resolve, told The Fayetteville Observer from Baghdad that he is confident the terrorist group is near complete defeat in both Iraq and Syria. 

Recalling what happened after US troops left in 2011 and Daesh declared its caliphate from Mosul in 2014, Townsend said "We've seen that movie before. My thought is to try something different."

This time, US troops should continue providing support and training for Iraqi forces to ensure they are capable of facing the nation's threats, Townsend said, echoing similar remarks by other US commanders, including US Army Col. Pat Work, who warned that even after the total liberation of Mosul, Daesh should be expected to continue to challenge the city.

"This is the world's fight against a brutal ideology that has to be defeated, that has to be destroyed," Townsend said, adding that the international coalition is committed to making Iraqi forces successful. 

He also praised the contribution of the 18th Airborne Corps soldiers who are expected to return to Fort Bragg in September. 
                Bring troops home!, said American People, big demostrat in Pittburgh PA, yest

Damascus 'Will Deliver an Unexpected Response' if West Continues 'Aggression' 

[[ Damascus is not alone, they have the support of RU-China, Iran and they will say Enough is Enough. The US Is now setting pretext to start WW3:  US troops are already in Syria, Canadian troops has been forced to remain in Iraq, though IS is already defeated, and now France plan to join US  plan under the pretext of “US manufactured-lie” called Chemical attack. Of course RU and China are ready to respond, reasons abound (economic sanctions and military expansion to their shores). They are waiting the right moment to hit America without mercy. Syria’war could be the start of WW3. This nation has been totally destroyed by US-ISIS commands with the support of Saudis and Israel. US-NATO did the same in Iraq 2003, in Lybia 2010-11 and millions people die over there. If they start WW3 the entire world will hit American companies, blown out US embassies and burn US banks world-wide, while RU-China will hit directly the US and strategic points of NATO. The US people will go against oligarchical rulers and the less expected is the immediate secession of America, even if US-NATO destroy RU-China-Iran. At the end, there won’t be real winners, but total destruction of the US Empire. Hugo Adan ]]

Back to the art:  Damascus 'Will Deliver an Unexpected Response' 

Earlier this week, the White House claimed that the Syrian government was conducting "potential preparations" for a chemical weapons attack. The statement warned that if Damascus conducted a chemical attack Syrian President Bashar Assad and his military "will pay a heavy price."

In addition, US President Donald Trump had a phone call with French leader Emmanuel Macron, in which the two leaders agreed to work together to find s response in case of a new chemical incident in Syria.

The French president said that Paris could launch unilateral air strikes against targets in Syria if a new chemical attack is carried out.

Latino America fight to break with collapsing Empire:  leftist view on alternatives

CORRUPCION: LA PLAGA DEL SIGLO.. no se dice que fue facilitado por el neoliberalism
Capitalismo y democracia   Los límites de la democracia liberal  Charles-André Udry
Cent de la Rev Rusa  Isadora, o cómo bailar “La Internacional”   Ángel García P.

Es californiana, de San Francisco, atea, teórica y practicante del amor libre, acérrima defensora de los derechos de la mujer, enemiga de clase de la burguesía que tanto la aduló -y no digamos de las noblezas del mundo.

En lo referente a educación, se puede retomar palabra a palabra lo que decía Rosa Luxemburgo a propósito de la Rev Rusa en general: “Lenin, Trotsky y sus amigos fueron los primeros que dieron ejemplo al proletariado mundial; hasta ahora son los únicos que pueden exclamar con Hutten: ‘Yo me he atrevido!’”.
Memoria histórica  Cuando el rey iguala a franquistas con víctimas  Olga Rodríguez

Si aplicamos la lógica de su discurso, podríamos imaginar al rey afirmando que tanto los aliados como los nazis nos helaron el corazón..
Trabajo Precarización y degradación del trabajo  Pere Jódar y Juan M. Pericàs

La subcontratación ha sido siempre un elemento clave del capitalismo, se denomine descolonizado, descentralizado o flexible. Ha significado desde sus inicios y junto a la desocupación: pobreza. La precariedad es una de las estrategias básicas para mantener la rentabilidad del capital.
Audio del Foro viento sur  El desafío del cambio climático frente a las falsas soluciones del capitalismo verde  El propósito de este debate, con mayor razón tras la retirada de Trump del tímido Acuerdo de París, es abordar tanto el análisis como la propuesta de alternativas radicales a esta situación de cambio global en el entramado ecosistémico en el que se sustenta la vida humana.
Por Giorgio Boccardo y Sebastián Caviedes

Escribir sobre Venezuela duele porque significa dar cuenta del drama de un pueblo que por primera vez comenzaba a participar de la redistribución de sus recursos, pero también, porque supone abordar el declive de un proceso político que ha sido referencial para la izquierda latinoamericana en las últimas décadas.

Global situation described by Iranian observers.. Titles distorted n incomplete sentences


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