sábado, 8 de julio de 2017


ND denuncia debacle d Globaliz neoliberal y propone State-Social + Capit-compet in Econ

Neoliberal globalization is over. Financiers know it, they documented with graphics

"In short, OPEC, the market and oil bulls have run out or runaway. There are just 10 weeks before fall turnarounds kick in and crude stocks in the U.S. start to build again... it is becoming increasingly evident that U.S. shale oil will be the marginal source of supply, at least until 2020"

BP teams up with Rosneft to bring more Russian gas to Europe

The sanctions, put in place by the U.S. and European Union in 2014 after Russia's annexation of the Crimea region of Ukraine, were meant to limit Russia's pursuit of new technology for extracting more crude oil and natural gas.The measures specifically targeted deepwater drilling planned in the Black Sea, Arctic operations and the use of fracking technology in Siberia. (US-Exxon was affect by Trump) 

The sanctions weren't specifically designed to curb current Russian oil production, and they haven't. Output rose above 11 million barrels a day last year, the highest level in decades.
Check also  Russia Probe Boosts Bill to Crack Down on Shell Corporations  https://www.nytimes.com/aponline/2017/06/28/us/politics/ap-us-congress-shell-corporations.html


"Our current debt & energy orgy can't last much longer..."

In short, the broad inverted "V" shape of the Federal Funds Rate since WWII essentially follows a single macro trend and gyrates on this path to a secondary micro cycle... and will drive it, likely through 2050. That's it. Not hard to be a central banker, eh?
La seudo democ y sist  duopolico es obsoleto por fraudulento y corrupto. Urge cambiarlo

A plan approved in May is set to take effect soon, forcing high school seniors to either be enlisted in the military, have a job, be enrolled in a gap-year program, or have a college acceptance letter before the Chicago public schooling system will give them their diploma. The obvious consequences of this new policy are problematic. Still, Emanuel doesn’t seem to care.
Global depression is on…China, RU, Iran search for State socialis+K- compet. D rest in limbo

"We have a G20 communique, not a G19 communique," an EU official said as the Hamburg G-20 drew to a close. "The outcome is good. We have a communique. There is one issue left, which is on climate, but I am hopeful we can find a compromise."

"Islam is a major culture and religion, which we must respect, but Europe has a different identity, and it is clear that these two cultures are incapable of coexisting without conflict... The greatest difference is that in Europe, politics and religion have been separated from one another, but in the case of Islam it is religion that determines politics..."
"We need to free ourselves from a sense of guilt. We do not have the moral duty to welcome into Italy people who are worse off than ourselves," Italy's former PM Renzi wrote in new book, causing outrage within Italy's political establishment. "We need to escape from our 'do gooder' mentality," he said. 
Distention?  Our military don’t understand that language  

The US sent two B-1B Lancer strategic bombers from Guam to the Korean Peninsula, to practice “attack capabilities” with South Korean jet fighters and hold live-fire drills on Saturday, the latest show of force by the US military after North Korea’s first-ever ICBM test launch on July 4.

Global Econ-Pol crisis leads to more business-wars:  profiteers US-NATO under screen


Deep on the US political crisis, their internal conflicts n chances of WW3

US, Russia Announce Syria Cease-fire After Trump-Putin Talks
Point designed to reduce violence near Jordan’s border,which is critical to the U.S. ally’s security
The dying beast is lashing out, right and left and above and beneath.
The Saudi-Israeli Alliance  By Abdel Bari Atwan
America's Death Throes  By Finian Cunningham
The US political system is fighting for its survival given imminent end of its petrodollar hegemony

The nasty business of US-NATO-Global-wars uncovered .. pro RU view

Chinese Navy's Growing Power to Stretch Its Sea Legs Makes US Navy Nervous  https://sputniknews.com/military/201707081055372263-chinese-navy-world-ocean-power/

Commenting on the People's Liberation Army Navy's growing presence in the world's oceans, Russian military observer Alexander Khrolenko notes that China's activities are making it more and more difficult for the US to use its main military advantage: its global naval hegemony.

On Friday, as part of the joint US and Japanese exercises, two US Air Force B-1B bombers flew over disputed airspace in the South China Sea. A US Air Force statement said that the flight was intended to demonstrate the "rights of freedom of navigation anywhere international law allows."  READ:  US Bombers Buzz South China Sea as Trump and Xi Prepare For G20 Meeting

The Chinese Foreign Ministry denounced the flight, saying that China was "adamantly opposed to acts that undermine China's sovereignty."   Last week, China accused the US of a similar violation of sovereignty and international law after a US destroyer entered the waters around the Xisha (Paracel) Islands. In that incident, the USS Stethem was met by Chinese warships and fighter jets, which the Foreign Ministry said were deployed "to warn off" the offending US vessel.

Following both incidents, Chinese officials stressed that China was monitoring the "relevant countries' military activities," and would take "resolute" measures to defend its sovereignty and security.

Commenting on Friday's incident in an analysis piece for RIA Novosti, military affairs journalist Alexander Khrolenko suggested that both US behavior and the Chinese response were "not accidental."

"The Chinese Navy is exploring more the near and distant regions of the world's oceans, and that means that it's time for Washington and the Pentagon, who until recently confidently controlled almost all the important sea routes and disparaged the Chinese Navy, to be nervous," Khrolenko wrote.

On Friday, China's first aircraft carrier, the Liaoning, accompanied by three other Navy ships, arrived in Hong Kong Harbor to participate in the 20th anniversary celebrations of the transfer of the former British colony to the People's Republic. Ahead of the anniversary, Chinese President Xi Jinping warned that any attempts to separate Hong Kong from the mainland China be absolutely unacceptable, adding that China would defend its sovereignty over the territory by all necessary measures.

Friday's port visit, Khrolenko noted, "could be viewed as a continuation of Xi Jinping's thoughts, and as a projection of naval power based on the 'One Country, Two Systems' principle. The clean lines of a warship can convince others of the strength and capabilities of the country better than words."

China launched its first domestically-built Type 001A carrier in April 2017. A modernized design of the Soviet-Russian Kuznetsov-class carrier, the Chinese carrier is 315 m long, 75 m wide, displaces 70,000 tons, and has a cruising speed of 31 knots. Liaoning's air group consists of 24 fighters. As for the Type 001A, that carrier is expected to carry up to 36 Shenyang J-15 fighters. China plans to put a third carrier into operation in the next three years. Ultimately, China plans to create a total of six carrier battle groups, along with a series of naval bases around the globe.


'A Convenient Excuse': US Making Up Reasons for Arms Control Deal Pullout  https://sputniknews.com/world/201707081055372085-us-arms-control-deal-missiles/

Threats by US Congressmen to pull out of a landmark 1987 arms control treaty which prevents the proliferation of certain types of missiles are just an excuse to deploy missiles in the Middle East and Asia, Retired Russian Major-General Pavel Zolotaryov said.

Retired Russian Major-General Pavel Zolotaryov, member of the Council on Foreign and Defense Policy, told RTthat US threats to pull out of the treaty coincide with Washington's attempts to build up military might in the Middle East and Asia.

"American carrier battle groups are vulnerable to China, which has medium- and short-range missiles. I think that the Americans are thinking of placing illegal land-based missiles on Japanese islands. In addition, the deployment of missiles in the Middle East will 'hold back' Iran."

The US wants to pull out of the treaty but it needs an excuse to do so, Zolotaryov said.

"Such a decision has not been taken at the official level. As a result there are legislative proposals whose intellectual level leave something to be desired. The accusations against Russia are a convenient excuse for terminating the agreement."

"I very much doubt that Moscow could have violated the INF Treaty. The Americans' lack of specifics in their accusations only reinforces my confidence. At the same time, as I understand, the US itself plans to develop Pershing III – an improved version of the ballistic missile which stood at our borders," Zolotaryov warned.


Destiny Betrayed: 45th Anniversary of the Anti-Ballistic Missile Treaty Signing https://sputniknews.com/military/201705261054021662-ballistic-missile-treaty-betrayal/
US Talk of Exit From Nuclear Treaty With Russia Could Blow Up in New Arms Race  https://sputniknews.com/politics/201706301055115593-inf-treaty-russia-us-analysis/
Russia's Barguzin Nuke Trains Will Make Pentagon Think Twice About First Strike   https://sputniknews.com/military/201707081055370642-barguzin-nuke-train-analysis/

For RU pragmatism is OK (process define final result) as long they’ve clear Strat & control de-agenda

Realpolitik: Why Russia, US Have Chance to Reach Common Ground on Syria  https://sputniknews.com/politics/201707081055371117-putin-trump-syria/

Although the Obama administration did whatever it took to spoil US-Russian relations, there is still a chance for Moscow and Washington to reach compromise on Syria, Russian academic Mikhail Roshchin told Radio Sputnik. Meanwhile, Russian President Vladimir Putin signaled that Washington has become more pragmatic in regard to Syria.

Interestingly, on July 5 US Secretary of State Rex Tillerson issued a statement on the current situation in Syria, adding that this topic would be raised during the Trump-Putin meeting.

"The United States and Russia certainly have unresolved differences on a number of issues, but we have the potential to appropriately coordinate in Syria in order to produce stability and serve our mutual security interests," the statement said.

Following his talks with Donald Trump, Russian President Putin said that the position of the United States on Syria had become more pragmatic.

"As for Syria, we discussed this issue with all my interlocutors. Has the position of the United States changed or has not? I think it has become more pragmatic. Overall it has not changed, but there is understanding that by joining our efforts we can achieve many things," Putin said Saturday at the final press conference of the G20 summit in the German city of Hamburg.
[ In short: We can’t say Tillerson-Trump are working for RU by saluting pragmatism. The FACT is: we are in a process toward multi-polar system. The old foreign policy relation doesn’t wk anymore, it poses the risk of WW3 by accident & we all lose. If we continue allowing K accumulation in few hands, the risk of Econ crisis & Social Rev will come & we all lose too. We need to stop negative freedoms to the rich. We need to correct our neoliberal system by re-adapting the Glass Steagal Act from FDR. The mix of Cap & Socialism (state in charge of best Educ & health for all ++) is the only way to do it. It is clear that Germ, RU & China + Iran.., are more close to such objective, than we are. The fact is that big Corp like BP are joining the RU-Ch project and there will be others too. In a highway with 5 to 10 roads, the US can compete & succeed in many areas, but not if we don’t clean the swamp & kill the parasites, starting with cutting the waste in arms & wars, and the Obama support to Pharma-monsters like Pfizer & huge Corp owning hospitals or other who converted health into profitable business. The same in free Educ for all, we need the create in the mind of our kids a love for peace, coop & free mind, not to install in their minds stupid medieval dogmas inside schools. We need a clear separation between State n Church; we need to trash all the pro-war toys. This is a process, of course, and process is a realm of pragmatism. We can make one step back to get 10 forward. That is the positive logic of pragmatism. We have the masters of new technologies, a huge human capital, so we can do it. In a MULTI-POLAR SYSTEM WE CAN WIN. By selling weapons & promoting wars we are wasting life, money & time. We need a project to get out of this system, and right leaders. We need to abandon the duo-party system in politics and assign proportional representation to power..  to all those org that got at least 5% of total electorate in their city and state. We need to severely punish fraud and the buying elections. We need to clean the press and avoid them run elections. We need to talk now on dismantling nukes, on de-nuclearizing the world, then we can share leadership in a multi-polar system. ]   



Flash points on US politics: internal contradict.. Hugh Smith good articles reproduced

History informs us that once something is obsolete, it can disappear far faster than anyone expected. While we generally think of obsoleted technologies vanishing, social and political systems can become obsolete as well.

Should a poor soul who entered a deep coma a year ago awaken today, we must forgive his/her astonishment at the political wreckage left by the 2016 election. The Democratic Party, a mere year ago an absurdly over-funded machine confident in an easy victory in the presidential race, is now a complete shambles: its leadership in free-fall, its Fat-Cat donors disgusted, and its demented intoxication with pinning collaboration with Russia on the Trump camp eroding whatever feeble legacy legitimacy it still holds. What the party stands for is a mystery, as its Elites are clearly beholden to insiders, special interests and Corporate donors while glorifying the worst excesses of globalism and the National Security State’s endless war on civil liberties.

The newly awakened citizen would also marvel at the chaotic war zone of the Republican Party, in which the Insider Warlords are battling insurgent Outsiders, while the same Elites that fund the Democratic machine are wondering what they’re buying with their millions of dollars in contributions, for it’s unclear what the Republican Party stands for: it’s for Small Government, except when it’s for Bigger Government, which is 95% of the time; it’s for more law enforcement and the militarization of local police, and more intrusion into the lives of the citizenry; it’s for stricter standards for welfare, except for Corporate Welfare; it’s for tax reform, except the thousands of pages of give-aways, loopholes and tax breaks for the wealthy and corporations all remain untouched, and so on: a smelly tangle of special interests masked by a few sprays of PR air freshener to the millions left behind by the globalization that has so enriched Corporate America and the class of financier-owners, bankers, insiders and technocrats–the same group that funds and controls both political parties.

Latino America fight to break with collapsing Empire:  leftist view on alternatives

ALC        Frente a crisis Capit  Organización y convergencia popular  JP Stedile
                Honduras  “El dolor me acompaña a cada instante”  Giorgio Trucchi
                Foro Sao Paulo Oportunidad para la izquierda de Nuestra América  PM
                Argentina  El “Plan Cóndor” judicial  Raúl Zaffaroni
VEN       La canalla mediática y la violencia  Atilio A. Boron
                Ent a Velasco  ¿por qué no bajan de los cerros?  Sobre pobreza y protesta pop
                Diría que mejor Pregunta es Que pasara cuando bajen los cerros?
                La Amazonía está en remate  Carol Pires
Franz Fanon, periodista revolucionario  Mumia Abu-Jamal desde nación encarcel
Armas e imperio  La presencia bélica estadounidense en África  Nick Turse
COL        Los insensatos  Camilo Alzate
                Comunicado: Consulta popular entre presos del Suroccidente
                ¡Socialismo del siglo XXI o Barbarie!  Alex Anfruns
Donald Trump dice que el mayor problema en la vida de Ivanka es él  

Si Ivanka es su esposa, a todos los maridos nos pasa lo mismo. Nunca me intereso la vida personal de Trump .. pero .. vi una dama muda que siempre lo acompaña; alguien dijo que ella es lo que más le gusta de T. Para mi T es un ser humano, y somos parte de una comunidad virtual, eso tenemos en común.. y  aqui va mi opinión:

Cuando mi esposa estuvo de mal humor, no le dije una palabra. Cuando vino a mi camita le pregunte: Por qué me trataste asi? Y a quien voy a acusar si no es a mi marido .. total, para algo deben servir los maridos, no?. .. Nos miramos, ambos reímos y celebramos esa respuesta ingeniosa y muy cierta, y luego cada quien a su camita. Asi  vivimos 34 años a todo dar, ahora vivimos lejos y nos comunicamos con amor, solo si ella está de buen humor.  C’est la vie .. C’est l’amour . Así es la vida, así es el amor. Que le vamos a hacer .. sólo vivirla y sonreírle.
En el vigésimo aniversario de la reunificación con China  Robin Lee El pueblo celebra, los ricos no.

Global situation described by Iranian observers.. Titles distorted n incomplete sentences


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