lunes, 24 de julio de 2017

JUL 24 17 SIT EC y POL

JUL 24 17 SIT EC y POL
ND denuncia debacle d Globaliz neoliberal y propone State-Social + Capit-compet in Econ

Neoliberal globalization is over. Financiers know it, they documented with graphics

And in what looks like a swipe at President Donald Trump and his protetionist rhetoric, the fund warned against pursuing “zero-sum” policies that could weaken growth around the world...


It’s the question on every trader’s lips because the answer influences the price of almost all other financial assets: When is the dollar bouncing? The answer may be as soon as this week.

It seems Morgan Stanley was right when they said "the debt ceiling worries us most," as today's 3-month T-Bill auction surprised the market with its highest yield since the fall of 2008, as investors continue to price concerns that the U.S. government will exhaust its borrowing authority around mid-October.


"If this mystery investor is correct, it will essentially be like winning the lottery..."

The simplest visual summary of just how the ECB's corporate bond purchases have "impacted" the market since the corporate bond buying program was announced in March of 2016, here is just one chart from JPM.

while Google's top and bottom line results were both impressive, the reason why the stock was down as much as 3.6% in then after hours appears to be that Google reported paid clicks in Q2 rose by 52%, well above expectations, while cost-per-click declined 23%.

"A solid earnings season should contribute to a continuation of the bull market in stocks. Dangers are lurking, however, and the possibility of a decent-sized pullback has grown over the past couple of months, in light of monetary policy and geopolitical uncertainties. "


It's the $6 trillion opportunity that everyone is talking about and investing in. Here, in 20 charts, is a quick primer on what the "global sharing economy" means for markets, consumers and investors.

"I wish I could say the future looks bright for equity research, but few professionals appear to be addressing the miserable under-performance plaguing our industry and so there’s no reason to expect the drain of actively-managed assets to stop..."

Across a swath of the industrial Midwest, employment peaked back in 2000 and still hasn’t recovered to that level after two national recessions and two recoveries...

Following Europe's PMI slump to six-month lows this morning, US Composite PMI rose to a six-month high, with Manufacturng surprising to the upside (4-mo high). The stronger PMI reading was supported by accelerated growth in output, new orders, employment and stocks of inputs during July, but the principal weak spot in the economy remained exports, with foreign goods orders dropping.

A very ugly 3mo T-Bill auction today (highest yield since Lehman and inverting the yield curve) sent yields soaring once again as debt-ceiling concerns are spooking cash markets (but not stocks)...

The Dollar Index ended the day unch hovering at Aug 2016 swing lows...


La seudo democ y sist  duopolico es obsoleto por fraudulento y corrupto. Urge cambiarlo

Having warned "Republicans have a last chance to do the right thing on Repeal & Replace after years of talking & campaigning on it," in a tweet this morning, building pressure on the GOP after threatening overnight that "if Republicans don't Repeal and Replace the disastrous ObamaCare, the repercussions will be far greater than any of them understand!" President Trump will deliver a statement about healthcare, shortly after meeting with what he calls “victims of Obamacare."

Global depression is on…China, RU, Iran search for State socialis+K- compet. D rest in limbo

US Spy Plane Forced To Take "Evasive Action" After Chinese Interceptor Flies Within 90 Meters   The saint & the devil.. nice for a story tale.. if xenophobia is rid off

Two Chinese J-10 fighter jets intercepted a U.S. Navy surveillance plane flying over international waters in the East China Sea on Sunday, with one jet coming within 300 feet (91 meters) of the American aircraft, U.S. officials told Reuters.
US politics crisis: Trump captured by Deep state to reproduce old cronyism without alter-plan

Global Econ-Pol crisis leads to more business-wars:  profiteers US-NATO under screen

The nasty business of US-NATO-Global-wars uncovered .. pro RU view

Flash points on US politics: internal contradict.. Hugh Smith good articles reproduced

Is renewal / recovery from systemic decline possible? The history of the Roman Empire is a potentially insightful place to start looking for answers. As long-time readers know, I’ve been studying both the Western and Eastern (Byzantine) Roman Empires over the past few years.

Both Western and Eastern Roman Empires faced existential crises that very nearly dissolved the empires hundreds of years before their terminal declines.The Western Roman Empire, beset by the overlapping crises of invasion, civil war, plague and economic upheaval, nearly collapsed in the third century C.E. (Christian Era, what was previously A.D.) — 235 to 284 C.E., fully two hundred years before its final dissolution in the fifth century (circa 476 C.E.).

Meanwhile, the Eastern Roman Empire (Byzantine Empire) faced similar crises in the seventh and eighth centuries, as its capital of Constantinople was besieged by the Persians in 626 C.E. and the Arab caliphate in 674 C.E. and again in 717 C.E. The invasions which preceded the sieges stripped the empire of wealthy territories and the income those lands produced.

In both cases, the Empire not only survived but recovered a substantial measure of its former resilience and stability. Fortune delivered strong leadership at the critical moment: leadership that was able to protect itself from petty, self-aggrandizing domestic rivals, force the reorganization of failed, self-serving bureaucracies, inspire the populace to make the necessary sacrifices for the common good, win decisive military victories that ended the threat of invasion, and generate a moral claim to leadership via personal rectitude and/or participation in a religious revival.
Keep Reading

Latino America fight to break with collapsing Empire:  leftist view on alternatives

Perú      La caída de un ex presidente y su esposa  Rafael Guzmán P.
ARG       Líder mapuche Facundo Jones   “Mi detención es un montaje político y judicial”
Chile     -Chile en medio del caos capitalista  Patricio Malatrassi
VEN       Venezuela, los días decisivos  Hugo Moldiz

VENEZUELA ME DUELE La invasión militar USA ya viene.
Hugo Adan. Julio 24,207
Este es sin duda su mejor momento, tiene apoyo interno y
creará cualquier excusa para la intervención armada. La
prensa mercenaria del mundo entero está lista para mentir.

La ingerencia USA en la politica interna de Ven ha sido clara.
Se busca cambio de régimen y crear otro Syria con 2 objetivos:
1-      Cebar el negocio bélico del Penta y 3 Corp del MIC:
buscan re-militarizar el sur.
2-      Apropiarse de los nuevos yacimientos petrolíferos de VEN

Maduro lo sabe, tiene pruebas de ello, pero
1-Hizo poco o nada por cerrar el US Embassy: cortar apoyo CIA-ONGs a la opos
2-No sello pacto economico-militar con RU-China para frenar el avance USA
3-La violenta Opos puede frenarse aún: Toque de queda y todo el poder al Ejec

El Punto 3 debe ser implementado si el Ref del 30 intenta ser saboteado.
Es la única solución.

El pueblo de VEN esta por la paz: debe por tanto ir a votar en el Ref del 30.
Si la Opos no quiere cambio de Constit, que lo diga allí y respete al Gob electo
Estamos frente a inminente invasión militar USA y el Gbno y las FFA de VEN
están en la obligación de hacer respetar la soberanía y de armar al pueblo.

Los latinos y pueblos del mundo entero estámos contra la ingerencia USA:
No queremos la barbarie USA en Syria. Organizemos brigadas en defensa
de Venezuela  en todos los países del sur. Es nuestro imperativo histórico,
y lo cumpliremos.  Patria o muerte.. VENCEREMOS!
Lo que viene es la crisis y división del otro Pdo oligárquico: los Reps

Global situation described by Iranian observers.. Titles distorted n incomplete sentences

BDS under attack  by US pawns of Israel

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