viernes, 14 de julio de 2017

JUL 14 17 SIT EC y POL

JUL 14 17 SIT EC y POL

ND denuncia debacle d Globaliz neoliberal y propone State-Social + Capit-compet in Econ

Neoliberal globalization is over. Financiers know it, they documented with graphics

Following the biggest 2-week plunge in Bloomberg's index of economic comfort in 6 years, UMich reports a big disappointment in the preliminary print for June. At 93.1 (below the 95.0 expectation), this is the weakest print since Oct 2016 - before the election. The drop was driven by a plunge in 'hope' as expectations dropped the most since Oct 2013.

"...the monetary history (including eurodollars) of the 21st century comes out very different than the monetary policy (eurodollars don’t matter) history of the same period. The latter leads to drug addicts and Baby Boomers as an eventual excuse for how QE and ZIRP performed about as well as monetary policy in 2001, 2002, and 2003. The former leads us to answers..."

In the early 2000’s this was apparent in a whole range of factors – starting with the stock market.


The problem for the Fed remains the rising risk of a monetary policy error against a backdrop of an over valued, over leveraged and overly bullish financial market. Historically such combinations have tended not to turn out well.

The catalyst was the release of prepared testimony which included this one single sentence:

“Because the neutral rate is currently quite low by historical standards, the federal funds rate would not have to rise all that much further to get to a neutral policy stance.”

And on that statement, doves flew and algorithms kicked into to add risk exposure to portfolios. Why? Because she just said that rates will remain low forever. As my partner, Michael Lebowitz, noted yesterday:
“Per Janet Yellen’s comment, the ‘neutral policy stance’ is another way of saying that the Fed funds rate is appropriate or near appropriate given current and expected future economic conditions. Said differently, Janet Yellen is admitting what we’ve been saying for years the economy has been stagnant, is stagnating and will continue to stagnate.

If we assume that Yellen is referring to a range of 1.25-1.75% as an appropriate Fed Funds rate, based on statistical analysis of data since 1955, we forecast that real GDP growth rate is likely to average somewhere between 2.00-2.50% for the foreseeable future. For perspective, the graph below plots the range of expected GDP growth vs historical secular (3-year average) GDP growth. In years past, such a slow rate of growth (highlighted in yellow) was considered nearly recessionary.”

The problem, of course, is that a 2% economic growth rate is not conducive to a strongly expanding economic environment and does not support current market valuations. The first chart below compares the cumulative growth rate of the real S&P 500 as compared to GDP. The great “bull markets of the 50’s and 60’s, the 80’s, and now the 10’s have all previously ended when the growth of the S&P 500 exceeded the growth of the economy. 

The next chart compares the inflation adjusted market capitalization rate of the S&P 500 to GDP. As noted on Tuesday, valuations have everything to do with forward returns on investments over the long-term.

The problem for the Fed remains the rising risk of a monetary policy error against a backdrop of an over valued, over leveraged and overly bullish financial market. Historically such combinations have tended not to turn out well.

While markets may well continue to remain bullish in the short-term, the longer-term outcomes remain heavily weighted against investors currently. Of course, the “chase for return” is always the most prevalent when markets remain illogical longer than investors can remain rational

In the meantime, this is what I am reading.

Research / Interesting Reads
 “Most investors want to do today what they should have done yesterday.” Larry Summers

Stocks (Dow and S&P) hit record intraday highs... (must mean everything is awesome, right?)

This morning's terrible retail sales and inflation data sent 'hard' data to new post-Trump lows - lowest since May 2015 - as 'soft' data clings to hope once again, sending 'animal spirits' back near record highs...

GDP expectations have plunged...

And then there is this... Short Interest in the S&P 500 has not been this low since May 2007, right as the market peaked...

And as JPM Prime Broker Services shows, this week saw the largest amount of short-covering year-to-date...

FANG Stocks had their best week in 3 months... (up 5 of the last 6 days)

The stock market is near peak euphoria here (tracked by the ratio of Fwd P/E to VIX)...

The Dollar is now at its weakest in 10 months...

So to summarize - After months of hawkishness, Yellen drops a slight hint at 'dovishness' on the rate-hike trajectory and stocks soar to record highs, VIX closes at a record weekly low, bonds rally, crude oil rips, and gold has best week in months...oh, and macro data dumps!

En Julio no hay Milagros .. Bajen de peso y en Octubre los cerdos podrían volar.

The note comes 24 hours after BofA's chief strategist Michael Hartnett warned that "the most dangerous moment for markets" will likely come when "rising rates combine in three or four months’ time with an inflection point in corporate profits. In anticipation of this, we would use the next couple of months to buy volatility, and within fixed income slowly reduce exposure to IG, HY, and EM bonds."


Earlier in the week we noted the  'odd' surge in downside protection demand even as tech stocks were soaring, and NOW JPMorgan is noting the S&P has shifted to a large 'negative gamma' underhang ?? which "could boost volatility if we were to sell off."



"We adjusted down our Fed odds accordingly. We now believe there is a 5% probability that the next rate hike will come in September, a 5% probability that it will come in November, and a 50% probability that it will come in December (a 60% cumulative probability of at least three hikes this year)."

[[ Que dilema el de los amos del Imperio: En economía tenemos especulación financiada para grandes cerdos de WS y la banca privada (case Wells Fargo y Bofa); y en geopolítica a grandes Corp que lucran vendiendo armas y guerras. Esto llegó a su tope: o bien causa recesión mundial peor que la de 1930, o bien la barbarie nuclear del WW3.. En ambos casos el imperio llegara a su final y sus Gbnos y grandes oligarcas corren el riesgo de ser decapitadas sin guillotina. Los soldados americanos -queya se unieron a la causa popular recientemente (contra el Fracking)- lo harán esta vez armados y con mayor razón si estalla la Rev popular. En 1935,  FDR logro imponer un pacto o DEAL a los grandes dueños del imperio: o bien subvencionan las demandas del pueblo (trabajo bien pagado, la mejor salud y educación para todos y techo para quien no lo tiene) , o bien deja que la revolución estalle. Tuvieron que acceder. Hoy, además de re-adaptar el Glass-Steagal Act de FDR, el Tobin tax a toda transacción financiera, podría ayudar a diferir la causa Rev. No hay la certeza de que Ms Yellen logre el balance económico que ha propuesto. Si no lo logra es posible que los cerdos vuelen en Octubre .. -con el estallido violento de la recesión-.. y no para ir al cielo, sino al infierno.. peor aún si se suicidan, -como al parecer-  ya está empezando a ocurrir. ]]
Solo el POST DOLLAR  puede parar el Bitcoin.. cada vez que calló.. subió rapid y más alto

The ten largest cryptocurrencies (by market cap) are all getting hammered once again today as the August 1st deadline for Bitcoin's 'civil war' looms ever closer.



Since President Trump's election, global equity markets have added more absolute value than at any time in history (around $12 trillion) - surpassing even the front-running exuberance that started when Bernanke hinted at QE2 in 2010.
Crook-Dems should investigate Wells Fargo.. not FANG stock-regular-business

Is Amazon getting too big? While that question has yet to be formally asked by the US government, on Friday we got a hint that it may be next on the agenda after the top Democrat on the House Antitrust Subcommittee, David Civilline, voiced concerns about Amazon's $13.7 billion plan to buy Whole Foods Market.


"it's a truly terrible idea...."
Obama prometió “single payer” in health system, luego nos inundó con Pharma’ high-prices
La seudo democ y sist  duopolico es obsoleto por fraudulento y corrupto. Urge cambiarlo

"The phase-in of the actuarial assumption is another exercise in kicking the can down the road, but we’re not sure how far the can travels.  You pay less now, pay more later."

US politics crisis: Trump captured by Deep state to reproduce old cronyism without alter-plan


Global Econ-Pol crisis leads to more business-wars:  profiteers US-NATO under screen



In Case You Missed It  America's War for Global Domination By Michel Chossudovsky


Robert Koehler  Nukes and the Global Schism
Michael Doliner  The Hollow Skull of War

The nasty business of US-NATO-Global-wars uncovered .. pro RU view

Spy Games? China Likely Watched THAAD Missile Test From Ship Near Alaska

Latino America fight to break with collapsing Empire:  leftist view on alternatives

US          Donde gobiernan los déspotas   Chase Burghgrave
COL        Tres bombardeos   Camilo Alzate
                El espíritu cortesano y el poder  Fernando Dorado
                Lenta marcha en implementación de Acuerdos De Paz Pedro Santana
G-20      Multilateralismo, poder, insubordinación y realismo  Fredes Luis Castro
                Ideología de la perversidad racista y colonizadora  Narciso Isa
REV        Más sobre Samir Amin y Octubre de 1917  Salvador López
BRA        La condena de Lula es parte de la contrarreforma Martin Granovsky
                Le quieren cerrar el paso a Lula   Teodoro Rentería
EC           Ecuador -La juventud y las bases militares  Jaime Galarza
                Carne pa’ los leones   Gustavo Espinoza

Global situation described by Iranian observers.. Titles distorted n incomplete sentences


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