viernes, 21 de julio de 2017

JUL 21 17 SIT EC y POL

JUL 21 17 SIT EC y POL
ND denuncia debacle d Globaliz neoliberal y propone State-Social + Capit-compet in Econ

Neoliberal globalization is over. Financiers know it, they documented with graphics

Since the election of Donald Trump as President, 'hope' has triumphed over reality...

There's just two things...
First: this exuberant surge in 'stretched' asset values across the globe is driven by one simple factor and it's not Trump...

Second the

So, the question is will 'hope' continue to triumph over 'history' as record levels of money-printing worldwide is seen only as a good thing with no downside... none at all?

"Bull markets are born on pessimism, grow on skepticism, mature on optimism, and die on euphoria."

HERE the readings for this weekend:

Research / Interesting Reads

"The Swarm Effect": Every Trader Today Has Just These Two Choices
“ Como me dan pena las abandonadas que amaron creyendo ser amadas” Nasty business rule US

" faces a choice between two scenarios: 1) A small probability of losing all of your money all at once at an undisclosed time in the future, or 2) A high probability of gradually losing small amounts over an indefinitely long period of time, keeping in mind that persistent small losses over an indefinite time period could lead to large cumulative losses."


For only the second time in the last 27 weeks (and 4th in the last 56 weeks), the number of US oil rigs fell last week (down 1 to 764 rigs). There is a growing concern that the rising rig count has now outpaced the lagged response to pricing and is due to rollover further...



Those who profit with Stud debt will soon bankrupt

"While the collapse of the student loan bubble may be the catalyst for a general financial downturn and will certainly be the cause of tremendous social pain and dislocation,[ to whom?]  it will, nevertheless, be a necessary prerequisite if America and, for that matter, the Western world is to ever break the grip of leftist ideology which rules it. May the bursting of the student loan bubble commence!"
Who is the strangler:  Big speculator CEOs or Central Govt?  It depends on who benefit a Nation

Nine days after his "unprecedented" strangle trade, the unknown trader who made waves last week when he bet $10 million on a sharp move in 10Y yields over the coming days, has made a profit of $10 million.

Based on gold’s seasonal patternsadding bullion to your portfolio sometime in the next month or two could prove a very smart move.

[[  Yeap..If you want to buy gold coins for $129 each.. call 1844 307 8809. Offered at Blomb news ]]
The last time the money supply grew at a smaller rate was during September 2008 at a rate of 5.2 percent.

This week we have no finer example for one to ponder than Mr. Musk himself in what can only be deemed as one of the most blatant examples of what I’ve coined “future-hype.”

Can you say, “It’s different this time?” Or, does one need to be shown a “picture” as the Silicon Valley aficionados likes to call them, for why this seemingly brazen, over the top claim, needed to be stated in the first place? Fair enough. Once again, to wit:

Suddenly everything about the “future” is getting questioned. Especially when it comes to all that future P/E payoff in riches. Or. said differently: “If it sounds too good to be true, maybe it is.But we shall see, after-all…

According to the latest BofA flow show report, private client cash - i.e., high net worth individuals who still allocate capital to single-stocks and ETFs on a discretionary basis - is now at a record low, taking out the cash levels observed in the period just prior to the last market peak in 2007.
La seudo democ y sist  duopolico es obsoleto por fraudulento y corrupto. Urge cambiarlo

"...there are a lot of billionaires buying bunkers trying to get ready for the Apocalypse… or whatever it is they are getting ready for they may have information we don’t...when Forbes Magazine starts publishing the Doomsday map then I have to think there’s some validity to it."

"Most people believes we need more fake money to 'prime the pump' and get the economy rolling again... Almost no one realizes it, but it was these stimulating, pump-priming, new credit-based dollars that fueled the trends that ruined America’s working-class wage earner."

Congress’ Radical Plan To End Illegal Money

"Perhaps they may unwittingly do us all a favor and fail to raise the debt ceiling. Could the dopes in Congress hatch a more radical plan to put an end to the government’s illegal money? Only by accident..."

It's official: moments ago the much anticipated departure of (now former) White House press secretary, Sean Spicer took place, when according to the NYT Spicer resigned on Friday morning, "telling President Trump he vehemently disagreed with the appointment of New York financier Anthony Scaramucci as communications director."

The ban would be announced on 27 July to come into effect 30 days later. Additionally, Rowan Beard of Young Pioneer Tours, told the BBC the embassy was urging all US nationals to depart immediately.

[[ In case T hit N-Korea.. Cia agents will be saved .. what about millions of innocent people in N-K?]]
T won’t be deposed softly.. A US Pres said “we repect our dictators, they are our sons of M F”

"The whole nauseating spectacle will be attended by violent popular revolt of region against region and tribe against tribe in a great civil explosion of long-suppressed angst...Too many nasty forces are vectoring in on the scene to overthrow the dream state America has been languishing in."

[[ As the flag shows.. He may be cut by a machine gun.. or by a sniper as JFK ]]

"The markets' overall sense of 'goldilocks' - not too hot, not too cold - explains much of the gap between buoyant stock indexes and lagging economic and policy fundamentals...What remains more elusive, however, is confidence that this will end up at an enjoyable destination."
Global depression is on…China, RU, Iran search for State socialis+K- compet. D rest in limbo

Ramzan Kadyrov, the leader of Chechnya, gave a rare interview to a media outlet in the United States that aired Tuesday, and what he said is taking many aback...

Take your pick: Syrian al-Qaeda (HTS) or Syrian Taliban (Ahrar al-Sham)? Rebel held Idlib is finally collapsing under it's own Salafi weight  [ then why to invade syria?] and the Turkish Army is poised to invade in support of its local proxies.
[[ Who are Turk’ local proxies?  Of course not the Kurds:ppk. If Kurds are Syrian, is up to the Syrian Govt to get a pact with them. ‘The Kurds inside’ make no sense for Turkey’ pretext to invade Syria. Whatever the case, it is up to Gov of Syria to accept T or K over there. No regimen change nor Syria’ division is the Law. If Turk or Kurds are allied with US’ plans, they should be taken out from Syria. ]]

Hundreds of thousands of migrants who’ve appealed decisions by Germany’s immigration courts have brought the country’s legal system to the brink of collapse, a German judge has warned.
US-Saudi war on Iran only benefit Israel.. so the likely effect could be the wipe out of 2 States: I-S
Is Iran In Our Gun Sights Now?  [[  Is that Trump strategy?.. if so, maybe.. Trump is Okey ]]

"Who else wants a U.S. war with Iran, besides ISIS? Unfortunately, their number is legion: Saudis, Israelis, neocons and their think tanks, websites and magazines, hawks in both parties on Capitol Hill, democracy crusaders, and many in the Pentagon who want to deliver payback for what the Iranian-backed Shiite militias did to us in Iraq. President Trump is key."

[[ We may kill many in Iran & we’ll get nothing in return.. we’ll lose 2 partners (the golden chicken included.. bye-bye petro-USD). US already sacrificed Iran in war with Iraq.. we gave Ch-W to S-H ]]

US politics crisis: Trump captured by Deep state to reproduce old cronyism without alter-plan


Global Econ-Pol crisis leads to more business-wars:  profiteers US-NATO under screen


Deep on the US political crisis, their internal conflicts n chances of WW3

White House Admits Defeat in Syria  By Finian Cunningham
Empire of Destruction  By Tom Engelhardt
The Reign of Propaganda  By Paul Craig Roberts  Prop is the executive arm of the invisible Govt
Liberty: right to tell people what they do not want to hear


Maria Paez Victor  Venezuelan Opposition Now Opposes the People’ Nation

The nasty business of US-NATO-Global-wars uncovered .. pro RU view

One person used as excuse to kill Mlls of innocent people.. what type of ethics is this?

Latino America fight to break with collapsing Empire:  leftist view on alternatives

ARG       Hay que tomar más en serio al gobierno macrista  Aram Aharonian
Justo lo que necesitamos entre BRA, Peru, Bol y Chile: unir Atlant y Pacif y dejar atrás líos inter

[[ En España no cayó el sistema porque el Capit Trasnac lo restauro?  vs Trotky: “La restauración del capitalismo implica intensificación de la explotación, pérdida de millones de vidas humanas, el descenso, para millones de seres humanos, debajo del nivel mínimo de las condiciones medias de existencia, la inseguridad perpetua del trabajador ”.  

Si esto ocurre en España el edificio Cap se auto-destruyo Econ. Lo que falta es que las clases oprimidas se unan y tomen el poder Pol. Esto requiere Pdo y coordinac mundial. Se necesita comandos internac que golpeen el eje Econ del poder imperial. Se necesita tomar el espíritu Guevarista e ir mas allá de la Guerrilla. Ni esto ni las huelgas sirven hoy. El nuevo Pdo debe disponer de 2 aparatos. Uno encargado de luchar por la paz y la coexistencia humana y otro –altamente tec- de preparar respuestas directas al poder Econ y Pol del imperio. ]]

Global situation described by Iranian observers.. Titles distorted n incomplete sentences

Erdogan censures German officials' remarks Erd play double Str.. they will be incinerate by 2 Sp
IMF approves $1.8bn loan for Greece IMF nasty business with sovereign debt

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