jueves, 6 de julio de 2017


ND denuncia debacle d Globaliz neoliberal y propone State-Social + Capit-compet in Econ

Neoliberal globalization is over. Financiers know it, they documented with graphics

Shit's getting real in Risk-Parity Unwind land...

Not a pretty day for stocks... Small Caps worst day in 2 months

With 30Y breaking above two key technicals...

The Dollar also fell once again...

Gold rallied early on to test its 200DMA at $1231 but rejected that to end lower...


"There are no sidelines. Those saying this seem to envision a seller of stocks moving her money to cash and awaiting a chance to return. But they always ignore that this seller sold to somebody, who presumably moved a precisely equal amount of cash off the sidelines."

"In my opinion, at this point of transition, we should savor this accomplishment and thank the policy makers who fought to bring about these policies. They had to fight hard to do it and have been more maligned than appreciated. Let’s thank them."

For some inexplicable reason, Ray Dalio still thinks the the world not only underwent a deleveraging, but that it was "beautiful." Not only did McKinsey prove that to be completely false two years ago, but for good measure the IIF confirmed as much last week, when it revealed that global debt has hit a record $217 trillion, or 327% of GDP...

... while Citi's Matt King showed that with no demand for credit in the private sector, central banks had no choice but to inject trillions to keep risk prices from collapsing.


"...add it all up and conditions are set for slower spending growth... It’s already showing up in the luxury spending we call vices... like in Gambling & Prostitution"

It has been a tough month for gold, tumbling over 6% from its early June $1300 highs, but options traders are now positioning for a rebound.

                                                                                                                                                                              "The [investors] wanted to be exposed..."

La seudo democ y sist  duopolico es obsoleto por fraudulento y corrupto. Urge cambiarlo

"Considering how much we are putting into education, we should be producing the best students on the entire planet, but it just isn’t happening. Many refer to what is happening to our society as “the dumbing down of America”, and if we don’t get things fixed the United States is on course to become a second class nation."

US politics crisis: Trump captured by Deep state to reproduce old cronyism without alter-plan


Global Econ-Pol crisis leads to more business-wars:  profiteers US-NATO under screen


Deep on the US political crisis, their internal conflicts n chances of WW3

Is it true that ICH has been silenced?
That will be totally unacceptable and illegal.
No one should be accused of “anti-american”
for rejecting the econ n political system ..
If this happens, it means that fascism arrive to US
It also means that the Orwellian dystopia is here:
“War is peace”;  ‘Freedom is slavery”;
“Two and Two make five”;  “God is power”
All this lies and hallucinations means that
Fascism is already in America.
I f and only if, this is the case,  I will join
the petition in my State to impeach Trump.


Ricardo Alarcón de Quesada  Trump: Thunders and Traps

The nasty business of US-NATO-Global-wars uncovered .. pro RU view

US Navy to Triple Cruise Missile Firepower on Virginia Nuclear Attack Subs  https://sputniknews.com/military/201707071055310166-us-navy-cruise-missiles/

The Electric Boat Corporation has received a $9 million US Navy contract to provide new modules for Virginia attack-class nuclear submarines, more than tripling their striking power with Tomahawk cruise missiles, the Pentagon announced.

"Electric Boat Corporation [of] Groton, Connecticut was awarded a $9,285,000… contract for Virginia Payload Module tube insertion," the release stated on Thursday.

The new missile tubes, called the Virginia Payload Modules, will expand the submarines’ Tomahawk missile firing ability from 12 to 40 by adding an additional 28 payload tubes — more than tripling the offensive strike capability of the platforms current capability, according to published reports.

Work on the contact will be performed in Groton, Connecticut and is scheduled to be completed by April 2018, the Defense Department added.
More on this huge business of war:

Russia’s Nuclear Submarine Test-Launches Cruise Missile in Barents Sea   https://sputniknews.com/military/201707051055234263-russian-submarine-cruise-missile-launch/

Russia's Project 949A submarine Smolensk of the Oscar-II class has successfully launched a Granit cruise missile and hit a naval target in the Barents Sea as part of the combat readiness drills, according to Northern Fleet’s spokesman Capt. 1st Rank Vadim Serga.

"The firing of the Granit cruise missile was carried out from an underwater position to a complex sea target, located at a distance of about 400 kilometers [215 nautical miles]. According to the flight recorder’s data, the target was hit successfully,” Serga said.

A total of 13 Oscar-class submarines have been built for the Russian navy between 1975 and 1996. They are among the world's largest submarines in terms of displacement and length. They have been succeeded by the Yasen-class nuclear submarines, most of which are  currently under construction.

Moscow Tells CNN to Man Up and Apologize for the 'Aleppo Boy' Hoax  https://sputniknews.com/world/201707061055296673-aleppo-boy-cnn-retraction/ 

Russian Foreign Ministry called upon CNN to apologize for manipulating public opinion by using the image of Syrian boy Omran Daqneesh and to publish a retraction.  See image at: https://cdn3.img.sputniknews.com/images/104489/73/1044897304.jpg

The name of Omran Daqneesh became known to the world in August 2016 when some media outlets began circulating footage of a five-year old Syrian child apparently injured in alleged Russian Air Force strike on the rebel-held al-Qaterji neighborhood of Aleppo.

CNN host Christiane Amanpour even presented a photograph of Daqneesh during her October interview with Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov, saying that it illustrated "a crime against humanity."

However, it eventually became apparent that things weren’t exactly the way that CNN claimed they were, as the boy’s father, Mohammad Kheir Daqneesh, told RT correspondents that the militants actually exaggerated the extent of his son’s injuries for the sake of propaganda.

And now, as Daqneesh’s family now lives peacefully in the liberated city of Aleppo, Russian Foreign Ministry spokeswoman Maria Zakharova said that Moscow expects CNN to apologize and to publish a retraction story.

"We still wait for a reaction from CNN, and we call upon the journalists to admit their mistake and prepare a retraction story. Trust me, we’re not going to let this issue slide," Zakharova said.

She pointed out that the news agency needs to admit that either it was an honest mistake or a deliberate attempt at public opinion manipulation.

"The lack of a coherent response from the TV channel leads one to believe that it was a conscious and deliberate attempt by CNN journalists to distort reality," Zakharova remarked.

In 2016 the image of Omran Daqneesh, shell-shocked and covered in ash, was disseminated by a number of Western media outlets as a symbol of Aleppo's civilian suffering, with some news agencies even accusing Moscow of conducting the airstrike that the boy was allegedly injured in.

Russian Defense Ministry’s spokesman Maj. Gen. Igor Konashenkov denied the reports of Russia’s alleged role in the Karm al-Qaterji strike, since the residential neighborhood is directly adjacent to the Russian humanitarian operation corridors for the safe exit of local residents.
Keiser Report   Episode 1093  interview to  Jeff Berwick of DollarVigilante.com about crypto currencies,...

Latino America fight to break with collapsing Empire:  leftist view on alternatives

US     Operaciones especiales  Vasto mundo de guerras perdidas  Nick Turse
COL    Hacia un cese bilateral  Delegación para los Diálogos de Paz ELN
            El paramilitarismo y la corrupción en la Fiscalía  Orlinda Guerrero
Samir Amin y Octubre de 1917   Salvador López
ARG   Mala tos le siento al gato…  Guillermo Almeyra
A propósito de la visita del Papa a Colombia (II)   Héctor Alfonso                                                             -----
Perú Razones de por qué no procede el indulto a Alberto Fujimori   C Rivera                                     
Creo que nos conocimos en Lima.. Fuiste tu quien me alojo en su casa?.. pues ahora te alojo en la mía, aquí en el US. Desde aquí se observa bien la transición al mundo multipolar.
El cromañón que llevamos dentro    J Majfud  Que peste: llevar dna de los Trump?
Uno mas a la tanda de los super-armados.. Y cuando iniciamos el desarme total?
Keiser Report 1093 La divisa digital cambiará al mundo   Adios al dólar y al FMI

Arde la capital Saudi e Israeli.. adiós Netanyahu y los asnos cargados de petro-dolars. Y si la cosa avanza, pues tenemos WW3: adiós al Penta-Nato y los payasos del circo White House Esta guerra tiene 3 objetivos: 1ro atacar cerebro y corazón: sys de communic y tech militar.. Lea comentarios recientes al trabajo de Von Clausewitz. Empiece en este: Von Clausewitz on War: Six Lessons for the Modern Strategist y luego lea recientes debates rusos al respecto. Si lei “The art of War” de Sun Tzu y recent comts.. Aprendi que las hormigas si pueden comerse un elefante y con paciencia y saliva también. Si T la inicia, perdemos todos, si lo sac, ganamo

Global situation described by Iranian observers.. Titles distorted n incomplete sentences

Right: Japan, EU strike colossal trade deal to counter Trump, Brexit

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