sábado, 29 de julio de 2017

JUL 29 17 SIT EC y POL

JUL 29 17 SIT EC y POL
ND denuncia debacle d Globaliz neoliberal y propone State-Social + Capit-compet in Econ

Neoliberal globalization is over. Financiers know it, they documented with graphics

A number of bears have pointed to the supposed thin nature of the rally in justifying their skepticism. That is, the rally has been led by a relatively small number of stocks as opposed to broad participation.

One thing is clear: These aren’t your daddy’s markets anymore.

Two big reasons:

1.       Such “”markets”” are easily manipulated by central banks and other state actors by virtue of their automated responses to liquidity injections.
2.       These manipulations will work until they don’t.  When they fail, they may fail spectacularly

Obvious Price Manipulations

My conclusion is that the HFT computer algos are in complete control of the ""market" action, and play with and off of each other to create massive sudden price movements that have nothing to do with anything except book order saturation.  Case in point:

Today's recent example comes to us courtesy of the WTIC oil market on the NYMEX:  

So...8 thousand contracts in 3 seconds. Staggering.

Understanding Volume vs. Liquidity

What we’re really describing here is a sudden spike in volume that basically destroys the current market book of orders. 

What that means is this. Imagine that you are selling eggs at the farmers market along with nine other vendors. The price you can sell your eggs for is set in accordance with the other prices around you.  Yours are organic, but small. The vendor next to you has large eggs that are conventional, but larger. Let’s say that the range of selling prices is from $4/doz to $5.50 per dozen.  This is the market structure for eggs at our farmers market. 

All of a sudden, a giant semi-truck backs up. It's filled with eggs matching every description of those being sold at our small little market.  What do you think happens to egg prices over that one-minute window?  That’s right, the price gets completely crushed. In other words, the “”market”” for eggs got ruined, right there and in an instant.  You and the other 9 original egg merchants got thoroughly hosed.  

The volume of eggs on offer shot up massively all of a sudden, but once all 500 potential egg buyers had been satisfied, the number of buyers dropped away rapidly.   Liquidity dried up.

This shows how it’s possible to have a market with tons of volume, but no liquidity.  There are lots and lots of eggs for sale, but no buyers.  All volume, no liquidity. 

Note the first event which was a sudden loss of liquidity, seen at the yellow arrow:

At the same time that the liquidity dried up, you can see volume ticked up pretty strongly and this caused prices to rise.  For whatever reason, in HFT land the rules seem to be:

  • High Volume + High Liquidity = small price movements
  • High Volume + Low Liquidity = big price movements
  • High Volume + HFT only Liquidity = flash crash
The point here is this: The computer bots now are the market.
Why This Matters

Illinois’ sickly economy doesn’t just show itself in poor jobs numbers, but in paychecks as well. The Land of Lincoln is home to the worst personal income growth in the United States over the Great Recession era.

[[ Easy hurt solution: confiscate it and shoot him. Easy soft one: tax him 100% ]]

“The world’s financial system ground to a halt as the fed had to cut rates just for this firm, and it was a hedge fund"

When we think of wealth today, we often think of the massive personal fortunes of business magnates like Bill Gates, Jeff Bezos, or Warren Buffett. However, it is only since the Industrial Revolution that measuring wealth by one’s bank account has been a norm for the world’s richest.

"The president wants people to think that he is the reason for the stock market bubble...This is a big mistake."

P&G cut over $100 million out of its digital advertising spend in Q4 and this is what happened: “We didn’t see a reduction in the growth rate. What that tells me is that that spending that we cut was largely ineffective.”
The new Titanic is sinking and ..   What about common people, the Nation?

"It’s easy to think of the political and financial elites who run our world as lofty and all powerful..However, they’re certainly not invincible, and the systems of control that they’ve created are rapidly diminishing."

La seudo democ y sist  duopolico es obsoleto por fraudulento y corrupto. Urge cambiarlo

 A threat the can ignite REV n millions signatures for impeachment..

If a new HealthCare Bill is not approved quickly, BAILOUTS for Insurance Companies and BAILOUTS for Members of Congress will end very soon!

"The initiative wouldn’t necessarily result in California exiting the country, but could allow the state to be a ‘fully functioning sovereign and autonomous nation’ within the U.S.’"


The US government likes to pretend that the rising cost of living is under control. People in Southern California know better. According to a new report in the Los Angeles Times, median house prices in Southern California have doubled in the last five years.

The oligarchical system run out of human-civilian staff

"I am pleased to inform you that I have just named General/Secretary John F Kelly as White House Chief of Staff."

Finally a NOTE on “clean the swamp” .. Wait: Who are the cleaners?. . n Why Clinton still free?

"We are writing to you to request assistance in restoring public confidence in our nation’s justice system..."

No surprise.. Has he ever honor his good words? Ruso-fobia prevails, don’t matter EU allies

"President Donald J. Trump read early drafts of the bill and negotiated regarding critical elements of it.  He has now reviewed the final version and, based on its responsiveness to his negotiations, approves the bill and intends to sign it."

Global depression is on…China, RU, Iran search for State socialis+K- compet. D rest in limbo


"Moving an existing $9.6 trillion retail mortgage market, $3.5 trillion commercial real estate market, $3.4 trillion loan market and a $350 trillion derivatives market is a herculean task."

These asset price inflation puffers are always fleeting...

Views from a Top of the Skyscraper Index

The skyscraper index was first elaborated by Andrew Lawrence in January 1999.  The idea is simple enough.  The world’s tallest buildings are often completed on or around the onset of economic downturns.


WE create the probl with THADD MISSILES installed in S-K.. and want China to solved

"I am very disappointed in China. Our foolish past leaders have allowed them to make hundreds of billions of dollars a year in trade, yet they do NOTHING for us with North Korea, just talk. We will no longer allow this to continue. China could easily solve this problem!"

IF NOT THEM… CHINA may have it

After Friday's latest ICBM launch, North Korea's delighted leader Kim Jong-Un said that “we have demonstrated our ability to fire our intercontinental ballistic rocket at any time and place and that the entire U.S. territory is within our shooting range."

Global Econ-Pol crisis leads to more business-wars:  profiteers US-NATO under screen


Deep on the US political crisis, their internal conflicts n chances of WW3

New US Sanctions... Bring It On  By Finian Cunningham
When In Doubt, Nuke China  By Pepe Escobar
The Mask Is Off: Trump Is Seeking War with Iran   By Trita Parsi If so, Israel-Saudis disappear

The nasty business of US-NATO-Global-wars uncovered .. pro RU view


Latino America fight to break with collapsing Empire:  leftist view on alternatives

VEN       En defensa de Venezuela  B de Sousa Santos No a la intervención USA
                -Contra viento y marea ¡va la Constituyente!  Gilberto López
                - Derribar a Maduro, ordenar el “patio trasero”  Antonio Maira
                - Propag, mentiras e intereses trasnacionales en cuatro areas  A López
                Hasta que saltó la liebre  Rodolfo Bueno  ‘Nord Stream 2’
Opi         La​ narratura del capitalismo​  Jorge Majfud  modernidad bajo capitalismo?
Ecol        9 de agosto   Protesta antinuclear
Econ      Dictaduras?   La peor de todas: ¡dictadura del mercado!  Marcelo Colussi
Perú       El primer año del gobierno de PPK   Rafael Guzmán
                - Sobrevivir a cualquier precio  Eric Nepomuceno
BOL        Hacia la construcción de la asamblea económica  Eduardo Paz  

Global situation described by Iranian observers.. Titles distorted n incomplete sentences

Which foreign Presid  in their right mind would up
‘US on road to war with China’  It won’t be on China. It will be in the US

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