lunes, 19 de octubre de 2015

OCT 18 15 SIT EC y POL

OCT 18 15 SIT EC y POL


[“ the only way the government can make its liabilities go away is by defaulting on the promises it has made to its citizens?” How is this going to be done? … no real answer or not well explained ?.. So. No reliable hypothesis ]

[ Here extracts: ]
The government’s own numbers show that official liabilities, including debt held by the public and federal retirement benefits, total $20.7 trillion. Yet the government’s assets, including the value of the entire federal highway system, the national parks, cash balances, etc. totals just over $3 trillion.
In total, their ‘net worth’ is NEGATIVE $17.7 TRILLION… a level that completely dwarfs the housing crisis.
If you include the government’s own estimates of the Social Security shortfall, this number declines to NEGATIVE $60 TRILLION.
More importantly, though, isn’t it a little bit scary to consider that the government’s #1 asset is its ability to steal money from you?
Or that the only way the government can make its liabilities go away is by defaulting on the promises it has made to its citizens?
That’s their only way out: steal from you, and default on you.
The 'Problem' With Bernie Sanders. Submitted by Tyler Durden on 10/18/2015

Bernie Sanders’s entry into the presidential race has sparked a nationwide conversation about socialism and its potential to remedy the real and perceived pathologies suffered by Americans. The underlying problem with socialists like Bernie Sanders is that they do not actually believe (or understand) in economics at all. As Ludwig von Mises himself has pointed out, socialism is not an economic theory — it is a theory of redistribution.

[Regarding the essence of socialism as future society I want you to read again what I wrote in Sep 29-14:  Por que somos socialistas?

If you want to read the original source in English you can open either 1- Selected Writings in Sociology and Social Philosophy & go to the last chapert. 2- Karl Marx: Selected Writings in Sociology and Social ...; 3- Sociological Theory - Minnesota State University Moorhead

Por que somos socialistas? 


Porque aspiramos a una sociedad más humana. Porque no solo queremos sentirnos humanos y solidarios cuando estamos frente a las desgracias de otros seres humanos. Por qué esperar que alguien sufra horrendos abusos para sentirnos solidarios? Por qué aceptar que hemos sido “individualizados” al extremo de ser insensibilizados por la violencia oficial y sus guerras? 

Por qué aceptar que la TV corporativa y los Sres del gobierno usen la violencia, crímenes  y abusos fuera del país para implementar “foreign policies” que son aún más criminales y violentas? .. es el caso del apoyo al ISIS.

Por qué aceptar que las ancianas del sur de Ukrania sean bombardeas por los terroristas neonazis de Kiev y en lugar de enviar ayuda a ellas, les enviamos más bombas y armas a los criminales de Kiev?. 

Por qué aceptar que solo los banqueros y los ricos socialicen sus infortunios económicos con QEs e inmensos paquetes de ayuda (bailouts) que la nación paga hoy con la austeridad y el colapso de nuestra moneda. 

Sin duda la crisis y las guerras nos están deshumanizando por completo y solo el socialismo nos da explicación y alternativas al respecto. Por esto somos socialistas y estoy seguro que Ud también lo será si lee un extracto del Marx joven (cuando aún no era comunista, sino solo socialista).

El extracto de abajo le pertenece a Bottomore-Rubel, en su libro “Sociologia y Filosofia Social”, 5ta parte: La sociedad Futura y la cita original de que fue extraído de “La Sagrada Familia” de Marx.  

Leamos la fuente original de estos textos.   

Aqui la version en español :

“Cuando se estudian las teorías materialista de la bondad original del hombre; de la igualdad de las aptitudes intelectuales del hombre, de la omnipotencia de la educacion, la experiencia y el hábito; de la influencia de las circunstancias externas sobre el hombre;  de la gran importancia de la industria, el valor, arte y placer, etc., no se necesita mucha penetración para ver que todo esto nos vincula al socialismo 

“Si el hombre extrae todos sus conocimientos del mundo sensible y de su experiencia de este mundo sensible, deberemos organizar el mundo empírico de tal manera que el hombre experimente y asimile lo que es realmente humano, que se experimente el mismo como hombre, como ser humano.

“Si el egoísmo ilustrado es el principio de toda moralidad, es preciso que el interés privado de cada hombre coincida con el interés general de la humanidad.

“Si el hombre no es libre, en sentido materialista, es decir, si no es capaz de evitar tal o cual hecho, pero es positivamente libre para expresar su verdadera individualidad, entonces, en vez de castigar a los hombre por sus delitos, se deberá destruir las condiciones sociales que engendran el delito y dar a cada individuo el objetivo y las posibilidades que necesita en la sociedad para desarrollar plenamente su vida.

“Si al hombre lo forman las circunstancias, deberemos formar estas circunstancias humanamente. Si el hombre es por naturaleza un ser social, solo puede desarrollar su verdadera naturaleza dentro de una sociedad  humana y el poder de su naturaleza no deberá medirse por el poder de los individuos privados sino por el de la sociedad.” [SF (1845) MEGA I/3, pp.307-308] Para leer el texto completo abrir: Texto completo - Dialnet
"There are so many fault lines that the nation seems consumed by a conflict of all against all... there is an inevitable “revolution” coming because our politics, culture, education, economics and even philanthropy are so polarized that the country can no longer resolve its differences."
[ Regarding inevitable REV: a good entrance to this topic is “Sociological Paradigms and Organizational Analysis” written by  Gibson Burrel & GarretMorgan. Get the latest edition. There you will finds the 2 types of sociology in current time: Sociology of Radical Change (radical humanism & radical structuralism) vs. Sociology of Regulation & Status quo (interpretivism & functionalism)

Until Putin’s speech the world was intimidated by the Washington Bully. Resistance to Washington brought swift retribution. In the Middle East and Africa it brought economic sanctions and military invasions that destroyed entire countries. In France and other US vassal states it brought multi-billion dollar confiscations of bank net worth as the price of not following Washington’s policies toward other countries. Other countries felt powerless in the face of the arrogant hegemonic Unipower, which from time to time replied to noncompliance with threats. President Putin of Russia brought all that to end on September 28. He stood up before the world in the presence of the overflowing hubris of the hegemon and belled the cat.

[ According the CNN is not enough to support terrorism.. the nation should be convinced that is the right cause to do it .. and the Russians  are the enemies ]

“As Russia continues its relentless air campaign in support of the Assad regime in Syria. CNN's Fareed Zakaria wants you to know that's it's enough already with the Vladimir Putin “

Fareed, you seem to have forgotten that it wasn't Russia who trained and armed the groups who plunged Syria into civil war, it was the US and its regional allies, said
[ China overtook the US in economic Strength  ]
The United States has had the world’s largest economy for about 140 years, and it roughly accounts for 22% of global GDP. However, in recent times China has overtaken the US by at least one measure of total economic strength, which is GDP based on purchasing power parity (PPP). Either way you slice it, the economies are the two strongest globally in absolute terms. That’s where the similarities end.
[ a currency war, is a war on Americans.]

There is a war, a currency war, and the war is, ultimately, on Americans.. Rather than living under a sound currency, modern Americans live under an economic despotism. … In many respects, Americans have fallen far, and hard, from the liberty they once had.

his is what happens when the West and its regional allies in the Mid-East attempt to destabilize governments by supporting extremists.  Via The New York Times:

Aug 20, 2015
Egypt     An ISIS affiliate claimed responsibility for bombing a branch of the Egyptian security agency.  
Aug 12
Egypt     An ISIS affiliate said it had beheaded a Croatian expatriate worker because of Croatia's "participation in the war against the Islamic State."          
Aug 10
New Jersey        A New Jersey man was arrested for allegedly trying to organize support for ISIS. 
Aug 8
Mississippi         A newlywed Mississippi couple were arrested on charges that they tried to travel abroad to join ISIS.
Aug 7
Saudi Arabia      ISIS claimed responsibility for a suicide bombing at a mosque that killed at least 15 people, including 12 members of a Saudi police force.            
July 29
New York            A man from Buffalo was arrested and charged with trying to join ISIS.  
July 28
Florida  A Florida man was charged with planning to bomb a public beach in Key West to show his support for ISIS.       
July 22
Italy       The Italian police arrested two men accused of plotting attacks on national landmarks in Italy and of posting threatening messages online in support of the Islamic State. 
July 21
United Kingdom A man who was allegedly planning on traveling to Syria to join ISIS was charged with plotting to run over an American serviceman stationed in Britain and then killing him with a knife
July 20
Turkey  A Turkish citizen believed to have had ties to ISIS killed at least 32 people at a cultural center
July 19
Saudi Arabia      The Saudi Interior Ministry announced that security forces had arrested more than 400 people believed to be connected to ISIS over the past few months. 
July 16
Egypt     In what appeared to be the first attack on a naval vessel claimed by Sinai Province, the ISIS affiliate said it destroyed an Egyptian naval vessel and posted photographs on social media of a missile exploding in a ball of fire as it slammed into the vessel. 
July 12
Kosovo Following exhortations by ISIS to poison Kosovo's food and water supplies, five people were in custody, suspected of a plot to contaminate the water supply in the capital, Pristina.     
July 11
Egypt     ISIS claimed responsibility for an explosion outside the Italian Consulate’s compound in downtown Cairo that killed one person. 
July 10
Turkey  In early-morning raids in Istanbul and Sanliurfa Province, Turkish police seized automatic rifles, large ammunition packs and military uniforms and arrested 21 suspected ISIS members. 
July 4
Boston  The son of a Boston police captain, described as mentally ill and devoted to the Islamic State, was arrested for allegedly plotting a series of deadly attacks. 
July 1
Egypt     Militants affiliated with the Islamic State killed dozens of soldiers in simultaneous attacks on Egyptian Army checkpoints and other security installations in Egypt's northern Sinai Peninsula. 
June 26
Tunisia At least one gunman disguised as a vacationer attacked a Mediterranean resort, killing at least 38 people at a beachfront hotel — most of them British tourists — before he was shot to death by the security forces. 
June 26
Kuwait  A suicide bomber detonated explosives at one of the largest Shiite mosques in Kuwait City during Friday Prayer. 
June 17
Yemen An ISIS branch claimed responsibilty for a series of car bombings in Sana, the capital, that killed at least 30 people. 
June 13
New York            A college student in Queens was charged with conspiring to support a foreign terrorist organization after an investigation found he was planning to attack various New York City landmarks on behalf of ISIS.    
June 11
Massachusetts  Two men were charged in Boston with conspiring to help ISIS. A third man was fatally shot the previous week by law enforcement officials who said he had threatened them with a large knife. 
June 9
Egypt     ISIS's Sinai province claimed responsibility for firing rockets toward an air base used by an international peacekeeping force.     
June 3
Afghanistan       ISIS is suspected of beheading 10 members of the Taliban.        




Yesterday the Syrian Arab Army supported by Iraqi and Iranian forces and the Russian air force launched a surprise attack to the south and east of Aleppo
Four days have passed without a single piece of corroborating evidence to the laughable Fox News report.
The Vietnam’s leaders have embraced the aggressive US-Japanese militarist policy against China; this betrayal of the people’s struggle will have long-lasting negative consequences.




'Obama pursues Bush policies in Mideast'. Sun Oct 18, 2015 US President Barack Obama has pursued some of the same policies of the neoconservative Zionists in the George W. Bush administration.
Obama orders lifting of Iran sanctions . Sun Oct 18, 2015 US President Barack Obama directs his administration to take steps towards lifting Iran sanctions.
Iran urges collective anti-terror measures. Sun Oct 18, 2015 A senior Iranian official says collective measures are needed in the battle against Takfiri terrorists.

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