viernes, 16 de octubre de 2015

OCT 15 15 SIT EC y POL

OCT 15 15 SIT EC y POL


[ PUTIN SEGURO .. AL TERROR DALE DURO!!  .. cántico en mítines del Sur contra el terrorismo ISIS ]

Perhaps the most amusing thing about Russia’s intervention in Syria is the degree to which it made the world wake up and question the West’s “anti-ISIS” strategy. 
While everyone has been quick to characterize Moscow’s actions as the latest and perhaps greatest example of Vladimir Putin calling Washington’s bluff, it’s important to understand exactly why that’s an accurate characterization here. That is, this is more than just Moscow betting ISIS could support Assad …  Washington [was] simply move out of the way.

[ “SIN QUERER-QUERIENDO” EL USA CONTRIBUYÓ  A LA DERROTA EL ISIS .. quisieron apoyarlos con las camionetas Toyota y el cargamento de municiones que le enviaron y no pudieron.. El satélite Ruso capturó las 32  entregas, .. a los receptores del ISIS y el lugar donde los almacenaron y luego vinieron los 32 bombazos.. Fue la forma Rusa de sacar a los Americanos y los del ISIS juntos del escenario … no fue una trampa calculada del USA .. fue un “sin querer-queriendo” .. quisieron ayudarlos y “el tiro les salió por la culata” … El caso es que los del ISIS tienen hoy dudas de los Americanos  y más les vale al USA retirar sus tropas de Afganistán e Irak, son blanco fácil. En lo que no hay duda es que la guerra Rusa contra el terrorismo es también arte, “The art of war” diria Sun Tzu. Putin lo confirmo: “The basic weakness of the American position is that they don’t have an agenda” : not right cause, not strategy and not tactics … este es el camino a la derrota. Antes que sea derrota total, Obama hace bien en retirarse … “mas vale una retirada honrosa que una derrota desastrosa” .. De esta forma y esta vez  “si queriéndolo”,   el USA estará también contribuyendo a la derrota del ISIS ]

[ Ya ni los Americanos creen en el mito medieval  de “Defender la Seguridad Nacional” con guerras, para asegurar el desarrollo auto-sostenido de la Nación. El hecho es que “la defensa de la Seguridad Nacional” no nos asegura de la invasión de mafias financieras foráneas,.. es un malgasto de dineros que solo sirven para saquear los erarios de la nación .. Y es cierto también que las guerras no sirven aquel noble propósito del crecimiento con desarrollo, sino solo los innobles intereses privados de un puñado de corporaciones que lucran fabricando y vendiendo armas  para asesinar pueblos enteros del mundo.  Bienvenidos a la niebla oscura de las guerras, dice este escritor confuso del norte ]

Whatever the efforts of that expansive corps of intelligence analysts (and the vast intelligence edifice behind it), when anything happens in the Greater Middle East, you can essentially assume that the official American reaction, military and political, will be “surprise” and that policymakers will be left “scrambling” in a quagmire of ignorance to rescue American policy from the unexpected. The evidence, after all, is largely in.  In these years, for what now must be approaching three-quarters of a trillion dollars, the national security state and the military seem to have created an un-intelligence system.  Welcome to the fog of everything.
“The latest trade data from India, shows that both exports and imports fell by 25% in September”.

[ Hay menos compradores porque los salarios y las monedas valen menos, es la recesión mundial. Luego de esto viene el saqueo de los mercados llenos, la represión y la rebelión organizada. La única solución es frenar el saqueo neoliberal de las mafias financieras del norte.. y esto debe empezar allí. Por esto es importante poner atención a las elecciones que vienen en el USA .. Si gana la mafia Clinton nos jodemos todos, será el reino de la violencia anárquica a nivel mundial, ella fue la artífice de lo ocurrido en Libia y jamás se arrepintió de ello. El FED no hizo nada / o poco por frenarla y hoy promete más  guerras. Los del sur somos su target favorito, ya lo hizo y volverá a hacerlo. Si en cambio Bernie Sanders gana, hay muchas posibilidades de frenar las mafias especuladoras como lo hizo FD Roosevelt  en 1936, en plena recesión mundial. Si el SUR no se organiza para resistir como bloque.. los caballos de los Atilas financieros del Norte no dejaran pasto sano en su camino. Hay que cerrarles el paso,  empezando por desmontar el TTP del USA con Referendum Nacionales ]

Until today when we found that .. the banks themselves had become complicit in perpetuating not only the worst possible capital misallocation, but being an accessory to the US stagnation, soon to be replaced with full-blown recession.

[ La “stagnation” del USA será reemplazada con la total recesión” … dice este “informado” pero el 50% de los desinformados del país “ignoran” lo que viene.  Sanders está ayudando a levantar conciencia con su Campania electoral  y hay que ayudarlo también en cada distrito electoral y en cada pueblo del país.. del conteo de votos depende evitar que haya fraude.. y de cheque mensual voluntario, depende  su victoria ]

On the Tuesday night’s Democratic presidential primary debate: “ Regardless of whether Sanders ultimately secures the nomination, the size and energy of the Bernie phenomenon should not be underestimated. If anything, libertarians consistently misjudge the degree to which socialist thought is deeply rooted in the American psyche”.

[ There is an incredible sense of solidarity among the working classes in America.. There are many expression of this solidarity. You can perceive inside public school system and inside the Heath system in poor areas of cities like Pittsburgh.  In fact it was teacher socialist solidarity that saved schools during the 1st recession, when most Principal & Super-Intendent abandon it,  because of not salaries for them.  And similar situation happens in medical post in community centers attended by volunteer doctors .. they are now the providers of health service to many of the poor in America.

Seeing this type of socialist solidarity in quechua cities of Peru or in Chiapas (Mx) the areas controlled by the Zapatista Mov,  is natural. But seen this solidarity in American cities like Pittsburgh is really amazing. These are enclaves inserted inside a big system in which money-making  fast and easy, plus frauds & predatory speculation..  are the currency of the day.. in this context there are community org & workers org that are injecting a humanist sense of life to social relations among americans.  I would say that to more exclusion & abuses.. more radical became the solidarity among the poor & the working classes… and,  the more greed at the top.. the more radical is the humanism at the bottom  .. An expression of this new dynamic is the emerging solidarity with Bernie Sanders. .. He –in turn- is capturing the need to express dissatisfaction with the current neoliberal system and the need to radically change it. He is destined to win the next election  ]
[ We are not in recession officially.. but rates of employment continue falling down ]

The yawning gap between job cuts (surging most since 2009) and initial jobless claims (hovering near 42 year lows) continues to grow as initial jobless claims collapse 7k this week to 255k - the lowest since 1973. Bear in mind, Goldman's explanation that jobless claims are useless in this part of the business cycle..."this does not signal a booming labor market."
Read also this: 2 Days After Mass Layoffs, Goes Dark. S by Tyler Durden on 10/15/2015. Correlation?.. or Causation? … you decide

This is the first time since 2009 that Empire Fed has printed below -10 3 months in a row putting The US firmly in recession territory, the underlying components were ugly with New orders crashing at the fastest pace since Nov 2010. Employees tumbled (as did inventories, although the plunge slowed) with prices received plumbing new cycle lows. In other words, total disaster... time to hike rates.

[ Hike rates? NO WAY.. TIME TO CLEAN THE FINANCIAL MADNESS.. Let them fall down .. the crook speculators deserve to die … they should get out of business .. NO QEs..NO bailouts for them ]
Submitted by Tyler Durden on 10/15/2015 - 07:39
  • China economic growth seen slowing despite policy easing (Reuters)
  • FBI, Justice Department Investigating Daily Fantasy Sports Business Model (WSJ)
  • Obama to slow pace of withdrawal of U.S. troops from Afghanistan (Reuters)
  • Corporate America's Epic Debt Binge Leaves $119 Billion Hangover (BBG)
  • Islamic State battles insurgents as Syria army prepares assault (Reuters)
  • Why Hillary Clinton Can’t Win by Going After the NRA (BBG)
Futures Surge As ECB Bankers Resort To Verbal Intervention, Suggest More QE Needed. Submitted by Tyler Durden on 10/15/2015 [Europe & world Central Bankers in trouble because of tumbling USD ]

Aside from Chinese monetary data, it was a relatively quiet session in which traders were focusing on every move in the suddenly tumbling USD, and parsing every phrase by central bankers around the globe, as well as the previously noted piece by Fed mouthpiece Jon Hilsenrath which effectively ended the debate whether there will be rate hikes in 2015.  … the euro-area core inflation "clearly" below goal, remarks which were immediately assumed to signal increasing pressure to boost stimulus, and which promptly translated into even more weakness in EUR and equity strength, pushing US futures up about 15 points from yesterday's close.
Read also this: Hilsenrath 'No Rate Hikes In 2015' Hint Sparks Buying Panic In EM FX And Japanese StocksFed-Whsiperer Jon Hilsenrath's WSJ piece this evening strongly hinting at no hikes in 2015”:       
[ that created panic among Japanese stock speculators. However, transferring the pains of the neoliberal collapse to China, Latin America, India via rate-hike would unleashed a financial war of unpredictable effects .. that will be similar to pressing the bottom for a nuke confrontation, said Ms Yellen. In other words  If dollar goes up with  “rate-hike” the emerging markets will collapse.. and they will respond & the effects will be worse ]


El Salvador Falsas amenazas  Arpas   
EE.UU.  -Elecciones en U.S.A.: ¿Trump o Sanders?  Ricardo Alarcón de Quesada


‘US knowingly attacked Afghan hospital’. Fri Oct 16, 2015 A new report reveals that US special operations analysts monitored the Afghan hospital in Kunduz, days before attacking it.
US mass assassination program revealed. Fri Oct 16, 2015 The former US National Security Agency's executive says Washington's assassination campaign has killed far more civilians than reported.
NATO hails Obama Afghanistan troop plan. Thu Oct 15, 2015 NATO has voiced support for US President Barack Obama’s plan to slow down troops withdrawal from Afghanistan.

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