sábado, 10 de octubre de 2015

OCT 10 15 SIT EC y POL

OCT 10 15 SIT EC y POL 

[ Its seems to me we have a case on STATE TERRORISM in TURKEY against Kurds minority nationality who has the right to demonstrate peacefully in their country .. Turkey  state provide the transfer-space for jihadist mercenaries over Syria .. This state provided the US guns & ammunitions to them.. and facilitate the transfer of Saudi-Qatar-Emirates money to them .. this state used ISIS squads to move Turkey borders inside Syria .. and Turkey now are offering asylum to the ISIS escaping from the advances of Syrian army supported by Russians .. These circumstantial evidence suggest that TURKEY’S STATE & ISIS EITHER WORKED TOGETHER OR IN COMPLICITY IN THIS ATTACK. If the State do nothing to find or release the perpetrators of the attack against Kurds’ pacific demonstrations .. then this case should go to the International Court .. IF not accepted (because captured by the US) , Turkey will open a path to uprisings & violence across the nation & possible civil war with the PKK ]    


.. According to The Hill after Obama's failed efforts to implement any form of gun control in early 2013 fizzled, the lame duck president is preparing to do what he has been threatening to do for a long time, by issuing a new executive action on gun control.

[ Even if he make an Executive Order .. how effective this could be ? In Spanish hay una satira sobre inefectividad:  es como la carabina de Ambrosio –dicen- .. dispara, hace ruido ..pero solo bota  aire ]

According to Einstein, "The economic anarchy of capitalist society [is] the real source of evil."  Another popular and renowned physicist, namely Stephen Hawkins, said - According to the Huffington Post, "Stephen Hawking Says We Should Really Be Scared Of Capitalism, Not Robots."  One un-genious in the field said  The only real problem is government intervention in the market process”.

[ My answer to the Qt Should We Be "Scared" Of Capitalism? Is NO .. if and only if capitalism means competition  & disposing  of the unfitted to compete. So, I’m totally disagree with the intervention of the Govt to save the unfitted  with QEs & bailouts.. Then, the other side of the coin in my answer, is YES, we should be scared of capitalism if this system is printing money from the thin air to save the crook, the frauds of mafioso-speculators, the vulture capitalist who buys debt & goods to re-sell it, ..This is NO-productive capitalism –is the unfitted to the system- so they deserve to die.  We don’t need them . W are not scared of the persons who do this business, but of the system that supports them. ]

Many Americans increasingly feel, deep down, that the game is rigged. That the people who run this country - the economic, political and intellectual elites - get all the advantages. Average Joe can’t win.

[ THE FACT IS that the 1%  of multimillionaires in the US is losing economic power nowadays..  There  is no  one single economist  -in his right mind- that can deny such reality… Trump is the big shadow-mirage projected by the sunset in its final decline.. an anticipation of the collapse of this empire  and a vivid picture of the bufonesque  arrogance of the rich,  when they get inside the realm of politics.. Trump not only symbolize the limbo or messy chaos inside his party, but also the final crisis of the by-partisan system  that use to recycle the frauds of our neoliberalism. ..  That doesn’t work anymore. So, the average millonaire can’t win anymore. Mao dijo que el imperio USA es un coloso con pies de barro .. si observamos  a Trump, diríamos que además no tiene sesos.  Los abuelos decían que un burro cargado de dinero sube cualquier montaña, Trump será otra evidencia  de que eso es falso. Perot, un burro agil y también con mucho dinero no pudo antes, dudo que esta bola de grasa pueda. Este no caerá en el precipicio de la derrota, este rodara hacia abajo en el  ]

The Damascus Debacle: How The CIA Handed Over Syria To Putin On A Silver Platter Submitted by Tyler Durden on 10/10/2015

Another sad chapter in the CIA's book of failed government overthrows comes to a close, leaving the Syria "rebels" that the CIA had supported for years, to fend for themselves, and handing over Syria to Putin, who has once again "won" or as the administration would prefer to spin it, "has hung himself."

[ The CIA now .. the cycle of blames goes in this direction (a) charge persons. .. (b) charge institutions.. and (c) finally Charge  the system.. So, we are close to the final stage.. The puppets of big corporations already blamed Obama .. They did blame the FED, the deep State & other institutions.. and now they are starting blaming the system (though they did not mention the  “neoliberal system “, .. ( some of them does ). .. IF we go further in this logic we are going to recognize that we should better think in re-adapting the FDR Glass-Steagall Act and think in the rebuilding of our nation instead of doing stupid things in the Middle East… We have to recognize that our empire is obsolete.. all of them die.. and the time came to us. .. We will be proud of our empire,  we did good thing up to the 1920th with the technical advances of Fordism.. at that time Tech & Econ went hand on hand … Once we engage in wars.. we got these up & downs. .. The worse, we start believing that Economic progress depends on the National Security Defense doctrine and in the stupid idea that expending money in the military & wars, is the insurance need to warrantee our progress ..  We lucky the Russian didn’t spend much time in such stupidity … they have their own, Stalinism.. but if instead launching the Sputnik  the Russian would’ve dropped bombs in America .. our story would’ve been different.. we could’ve learned then that neither national security nor war are necessary for Econ progress ... The fact is that wars drain our economy & worse even, they swallow all humanity contained in the words “peace-freedom-democracy” .. They are empty shells now.. The emphasis in Nat-Sec & militarism made those values empty words.. Now, we are at the end of that history.. War has not point anymore in our future .. that is the main  thesis in MAD Theory .. The FACT is that we misused wars up to the point of creating mercenary groups to terrorize the world.. The whole world is against us today …  IF a NUKE-WAR comes as a result of this mess ..  it won’t  last more than 3 days or a week … In that brief period America will be totally destroyed, as well as Russia & China.. Then will come the retaliation of the survivors against us ..  There are chances that the survivors war be against the whites in America & Europe  if today racism & xenophobia continues ... This is not going to be only a class-war against those who profited from the previous system .. This will be an anarchist war between all races against the whites.. That will be a huge mess with not political leadership, perhaps similar &worse than ISIS terrorism today .. it will be also difficult to wiped out  .. One thing is sure: we will be the ISIS to be targeted the day after the nuke-war .. This possible future tells us the non-sense in continue supporting mercenaries worldwide today and the non-sense of keeping the dogma that National Security & militarism as synonymous of social and economic progress. It is the reverse!  ]
[ One more evidence that the world is against us..  and it stand to reason ]

250,000 Germans marched in Berlin today in protest against the planned "free trade" deal between Europe and the United States which they say is anti-democratic and will lower food safety, labor and environmental standards.  "This is the biggest protest that this country has seen for many, many years," Christoph Bautz, director of citizens' movement Campact told protesters in a speech.
[ Soon will come huge demonstrations ins South America .. thanks to the German working classes ]

NOT MIDDLE GROUND ? .. because of this nice picture ?

OR BECAUSE is difficult to INVENT middles & neutrals inside a fast moving train

[ Here comes another fairy tale … INVENT it too, … but more real than the previous one ]

There can be little doubt that the massive, unprecedented surge in inventory accumulation (which counts positively to GDP) will eventually be liquidated. When it does the US enter recession, global dollar liquidity crashes, the value of dollar surges even higher, pulling EM further down and a world recession will be upon us again. In this scenario central banks panic...

[ We are all in the same prison .. What is life after all? .. even though we have freedom .. Freedom is the art of finding a bigger one.. or built it up inside prison ]

Earlier today, around 10am local time, Turkey’s capital Ankara, was rocked by two blasts which according to NBC killed over 52 demonstrators, who had gathered for a peace march, as the country grapples with mounting security threats just three weeks before snap elections. The explosions also wounded more than 120 people, the Turkish Interior Ministry said. The cause of the blasts was unclear, the ministry said, adding that it had launched an investigation.

[ Its seems to me we have a case on STATE TERRORISM in TURKEY against Kurds minority nationality who has the right to demonstrate peacefully in their country .. Turkey  state provide the transfer-space for jihadist mercenaries over Syria .. This state provided the US guns & ammunitions to them.. and facilitate the transfer of Saudi-Qatar-Emirates money to them .. this state used ISIS squads to move Turkey borders inside Syria .. and Turkey now are offering asylum to the ISIS escaping from the advances of Syrian army supported by Russians .. These circumstantial evidence suggest that TURKEY’S STATE & ISIS EITHER WORKED TOGETHER OR IN COMPLICITY IN THIS ATTACK. If the State do nothing to find or release the perpetrators of the attack against Kurds’ pacific demonstrations .. then this case should go to the International Court .. IF not accepted (because captured by the US) , Turkey will open a path to uprisings & violence across the nation & possible civil war with the PKK ]    
More info:


US/NATO planes bombed a hospital operated by Doctors Without Borders in Afghanistan on Saturday. The attack lasted an hour, and continued even after medics frantically phoned NATO and Washington to tell them what they were bombing.
I was stunned to see that the Telegraph had published an article with the following ominous headline:$3 trillion corporate credit crunch looms as debtors face day of reckoning, says IMF“.  And actually what we are heading for would more accurately be described as a “credit freeze” or a “credit panic”, but a “credit crunch” will definitely work for now.  The IMF is warning that the “dangerous over-leveraging” that we have been witnessing “threatens to unleash a wave of defaults” all across the globe…


Empire of Disaster. By Paul Edwards
War Machine has profited to an extent that no victorious imperial army in history ever approached, financed by the fleecing of our stupid, spellbound citizenry
The portrayal of the Colombian conflict in the New York Times and other mainstream media replicates state propaganda, in the form of the national security doctrine


Damage from Petrobras case to top $5.3bn. Sat Oct 10, 2015 Damage from the corruption scandal that centered on Brazil's oil giant Petrobras could amount to 20 billion reais ($5.3 billion).
China starts global yuan payment system. Sat Oct 10, 2015 China’s Central Bank has started a global payment system which provides cross-border transactions in yuan.
US blacks flock to capital against inequality. Sat Oct 10, 2015 The 20th anniversary of the ‘Million Man March’ against racial inequality draws tens of thousands of US blacks to the National Mall in Washington.
‘Russian missiles scared US out of PG’. Sat Oct 10, 2015 The US pulled its warship out of the Persian Gulf over fear of Russian missiles, says an analyst.


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