lunes, 19 de octubre de 2015



MUST LISTEN TAPE-DEBATE: Russia’s outlook.  CrossTalk. Oct 19-15.


[ Los Iranios hacen todo lo posible para no ser vistos como líderes en esta Guerra y la prensa USA hace todo lo posible por implicarlos y junto a los “denominados” terroristas del  Hezbollah en el afán de malograr su relación con NATO, USA y EU. Es una prueba mas de que al  Foreing policy del USA  se les extravió la brújula  y, en la parte Irani, de que ellos saben quiénes son los terroristas y como negociar con ellos la táctica del “ni paz ni guerra” en la mesa diplomática y combinar “guerra y paz” en el campo de batalla ]

Leamos algunos extractos:

In other words, if Assad can secure Aleppo, Iran and Russia will have successfully restored his grip on the country for all intents and purposes. 

The offensive is also notable for the scale of Iran’s involvement.

Between Hezbollah and Iranian forces, the battle for Aleppo is shaping up to be the largest ground operation orchestrated by Tehran to date. Underscoring how deeply involved Iran truly is, Quds Commander Qasem Soleimani (who we profiled here) showed up near the frontlines late last week to rally the troops.

Maj. Gen. Qasem Soleimani, the leader of Iran’s elite Quds forces and the public face of Iran’s military intervention in the region, has ordered thousands of Shiite militiamen into Syria for an operation to recapture Aleppo, according to officials from three Iraqi militias. 

The Lebanese group Hezbollah and the Quds Force, which is part of the Iranian Revolutionary Guard Corps, have also sent reinforcements, he said. Last week, a U.S. defense official said hundreds of Iranian troops were near the city in preparation for an offensive.

Sergey Glazyev’s (presidential aide)  [proposed  the] plan for Russia’s immediate economic future here is a summary of the plan, in Russian. The plan was formally proposed to Russia’s Security Council. Here is a very good summary on how Russia’s Security Council works: 
  1. If the emerging trend of freezing private assets of Russian legal entities and individuals continues, Russia should consider full or a partial moratorium on the servicing of loans and investment from the countries involved in the freezing.
  2. The amount of foreign currency assets of the Russian Federation located in the jurisdiction of NATO countries accounts to more than $1.2 trillion, including short-term debt of about $800 billion. Their freeze may be partially offset by retaliation against NATO assets in Russia, which amounts to $1.1 trillion, including over $400 billion long-term. So this threat would be neutralized if Russian monetary authorities organized a timely withdrawal of Russian short-term assets in the US and the EU.
  3. Glazyev is adamant that the Russian Central Bank continues to serve the interests of foreign capital – as in the financial powers in London and New York. He contends that the high interest rates practiced by the Russian Central Bank led Russian oligarchs to borrow more cheaply from the West, making the Russian economy dependent, a debt trap which the West used to slowly squeeze Russia. Then the rigged Western oil and ruble collapse increased the pressure as debt service in ruble cost and interest doubled.
So what Glazyev proposes, essentially, is that Moscow must gain total control of its Central Bank, preventing speculators to move their credit around for non-productive purposes; Moscow should also establish currency controls; and must create a central organization of technological research to replace the loss of Western technology, imitating the US methodology of rolling out from its centralized military research those technologies that can be commercialized for the consumer market.
The fact is Russia has lost access to Western credit and cannot roll over its debt with the creditors. So Russia will have to pay the principle and the interest as it comes due. That is a trillion dollars plus interest. Russia also cannot import anything from the West without paying double for it.  So arguably the country may be now in the very position it will be if Moscow opts for default. Thus, Russia would have nothing to lose by a default - as the damage is already done.
A shock to the system
Essentially, once again, a Russian default on a $1 trillion-plus debt to private Western parties remains a possible scenario discussed at the highest level – assuming Washington will persist in its anti-Russia demonization campaign.

The Russian Central Bank did create a debt trap by maintaining high interest rates in Russia while the West was lending at low interest rates.

Needless to add, such a default, if it ever happened, would collapse the entire Western financial system.

China is moving toward their own SWIFT payment system, not to mention a whole new Chinese-led set of international institutions independent of US control. Russia, for its part, recently passed a bill that would allow the seizing of foreign assets if Russian assets in the West are seized. As Glazyev pointed out, investment in Russia by the West are more or less equivalent to investments of Russia in the West.

The ‘Masters of the Universe’ may keep insisting on using financial weapons of mass destruction. Russia, silently and with a few key facts in the Caspian Sea, is letting them know it’s ready for whatever scenario they can come up with.
[ ONE  WORLD GOVERNMENT,  AND ONE WORLD ECONOMY is what we already have. Adding to this “one world religion” and assuming that is Christianity, is the most ridiculous speculation for the future. It is in fact a way of saying that in the realm of economics and politics nothing will happen. MEANING: the US will continue be the master of the world. Most economist however coincide that China is moving away from the current neoliberal system controlled by big mafia corp from the West and keeping a market system with SOEs in command of business. Together with RU they are moving out of the dollar and their market. So, if nuclear war is avoided and the world recession is negotiated in the UNSC we may have at least three different blocks with different economic & political system, the one lead by RU-China (perhaps India and those of the Shanghai Pact & the BRICS). The 2nd one will be the European Block, and the 3rd the American one that could include Canada, Mexico and some countries in Central America. A 4th block could emerge in South America and lead by Argentina, Brazil, Venezuela, Ecuador & Bolivia & eventually Chile & Peru if the coming referendums split these countries from the TPP (transpacific partnership). So, instead of the current neoliberal world  lead by the US= “one world tyranny” we may have a multipolar system  ]

Lets read a brief summary of the pro-USA dream in this article

What is happening is undeniable.
We are steamrolling toward a one world government, a one world economy and a one world religion.

Of course we will not get there overnight.  It is going to take some time, and there are going to be quite a few bumps along the way.  In fact, I believe that our planet will experience an extreme amount of chaos before we actually get there.

But every major crisis will be used as an excuse to advance this agenda. Virtually every solution that the elite offer us will involve more globalization and more centralization.  We will be told that all of our problems will be solved if humanity will just come together in unity.

For others, a one world government, a one world economy and a one world religion would simply mean setting the stage for “one world tyranny”.
Confused About The War In Syria? Here Are Your Western Media-Sponsored Conflict Diagrams Submitted by Tyler Durden on 10/19/2015 [ This might be Fox & CNN distortion from reality]

[ The author of the diagram is confuse :  The Kurdish fighters are not allies of the US nor Turkey. This is an unacceptable distortion of reality. The only ally of the US in the field battle is the ISSIS and these group of jihadist mercenaries are being wiped out from Syria ]

[ WRONG: it is the neoliberal system that has the days numbered . Mr Ron Paul is a GOP whose radical verb try to get electoral votes in favor of the clown D Trump, or the elected one in this neocon party  ] 

[ DDD is a fake nightmare of mafia bankers & predator speculator from Wall Street . The blame FED’s  QEs, but at the same time they dream with FED money unleashed to them from an helicopter ]

Here a brief extract: 

Three Ds: debt, demographics and disruption.
This is what BofA said: [Notice that Bank of America don’t relate QEs + bailouts to debt crisis ]

  • Disruption: Technological innovation and disruption are driving many goods & service sector prices lower (rent & health care are two important exceptions); extending human life and the propensity to save; fostering wage and job insecurity.
  • Demographics: The size of the working population of the developed world peaked in 2011 and will fall from 833 million to 799 million by 2025, putting downward pressure on potential growth and inflation (Chart 3). And by 2050, the world’s “Silver Generation” will increase by 885 million people, many of whom will save more in anticipation of old age.
  • Debt: Minimal deleveraging since the GFC and a large debt overhang remain impediments to nominal growth; global debt as a % of GDP actually rose from 162% in 2001 to 211% in 2013, an all-time high.
This, in a few very simple sentences, explains what we have said all along: the longer the Fed and its peer banks engage in QE, ZIRP, NIRP, and other zero cost of debt-enabling policies, the longer the deflationary period will last, and the more violent the hyperinflationary endgame, as the inevitable helicopter money is finally unleashed, will be.

“Submitted for your consideration: 1) "A man from northern Sweden who has praised Adolf Hitler on Facebook and participated in Nazi demonstrations has answered a call from Sweden's Migration Agency for volunteers willing to offer accommodation to refugees," 2) "I said this to Merkel too. No one should expect Turkey to turn into a concentration camp where all the refugees stay in."

[ Turkey may not be a CC (concent-camp) but they were in the dirty business of  trafficking jihadists inside Syria and now they are involve in transferring these mercenaries to Russia. The neo-Nazis in  Europe don’t want them. Los extremos .. o se repelen, o causan corto circuito. If they arrive to RU they are going to be incinerated.  Muchos ya se han suicidado, vi la foto de uno que confeso trato de hacerlo. .. Que triste es hoy la suerte de un paria jihadista .. los héroes de McCain y los necons ]

[ Qt: Este capitalista se volvió ateo ahora .. o ya lo fue antes se enroló en las huestes de Reagan que asesinaron monjas de Teologia de la Liberacion en Centro America, incluido un obispo ¿?... Y como es que devino rico? ..  También con el fraude especulativo? ..  o es que deviene de familia de esclavistas negros?  ]

“Socialism violates the Ten Commandments which prohibits anyone from coveting what their neighbor has. Well, God must have had a bad day for he does not understand what is fair. If someone is smarter than others are, that is OK and God’s Will, but he should not have more material things. God obviously cannot be all knowing since Marx must be right. God clearly can’t understand what is fair.”

[ No es la diferencia de ingresos lo que detesta el socialista, esa es una grocera distorcion de  Martin. Al contrario, el socialismo parte del principio “a cada quien según su trabajo y a cada quien según su capacidad” lo que supone afirmar la diferencia  de ingresos que resultan de ello.  Lo que detesta el socialista es la apropiación ilícita del trabajo ajeno (salarios de hambre y condiciones de trabajo esclavizante). Para el socialista la riqueza ilícita no es solo un robo, es un crimen , sobre todo si se envenena  aguas de consumo humano para robar el petróleo, el oro, plata y otros minerales ajenos. Peor aún si esta desposesión implica el bombardeo de poblaciones civiles como ocurrió en Irak y Libia. El socialista repudia la especulación financiera  fraudulenta y depredadora como la del capital buitre con la deuda soberana de economías emergentes.  A nadie en el socialismo se lo fusila por no tener dinero ni se lo caza como conejos para expropiarlos de sus terrenos como ocurrió con los nativos de las Americas. Este es el tipo de riqueza que no aceptan los socialistas. Y lo que más detestamos los  socialista es que los terroristas del imperio acusen de terrorismo a sus víctimas, mientras abiertamente  entrenan, arman y financian jihadistas como los del ISIS. Si la riqueza de un capitalista  se basa en el fraude y en crimen organizado como el descrito, en buena hora la organización socialista para defenderse de ellos ahora y para confiscarlos cuando llegue el momento ]  

Four Ticking Global Time-Bombs Few Even Hear.  by Charles Hugh-Smith of OfTwoMinds blog,  S- by Tyler Durden on 10/19/2015

[ This has nothing to do with the bomb-head Netanyahu.. In this psychopath is the ill the problem ]
The geopolitical and financial risks facing the global economy are well-known. Hot wars and currency meltdowns garner headlines around the world. But few even hear, much less discuss, four ticking global time-bombs.

1. The demographic time-bomb.
2. The public health time-bomb.
3. The food/water/soil time-bomb.
4. The oil-export time-bomb.
Each is largely self-explanatory:
The Calm Before The Storm? . Submitted by Tyler Durden on 10/19/2015

It is a stable equilibrium now but almost any minor shock could change that dynamic for the worse and quickly. Widening credit spreads, Treasuries and gold outperforming stocks indicate that some parts of the market are already preparing for the storm. Stocks are about the only asset yet to batten down the hatches. If this is the calm before the storm, stock investors are about to get swept overboard.
[  De las tormentas lo único que me gusta es el sereno … lo que viene después de la tormenta , el re-building ]

[ China siempre fue y será el chivo expiatorio de las mafias especuladoras. Un día los acusan de inflar  bubbles y otros de bursting them, de desinflarlos.  ]

[ Table 3 is WRONG: Kurdish fighters are not allies of US nor Turkey. ]

The following graphics from The New York Times illustrate the various alliances and relationships among all of the parties involved.







Perú: Nueva corrupción  de  820 millones de Alan Garcia en planta de agua de Huachipa (1) Mauricio Quiroz :  Del mismo autor: “Derecha Prepara Golpe de Estado  en Perú”
 Opinión.  Movimientos sociales. Un ciclo que no se detiene. Aram Aharonian
Mundo. La construcción del enemigo. José Pablo Feinmann
EE.UU. Ser negro en Estados Unidos. Ilka Oliva Corado


Germany rejects Riyadh's Assad-free Syria. Mon Oct 19, 2015 Germany's foreign minister rules out Saudi claims that peace in Syria will only come about through the removal of Assad.
Russia protests harassment by French jet. Mon Oct 19, 2015 Russia summons the French ambassador to protest a French jet approaching a Russian diplomatic plane.
Syria militants admit US arms supply. Mon Oct 19, 2015 Foreign-backed terrorists in Syria say they have received new supplies of US-made anti-tank missiles.
'Taliban downed US F-16 in Afghanistan'. Mon Oct 19, 2015 US military admits that a US F-16 fighter jet was recently struck by Taliban militants’ fire in Afghanistan.
‘US, Saudi Arabia behind Syria crisis’. Mon Oct 19, 2015 The role of Saudi Arabia and the US will soon be exposed in creating the Syrian crisis, says an analyst.

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