miércoles, 14 de octubre de 2015

OCT 14 15 SIT EC y POL

OCT 14 15 SIT EC y POL


"While it is human nature to think and expect along linear lines, our World just doesn’t work that way. Instead, everything moves in cycles, some short and shallow, while other cycles are long and deep. What we are experiencing today is the likely turning point in a very long cycle of borrowing, borrowing and then borrowing some more."

[ Whatever cycle to exist… requires that their internal components do not collide.. If they collide a new whole begin to emerge by creating their own cycle .. time & space are relative factors –no absolutes- in the life of a cycle, … all of them collapse.. to create new life. .. Lineality is an old Cartesian story used for the math of minus zero and zero plus.. In physics and in geo-politics it doesn’t explain nothing  .. Even History does not move in lineal way ]


[ The “millennial” problem is caused by the collapse of the neoliberal system (tech overproduction vs. working classes with not purchasing power – low salaries- and mishandling of taxes on financial transactions to mafias involved in frauds & predatory speculation (the vulture capitalism).. Meaning: not real productive capitalism exist .. but instead the production of WMD and wars .. all these factors together affect the job market for the “millennial” (the generation that is now around 30 years old & are dependent on their fathers) … Is the collapsing of this neoliberal system that explain their problem … The blaming on the president or one State institution is a way covering the real  situation we are in ]

… it must be "someone's" fault that there are no job opportunities for anyone. Well, as Bloomberg reports, The World Bank has an unsettling message for young people around the globe: unless we create 5 million jobs a month, the situation is going to get worse.
The "Other" Shoe About To Drop.   Submitted by Tyler Durden on 10/14/2015
A long way down...


[ Militarism & wars abroad is the worse cancer of our time. Dropping & cure this cancer requires a change of the world system starting by removing the ideological dogma that National Defense is key issue for international survival. .. All empires collapse when they do not solve internal socio- Econ problems.. Then the wasting money on military apparatus contribute to the empire collapse.. That money should be allocated to domestic socio-economic problems. Military Drops in the budget requires urgent attention inside, while we negotiate in the UNSC -for 2nd time- the dismantle of all nuclear weapons. We have many problems to solve together.. promoting wars & terrorism make them worse ]  
America #1? 36 Facts That Prove That The United States Is An 'Exceptional' Nation. Submitted by Tyler Durden on 10/14/2015  [ Exceptional Nation? Let's see... ]

Now that it is election season, we have all sorts of politicians running around proclaiming that America is the greatest nation on the entire planet. And just this week, Warren Buffett stated that “America’s great now — it’s never been greater“. But is it actually true? Is the United States still a great nation? 

 [ YES, as nation this is the greatest one that I know; but one thing is a Nation & other is the State that oppress them and many other nations ]

Let’s think about this..

[ Nationalist bullshit is OK as long as we PROVE  that “IF WE ARE BAD..IS BECAUSE THE OTHERS ARE WORSE” , then exceptionalism stand to reason, as well as the theory of the lesser evil (we are the best among the bad) & the thesis of the “necessary bad” (States & Societies need us, like cities need police that respect Laws & prostitutes, medically  inspected  to avoid  STDs. So both of them have to  be protected & subordinated to Law). NOW..Can We prove that others are worse than us?.. That we are the best among the bad?.. That we, as world-police, do not brutalize nor kill un-armed civilians?.. In my opinion there are Scandinavian Nations that are better than us, and small developing nations that behave much better than us. SO, IF WE WERE GOOD.. WE SHOULD BE BETTER THAN THEM .. In my opinion we are NOT the best empire among the bad .. Hiroshima & Nagazaki, Iraq, Libya & Syria, prove just the reverse. In my opinion we are not “the necessary bad” ruler of the world, many States & society do not need us, they hate us as World police since we broke international rules when our oligarchies wanted & we genocide & plunder weak countries, just to feed our oligarchical greed. ..   Meaning:  WE ARE NOT THE BEST EMPIRE IN WORLD HISTORY .. BUT WE CAN be so, later on, if we re-build  our Nation after the collapse that is coming,  and if we change now radically the current neoliberal system, that is the source of corruption and mafia madness. So, in this view , there is no room for exceptionalism , yet, not under this simple logic ]
US Arming Of Kurdish Rebels In Syria Is "Unacceptable", Turkey Warns. Submitted by Tyler Durden on 10/14/2015 

[ “Los generales del terror en su laberinto” diría el Gabo Garcia Marquez.. que oportuna son sus  novelas! ]

"As allied countries wouldn’t tolerate arms shipments to groups affiliated with al-Qaeda, Turkey definitely can’t accept weapons aid to groups linked to PKK."
The Death Of Hopium. Submitted by Tyler Durden on 10/14/2015

The "engine of our economy", the "cradle of innovation", the "land of tomorrow"  is a sham. Silicon Valley has become a factory of hype, funneling gobs of early-stage capital into whatever half-credible concepts it can think of, and then pimping the artificially-inflated initial results of those tarted-up ventures to whichever "greater fool" is willing to acquire it or buy its IPO. Let that idiot figure out if it will ever turn a profit... Once the public's faith in Tech is shaken, how far behind will its faith in the Fed follow? Change happens quickly once beliefs shift.

[ Se necesita urgente los Tech de Peru y Colombia –los expertos en “moño rojo”, la mejor marihuana do-mondo y expertos también en la “blanquísima”, la mejor “huera” del mundo – que venga urgente este high-tech al Silicon Valley .. para potenciar la creatividad caída de nuestros técnicos… Sin ello no podrán  funcionar los amos del devastador sunami neoliberal que inundo con mierda el mundo ]  
Russia Sends Its Only Aircraft Carrier To Syria, Signals It Is Just Getting Started. Submitted by Tyler Durden on 10/14/2015 [ US-NATO THREAT has been responded. .. A typical tit-for-tat ]

The Kremlin is adopting a “slightly” different strategy when it comes to combatting terror in the Mid-East than that adopted by the US and its Western and regional allies...

[ NOT YET .. but it will come as soon the raise of interest rates –rate hike-  is announced ]

For the first time since September 2013, The USD Index just signalled a "death cross." Three of the last four times that the 50-day moving-average crossed below the 200-day moving-average, The USD Index tumbled significantly.

[ This seems to be a false flag in the financial war ]

If the aim of The Fed's communication strategy was to convince the market that rates will not rise for a very long time... then they have been successful. Just as Goldman Sachs forecast, a US rate-hike is now extremely unlikely before March 2016 and falling fast. In fact, all of the major regions are seeing the market's implied number of months until a rate-hike rising rapidly.

[ Se calienta el ambiente para el asalto final contra el terrorismo ISIS .. en su huida los mercenarios van a necesitar mas toyotas del USA :  The U.S. Government Supplied ISIS’ Iconic Pickup Trucks  ]

The big battle preparations in that area are clear. There is a large mobilization of the Syrian army ... elite Hezbollah fighters, and thousands of Iranians who arrived in stages in recent days."

[ A propósito de oro .. quien controla el que pertenece a la Nación Americana?.... Y con cuanto oro disponemos para financiar el “nuevo dólar”? ]

In a world where the value of paper money is affirmatively aimed at being degraded by central bank policy, it’s kind of surprising to me that gold can’t catch a bid...I like gold. I believe its under-owned. It should be a part of every investment portfolio, maybe five to ten percent."

[ La manera como los Chinos manejan su volátile economía de Mercado tiene muchas sorpresas … volátiles también .. aunque allí el Banco Central no es privado y esta al servicio de la Nacion ]

Gold had a busy night as China's significantly weaker Yuan 'Fix' sent the precious metal higher top test the 200-day moving average and Europe's open (Asia's close) sparked a modest flash-crash retracing the entire move.
S- by Tyler Durden on 10/14/2015

[ “La Coronel si tiene quien le escriba”  diría el novelista G.Garcia Marquez, y el poeta Cesar Vallejo diría “No mueras, te amo tanto .. pero el cadáver, hay… siguió muriendo” ]

  • Democratic rivals back Clinton on emails, but little else in scrappy debate (Reuters)
  • Hillary Clinton Shows Relentless Efficiency in First Democratic Debate (WSJ)
  • U.S. Examines Goldman Sachs Role in 1MDB Transactions (WSJ)
  • JPMorgan Says Trading Pain Isn't Over After Third-Quarter Slump (BBG)
  • Islamic State battles insurgents near Aleppo as army prepares assault (Reuters)
  • Oil Slide Means `Almost Everything' for Sale as Deals Accelerate (BBG)

While yesterday's JPM results missed from the top to the bottom, coupled with a surprising and aggressive deleveraging of the bank's balance sheet which has shrunk by over $150 billion in 2015 mostly on the back of a decline in deposits, Bank of America reported numbers which were largely the opposite when it printed a modest beat on both the top line with $20.9 billion in revenues (adjusted sales of $20.6Bn vs Exp. $20.5Bn), down $500 million from a year ago, and the bottom line: generating $0.35 in adjusted earnings in the quarter, 2 cents better than the $0.33 consensus estimate.

[ Quizá es señal de que está en proceso el QE4 y el BOFA quiere su tajada … “Cuando las ratas huelen comida  .. saquean el basural” … O quizá de verdad los agarro la tormenta que ya empieza:  cuando llueve… todos se mojan” es lo normal. .. Que cierren el Banco! .. para que no entre el vendaval  ]


Turquia. Atentados en Ankara. El Estado Profundo en acción. José Antonio Gutiérrez D.
Progresismo latinoamericano. Intelectuales orgánicos e intelectuales transgénicos M. Modonesi
La paranoia colombina. Ígor Rodríguez 
ALC. Confusión en América Latina. Mario R. Fernández
Chile. Si los bolivianos quieren mar [ que vengan por mar ] Margarita Labarca
Mundo. Alerta sobre la negociación de cambio climático. Impedir en Bonn y en Paris se manipule preocupación por ambiente para enriquecer a los más ricos a expensas de los pobres. Umberto Mazzei
Tratados de libre comercio y más. El denominador común en todos los Tratados de Libre Comercio firmados o por firmar, son las grandes corporaciones transnacionales. Jesús González Pazos
La lucha de Rusia contra el terrorismo. Rusia busca garantizar estabilidad geopolítica, liberar a su socio comercial del flagelo terrorismo y frenar la violencia y crisis de desplazados.  Aidiana Martínez


Why does the U.S still deliver thousands of TOWs to al-Qaeda which only kill more Syrians and prolong the fighting? 
“the police and media are encouraging cold-blooded executions of Arab citizens”.
To admit that the US military sometimes commits immoral acts is to admit that the US government is not an unalloyed force for good.


Where Is the First Helicopter Drop of Money Likely to Land?. Posted on October 14, 2015 by Charles Hugh Smith  [ No answer… it might be in his house ]
We all know helicopter money of some kind is coming as the global economy spirals into recession. Quantitative Easing (QE)–the monetary stimulus of distributing newly created central-bank money to private banks–has been discredited, as even cheerleaders and apologists now admit it has only widened wealth and income inequality. So what’s left in the toolbag of central banks and states to stimulate recessionary economies if QE has been discredited? The answer: Helicopter Money.
According to British banking giant HSBC, global trade is down 8.4 percent so far this year, and global GDP expressed in U.S. dollars is down 3.4 percent.
hat tip: InvestmentWatchblogSGT Report .  John Titus said: read the latest Federal Reserve Open Market Committee meeting transcript (always delayed for five years), and discovered full admittance of financial fraud by the Fed in trillions of dollars. John explains:
A statue in Venezuela of Christopher Columbus, which was taken down in 2004, has been replaced by a statue of Guiacaipuro, “the Indigenous chief who led the resistance against Spanish colonialism”
U.S. counter-terror officials have launched an investigation into how ISIS got so many of those identical Toyota pickup trucks which they use in their convoys. They don’t have to look very far … The Spectator reported last year:


[ Since “moderate terrorist” has been rebranded… now we have DEMOCRATIC TERRORISM ]


US tested chemical weapons: Video. Wed Oct 14, 2015 A newly declassified video shows US Navy experts experiment with chemical warfare in the 1950s.
‘US won’t dare challenge China in SC Sea’. Wed Oct 14, 2015 The United States will never dare to challenge the might of the Chinese military in the South China Sea for fear of the consequences, an American researcher says.
'US, Russia jets met mid-air over Syria' Wed Oct 14, 2015 US military officials have confirmed that Russian and American warplanes have come within visual range from each other in Syria.
[ Los ninios traviezos que juegan con fuego.. que no teman quemarse o ser quemados ]
Victory close in Iraq’s Ramadi: Official. Wed Oct 14, 2015 Iraqi forces are closing in on the western city of Ramadi with officials saying victory is near.
Putin creating chaos in Syria: Clinton Wed Oct 14, 2015 Hillary Clinton has accused Russian President Vladimir Putin of creating chaos in Syria by bombing terrorists there.
[ La dama Clinton, la de la risa maquiavelica se cree la monalisa del USA.. Anoche en el debate Sanders la sepulto ]
Turkey summons US, Russia envoys. Wed Oct 14, 2015 Turkey summons the US and Russian ambassadors to warn them against arming Kurds in Syria.
Russia cuts off Daesh supply routes. Wed Oct 14, 2015 Russian fighter jets cut off the arms supply routes of the Daesh Takfiri group in Syria's northwestern province of Aleppo.


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