Worlds Apart. International
(f)law? . Neutrality is the name of the UN game, but in the
highly charged Israeli-Palestinian conflict, it was wielded as a weapon of war.
Is it something that is attainable, or even desirable, in the international
justice system?. Oksana is joined by Dr William Schabas, former head of the UN
Gaza inquiry and professor of international law, to weigh in on these issues.
Benghazi testimony punctuated by emails, anger, arguments . Blame Obama, not me!. When
Republicans tried to blame the former secretary of state for getting the US
involved in Libya in the first place, Clinton shifted the blame up the chain of
command… all the way to President Barack Obama.
[ A Mrs Clinton No se la acusaba de servir la política errada del régimen de Obama en Libya .. se la acusaba de No servir ni siquiera para salvar la vida de americanos que trabajaban en la Embajada .. lo PATETICO es quienes la acusaban son del partido que cometió peores crímenes en Irak .. FACT: los acusadores carecían de evidencias para poder incriminarla porque esta dama supo como destruirlas, pues al parecer, no solo comprometían a ella, sino al régimen al que sirvió .. Si estas evidencias u otras aún existen .. es la misma CIA quien tendría que tomar cartas en el asunto .. Al final del show solo quedo la sospecha de que HILLARY SI LO HIZO y que lo podría hacer después con más cinismo aun .. si llegase a la presidencia.. El show no sirvió la candidatura de Hillary, tampoco creo la afecte mucho, su caída continuará .. solo sirvió a quienes la cuestionaron sin haber conseguido las evidencias del caso, estos si cobraran por su mal trabajo. Pero LA SOSPECHA SI QUEDO Y NADIE LA OLVIDARA ]
[ A Mrs Clinton No se la acusaba de servir la política errada del régimen de Obama en Libya .. se la acusaba de No servir ni siquiera para salvar la vida de americanos que trabajaban en la Embajada .. lo PATETICO es quienes la acusaban son del partido que cometió peores crímenes en Irak .. FACT: los acusadores carecían de evidencias para poder incriminarla porque esta dama supo como destruirlas, pues al parecer, no solo comprometían a ella, sino al régimen al que sirvió .. Si estas evidencias u otras aún existen .. es la misma CIA quien tendría que tomar cartas en el asunto .. Al final del show solo quedo la sospecha de que HILLARY SI LO HIZO y que lo podría hacer después con más cinismo aun .. si llegase a la presidencia.. El show no sirvió la candidatura de Hillary, tampoco creo la afecte mucho, su caída continuará .. solo sirvió a quienes la cuestionaron sin haber conseguido las evidencias del caso, estos si cobraran por su mal trabajo. Pero LA SOSPECHA SI QUEDO Y NADIE LA OLVIDARA ]
“"The deterrent of nuclear weapons has started to lose
its value, and some have even got the illusion that a real victory of one of
the sides can be achieved in a global conflict, without irreversible
consequences for the winner itself – if there is a winner at all."
[ The US is putting at risk the life of all human on earth in
defense of the ISIS-Al-Nustra terrorists.. What is really our agenda overthere?...
are we defending the so called National Security in the ME? .. we are making non-sense at
all.. ]
FBI Report Debunks Mythical "War On Police". Submitted by Tyler
Durden on 10/22/15
Throughout the United States, Americans believe there is
a “war on police.” A recent survey found 58% of Americans agree with this
sentiment. .. A deeper examination of the FBI's 2014 data, however, reveals
that police are not only safe, but still running
rampant in their liberal use of violence against the citizens they allegedly
Assad Plan New Elections In Syria As US, Saudis Meet Lavrov In Vienna. Submitted
by Tyler Durden on 10/22/2015
“As John Kerry prepares to meet Sergei Lavrov in Vienna,
Putin and Assad are drawing up plans to call for elections in Syria. The idea,
of course, is that Assad will prevail in a landslide, allowing Moscow to claim
that the people have spoken and the regime must rightfully be restored. “
[ The Russian proposal is clear.. take out the ISIS-Al Nustra terrorists
.. and then democracy.. It stand to reason & is totally coherent with
international Laws.. What is our proposal ?.. Still in the stupid idea of defending
the terrorists of Sept/11?.. it doesn’t
make sense! ]
Hillary Clinton Faces The Music At Benghazi Hearing - Live Feed. S- by Tyler Durden on 10/22/15
[ This is a key event for her survival in the electoral race. Todo depende
de donde la agarran.. si la toman de los pelos se salva, los tiene engrasados
.. si la agarran de la cola, quiza sufra.. pero
si le dan en el cerebro, la eliminan. The future of Mr. Elijah Cummings –main supporter of Hillary- is also at stake since he
is running for the U.S. Senate in 2016.. If Hillary pass this test she will
continue in the race .. Otherwise, no point in doing so .. Why?, because “inefficiency & un-truthness” will bury her appeal on many fans. So, she
should’ve care for the life of Americans, not matter what is their political
position or job, they will argue ]
BASIC INFO: from http://www.zerohedge.com
“She testifies before the Select Committee on Benghazi in
the House of Representatives. .. Why is there still so much dispute
about what happened three years ago? (Via
The Wall Street Journal)
- The national response to the attacks that killed four
Americans in Benghazi on Sept. 11, 2012, was complicated by secrecy, tragedy
and national politics.
-The presence and role of the Central Intelligence Agency
in the area .. was not understood
for months. The confusion in the aftermath of the attacks – What triggered the
attack? Why wasn’t more done to rescue the Americans? Why didn’t they have more
protection? – led to years of blame and recrimination .. Many now agree that
security at the consulate was inadequate despite requests from those on the
ground, but disagreements persist on who is responsible for that.
Complicating matters, the attack occurred less than two
months before a presidential election, so it became caught up in the national political debate. And three
months after the attack, Mrs. Clinton fainted and suffered a severe concussion,
delaying her Senate hearing on the events.
Republicans on the panel are
likely to challenge Mrs. Clinton on two key points.
First, the security of Mr. Stevens at the Benghazi
outpost. Documents released so far suggest Mrs.
Clinton received emails from top aides before the 2012 attacks warning about
the poor security conditions in Benghazi, particularly at a hotel used by U.S.
officials; and before the death of Libyan leader Moammar Gadhafi that plunged
the country even further into chaos. Mrs Clinton has taken responsibility for
the deadly assault at the Benghazi compound, but she has also said that
security decisions were handled by other State Department officials, not
The second main line of questioning is likely to
concern Mrs. Clinton’s use of a private email server while she was secretary of state from 2009
until 2013. She has said that in retrospect using this private email server was
a mistake. Her critics have alleged that some of the emails contained
classified and even “top secret” information, but Mrs. Clinton and her aides
have insisted that none of the information was marked classified at the time it
was received or sent.
Who will be the key figures at the hearing?
1) Mrs. Clinton: For her, the stakes are immense.
2) Trey Gowdy: The Republican congressman from South
Carolina leads the Benghazi committee.
3) Elijah Cummings: senior Democrat spent several months chastising the panel’s Republicans
and bemoaning the way they have handled the investigation.
4) Christopher Stevens, Sean Smith, Tyrone Woods, and
Glen Doherty: Reps, they will focus
on the circumstances of their deaths in two separate attacks in Benghazi on
that day. Mr. Stevens was the U.S. ambassador to Libya at the time. Mr. Smith
was a foreign service information management officer, and Woods and Doherty
were contractors with the Central Intelligence Agency.
War No More: Qatar Threatens Military Intervention In Syria Alongside
"Saudi, Turkish Brothers" . Submitted by Tyler
Durden on 10/22/2015
“"Anything that protects the Syrian people and Syria
from partition, we will not spare any effort to carry it out with our Saudi and
Turkish brothers, no matter what this is. If a military intervention will
protect the Syrian people from the brutality of the regime, we will do
it." http://www.zerohedge.com/
[ Los malos de la
pelicula (Saudis & Qatar) se juntaron bajo la venia del Padrino americano. A
los de la Hermandad musulmana (Al
nustra, hoy) NO importo la deslealtad de los Saudis (pro ISIS) contra Morsi, el
electo y depuesto presidente de Egipto.. QUE LOS UNE? .. El mercenarismo bien pagado y el amor salvaje de los sunis
por el jihadism.. “the most horrible they behave in war .. the most bless they will
get from their God”; and, if “they are killed for Kurdish woman.. they go to hell” . Los dogmas de estas sectas no son solo espantosas, son además ridículamente irracionales..
por decir lo menos. Que tiene que ver este dogmatismo con America? NADA,
absolutamente nada. Son esos los terroristas del 9/11 –de acuerdo al cuento
oficial- y son hoy los aliados de nuestras elites de poder en Siria … increíble
pero cierto… Que vergüenza! ]
- ---
Deja Vu All Over Again.
Submitted by Tyler Durden on 10/22/2015
happens next? .. Es
la pregunta de http://www.zerohedge.com
[ Los desacoples económicos son los más conocido, es cierto. Es
sabido que las mafias neoliberales ven al FED como vaca holandesa de inmensas
tetas y capaces de darles leche cuando lo pidan (QEs y Bailouts), mientras los más
sensatos, los del capital productivo y no especulador si consideran que hay que
evitar el despojo predatorio de los especuladores via Glass-Stegall ACT
adecuado a las circunstancias de hoy .. para estos a la vaca holandesa se le acabo la leche y en lugar de tetas
grandes lo que le cuelgan son calcetas vacías. Es sabido también el desacople
de los que están a favor de alentar el consumismo y el gasto público para
alentar el crecimiento y desarrollo (los keynesianos), mientras los otros, los
de Friedman y los del Austrian Economics consideran que el ahorro y la
inversión productiva unida a la suba del “interest-rate” es lo que impulsara el
crecimiento (aunque no mencionan que esto implica TRASLADAR la crisis interna a
las economías en crecimiento ni el efecto –el inmenso desacople externo- que esto provocara ).. El FED cree que
mesclando las dos estrategias se puede salir del paso.. de ahí que aliente el
TPP en el SUR y el otro –con I de inversión - en Asia; pero lo hace a puerta
cerrada sabiendo que esto generara desacoples mas tarde. Y además el FED no
abandona la idea de elevar el interest-rate de los prestamos, lo que hara impagable
la deuda del sur y la de China y Asia. Y que eso también generara inmensos
desacoples.. Lo que no es conocido –aunque ya empieza a conocerse, son los
desacoples político-militares. Canada acaba de abandonar sus pactos de Guerra
con los EU y ha retirado sus aviones y su armada del control de NATO y el
parecer.. Alemania también esta presionando para que la base NATO de Frankfurt
sea desmontada.. Que otros desacoples vienen?.. Ud los menciona…]
ECONÓMICOS puede haber más INFO de zero hedge aquí:
Submitted by Tyler
Durden on 10/22/2015 - 07:30
- ECB Haunted by Paradox as Draghi Weighs Risk of QE Signaling (BBG)
- At odds with Republicans, Hillary Clinton to testify on Benghazi (Reuters)
- House tees up conservative plans to raise debt limit (Hill)
- U.S., Russia to Meet at Syria Conference to Discuss Crisis (WSJ)
- Putin Gains Record Support Among Russians Over Syria, Poll Shows (BBG)
- China Plans 2020 Deadline for Dismantling Capital Controls (BBG)
- Nyrstar Drops the Most on Record as Mining Hit by Metal Rout (BBG)
Unveils Roadmap To 'Bailout' Puerto Rico: "New" Bankruptcy Rules
& Federal Fiscal Oversight Submitted by Tyler
Durden on 10/21/2015
[ Este es un desacople arreglado a último minuto.. No hay nada
en efectivo aún ]
“America is not Greece, but judging from the Obama
administration's just-unveiled plans to bailout Puerto Rico's disastrous debt
situation, the American territory may have to sacrifice a little more
sovereignty to get some relief. Obama is pressing for Congress to give Puerto
Rico (PR) sweeping powers to reduce its $73 billion debt burden through a form
of bankruptcy protection not now available to American territories and will
also ask lawmakers to establish an independent body to monitor the island’s
fiscal affairs (a la Troika).” http://www.zerohedge.com
Post: The Nazification Of America Is Almost Complete. S- by Tyler
Durden on 10/21/2015
United States is in decline. While not all major shocks to the system will be
devastating, when the right one comes along, the outcome may be dramatic."
Once upon a time America fought a great war to rid the world of the Nazis, but
now we have become just like them” http://www.zerohedge.com
[ Esta es la política Americana para evitar
los desacoples internos: hay varios estados que se quieren separarse del FED .. lo impulsan los banqueros
regionales y eso solo es posible si es apoyado por el pueblo .. lo que en Texas
puede ocurrir.. y en California también.. Lo grave de la NOTI es que la
nazificacion es una estrategia contra el pueblo… no contra los banqueros pillos ]
Warns: 99% Chance Of At Least A 5.0 Quake Hitting LA Within 30 Months. S- by Tyler
Durden on 10/21/15
[ Los Angeles esta en una zona que tiene un
inmenso terremoto pendiente .. Según sismólogos que estudiaron lo ocurrido hace
100 años en San Fco.. La capas tectónicas se han deteriorado y este colapso no
solo afectaría LA.. también San Fco y Oregon en el norte y parte de California
en el sur. Tuve oportunidad de ver como los ricos de Portland y San Fco de se vienen preparando para el
terremoto y el posible tsunami que lo acompañaría .. Lo que NO vi es como el
pueblo es preparado para este evento … En Portland y San Fco los ricos empezaron
a edificaron en cerros altos y en las playas edificaron sistema de defensa
contra el tsumani y hay base de
helicópteros para la inmediata evacuación.. De forma que la NOTI, si podría ser
grave para la gente común, si no se los prepara ]
Syria settlement without Iran: Russia. Thu Oct 22, 2015 The Russian foreign minister says the Syrian crisis
settlement has 'no prospect' without Iran’s participation.
troop killed in Iraq hostage rescue. Thu Oct 22, 2015 US military officials say one of their forces have
been killed during a hostage rescue attempt in Iraq.
Russia agree to establish joint bank. Thu Oct 22, 2015 Iran and Russia have agreed to establish a joint bank
in what is meant to facilitate financial transactions between them.
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