viernes, 9 de octubre de 2015



 ALERTA AL SUR: Hay señales de que existe un TIPO DE QE4 oculto en proceso .. Se trata de la posible masiva invasión de dólares devaluados (60 Bll) logrados por Corp mafiosas via “short Squeese”  De ser asi el Vulture capital (o capital buitre) estaria listo para invadir el Sur Latino.. Ya están en  Asia , según el 2do art abajo… CHECK THIS 1ST: a “monster $53bn MMF inflows ++”. ADEMAS,  el dólar oficial se esta devaluando rápido en el mercado mundial y el Banco Central puede comprarlo para pagar la deuda neta del Estado, pero no los intereses acumulados que se negociarían en el curso del debate TPP. Con que dinero? Con yuanes, por supuesto. Los chinos no querran perder el Mercado del sur.  

 [ MEANING OF SHORT SQUEEZE: Short Squeeze is a mafia -Al Capone style- that is taking over on short sellers . The big shark corp are organizing a rally to recover or to impose new business rules in a Econ area. Technical meaning:  1-that short sellers are being squeezed out of their short positions and may prefer to close them out, even if it means taking ... 2- The Economist magazine calls the life of a short seller “nasty, brutish, and short.” But the best short sellers survive and thrive and are considered the “smart money”. ...3-  “Short interest ratio” is defined as the number of shares shorted .... does the likelihood of a short squeeze increase with the length of time. 4- Short sellers get squeezed when the price of the stock they have shorted begins to rise ... This means the pressure that comes from mounting losses is amplified. 5- A short squeeze is a situation in which a stock's price increase triggers a rush of ... Short sellers must buy stock to close out their short positions and cut their losses. 6- Deflation's Worst Nightmare: A Short-Squeeze on the Dollar - despite the Fed's best efforts to keep it in plentiful supply…]

[ No hay riesgo en los ajustes de cuenta. Acaba de ocurrir la más grande asfixia de los pequeños vendedores, lo dice BOFA= Bank of America ]

Several days ago, when pointing out the record NYSE short-interest, we noted this move may simply mean the following: "a central bank intervenes, or a massive forced buy-in event occurs, and unleashes the mother of all short squeezes, sending the S&P500 to new all time highs." Today, we have confirmation that the rally has been precisely that: a massive short-covering squeeze, when Bank of America's Mike Hartnett looked at the latest weekly fund flow data and noted a "monster $53bn MMF inflows vs redemptions from equity ($4.3bn) & fixed income funds ($2.4bn)...rising cash levels indicate big risk rally (from intraday lows last week SPX +7.7%, EEM +13.5%, HYG +4.2%) driven primarily by short-covering rather than fresh risk-on."

When things are going especially poorly, sometimes all it takes is the slightest glimmer of hope to ignite a rally, and between a poor NFP report in the US (and yes, EM FX is clearly one place where bad news in the US economy is most definitely goodnews, as it forestalls an FOMC liftoff), “better” than expected trade data in Malaysia, a deceptively low read on capital outflows from China, and dovish FOMC minutes, this week has brought several such glimmers and so, everyone has apparently begun backing up the truck on Asia EM optimism.


The week summarised...  With China shut and The Fed going full dovish panic-mode over growth fears, world markets went crazy... A LIST OF SHORT SQUEESES  is provided.  The last 8 days have seen a massive short-squeeze... 2nd biggest in history.  ..


HOW MUCH MONEY THE MAFIA got with this “legal” transactions? Nobody knows, minimo 60 Bll, segun BOFA, pero hay muchisimo mas, segun la lista del 3er artículo de arriba. 


---- 4 --- 
Aqui va mi propuesta 

[ En la red AGENDA del WORLD EC FORUM el Economista chileno  Andres Velasco escribió un resumen de la situación Ec del sur y las posibilidades de LA frente a las políticas americanas   Pero  No tocó el caso de una invasión de dólares devaluados, el que entraría legalmente (sépase que el dollar se esta devaluando a velocidad increíble –ya sea por que es política estatal para facilitar ventas fuera del país o porque está dejando de ser usado en el mercado mundial-) y el que entraría via corporaciones mafiosas pero legales del imperio, son los dólares del “short squeese”. Pero del  escrito de Velasco se puede intuir los efectos del arribo de estos dólares baratos. Para empezar eso crearía  un equilibrio con las monedas devaluadas del sur, si es que es el Banco Central quien los compra y evita que las mafias del norte lo “inviertan” en la compra de recursos del país.  Esto es,  se podría generar (a) una compra masiva del dólar barato con préstamos de China, lo que serviría para pagar la deuda externa y reducir  la inflación interna. Eso implica preservar el sistema actual. Y también que la deuda externa no tendría que ser desconocida sino re-negociada a bajísimo interés  (nadie pierde, a win-win deal: China se legaliza en el sur y se rompe el monopolio previsto en el actual TPP). De no lograrse el Acdo (a) y si el objetivo es salir del dólar y de los buitres de la deuda soberana, se procede al plan (b) : Se compraría solo la parte que corresponde a deuda neta y no el pago de intereses acumulados, dejando pendiente el caso para re-negociarlo en el TPP pendiente de debate público . Lo que supone postergar el problema hasta que la nación tome conciencia y haga suyo el tema. Si la recession o un breve encuentro nuclear ocurre, se aplicaría el Plan (C): “al árbol caído. hacha con el” . Para mi el plan B es lo mas recomendable, lo que implica negociar como bloque frente al imperio.. y/o adoptarlo por paises si la situacion Economica y la correlacion de fuerzas sociales al interior de un país es favorable. En cuanto a PERU, estamos muy invadidos por el imperio y como ocurrió con el coloniaje español será aquí donde se iniciara una imprevista Rev Popular Latina que arrasara con las fuerzas imperiales  del país .. y como ayer, será en Perú donde se romperá con el coloniaje imperial en todo el sur. Esto no se puede esperar de Brasil ni Argentina. Si de Perú, allí si late el corazón rojo de los socialistas latinos del Sur ]



[ IS TOO LATE FOR  QE4.. though In the FED options it appear high.. BUT  it may not be as effective anymore”. “And now, dear Janet Yellen, .. there is no way out” .. NO WAY OUT from the RECESSION we are already suffering?.. 


[ Here brief extract of this article ] :
Here is Bank of America's Athanasios Vamvakidis channeling Tyler Durden circa 2009

The real cost of QE

QE was not a free lunch after all
If only it was that easy to print our way out of a global crisis. 
Eight years after the crisis, we are still debating about whether the recovery has gained enough of a momentum to allow exit from crisis-driven policies and start hiking rates from zero. The world economy has actually lost momentum this year … Things may have been worse otherwise, but in hindsight we believe relying too much on unconventional monetary policies was not a free lunch after all.
We should have known something was wrong

The story of the year so far may be that of a negative feedback loop leading to a bad equilibrium. First, risk assets sold-off expecting the Fed to tighten. Then, the sell-off went too far and started affecting the real economy, including in the US. Now, the Fed is not tightening as a result. However, postponing Fed tightening does not necessarily increase the demand for risk assets. We are oversimplifying, and there are certainly many other things going on, but it helps make the point.

This appears to be a new regime, in which bad news is bad news, as we wrote a year ago and reiterated recently. Fed QE does not appear to be coming to the rescue anymore. The Fed staying on hold can support risk assets in the short term, but is not as strong as QE. This is an environment with high market volatility, as the so-called central bank put is less powerful without Fed QE. ECB and BOJ QE apparently cannot do the trick. Bad news is supposed to be bad news and this should be a healthier market than before, but the adjustment back to normal has not been, and in our view is not going to be, easy.
Risk-on recommendations are only tactical. If the US data improves in the months ahead, the Fed will likely tighten and risk assets could sell-off again. If the US data remains weak, or weaken even further, we would expect risk aversion to increase, as the threshold for QE4 by the Fed appears high—and more QE may not be as effective anymore.

And that, dear Janet Yellen, is how you trapped yourself in reflexivity from which THERE IS NO WAY OUT. Now if only someone could have possibly foreseen all of this years ago...
Norwegian petroleum.. according to Ministry of Finance,
[ Big corp-mafia still looking for a good ‘chivo expiatorio” someone in whose shoulders they can put their fauls.. before was the FED.. now is the “deep-state” ]

The Deep State is destructive, but it’s great for the people in it. And, like any living organism, its prime directive is: Survive! It survives by indoctrinating the fiction that it’s both good and necessary. However, it’s a parasite that promotes the ridiculous notion that everyone can live at the expense of  society . The American Deep State rotates around the Washington Beltway. It imports America’s wealth as tax revenue. A lot of that wealth is consumed there by useless mouths. And then, it exports things that reinforce the Deep State, including wars, fiat currency, and destructive policies. This is unsustainable simply because nothing of value comes out of the city. [ He is confusing deep-state with FED ]
Summing Up Obama's Economy In 8 Words . Submitted by Tyler Durden on 10/09/2015

Here's What Happened When Venezuela Imposed Gun Control Laws Submitted by Tyler Durden on 10/09/2015 [ Un reporte dijo que el 50% de los Americanos tiene armas en casa y que es menos del  1% quienes cometen crímenes. El problema entonces es como evitar que los psicópatas las obtengan ]

A few years ago, in response to national outcry, the government of Venezuela took steps to fix this problem. There was too much death, too much crime. So they imposed strict gun control laws to stop the murderers and thieves. The end result? Violent crime actually increased. And Caracas is now one of the most dangerous cities in the world. But across the Andes is another city that used to be one of the most dangerous in the world - Bogota.
Economists Finally Admit, Odds Of A US Recession Are On The Rise. Submitted by Tyler Durden on 10/09/2015 [  Imposible tapar el sol con un dedo de la mano ]

As the evidence, that the US economy is either in or near a recession, mounts (confirmed by a new cycle high in inventories-to-sales just today), it appears even the most ardent optimists are admitting the odds of a US recession are on the rise. As Bloomberg reportsfor the first time in 14 months, economists year-ahead recession probability estimates rose (to their highest level in 2 years).

The warnings are getting louder.  Is anybody listening?


ALC Paraguay: Rebelión en el campus. José Antonio Vera
Colombia. Una etapa decisiva para la paz. Delegación de paz de las FARC EP


Strikes in Syria not financial burden: Russia. Sat Oct 10, 2015 Russia says the anti-terror campaign in Syria does not strain its government’s budget.
‘EU exports terrorism to conflict zones’. Sat Oct 10, 2015 EU foreign policy chief Federica Mogherini says the EU has turned into an exporter of terrorism to crisis-hit countries.
‘Let anti-Daesh fighter body enter Turkey’. Sat Oct 10, 2015 People in Turkey have protested against Turkish authorities who do not allow the entry of the body of an anti-Daesh fighter from Syria.
Saudi to further arm militants in Syria. Fri Oct 9, 2015 Saudi Arabia will help militant groups in Syria step up military capabilities.
‘US provoking China with naval drills’. Fri Oct 9, 2015 Washington’s plan to sail warships in the South China Sea in the coming weeks “has no purpose other than a military provocation,” says a journalist.
‘Russia raids blow to US hegemony’. Fri Oct 9, 2015 An activist says Russia’s involvement in Syria is essentially the opening salvo in the long trajectory of the decline of US hegemony in the region.


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