sábado, 24 de octubre de 2015

OCT 24 15 SIT EC y POL

OCT 24 15 SIT EC y POL

Russia Granted Authorization To Strike ISIS Inside Iraq: Report  ICH By Anadolu Agency. The Iraqi government authorized Russia to target Daesh convoys coming from Syria, a senior Iraqi official said


[ THERE IS NOT SUCH TAKE OVER.. is the Iraq government that wants the ISIS out of their country ]
“Sure enough, according to Turkey’s state run Anadolu Agency, Russia has now received permission from Iraq to target ISIS convoys coming from Syria. Here’s more
The Iraqi government authorized Russia to target Daesh convoys coming from Syria, a senior Iraqi official said. http://www.zerohedge.com/
Like medical chemotherapy, Iceland's economic chemotherapy was horrible, but the cancer of debt-deflation was eradicated and the system made whole.

[ Un ejemplo a seguir?  YES, quien diga que NO, que eso es solo possible en Estados pequenios .. está  proponiendo que hay que dividir este inmenso Estado caótico en pedacitos.. para cumplir con estándares universales que jamás interesaron ahora ahora ] 

[ Nos pueden engañar con STAT oficiales, pero jamás a quienes vamos cada semana al mercado, menos a los que conservamos los recibos del gasto hecho. En los dos meses recientes todos los productos del Mercado  subieron sus precios en por lo menos $.40 (casi 2 quartes), la leche que costaba $1.80, cuesta ahora $2.29. Esto equivale a decir que nuestro ingreso, salario o dinero ahorrado se ha depreciado un 40% y solo alcanza para comprar casi la mitad de lo que comprábamos hace 3 meses atrás ]

“Dear Bureau of Labor Statistics: please pay careful attention to this case study of how your CPI "inflation" gauge, hedonically, seasonally-adjusted or otherwise, is completely inaccurate, and how what you record as 0% inflation is really 72%!”

“The insane lie that cultural Marxists seem to have conned themselves and others into believing is that their “activism” is somehow anti-establishment. In fact, social justice is constantly coddled and supported by the establishment. From politicians to judges to media pundits to the blogosphere, the overwhelming majority of people in positions of traditional power (even in supposedly conservative circles) have been more than happy to become the enforcers of the social justice warrior agenda, an agenda representing a minuscule portion of the public. There is no establishment for the PC army to fight; the establishment BIAS works vastly more in favor of their ideology than any other. Cultural Marxists ARE the establishment.” .

 We are going to see below his “un-biased view” on gender issues & on Marxism

[ 1- Political correctness (PC) no es una ciencia política, ni económica y menos un paradigma ético. Quienes lo profesan se suponen a sí mismo como “anti-funcionalistas” (el fin justifica los medios) y como anti-structuralistas (el Estado y sus instituciones solo deben servir para garantizar libertades individuales  y la seguridad nacional si una invasión extranjera ocurre). Estos asumen asimismo el “Estado minimo” o la no interferencia  del Federal, pero solo de palabra. Esa ideología es exactamente lo que las mafias neoliberales profesan públicamente pero que incumplen todos los días. Revisen zerohedge: verán que todos los días los hijitos de la vaca holandesa le piden al FED que lance el QE4 y que eleve la tasa de interés de los bancos. A esta ensalada  “teoria”  le llaman “political-correctness”. 

2- Desde mediados de los 80 (luego del éxito fascista de M Friedman y su escuela de Chicago en Chile y luego de imponer el nefasto Washington Consensus a espaldas de la nación, lo que dio libertad total a las mafias especuladoras iniciada con Reagan … hasta hoy) en algunas Univ del USA se anunció el “Political Correctnesss” como curso oficial para los under-graduates. Se buscaba justificar las sig tesis:  (a) adaptación a la cultura dominante; (b) goal attainment (los fines importan más que las  acciones);  (c) integración social, lo que supone prohibir taras sexistas, racistas y otras que atenten contra las libertades del individuo, sobre todo las minorias ; (d) mantención y respeto de los patrones culturales; (e) Por supuesto piden el Estado mínimo  y en esto se diferencian de los anarquistas que piden su supresión total; estos aceptan el “minimo”, vale decir, lo aceptan mientras sirva los intereses de las mafias neoliberales.  Mejor servicio no se pudo haber hecho a la naciente teología neo-liberal . Los hijos de esas escuelas en el USA aún mantienen  esa ideología cavernaria,  aunque de palabra la rechazan. En los hechos la reproducen y se arrodillan al autoritarismo neoliberal.

Here Smith  critique to political correctness Topic: the existence of gender chameleons
Notice how Brandon Smith revealed his “illustrated pluralism” on gender
Source: “The Twisted Motives Behind Political Correctness” . By  Brandon Smith. Feb-19/14

One aspect of liberalism with which I am now very familiar is political correctness. I didn’t understand it at the time,.. Then, it hit me like a revelation. Political correctness was not a political ideology. No, it was a religion, a full-fledged spiritual con.. And the leftists were eating it up like steak night at an all-you-can-eat buffet.  .. These people were rationally retarded.

Recently, I read a news story about a “transgendered teen” in Maine. When the boy was in the fifth grade, he decided to dress as a girl and demanded to use the girl’s bathroom at his public school, despite having the biological apparatus of a male. This story was international news, folks! Why? I can’t say, except that the mainstream media have made a point to focus on “gender optional” issues as if they represent some kind of civil rights uprising

The PC culture demands that we, as individuals, openly accept the sexual orientations of anyone and everyone; otherwise, we are labeled prejudiced monsters. It is not enough that we object in a logical manner. No, we must fall to our knees and thank the stars for the very existence of gender chameleons.

In the end, the psychological gender position of any particular person does not overrule his biological features. A child with a penis is a boy. Period. He will never be a girl. Ever. Not without surgical aid. And even then, he will never have the ability to give birth, which is the very hallmark of femininity. (Sorry, feminists, but that’s how it goes.) A boy, no matter his mental orientation, does not belong in a girl’s lavatory. The privacy rights of the girls outweigh the gender confusion of the boy.

3- En cuanto al marxismo. Estos trabajan en paralelo la categoría “libertad” y su opuesto “necesidad”. Necesidad es lo que necesariamente ocurre por leyes bio-físicas o naturales (leyes que refieren la relación entre el hombre y la naturaleza). E incluye también las leyes psico-sociales (las que derivan de la relación del hombre con otros hombres). A lo que ocurre por necesidad los marxistas le llaman también “determinismos”. Y los hay de dos clases, los absolutos y los relativos (o sociales). Lo relativo no es factor determinante sino solo factor condicionante, según Althusser. La crítica al determinismo es que releva al hombre de toda responsabilidad social y hace imposible valorar moralmente sus acciones. Para los libertarios, solo la libertad no sujeta a determinismos ni condición alguna se presenta como base de responsabilidad social y ética. La libertad es entendida como auto-determinación del espíritu (libre albedrio) o posibilidad de actuar según lo mande la voluntad no determinada por factores externos.   Para los marxistas no mecanicistas (estos últimos son los que aplican a rajatabla los principios físico-biologicos a la conducta humana) si hay interdependencia dialéctica entre necesidad y libertad. La necesidad objetiva (existencia de leyes) es lo primario, su conocimiento, voluntad y conciencia, lo derivado.

La leyes no conocidas se manifiesta como “necesidad  ciega”. Fue así a inicios de la historia humana. El hombre fue incapaz de penetrar los secretos de la naturaleza y de sí mismo, era esclavo de leyes objetivas realmente existentes. Cuando avanzo de conocimiento y sus técnicas, el hombre empezó a ser más consiente y libre de su quehacer humano. Por esto Spinoza definió la libertad como necesidad de la que se ha tomado conciencia. Pierre Bourdieu decia que la libertad del hombre no solo es limitada  por estructuras económicas y políticas, también hay estructuras ideologico-culturales que impiden ver con claridad lo objetivo, lo realmente existente fuera de nuestra conciencia. Hay por tanto no solo fuerzas naturales sino también sociales que impiden su libertad y estas, las sociales si pueden ser cambiadas cuando se conoce su estructura y sus leyes. Ocurrió así con las leyes del capitalismo anárquico que la conciencia y voluntad social destruyeron –via REV-  varias veces para instalar el socialismo en su reemplazo. Ocurrió en Rusia, China .. esas sociedades que saltaron de la miseria infernal en que vivian hacia el status de potencia tecnológica  que el mundo admira. Se produjo así el salto del reino de la necesidad al reino de la libertad, como indicaba Engels. La socialización de las fuerzas y medios de producción hizo posible ese salto al eliminar la base del explosivo antagonismo social del sistema anterior: la extrema desigualdad social, la sobre-explotacion del labor, el fraude y el saqueo de recursos extranjeros.

Si Brandon Smith  por lo menos hubiese leído los “Manuscritos Economico-Filosoficos  de Marx, la mas fácil de sus lecturas, o el artículo de L Trotsky Su Moral y la Nuestra” que todos los neófitos en marxismo han leído.. este Sr estaría en capacidad de hablar sobre el tema marxismo… y NO diría la estupidez de que Marx invento las “clases sociales” para dividir a la gente… ni que el marxismo daño los matrimonios de America.. ni que es el establishment marxista es lo que hay que derrotar… Esas palabras huecas no tienen ningún sentido. Al parecer las copio de algún discurso de neocon Trump.  Esto es, Smith tomo muy en serio su vaguedad sobre “establisment” (relación entre Estado y sus Instituciones) y no fue en absoluto nada serio en lo referido a clases sociales, Libertad ni gender ].

Leamos la sandez que dijo  sobre marxism: 

“PC busybodies and feminists tend to create artificial divisions between people and “classes” while attacking and homogenizing very real and natural divisions between individuals based on biological reality and inherent genetic and psychological ability. This is what cultural Marxists do: divide and conquer or homogenize and conquer, whatever the situation happens to call for.”

First, let’s be clear, cultural Marxism has already done most of the damage it can possibly do to our way of life. And by damage, I mean the end of long-standing foundational pillars of society that provide stability and prosperity, including traditional marriage (not government-licensed marriage), family, gender “roles,” etc. (which cultural Marxists openly boast about tearing down).

[What damage? ]
Therefore, cultural Marxism and its vicious attempts to forcefully “harmonize” wealth through taxation and welfare have indeed caused the very economic conditions by which marriage is made untenable and families are made unstable.

Finally, the erasure of free speech and thought is always the holy grail of cultural Marxists; but this is not always done through government power — at least not right away. Cultural Marxists do use government force to police what they consider thought crimes, but usually in an incremental manner.

[ Is clear: he was describing the American culture, not the Marxist one..]
[ Cuando estuvo a punto de irse al abismo, luego del desastre en la entrevista, las mafias especuladoras se asustaron  .. y la llenaron de dólares para que reactive su campaña ]

Reality is only what a politician does  in office, not about mere rhetoric. Even when rhetoric is great, such as it was with Abraham Lincoln, it has relied upon honesty in order to be able to be so. Lying rhetoric tends simply to be forgotten by historians. It shouldn’t be, even if this requires us to remember some very bad rhetoric. Lies can be very important, no matter how bad the rhetoric might happen to be. History should deal with what’s important. So should voters.

“If you are seeking more freedom and prosperity, ask yourself if that is what you will get by voting for any of the current candidates. If you are seeking to reclaim the moral high ground the United States may have once had, ask yourself if these policies will do just that. Remember, not everyone is an idiot, a Republican, or an apathetic sheeple. Some of us simply disagree with Bernie’s economics and solutions.  http://www.zerohedge.com/

[“Some of us simply disagree with Bernie’s economics and solutions”. If that is the case SIMPLE DON’T VOTE HIM, but don’t misinterpret nor accuse him incorrectly..

QUESTION 1. Would Bernie’s tax on Wall Street speculation work? 

ANSWER:  HE SHOULD .. there are a lot of experiences worldwide, especially in Europe. A team of specialist on this issue should evaluate them  and make a proposal for fast track in the US given the emergency situation we are. Here some of those experiences:

1. Introduction 1 James Weaver
2. The Economic Case for the Tobin Tax 5 Thomas I. Palley
3. Lessons for Tobin Tax Advocates: The Politics of 27 Policy and the Economics of Market Micro-structure Randall Dodd
4. How Can a Currency Transaction Tax Stabilize 51 Foreign Exchange Markets? Bruno Jetin
5. Securities Transaction Taxes and Financial Markets 77 Karl Habermeier and Andrei Kirilenko
6. Currency Transactions Taxes: A Brief Assessment 93 of Opportunities and Limitations Ilene Grabel
7. Tobin Taxes: Are They Enforceable? 101 Dean Baker
8. Overcoming the Tobin Tax’s Implementation Problems: 109 Tax Cross-Border Capital Flows, Not Currency Exchanges Howell H. Zee
9. Applying a Securities Transactions Tax to the US: 119 Design Issues, Market Impact, Revenue Estimates Robert Pollin
10. Understanding the Silence Amid Turmoil: 135 The Tobin Tax and East Asia Young-Chul Kim
11. Where Do We Go From Here? 151 Jo Marie Griesgraber
A. Primer on Tobin Taxes 157
B. Primer: Transactions Taxes, or the Tobin Tax 173
C. New Rules for Global Finance Coalition 183

Experience # 1
The European Union financial transaction tax. The EU financial transaction tax (EU FTT) is a proposal made by the European Commission in September 2011 to introduce a financial transaction tax within the 27 member states of theEuropean Union by 2014. The tax would only impact financial transactions between financial institutions charging 0.1% against the exchange of shares and bonds and 0.01% acrossderivative contracts. According to the European Commission it could raise €57 billion every year.
Experience # 2
A-Wrobel's paper highlighted the Swedish experience with financial transaction taxes.[44] In January 1984, Sweden introduced a 0.5% tax on the purchase or sale of an equity security. Thus a round trip (purchase and sale) transaction resulted in a 1% tax. In July 1986 the rate was doubled. In January 1989, a considerably lower tax of 0.002% on fixed-income securities was introduced for a security with a maturity of 90 days or less. On a bond with a maturity of five years or more, the tax was 0.003%.
B- Tobin tax proponents reaction to the Swedish experience[edit]
The Swedish experience of a transaction tax was with purchase or sale of equity securities, fixed income securities and derivatives. In global international currency trading, however, the situation could, some argue, look quite different. In 2000, Round argued as follows:[The Tobin tax] could boost world trade by helping to stabilize exchange rates. Wildly fluctuating rates play havoc with businesses dependent on foreign exchange as prices and profits move up and down, depending on the relative value of the currencies being used. When importers and exporters can’t be certain from one day to the next what their money is worth, economic planning – including job creation – goes out the window. Reduced exchange-rate volatility means that businesses would need to spend less money ‘hedging’ (buying currencies in anticipation of future price changes), thus freeing up capital for investment in new production.
Experience #3
United Kingdom experience with stock transaction tax (Stamp Duty)[edit]
An existing example of a Financial Transaction Tax (FTT) is Stamp Duty Reserve Tax (SDRT) and stamp duty.[90] Stamp duty was introduced as an ad valorem tax on share purchases in 1808,[91] preceding by over 150 years the Tobin tax on currency transactions. Changes were made in 1963.[92] In 1963 the rate of the UK Stamp Duty was 2%, subsequently fluctuating between 1% and 2%, until a process of its gradual reduction started in 1984, when the rate was halved, first from 2% to 1%, and then once again in 1986 from 1% to the current level of 0.5%.[92]
The changes in Stamp Duty rates in 1974, 1984, and 1986 provided researchers with "natural experiments", allowing them to measure the impact of transaction taxes on market volume, volatility, returns, and valuations of UK companies listed on the London Stock Exchange.
Experience #4
Multinational proposals
European idea for a 'first Euro tax'
On November 23, 2009, the President of the European CouncilHerman Van Rompuy, after attending a meeting of the Bilderberg Groupargued for a European version of the Tobin tax.[105][106] This tax would go beyond just financial transactions: "all shopping and petrol would be taxed.".[105] Countering him was his sister, Christine Van Rompuy, who said, "any new taxes would directly affect the poor".[107]
On June 29, 2011, the European Commission called for Tobin-style taxes on the EU's financial sector to generate direct revenue starting from 2014. At the same time it suggested to reduce existing levies coming from the 27 member states.[108]
Support in some G20 nations[edit]
The first nation in the G20 group to formally accept the Tobin tax was Canada. For supporters of a Tobin tax, there is a wide range of opinion on who should administer a global Tobin tax and what the revenue should be used for. There are some who think that it should take the form of an insurance: In early November 2009, at the G20 finance ministers summit in Scotland, the British Prime Minister "Mr. Brown and Nicolas Sarkozy, France’s president, suggested that revenues from the Tobin tax could be devoted to the world’s fight against climate change, especially in developing countries. They suggested that funding could come from “a global financial transactions tax." However British officials later argued the main point of a financial transactions tax would be provide insurance for the global taxpayer against a future banking crisis
Latin America - Bank of the South[edit]
In early November 2007, a regional Tobin tax was adopted by the Bank of the South, after an initiative of Presidents Hugo Chávez fromVenezuela and Néstor Kirchner from Argentina.[115]
Nov 4th 2011, 14:17 BY BUTTONWOOD
Here might be an argument for a global tax on financial transactions. Yes, such a tax would be passed through to clients but that is true of taxes on sales, corporate profits and all the rest. We have to tax something. But a tax at the European level alone? Let us take a simple example that was pointed out to me yesterday. London is the global centre for foreign exchange trading. This trading is conducted electronically at very low cost; ICAP, the broker, says the cost averages $2 for every $1m traded. A Tobin tax of just 0.01% might not sound much but would equate to $100 for the same trade, 50 times as much. Why would anyone want to pay it? Such trades would be routed to New York or Singapore in an instant. 

QUESTION 2. Do you support an increase in payroll tax for all Americans to fund Bernie’s minimum wage and healthcare plans? Do you believe Bernie’s plans will only tax the 1%?
ANSWER:  YES the 1% received most of the benefits from this neoliberal system, if the really consider themselves Americans, they should not discuss nor oppose this Tax. But I would include the 10% to make it more effective.
QUESTION 3. Do you support Bernie’s comments on Edward Snowden?

ANSWER: The American Law was broken by NSA and those who implemented the surveillance programs. Snowden has the Constitutional right to oppose such program: Nobody owes obedience to State apparatus that violates the Constitution.  Once the Fed releases from prison to Chelsea Manning, Barrett Brown, Jeffrey Sterling, and John Kiriakou, then Snowden can trust the US and ask for their independent trial in American Courts. He should not beg nor implore his freedom, he should defend his right to do that he did up to the last minute of his life. His life does not belong to them. His life belongs to all of us and he will continue be our Hero not matter what. Si hay que morir por una causa justa.. que jamas sea de rodillas!
QUESTION 4. Do you support Bernie’s stance on Israel and Saudi Arabia? Both of these nations are responsible for atrocious human rights violations (here and here). Saudi Arabia is also accused of funding the 9/11 attacks. Despite this, the majority of politicians — including Bernie — continue to support these nations.

ANSWER. Sanders is a Human being and all humans make errors. This is an error and he can corrected. Compared to the criminal errors of those in the opposition, not with words with actions, Berne errors are ease to be corrected.  (Bush & Clinton aristocrats are genocides. Clinton was  responsible for incinerating civilian population in Kosovo, & destroying an entire State-Nation of Yugoslavia to cover up his desecration of the White House. Bush genocides in Iraq & Afghanistan arfe not only crimes of war, they are crimes against humanity. Worse even when he converted the young people in mercenaries to later on terrorize the world). Israel is a terrorist State & soon or later Netanyahu will be put in court for his crimes on Palestinians and the illegal appropriation of their land. Sanders should make a statement correcting those words. QT to you? Did you make the same question to Hillary or the GOP candidates? .. Why only to Sanders?
QUESTION 5. Do you support Bernie’s plan [sic] to continue the drone program? According to documents released by a new whistleblower, during one five-month period of drone operations, nearly 90 percent of the people killed in airstrikes were not the intended targets.

ANSWER: this question is either naively deceptive or intentionally oriented to damage his political image. It is implied here that Bernie Sanders run the drone project or is part of the team implementing the Obama’s drone program. What is the evidence that this is true?… There is not conclusive evidence in your premise ..I guess you are not Bernie follower  .. you are an infiltrator .. a simply a rat.. and you could be indicted  for using AD HOMINEN type of argument, “affirming the consequent” by departing from wrong premise (all birds fly.. chikens are birds..) with the intention to destroy his reputation..




Russia Granted Authorization To Strike ISIS Inside Iraq: Report  ICH By Anadolu Agency. The Iraqi government authorized Russia to target Daesh convoys coming from Syria, a senior Iraqi official said
In each example of organized state terror, the US imperial state is directly involved at the behest and on behalf of the capitalist class – be they multi-national corporations or banks.
Money and militarism silently, invisibly rule, no matter who wins..
The percentage of Americans who have even the slightest comprehension of their loss of liberty is so tiny that the American people have no prospect of regaining their liberty
Israel Is Occupation Addicted.  Must Watch – Video
Gideon Levy, Respected Israeli journalist, explains why Israel is like an addict living off the financial aid from the USA to keep feeding it's "occupation addition"
US in Search of a Cause? . By Patrick J. Buchanan
America is a nation divided, not only upon the means we should use to attain our ends in the world, but upon the ends themselves
Turkey is pressuring Germany to create “safe zones” inside Syria as a “price” for alleviating the EU’s refugee crisis.
The no-fly zone in Syria already exists. It is run by Russia and Washington is unable to jam it.


ALBA vs ALCA. Arnold August


US is engaged in ‘asymmetric warfare’. Sat Oct 24, 2015 The United States is engaged in “asymmetric warfare” in the Middle East, an American political analyst and activist says.
US court drops case against NSA spying. Sat Oct 24, 2015 A federal court in the US has dropped a lawsuit against the NSA over its mass surveillance.
US cuts aid to Palestinians over Israel. Sat Oct 24, 2015 The United States is cutting its economic aid to Palestinians in support of the Israeli regime, reports say.

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