viernes, 23 de octubre de 2015

OCT 23 15 SIT EC y POL

OCT 23 15 SIT EC y POL

Hillary’s Benghazi testimony punctuated by emails, anger, arguments . Blame Obama, not me!. When Republicans tried to blame the former secretary of state for getting the US involved in Libya in the first place, Clinton shifted the blame up the chain of command… all the way to President Barack Obama.

[ A Mrs Clinton NO se la acusaba de servir  la política errada del régimen de Obama en Libya .. se la acusaba de No servir ni siquiera para salvar la vida de americanos que trabajaban en la Embajada .. lo PATETICO es quienes la acusaban son del partido que cometió  peores crímenes en Irak .. FACT: los acusadores carecían de evidencias para poder incriminarla porque esta dama sabia como destruirlas pues al parecer no solo comprometían a ella, sino al régimen al que sirvió .. Si esas evidencias u otras aún existen .. es la misma CIA quien tendría que tomar cartas en el asunto .. Al final del show solo quedo la sospecha de que HILLARY SI LO HIZO y que lo podría  hacer después con más cinismo  aun .. si llegase a la presidencia.. El show no sirvió la candidatura de Hillary, tampoco creo la afecte mucho, su caída continuará .. solo sirvió a quienes la cuestionaron sin haber conseguido las evidencias del caso, estos si  cobraran por su mal trabajo. Pero LA SOSPECHA SI QUEDO Y NADIE LA OLVIDARA ]    


CrossTalk  Syrian Phoenix  . It is now undeniable Russia is making a military difference in favor of Damascus in Syria’s horrific civil war. But what is next?
Worlds Apart. International (f)law?  [ For those who miss it ]
Keiser Report. Episode 826  [ for those who miss it ] In this episode they discussed the past which is the future for the empire of debt


“Thursday peppering presidential candidate Hillary Clinton with questions about her role in the Benghazi consulate attack .. was pure political theater, but sadly, no one on this congressional panel will ask the real questions to which Americans deserve answers. And this is because the real scandal presents questions that can’t be asked, because the answers indict the entire U.S. government.

Those Qts were:
1-What was our true geopolitical motive in Libya?.

Soon after 9/11, former General Wesley Clark was informed about a memo outlining how the U.S. government planned to “take out” seven countries in five years. Those countries included Iraq, Libya, Syria, Lebanon, Somalia, Sudan, and Iran.

This plan had been in the works since the 1990s, when the neocons think tank, PNAC Project For A New American Century which was presided over by war profiteers Dick Cheney, Donald Rumsfeld, Paul Wolfowitz, Richard Perle, and others drew up plans for an all-out invasion of Iraq as early as 1998. This plan included comprehensive military actions throughout the Middle East, as described by General Clark. The overthrow of Libya’s secular-Arab nationalist regime was very much a part of this geopolitical coup.  The aim was protecting the petrodollar (the U.S. dollar, which is based on petroleum exports). When Gaddafi announced in 2009 that he planned to nationalize the country’s oil reserves, he may have sealed his fate. 
[ If so, Europe –the main recipient of Libya Oil  was very much involved in it]
So, the question for then-Secretary of State Hillary Clinton would be something like this: do you still support the administration’s decision to arm the terrorist group Al Qaeda (remember them?) in order to topple Gaddafi, destabilize the government, and allow the U.S. to install a puppet regime amenable to economic imperialism?

2-What was the role of Ambassador Stevens in supplying arms to Syria?
A wide variety of news sources have now confirmed the CIA was indeed running an arms smuggling team in Benghazi at the time the consulate was attacked. Seymour Hersh, among others, dug up more of the facts about what was really going on Libya and why the matter is controversial for all the wrong reasons: 
A highly classified annex to the report, not made public, described a secret agreement reached in early 2012 between the Obama and Erdogan administrations. It pertained to the rat line. By the terms of the agreement, funding came from Turkey, as well as Saudi Arabia and Qatar; the CIA, with the support of MI6, was responsible for getting arms from Gaddafi’s arsenals into Syria
So the question to Clinton would be: how would you characterize Ambassador Steven’s role in the rat line that was running guns to Syrian rebels through Libya?

3-Did we topple Gaddafi because he was rejecting the petrodollar and threatening to adopt a gold-based currency? 
According to Anthony Wile, prior to his ousting, Gaddafi had made no secrets about introducing a gold dinar, “a single African currency made from gold, a true sharing of the wealth.”
So our final question to Madam Secretary Clinton (and it’s a doozy): approximately how many innocent civilians have died protecting the petrodollar?

“We bring you the following from Gallup whose most recent poll shows that the majority of Americans think the country would be safer if more people carried firearms after passing a criminal background check and training course. Here’s more:
A majority of Americans, 56%, believe that if more Americans carried concealed weapons after passing a criminal background check and training course, the country would be safer.


These results are from Gallup's annual Crime poll conducted Oct. 7-11. In the wake of mass shootings at schools and other public places, some have argued that the shootings could have been stopped if any of the victims had carried weapons. Others argue that having more citizens carrying weapons can lead to more violence and accidental shooting.



IMF Seen Approving Yuan As "Reserve Currency". Submitted by Tyler Durden on 10/23/15

[ We got into the WAR OF SARCASM… 1ST the news ISIS Tries To Blow Up Russian Bombers With Flying Condom Bombs attributed to Sputnik with some epic sarcasm : “now we know why the US has had such a hard time achieving results with 13 months of airstrikes - the condom bombs must be disrupting the operation...”  and NOW this one attributed to IMF: … ]

“..  since the currency urgently needs even more devaluation as today's PBOC rate cut confirmed, this may just be the IMF's way of greenlighting even more devaluation for China's currency. And since any devaluation would lead to a surge in capital outflows, what the IMF is doing is merely blessing the Yuan's weakness while pretending it is in a position of strength, in an attempt to slow down the capital outflow as much as possible.”

“Why is wealth/income inequality soaring? The easy answer is of course the infinite greed of Wall Street fat-cats and the politicos they buy/own. If conventional labor and finance capital have lost their scarcity value, then the era in which financialization reaped big profits is ending”

[ BUT.. this champion in inventing reality said that the key to explain wealth & inequality is  knowledge & ethics, a quality that only the  1% have it.  Let’s read this extract:

“But greed can't be the only factor, for greed is hardly unknown in the bottom 90% as it is in the top .1%. .. The difference isn't greed, it's the ability to avoid the consequences or have the taxpayers eat the losses, i.e. moral hazard.
Moral hazard describes the difference between decisions made by those with skin in the game, i.e. those who will absorb the losses from their bets that go south, and those who've transferred the risks and losses to others.
The too-big-to-fail banks that bought political protection simply shifted the losses to taxpayers. Then the Federal Reserve helpfully paid banks [QEs & bailouts??]for deposits at the Fed while reducing the amount banks had to pay on depositors' savings to bear-zero, effectively rewarding the banks with free money for ripping off the taxpayers.
America's financialized cartel-state system institutionalizes moral hazard. This is one cause of rising inequality, as the super-wealthy are immunized by their purchase of political influence “

[ This is the most ridiculous “defense” of neoliberal mafias .. Garcia Marquez would say that this is another type of  Love in the Time of Cholera ]

“Much has been made about the impressive gains in efficiency and productivity in the shale patch, as new drilling techniques squeeze ever more oil and gas out of new wells. But the limits to such an approach are becoming increasingly visible. The U.S. shale revolution is running out of steam.”

[ Quisieron pescar a rio revuelto .. y el tiro le salió por la culata .. ahora solo les queda declararse en quiebra y soñar con el QE4 y un bailout para ellos .. suenios de opio .. que se dediquen a traficar el de Afghanistan .. o que se enrolen en “la reserva para combatir a los Talibanes “ .. Si se quedan en el US los van a acusar del terremoto que viene en LA y San Francisco .. pero antes de irse .. que paguen por los daños ocasionados .. then  R I P ]


[ Nothing that comes from the corporate media on China is reliable .. better go to their sources and get you own interpretation ]
[ Bullion .. they have enough;  Bonds .. they dumped;  exuberance for the few .. they don’t expected .. all that matters to them is to get 6 to 7% rate of economic growth & development.. So, let’s wait .. we are depending on them .. that is good for them is good for us.. if they fall.. Everybody falls ]
Submitted by Tyler Durden on 10/23/2015 - 07:52
  • China's central bank cuts rates for sixth time since November (Reuters)
  • Global stocks hit two-month high on dovish Draghi message (Reuters)
  • $6.5 Billion in Energy Writedowns and We're Just Getting Started (BBG)
  • Alphabet, formerly Google, sets share buyback, shares jump (Reuters)
  • Hurricane Patricia, Stronger Than Katrina, Nears Mexico (BBG)
  • TVA Cleared to Start First New U.S. Nuclear Power Plant in Nearly 20 Years (WSJ)







Colombia. Luchas sociales y elecciones regionales  Martha Cecilia García
Ecuador. -El reparto de la torta. Jaime Galarza Zavala


'Military control drives Obama budget veto'. Fri Oct 23, 2015 The US pursuit of imperial ambitions is the driving force behind President Barack Obama’s veto of the military budget, says an analyst.
‘US seeking to recolonize Africa’. Fri Oct 23, 2015 Secret US drone activities in Africa are part of Washington’s plans to recolonize the continent, says an analyst.
‘Time to end Israel occupation of Palestine’. Fri Oct 23, A senior Iranian diplomat says the UN Security Council must shoulder its responsibilities and bring Israeli criminals to justice.
Police brutality ‘real’ in US: Obama . Fri Oct 23, 2015 US President Barack Obama has admitted that police violence against African Americans is a “real” issue in the country.
NY protest slams US police brutality . Fri Oct 23, 2015 US protesters in New York City have rallied against police brutality.

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