jueves, 29 de octubre de 2015

OCT 29 15 SIT EC y POL

OCT 29 15 SIT EC y POL


The 'Bernwashing' Of America. Submitted by Tyler Durden on 10/29/2015

Bernie Sanders supporters seem to be everywhere. 49% of Democrats now have a favorable view towards socialism. This is scary. And sad.  www.zerohedge 
[ Socialism is scary & sad to whom?  Not to working classes.. not to middle clases… It is scary to Clinton & Bush oligarchies …  Bill Clintos’ because his massacre of Waco & the bombardment of innocent people in Yugoslavia.. those crimes can be re-open, investigated & he will go to jail once an independent Court is set here and at the level of the ICC. Hillary is scary because of her crimes in the Embassy of Lybia..  the phony trials we saw here didn’t open many files and her answers to the GOP committee left many doubs about he honesty.. Besides, she was directly involve in the torture & assassination of Muarmar Gaddafy .. the tapes in the US embassy were also deleted  but nobody will forget her sadistic laugh and her verbal expression the day he was massacred. It is because of their HR abuses that they are scary.
Regarding  ”efficiency”  as servant to big corporations.. Hillary bigesst betrayal to people was the deal with Pharma regading the reform of the Health system .. even now she is receiving “donations” from them & similar crooks. She is corrupting democracy in America when receiving those “donations”.  Buying elections is a crime against democracy in several countries of Europe and even in India. The worse betrayal of her husband to America was his signature declaring the death of the Glass-Seagal Act in 1999 just before elections. How much he received for his signature? Nobody knows. Es justo el secretismo lo mas asqueroso de ambos. And the worse betrayal of both of them to the Nation is (A) their support to wars abroad up to know and (B) their support to the implementation of the system that feed the mafias involved in frauds and predatory speculation worldwide, the system knows as neoliberalism. That included the NAFTA in Mx and a similar that was defeated in the South. And the current TPP. They both have many ethical debts with our Nation and they are afraid that Sanders will warranty the independence of American Courts to freely decide on those debts.  
Regarding failure of socialism:  1-  Almost a billion people have been took out from horrible poverty since the REV in 1949 in China and the task still continue. 2- The same with Russia since the REV in 1917. RU is without doubt one of the most advanced economy in the world today. 3- Both of them are nations at the top level of science & technology .. those are the places in which growth and development goes hand on hand.. Whoever can get UN reports on this regard & find real facts.  The failure is inside the system known as neoliberalism .. no socialism  ]

“ According to the Guardian, the US trade representative, Michael Froman, said that "the United States is not keen on pursuing a separate free trade deal with Britain if it leaves the European Union." www.zerohedge

[ La UE es una union pegada con mocos ..  si ahora aparecen unidos es por el peligro que les representa el problema migratorio que ellos mismos crearon al apoyar el bombardeo e invasión de NATO a Irak y Syria .. Los Britons siempre se fueron por la libre dentro de esa unión.. y cualquier dia se van con China y Rusia si los intereses particulares de sus banqueros y grandes corp asi lo deciden .. Las amenazas de un imperio que se va al garete.. no les importa.. Como nación pueden tener un infierno de prostitutas al interior del país.. pero como Estado no son la concubina que aceptaría la entierren en la tumba del Fararon de turno.. De Francia no diría lo mismo.. pero similar cosa. No se arrodillan ni rinden culto a reyezuelos del pasado .. pero tampoco hacen reverencia a la guillotina que les corto el cuello .. ellos tienes una manera especial de congeniar la utopia socialista con la distopia liberaloide .. y esto tampoco los convierte en amantes del coloso de barro que tiene ya una pata en la tumba. Los mismos alemanes están dispuestos a dejarles el timón de la barca a la deriva y en plena tormenta a los PIGS y armar trato con Rusia y China. Por eso digo que la Union Europea está pegada con mocos.. una buena sonada de nariz –quiza el SDR o un breve  intercambio de nukes- y desaparece el moco ]

Ron Paul Rages "We Must Oppose Obama's Escalation In Syria & Iraq!".  by Ron Paul via The Ron Paul Institute for Peace & Prosperity, Submitted by Tyler Durden on 10/29/2015


[ This is the Ron Paul that we like ]


“As Secretary Carter put it, the US would begin “supporting capable partners in opportunistic attacks against ISIL (ISIS), or conducting such missions directly, whether by strikes from the air or direct action on the ground.”
"Direct action on the ground” means US boots on the ground, even though President Obama supposedly ruled out that possibility when he launched air strikes against Iraq and Syria last year. Did anyone think he would keep his word?
President Obama claims his current authority to conduct war in Iraq and Syria comes from the 2001 authorization for the use of force against those who attacked the US on 9/11, or from the 2002 authorization for the use of force against Saddam Hussein. Neither of these claims makes any sense. The 2002 authorization said nothing about ISIS because at the time there was no ISIS, and likewise the 2001 authorization pertained to an al-Qaeda that did not exist in Iraq or Syria at the time”.
Additionally, the president’s year-long bombing campaign against Syrian territory is a violation of that country’s sovereignty and is illegal according to international law.

This is not our war. US interventionism has already done enough damage in Iraq and Syria, not to mention Libya. It is time to come home. It is time for the American people to rise up and demand that the Obama Administration bring our military home from this increasingly dangerous no-win confrontation. We must speak out now, before it is too late! . www.zerohedge

And The Biggest "Contributor" To Q3 GDP Was... . Submitted by Tyler Durden on 10/29/2015

“If you said "the Supreme Court-approved tax that is Obamacare", then give yourself a pat on the back.” www.zerohedge  [ or kick your bud if the Obama-care dispossessed families from their house ]

“Yet with most components disappointing (Q1 GDP rose at a disappointing 1.5% CAGR, rising to $16.394 trillion in chained dollars, an increase of $61 billion, and a modest annual increase of just 2% compared to Q3 2014, the lowest Y/Y increase since the 1.7% recorded in Q1 2014), growth(2%) had to come from somewhere. So where did it come from?”  [ and.. at what cost per family? . this Art forgot to ask ] www.zerohedge

So, what is the answer to : where did it come from?. Here the answer plus some extracts:

“ .. of the $60.6 billion annualized increase, the biggest contributor came from one specific spending category which accounted for $18.2 billion of this, or 30% of the total.
That "category" is highlighted in the chart below. The answer is: from healthcare

And so, for the 5th consecutive quarter, Obamacare once again comes to the "rescue" of the US economy. Now if only all other taxes could be added as GDP growth line items, then the US economy would be well and truly flying.
Finally, to those asking how the collapsing U.S. middle class spent a whopping $10.4 billion on Recreational goods and vehicles in the 3rd quarter, please don't ask * we have no idea.
[ Of course family owners had to squeeze their budget to survive & complement the help provided for the “Obama care” .. if they wanted to preserve their house property .. How many families were dispossessed  from their house, because of this policy? .. We don’t know yet. .. What we know is that thanks to the organized response in Seattle, Chicago & other places .. the expropriation was stop. .. In some other places the anarchical violence was the response .. the ones who help  expropriators were killed .. it happened in Pittsburgh too. … However,  If we put in scales the ugliness of property expropiatons  vs. the goods of this policy:  everybody get med attention, not matter their income condition .. we will notice that the balanza is in favor of the poor. The rich & the yuppies [high middle classes] may not coincide with this opinion.. is my opinion. The FACT is that -in aggregate terms-  it is fair to say that the Obama care “recued” the US economy .. And it is more fair to say that big Pharma is the main beneficiary of this policy ..  tough at the expenses of middle classes. .. A point that can be corrected if more taxes are imposed on big Pharma & the monopoly of brand-med -prices are eliminated in favor of generic med products .. if quality is warrantied ]

As CNN reports, Ryan began turning the page on Wednesday, telling reporters after his party's internal vote that, "we are not going to have a House that looks like it's looked the last two years. We are going to move forward. We are going to unify. Our party has lost its vision, and we are going to replace it with a vision."  www.zerohedge.com

[ Here comes THE CLEANER, better armed than Samuel Jackson & Ed Harris .. though not so strong than the French Cleaner .. but the smart one who promise to take out all the nasty pigs from the GOP.. I guess this is going to be a very hard work.. a scary one because he can empty the old party in the attempt to create a new one ... with not pigs at all ..This doesn’t sound an utopia, but a dystopia.. a kind of new Farm .. better than “The Farm” from G.Orwell  WAIT A MINUTE.. it was not Orwell who said “All men are enemies. All animals are comrades” .. and where the pigs were the brain-workers , so the leaders… Is this is the case, the dystopian Paul Ryan must be better than Napoleon, the pig leader in the Farm of Orwell? .. We hope so ! .. Good luck comrade Paul .. y que vivan los cerdos y el buen jamon ]  

[ And RU piled a lot of “long range nuke missiles, laser-guided” .. in front of Alaska. So MAD will prevail, not matter the US craziness ]

NATO military planning generates confrontational approaches to security issues that in our view should belong to the past. The creeping increase in NATO’s military presence on our frontiers [is] testing [our] patience."  www.zerohedge

[ The stock market is in limbo .. moving up & down.. un-controlled.. we made so to satisfy the gluttony  & greedy passion of our crook corporations .. Now we have to tax them severely with the Tobin whip while we impose on them the re-newed  Glass-Seagall Act .. & send to Wall Street the ISIS “condom bomb” with jihadist attached to them .. Is there another suggestion to closed it?  ]
Submitted by Tyler Durden on 10/29/2015 - 07:43
  • Fed puts December rate hike firmly on the agenda (Reuters)
  • Charting the Markets: A More Hawkish Fed Rattles Investors (BBG)
  • China to modernize and improve fiscal and tax systems (Reuters)
  • Deutsche Bank to Cut 35,000 Jobs in Overhaul (WSJ)
  • Deutsche Bank Said to Near $200 Million Sanctions Settlement (BBG)
  • Barclays profits drop as it abandons cost-cutting targets (FT)

“..in 2013 when sources close to the National Population and Family Planning Commission said China may relax its one-child policy at end-2013 or early-2014 (read end) by allowing families to have two children, moments ago, during the Fifth Chinese Plenum, this 37 year old policy was formally scrapped and China will henceforth allow two kids for all couples in what is a clear bid to boost growth.” www.zerohedge.com
[ This only means that China have confidence in their planned future.. It seems they are going to start this policy in rural areas, the poorest regions in China.. where the Govt is delivering a lot of incentives to help them to overcome their situation .. these poor regions are being abandoned by young generations .. China now is renewing infrastructure, and tech (including internet for them to open space to sell their products) .. In the future, 20 years after this policy, the “millennials” not only will have free universities, new houses and bread manufactured with their own wheat .. bread sell it to other regions .. this is the meaning of 2 kids per family.. with full support from the Central State. In short: total confidence in their future ]


Seeing Syrian Crisis Through Russian Eyes. By Ray McGovern. There is growing pressure on President Obama to escalate U.S. military involvement even if that risks a wider war with Russia.
CIA Must Stop Illegal, Counterproductive War to Overthrow Assad . By Congresswoman Tulsi Gabbard. The US allying with Islamist extremists to overthrow Syrian President Assad is an illegal, counterproductive war that will cause even more human misery in the region
Neocons Launch 2016 Manifesto. By Jim Lobe. If you sense a rebirth of the Project for the New American Century (PNAC), you’re probably not far off.





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