miércoles, 28 de octubre de 2015

OCT 28 15 SIT EC y POL

OCT 28 15 SIT EC y POL


[ Capital concentration & centralization is that usually happens fast  during crisis. Durante la crisis es cuando más rápido el Tiburón se come a los pescados menores del entorno, además de las sardinas. Pfizer is the biggest shark & Allergan a small one .. both severely affected by competitors inside and abroad. (Allergan was about to collapse). Merging capital save both of them & place a direct threat to other competitors, to the FED (taxes & regulations)  & specially to the working classes & the Nation in general. Both imposed monopoly prices on several brand medicine & prevented  generic  products for poor & middle classes via bribing & other illegal tricks (case in point: VR with Pfizer).

Why this merging of big monopolies now?.  Porque sufrimos una caída vertical en la venta de lo producido (sobre producción: inmensos stocks de mercancías sin venderse, reducción de pedidos de equipos de producción y quiebras de fabricas, lo que oculta a la prensa oficial ). Eso genera crecimiento del desempleo a nivel mundial, y si le sumammos las guerra genocidas en Irak y hoy Syria, tenemos la crisis migratoria que vive Europa. Estas crisis se agravan con la crisis monetaria y el descenso del poder adquisitivo no solo del dólar (la inflation & deflation van de la mano). Y se agrava también con la crisis energética;  y peor aún, con la especulación predatoria de la deuda externa en economías emergentes. Todo esto crea un panorama social explosivo y de incertidumbre para el gran capital monopolico. La unión como la de Pfizer y Allergam le grantiza protección frente a los de arriba (FED y foreign Co) y los de abajo (mediano capital productivo y pueblo).

La causa de fondo de la crisis es la anarquía de la producción capitalista, especialmente en su fase neoliberal: en lugar de la planificación, se viene dejando  que el capital monopolico obre con voracidad extrema y en contra de la Constitución y leyes de Estado. He aquí los tres objetivos básicos del merge monopolico actual:
(a) eliminar posibilidades de balance entre capital y labor en el diseño de políticas nacionales (liquidación de aumentos salariales y derechos básicos del albor);  
(b) eliminación de la competencia , lo único positivo de un sistema capitalista, y
(c) violación de  leyes contra el monopolismo:  sus mafias de lobistas hoy compran políticos y elecciones via super-packs eliminando asi las posibilidades de real democracia interna.   

PARA ESO SE UNE EL CAPITAL MONOPOLICO y la unica forma de detenerlos es UNIENDO AL PUEBLO Y SUS CLASES TARABAJADORAS… Por esto apoyamos la propuesta de Bernie Sander y su posible unión con el  líder Carson del partido Republicano, quien representa lo más progresista y honesto en ese partido ]  

“On Tuesday, Defense Secretary Ash Carter told the Senate Armed Services Committee that the US would no longer hesitate to engage in “direct action on the ground” in Iraq and Syria. Today, WSJ on Washington’s new “strategy” said: “ The White House is seriously considering deploying a small squadron of Apache attack helicopters to Iraq as part of a package of new assistance programs to counter Islamic State, according to U.S. officials.”

“The move could ultimately require the deployment of hundreds more U.S. service members to Iraq. Among other proposals, U.S. officials said some in the military recommend openly deploying a small number of forces on the ground in Syria, embedded among moderate rebels or Kurdish forces there, for the first time.”.  www.zerohedge.com

[ RU expected that reaction .. and the other “big mistake” will be called “collateral damage” among virtual lovers … That will be really big .. not because pilots & parachuters will be shot … but because tons of ammunitions top quality will be photo-copied & destroyed and the news worldwide will know it .. if the potential lover (the US) dear to make a complain “on casualties”;  the “collateral” ones… SO: “GERRA AVISADA NO MATA MOROS NI CRISTIANOS”, decía un Viejo proverbio Español. .. Besides, what is the point on interfering the anti-terror war from Russian? .. America tried to do it and failed miserable.. What we got & what will lose in Syria? .. just a few hundred “bucks” .. now the lose will be huge .. My advice is: QUIT NOW & reinitiate the virtual love .. that will be “productive” & rational  ]

“There is a strong evidence to suggest that representative democracy is not compatible with deep economic inequality. As a recent study found, "politicians in OECD countries maximize the happiness of the economic elite." However, it was not always that way: In the past, left parties represented the poor, the center and the middle class. Now all the parties benefit the richest 1& of earners. As FDR warned, “Government by organized money is just as dangerous as government by organized mob.” www.zerohedge.com

[  Interesting article: lo reproduciré integro en mi web, con algunos comentarios  ]

“No, Ben S. Bernanke will be someday remembered as the world’s most destructive battleship admiral. Not only was he fighting the last war, but his whole multi-trillion money printing campaign after September 15, 2008 was aimed at avoiding an historical Fed mistake that had never even happened!” www.zerohedge.com

[ La verdad tarda .. pero llega.  Es lo grandioso del internet  ]

US Ground Troops In Syria Is "Illegal, Big Mistake", Russia Warns Obama Of "Unpredictable Consequences" Submitted by Tyler Durden on 10/28/2015

“On Tuesday, Defense Secretary Ash Carter told the Senate Armed Services Committee that the US would no longer hesitate to engage in “direct action on the ground” in Iraq and Syria. Today, WSJ on Washington’s new “strategy” said: “ The White House is seriously considering deploying a small squadron of Apache attack helicopters to Iraq as part of a package of new assistance programs to counter Islamic State, according to U.S. officials.”

“The move could ultimately require the deployment of hundreds more U.S. service members to Iraq. Among other proposals, U.S. officials said some in the military recommend openly deploying a small number of forces on the ground in Syria, embedded among moderate rebels or Kurdish forces there, for the first time.”.  www.zerohedge.com

[ RU expected that reaction .. and the other “big mistake” will be called “collateral damage” among virtual lovers … That will be really big .. not because pilots & parachuters will be shoot … but because tons of ammunitions top quality will be photo-copied & destroyed .. the news worldwide will do the rest .. if the potential lover (the US) dear to make any complain “on their casualties”;  the “collateral” ones… SO: “GUERRA AVISADA NO MATA MOROS NI CRISTIANOS”, decía un Viejo proverbio Español. .. Besides, what is the point on interfering the anti-terror war from Russian? .. America tried to do it and failed miserable.. What we got & what will lose in Syria? .. just a few hundred “bucks” .. now the lose will be huge .. My advice is: QUIT NOW & re-initiate the virtual love .. that will be more “productive” & rational  ]

If you want a gauge as to how far this society has fallen, this is all you need to see.” Zero hedge.

[ So, aggressive behavior happens not only in the streets against blacks .. but also inside “personal relations”.. These is simply a NOTE that the cops are well checked.. if they don’t correct their behavior  it will be worse .. People won’t use hidden cameras & don’t appeal to Court justice.. it will be worse ]

[ This is how the mafia speculators understand the situation in the Us… they blame Mrs Yellen ]

“We live in an era of illusion: the illusion of understanding, and the illusion of control. The net result is nonsensical policies that fail to achieve their stated objectives.” www.zerohedge.com

[ I would say “ the crook speculators live an era of delusions” .. estan esperando peras del olmo ]

In the latest, and perhaps most unexpected, twist in Europe's refugee crisis, at least seven hundred of the roughly 4,000 asylum-seekers who had initially been accomodated by the German state of Lower Saxony have "mysteriously disappeared" according to a survey in the Neue Osnabrücker Zeitung (NOZ)www.zerohedge.com

[ I don’t think the Germans placed in Medic-Labs to check out their genes & sycho-black box to see if they can be recovered & inserted into their normal life.. I don’t think they making these experiments   anymore … and I don’t think either that they send them to Chechnya  to sabotage the Russians.. NO, that will be  confusing German with Turks. SO, I do not think Germans do such trafficking with human-lifes … BUT JUST IN CASE: check the tomb of Adolf Hitler.. I was told by Dr.George Carlin with whom I continue talking in my dreams, that hitler-remains are kept in a huge compound.. So, some of the top Germans –family members- do believe in a 2nd life the day after .. a type of budist-teutonist re-incarnation  ..it could be ]  

First it was wildfires, then it was unprecedented flooding, and now it is earthquakes.  In the past two weeks alone, more than 400 earthquakes have shaken San Ramon – a small city that sits approximately 45 miles east of San Francisco.  Never before have so many earthquakes been recorded in that area in such a short span of time

[ If this is true.. and it does not came from a patient who suffer epilepsies .. (my friend pepe suffered  those trembling  before an attack.. so he laid-down & I has to place a couching behind his brain while he put his handkershief in the mouse .. nothing serious.. he is still alive).. BUT, if the over-due quake is coming.. that means the life of thousands of people is at risk and some evacuation & other FED prevision has to be considered asap ]  
Submitted by Tyler Durden on 10/28/2015 - 07:42
  • Global shares rise as Riksbank helps ease Fed wait (Reuters)
  • Asian Stocks Retreat Before Fed as Material Shares Lead Losses (BBG)
  • For Fed, a Rates Puzzle Looms (WSJ)
  • What the Superforecasters Say About When the Fed Will Lift Rates (BBG)
  • U.S. Looks at Proposals to Step Up Fight Against Islamic State (WSJ)
  • China Steel Head Says Demand Slumping at Unprecedented Speed (BBG)
  • VW slumps to first quarterly loss in at least 15 years (Reuters)
Sweden Launches MOAR QE, As Krugman Paradise Quadruples Down After Dovish Draghi. Submitted by Tyler Durden on 10/28/2015  AND  Markets On Hold Awaiting The Fed's Non-Announcement As Central Banks Ramp Up Currency Wars : “the 90 economists polled by Bloomberg all expecting no rate hike, today's Fed decision also happens to be the least anticipated in years .. the Fed -once again-  may not be able to hike in December or perhaps ever, now that the USD is again surging not due to its actions but due to what other central banks are doing”. www.zerohedge.com 
[ EU economic troubles are different from ours .. they got the Eco-asthma and, as long as they inhale albuterol .. their respiratory problem won’t cause the collapse of their system.. the same with Japan. .. Our problem is terminal cancer and it is inside our blood .. it affected and corroded our whole system .. Some cancer can be hold with total change of blood .. instead of given more of the insane QE drug ..  OUR’s problem could be this case. . We need to change the political and economic  neoliberal system asap. .. We need a new Glass-Steagal ACT urgently… that will keep alive the empire s for a little while.. perhaps 40 year of prosperity as happens with the one from FDR in 1939.. We need to try the proposal of Bernie Sanders .. with the corrupted political mafias around.. There is no other choice  ]  




Bring Back Jimmy Carter!. By Paul Craig Roberts Washington is using ISIS in an illegal attempt to overthrow an elected government that will not submit to being a Washington puppet.
The Neocon Hunger for Universal Empire. By Dan Sanchez. Hopefully this empire can dissolve relatively peacefully like the Soviet Empire did, leaving its host civilization intact, instead of dragging that civilization into oblivion along with it like the Roman Empire did.
Electing The President Of An Empire . By Noam Chomsky & Abby Martin. Obama is running a global terror program of a kind that has never been seen before.
Windsor Knot: Confirmation of UK Royal Treason with Nazis. By Chris Floyd. Documentary proof of the former King of England's treason with the Nazis, supplying them with top-secret info.

See more pictures like this. Open de web above
 We Are More Than Commodities: False Consciousness and Why It's Still Relevant. By Colin Jenkins. False consciousness is, at its core, an ideological problem; but it is shaped by the realities created by capitalism - exploitation, isolation, and dehumanization
BBC Protects U.K.’s Close Ally Saudi Arabia With Incredibly Dishonest and Biased Editing. Must Read - By Glenn Greenwald.  This does highlight how ludicrous — how beyond parody — the 14-year-old war on terror has become, how little it has to do with its original ostensible justification
Jimmy Carter: A Five-Nation Plan to End the Syrian Crisis. By Jimmy Carter. The needed concessions are not from the combatants in Syria, but from the proud nations that claim to want peace but refuse to cooperate with one another
Stephen Cohen: Washington an Obstacle to Peaceful Multipolar World. By Sputnik.  "The United States can no longer be number one alone, - the number one obstacle today, and I say this with regret, as an American patriot, is Washington,"


ALC. Minería a la baja. Raúl Zibechi. Una oportunidad para los pueblos?
Mundo . EE.UU sufre la mayor derrota registrada en la historia de la ONU. P. Montesinos  Si la ONU voto en contra de levantar el embargo a Cuba.. eso significaria la mayor vitoria de EU en la ONU. Diria  del grado de control que tiene sobre regímenes-marioneta . No fue así. Hubo prob en el titulo original.  
Cuba.  El antibloqueo del mundo acorrala a EE.UU. en la ONU. Wilkie Delgado. Titulo correcto!
VEN  La crisis orgánica y el vacío a llenar. Miguel Hernández  Elecciones parlamentarias


‘Being black greatest crime in US’. Wed Oct 28, 2015 Police violence against African Americans highlights the fact that there is no greater crime in American than being black, says an analyst
Russia strikes 118 militant targets in Syria. Wed Oct 28, 2015 Russia says the number of its airstrikes against terrorist targets have hit a record high in the past 24 hours.
Activists rap Qatar’s ‘sham’ labor reforms. Wed Oct 28, 2015 Rights groups reject reforms of Qatar's controversial "kafala" labor system.
Australia paid human smugglers: Amnesty. Wed Oct 28, 2015 Amnesty International says Australia paid people smugglers to turn back boats carrying asylum seekers.
‘US threats won’t work against China’. Wed Oct 28, 2015 The US should not use "threats and coercion" against China because these tactics will not work against the Asian giant, a former White House official says.

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