OCT 27 15 SIT EC y POL
“As CNN reports, "the U.S. is considering increasing
its attacks on ISIS through more ground action and airstrikes, Defense
Secretary Ashton Carter said Tuesday. Carter told the Senate Armed Services
Committee that the U.S. 'won't hold back' from supporting partners carrying out
such attacks or from 'conducting such missions directly, whether by strikes
from the air or direct action on the ground.'"
[ Does US soldier know we are
helping ISIS and other terrorists?.. Do soldiers know that top US commanders do
not want to coordinate efforts in the ground with those who are really fighting
terrorism .. and if they provide arms to terrorists they will be killed by
Syrian army & allies, including Russia?... If they know this then we have
other type of suicide .. the suicide “for peace & democracy” … Good luck
suiciders ]
14 Years Since America Kissed Its Freedoms Goodbye. S- by Tyler
Durden on 10/27/15
“If you haven’t already, now’s the time to get out your
party hats to celebrate the 14th anniversary of the USA PATRIOT Act. You
know about the law, I’m sure; passed barely six weeks after the 9/11 attacks,
the USA PATRIOT Act is one of the most sweeping, liberty-destroying
pieces of legislation in American history.” http://www.zerohedge.com/
[ Cuando los Nazis
hacían homenaje a la esvástica y sus banderas.. big parades &
celebrations in their main plazas & streets were displayed .. can we allow
in our country the uses of our flag to celebrate the neo-nazi Patriot Act?... I
don’t think so .. it is most possible that people carry banners with the picture of
Bush & other neocons.. demanding
them be put in jail. That will stand to reason! ]
Turn To "Sugar Daddy" To 'Date' Their Way Out Of Student Debt.
S- by Tyler Durden on 10/27/15
[ More Prostitution is the sweet sugar that wars & crisis
brings to young ladies in UK .. we are in the same track .. What a nasty
collapse of our Empire & mains allies ]
Read this from www.zerohedge.com
“While record
numbers of indebted Americans are increasingly turning to exchanging bodily
fluids directly for cash, it appears (by implication) British students are
taking a similar (but indirect) path to reducing their debt loads. As
Sky News reports, thousands of British students are funding their
way through university on so-called "Sugar Daddy" websites. One
site, SeekingArrangement.com, claims 12,600 UK students have signed up with
proof of university enrolment, with some making over $3,000 per month for
her 'arrangement' enabling her to pay off her student loan and travel more.
While sex is not 'expected', as one female student explained, "there's
a fine line between being a 'sugar baby' and prostitution." .
Obama Cronies "Protected Wall Street's Most Criminal From
Prosecution". Submitted by Tyler
Durden on 10/27/2015
[ El capital buitre
–vulture capital- tiene quien los proteja… diria G.Garcia Marquez ]
“Impunity has been the norm. The reason there have
been no efforts made to criminally investigate is obvious. Former banking
regulator and current securities Professor Bill Black told Bill Moyers
that "Timothy Geithner, then Secretary of the Treasury, and others
in the administration, with the banks, are engaged in a cover up to keep us
from knowing what went wrong." http://www.zerohedge.com/
70% Want To Be Debt Free, 66% Refuse To "Gamble" In The Stock Market.
Submitted by Tyler Durden on 10/27/2015
“Sorry FED, here is
why your attempt at terminal reflation was doomed from day one.” http://www.zerohedge.com/
[ Cancelarles la
deuda será un alivio (que podría evitar que se enrolen en la Rev social que se
avecina) , pero eso no suprime la agonía de ver cerrado el “ job market” para
ellos .. La casa de los padres es otro alivio, también pasajero, si los padres
viven y con fortuna ahorrada, y si no fueron golpeados por el alto rate de
separaciones y divorcios. … Es urgente acabar con el sistema neoliberal! .. los jovens de 25
to 30 anios o “millennials” lo saben ..
y son los que mas apoyan a Bernie
Sanders ]
Read this other one:
Are Half Of All 25-Year-Olds Living With Their Parents? The Federal Reserve
Answers “Back in 1999, a quarter of all 25-year-olds lived with their parents. By
2013 this number has doubled, and currently half of young adults live in their
parents home.” http://www.zerohedge.com/
TAFTA/TTIP Chapter Shows EU Breaking Its Promises On The Environment. Submitted
by Tyler Durden on 10/27/2015
“Although it is true
that governments are given the "right" to legislate as they wish when
it comes to the environment, investors are given the "right" to sue
those governments black and blue if they attempt to do so.” http://www.zerohedge.com/
[ Degradación salvaje del medio ambiente ..
polución insoportable, agravamiento de enfermedades respiratorias;
envenenamiento de ríos y aguas por las empresas del oro y otros minerales ;
tala al por mayor e indiscriminada de bosques : muerte a la Amazonia … es lo
que trae el TPP y el TTIP de las mafias neoliberales . Si el entreguismo
de los Gbnos es rampante y no pueden frenar este abuso.. son los pueblos
organizados y sus Referéndums, los que si pueden detener esas mafias. Ha
llegado la hora de movilizar los pueblos contra la tiranía del gran capital! ]
“For those that don’t want to believe that hard times are on
the way, they can take comfort in the eerie period of calm that we are
experiencing right now. What they don’t realize is that this truly is “the calm
before the storm”, and the global economic crisis that is ahead of us is going
to be far beyond what most people ever dared to imagine was possible.” http://www.zerohedge.com/
[ NO solo es una
usual tormenta, tsunami, ni el sismo de
9 grados los que se avecina.. is the mushroom-clowd, es la nube en forma de
hongo de una explosión nuclear .. lo peor que puede ocurrir .. y estamos
cerca de que eso ocurra, nos sugiere este artículo.. Es solo un juego peligroso
que rinde grandes dividendos, dicen otros ..pero que jamás va a explosionar,
agregan .. “nadie querra matar la gallina de los huevos de oro”, dicen estos.
The FACT is, lo cierto es que hoy no es la gallina lo que importa sino el oro
acumulado en RU y China.. Vivimos ya la explosión desenfrenada del greed (la acumulación rápida y a cualquier costo,
dentro del sistema neoliberal) ..estamos por tanto a un paso de que la otra
explosión ocurra. A un paso dde que las guerras en la periferia se conviertan
en guerra en el centro de los dos bloques en conflicto. De forma que si es bien
real la posibilidad de guerra nuclear.
Los guerreristas del imperio ven la guerra como solución a la doble crisis que
sufre el sistema: la recesión económica y el caos geo-politico .. los
guerreristas del otro lado están ya preparados para destruir el imperio en dos
días, si este pone en peligro su existencia. Eso es lo cierto! ]
Military Industrial Complex 'Unicorn': Former NSA Chief Raises $32.5 Million
For "Startup". Submitted by Tyler
Durden on
[ “1ro hay que salvar
a la patria.. para luego salvar el bolsillo”, es la filosofía de un Jefe del NSA. Esta
folosfia me hizo recordar el lio “comunicación” entre dos enamorados. La joven
puso en medio de los cuerpos una correíta fina, la 1ra noche que durmieron
juntos .. para probar la “honestidad” del novio.. según ella. Al dia siguiente frente a un
arrollo ella le pregunto.. Puedes saltarlo? , por supuesto, respondió el .. esa
pregunta ni se pregunta dijo.. y saltó el arrollo. .. Que raro.. anoche no
pudiste saltar la correíta. Dijo ella… A los servidores de la patria, a los del
NSA, aquella joven no le preguntaría si puede saltar .. pues estos no solo
saltan .. asaltarian “el arrollo” ]
“Former head of the NSA, Keith Alexander, has been a busy
guy since he left government. Having avoided any accountability whatsoever
despite systematically using the U.S. Constitution as toilet paper, Mr. Alexander
is doing what every government official does upon leaving office. He’s trying to grab as much money as possible.” http://www.zerohedge.com/
[ Es la típica conducta de los grandes mafiosos
de WALL STREET.. PERO LO CIERTO ES QUE : they are no “trying to grab as much money as possible” lo que están haciendo es retirar inmensas
cantidades de dólares de la circulación .. están comprando oro al por mayor ..
y ya no lo depositan en Bancos de Israel ni Londres .. quizá en pequeños
islotes del mundo.. They are not grabbing money (dolars) .. they are killing
dollars … estan liquidándo este dinero
.. a su manera.. por supuesto. .. Por qué no
liquidarlos a estos? Se preguntan varios economistas .. Quzá también se lo
preguntó a si misma Doña Yellen, la jefecita ]
A New Crisis is Coming - And Here's Why. by
Saxobank's Dembik Christopher via TradingFloor.com, S- by Tyler
Durden on 10/27/2015
“The weakness seen in world economic activity is partly
the result of the lack of a real purge of the financial system in 2008. It has
become unimaginable to let entire parts of the system collapse, and the titling
of some financial institutions as “systemic” is part of this logic.
Policymakers attempting to keep unhealthy economic and financial institutions
alive are making a mistake. The very essence of capitalism lies in the process
of creative destruction. What we see here is not a way out of the crisis.
Instead, we are on the edge of a new financial disaster.” www.zerohedge.com
- Shortening economic cycle means more frequent crises
- 'Great Divergence' model saw China assuming the US' leadership role
- We have likely reached the limits of adjusting monetary policy
- States have compromised a return to growth due to debt
[ Por que los
Americanos ya no quieren ser Americanos?..
Los ricos porque no quieren pagar taxes y tienen adonde ir. Otros,
porque nacieron aquí y se criaron fuera.. cuando vinieron no les gusto y
regresaron adonde se criaron. El grupo mayor, porque el 2011 OB dio una ley
contra los que tienen cuentas en Bancos de fuera y evaden taxes.. o bien
cancelan sus cuentas en bancos de fuera o pierden la nacionalidad.. prefirieon perderla.. Solo se permite tener cuenta
bancaria en Bancos de Israel .. fue el caso de Mitt Romny, el anterior candidato
Rep a la Presid . Se les conciente el tax evasión?. Why?]
Leamos extractos de este articulo
Nearly 14,000 Americans have renounced their
citizenship since FATCA was passed. This is a number on the rise.
1,426. That’s the number of Americans
who renounced their US citizenship last quarter according
to the US government’s report just released this morning. That’s a record
high for a single quarter, easily beating the last record high set earlier this
year, which beat the previous record high set in 2013.
WHY? Two main reasons:
The first group consists of people who just can’t take
it anymore. Constant warfare, intimidation, and the steady erosion of
freedom have pushed them to their breaking points. They look around and think,
“This is NOT the
country that I grew up in.” . .. For the vast majority of people
who renounce their US citizenship, it ultimately comes down to a single issue: taxes. .. SO, the first
is wealthy Americans who want to end Uncle Sam’s claim on their income
once and for all.
The 2nd group. There are far more people in
the second group, what I call ‘Accidental Americans’.
These are people
who, in many cases, have never lived in the US or potentially even never set
foot in the US. But simply by having, say, a US citizen mother or father, or
being born in a place like the Panama Canal Zone, they became US citizens at
The third category of people is Americans living
overseas who have been hit by a barrage of offshore compliance laws.
CASE: 72-year old Donna-Lane Nelson is a great
example.. Ms. Nelson was forced into renouncing her citizenship after her local
bank threatened to close her account back in 2011 because of her US
citizenship. She felt she had no choice. And the bank had no choice.
Back then Barack
Obama had just signed the Foreign Account Tax Compliance Act, or FATCA, into
law, pushing banks to dump all their American customers.
Nearly 14,000 Americans have renounced their
citizenship since FATCA was passed.
This is a number
on the rise.
China Summons U.S. Ambassador, Slams Obama Decision To "Threaten
Peace" With Warship Challenge Submitted by Tyler
Durden on 10/27/2015
“Update: CHINA
threatened China’s sovereignty and national interest, endangered the safety of
the island’s staff and facilities, and harmed the regional peace and
stability." www.zerohedge.com
[ IDIOTISMO SENIL O IDIOTISMO SUPREMACISTA? A los viejos se les perdona hábitos antiguos mientras
no afecten las costumbres de hoy .. Como
a los perros, se les perdona que meen la casa ajena, pero no mi porche .. Es lo
que están haciendo con los chinos,… los
perros del imperio ingresaron al porche chino
sin permiso y lo siguen meando .. Si con
un submarino los chinos les hunden uno
de los barquitos de guerra.. Podría EU alegar trato insano al animal meón?...
por esto se arme un lio legal o quiza una guerra.. GUERRA?
Por un barquito hundido y 40 marinos desaparecidos? .. Si ocurre,
entonces ya no estamos frente al caso “idiotismo
senil pero frente al idiotismo
supremacista” .. IDIOTISMO?.. yes..
porque es de idiotas invadir terreno ajeno y no responder al llamado diplomático
“fuera de mi casa”. Y si lo que se busca es guerra .. ya circulo la noticia de
que hay submarinos chinos y otros, frente a las costas americanas
Syria "Strategy" In Complete Disarray As "Ally" Turkey
Bombs US-Armed Rebels. Submitted
by Tyler Durden on
[ “El tiro les salió por la culata” y “se disparan
a los zapatos” .. son las dos frases usuales para describir eso que en
americano se conoce como “Strategy In Complete Disarray” ]
Ally Saudi Arabia Bombs Another "Doctors Without Borders" Hospital. Submitted by Tyler
Durden on 10/27/2015
“The head of the UN
Human Rights Council is at it again, although this time it appears Saudi warplanes
spared the Yemeni wedding parties in favor of a Medecins Sans Frontieres
hospital that was completely destroyed along with all of the equipment and
supplies inside around 11:30 PM local time. This is latest in a string of
"mistakes" and the second tragedy to strike an MSF facility in the
last 30 days.” www.zeroheddge.com
[ Están haciendo buenos méritos para ser enviados al infierno ... al encuento
con A-lah-merda ]
Submitted by Tyler
Durden on 10/27/2015 - 07:32
- Hilsenrath - The Fed Strives for a Clear Signal on Interest Rates (WSJ)
- Tentative Budget Deal Reached, Raising Debt Limit (WSJ)
- China Calls U.S. Challenge Over Island Threat to Regional Peace (BBG)
- UK economy slows more than expected in third quarter (Reuters)
- In China’s Alleyways, Underground Banks Move Money (WSJ)
- Inside the Secretive Circle That Rules a $14 Trillion Market (BBG)
- A Frustrated Koch Brother Decides It’s Time to ‘Spout Off’ (WSJ)
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