viernes, 2 de octubre de 2015




[ FACT: The ISIL-US-NATO  “normality” in the Mid-East has been altered with the Russian intervention & its wiping  out of Islamic terrorists. The Asad State rule will be restored & the Syrian migrants will be call from Europe back home. A new political system will emerge in Siria after elections are been called. This is the RU plan & everybody agree on it. Of course not the Saudis & Israelis that supported the ISIL, they are US-NATO “partners” in the evil current normality. They will try to sabotage such plan, as this article explain & support. However, the international community is in favor of wiped out the Islamic terrorist and they welcome the RU intervention. RU will keep this support alive during the battle in the field by respecting HR of the civilian population. The correlation of forces worldwide will decide the future of the MI-East ]  
Extracts from this article. :

Iran has long provided covert and overt support to the Assad regime via financial transfers, logistical support from the Quds, and via the involvement of Hezbollah in the Assad government’s fight to regain control of the country.

As we’ve documented extensively over the past several weeks, what appears to have happened here is that Iran, unable to simply invade Syria in support of Assad (because doing so would obviously be a disaster in terms of preserving the optics around the P5+1 nuclear deal), turned to Moscow which has in the past used Russia’s Security Council veto to block the referral of the war in Syria to the Hague and which is a known ally of both Tehran and Damascus.

While it’s unclear exactly what the pitch was to Putin, Russia clearly saw an opportunity to advance The Kremlin’s geopolitical agenda at a key time in history. Moscow is keen to put on a brave face amid the most contentious standoff with the West since the Cold War (as a result of the conflict in Ukraine and the annexation of Crimea) and amid the related effort to preserve Gazprom’s market share in Europe

It is thus extremely significant that Baghdad has agreed to share intelligence with Syria and Russia, as that effectively means the Iran-backed Shiite militias battling for control of Iraq will enjoy the support of the Russian military. 

What should be obvious here is that this is a coordinated plan.

The Kremlin has effectively agreed to bring the might of the Russian air force to bear on Assad’s opponents in Syria and on Sunni militants in Iraq in support of Iranian ground troops and because the US and its allies have failed so miserably in terms of fielding anti-Assad rebels who don't turn out to be extremists, Putin gets to pitch the whole thing as a "war on terror." It would be difficult to design a more elegant power play.

Do not expect Saudi Arabia and Israel to remain on the sidelines here.
[ In my opinion, if they interfere  they will be smashed ]

If Russia ends up bolstering Iran's position in Syria (by expanding Hezbollah's influence and capabilities) and if the Russian air force effectively takes control of Iraq thus allowing Iran to exert a greater influence over the government in Baghdad, the fragile balance of power that has existed in the region will be turned on its head and in the event this plays out, one should not expect Washington, Riyadh, Jerusalem, and London to simply go gentle into that good night.

For those eager to push aside the endless government propaganda and concerned about the rapidly deteriorating economy, here is a list of the Top 20 biggest private-sector job cut announcements of 2015. Our advice: for anyone who is still employed at any of the following corporations, if you can find a job elsewhere (because the "recovery" and all), do it before you too become a seasonally-adjusted pink-slip.

[The health system & the school system is in chambers .. We need to rebuilt America ]
In a certain sense, then, the character assassination directed at the price gouger is akin to shooting the messenger pointing to the brokenness of our healthcare system. Perhaps it is to that system that the shaming should be directed. And we may wish to do that fast.
[ We need to get out from the neoliberal system and the pro-war plan to survive. . This is obsolete ]

[ Corruption is a tsunami in the Us.. it inundates everything  ]

As Bloomberg reports, "JPMorgan Chase & Co. is set to pay almost a third of a $1.86 billion settlement to resolve accusations that a dozen big banks conspired to limit competition in the credit-default swaps market, according to people briefed on terms of the deal."
The Looming Medicaid Time-Bomb. Submitted by Tyler Durden on 10/01/2015

..the demographic time bomb is about to go off - that is, the growth of the elderly population far exceeding the growth of the working age population by several orders of magnitude - and then the weak economy, the huge expansion of entitlements under the health care law, and the dramatic increases of the costs of those entitlements, including for labor, .. what could possibly go wrong?
[ WHAT IS WRONG IS THE INTERFERENCE  OF THE PRIVATE FOR-PROFIT-BUSINESS INSIDE THE REALM OF PUBLIC RIGHTS, that is, the right of all American citizens to have access to  health support. According to the private sector –abbreviate here as PHARMA :  the huge expansion of entitlements under the health care law, is the cause of the crisis in the health system”. That was & is the argument for raising the age of eligibility for Medicare  & for drastically cutting retirement and health benefits and for slashing education, and other critical social spendings. 

Is the publicly financed health and pension benefits  that will become unaffordable,  said the Pharma.  CUT IT, is their demand. If cut were the solution, not only these obligations, but all federal government spend (military & wars affairs included), must be also examined for cuts and slashes.
SIMPLE FACT cutting of public-sector health care spending without affecting the private-sector health care spending is politically & sociologically impossible in American democracy. It will imply the State-Nation to abandon its goal of protecting access to care for the elderly, disabled, and poor. THE BASIC FOR HEALTH CARE SPENDING REFORM IS DEPARTING FROM THE FACT THAT THERE IS NO SUCH HEALTH ENTITLEMENT CRISIS.

According to  Henry J. Aaron  from  is the Budget deficits the main  problem in America. How?  The cost of interest on mushrooming debt could become unaffordable. Lenders at home and abroad could lose faith in the U.S. capacity to repay, causing a real crisis that would create a huge financial turmoil.


1- Current deficit primarily results from the recession—tax revenues are down and spending is up.  SOLUTION: Tobin tax to all financial transactions (primary focus on financial speculation in Wall Street & similar &on Pharma crook business of preventing  generic  medicines ) 

2- Demographics is a non-determining factor. By 2050, annual federal spending on Medicare and Medicaid is projected to nearly triple, growing by almost 8 percent of total national income. The number of beneficiaries and the per person cost of care are both projected to increase.  However, over the same period, spending on Social Security and all other entitlements (including veterans benefits, the earned income credit and food stamps) is projected to barely grow—by only about 0.5 percent of total national income.

3- According to UN charters all nations are committed to delivering approximately the same standard of care to older people, the disabled and the poor as is available to everyone else. It means that reforming health care delivery under Medicare and Medicaid requires a system-wide reform. That was a president’s message.

4- Adding charges on beneficiaries can fill some of the gap, but not much. And cuts in Social Security aren’t the answer. U.S. benefits are already low by international standards. We are the super power nation with the less amount of people protected in terms of health.  

5- Our State-Nation is obliged by domestic Laws to honor the commitment to provide comparable health care to everyone. One way of doing it is to enforce higher taxes.

6. By common standard ethics we should recognize that health care is a “positive” right apart from other rights & justice arguments. "The fundamental question here is distributive justice," says Martin Cook.  The right to health care exists, although it differs fundamentally from traditional rights of free speech or religion. Such rights, known as "liberty" or "negative" rights, protect individuals from interference in the exercise of personal activities, but THE RIGHT TO HEALTH CARE IS A "POSITIVE" OR AN "ENTITLEMENT" RIGHT. Entitlement rights are limited by a society's willingness and ability to provide the entitlement. In other words, they depend on a society's resources and the choices it makes regarding National budget and how those resources are used.

7- The American problem with the health care budget is the we have a conflict of interests between those who monopolize the production of medicines & the control of prices in our current “free market system”  vs. the patient- consumers that cannot afford the devastating costs for their illness through private insurance coverage. This people specially the elders have the right to be protected  from the State-Nation. “Some 37 million Americans, mostly working people and members of their families, carry no health insurance, but earn just enough to be disqualified from receiving publicly funded medical care”. Such problems invite a basic question about our health care system—IS IT ETHICAL? We are maintaining a system that unevenly distribute the health care.  A system  that can wipe out the savings of an entire family. .. an unethical system that insist in preventing care to the poorest in America.  A system that instead is protecting big corporations who finance elections, presidents & senators.  Those are the ones who want to cut the “expansion of entitlements under the health care law” in America. ]
It's One Indivisible System: Empire, The State, Financialization, & Crony Capitalism. Submitted by Tyler Durden on 10/01/2015 [ This art departs from some basics on “systems theory”  ]

The system is a machine in which each gear serves the whole. So go ahead and try to "reform" the system by extracting whatever gear you don't approve of: the Deep State components, the Security State organs, the Federal Reserve, cartels/monopolies enforced by the State, the suppression of democracy, crony capitalism, whatever. The system is interdependent. Each subsystem needs the others to function.
[ How to avoid recession If nothing is done to change their neoliberal rulers in power  ]

"The system failed in 2008/09 and rather than allow a proper creative destruction cleansing, policy makers have been aggressively propping it up ever since.  We think the end game is that when the next global recession hits, then QE/zero rate world will be re-appraised."
The Upside Of The VW Debacle. Submitted by Tyler Durden on 10/01/2015

[ Una dama alemana decía hoy en TV que se avergüenza de manejar un VW sabiendo que el diesel contribuye a la polución del ambiente..  Yo creo que si viene aquí a los EE.UU se va a espantar de la cantidad de carros usando diesel .. Aquí los yupies y los ricos orgullosos exhiben sus hammer  y a las empresas de construcción nadie les obliga a colocar los dispositivos  de ley para aminorar  la polución  diesel  de sus inmensos carros ] 
Wikileaks Exposes Secret Deal To Get Saudi Arabia On UN Human Rights Council. Submitted by Tyler Durden on 10/01/2015  [ El UK en esto.. no es extraño.. pero es una inmensa vergüenza ]

Two years after the controversial appointment of Saudi Arabia to the U.N. Human Rights Council, leaked diplomatic cables have revealed the U.K. was a key player in the election of the Gulf State - despite the Saudis’ appalling human rights record. What is surprising is the next chapter in the farcical saga...

[ Slight?. Esos antropófagos se están comiendo entre ellos! .. Lo cierto es que la familia real Saudi está  mas cagada que palo de gallinero viejo ]
Submitted by Tyler Durden on 10/01/2015 - 07:28
  • After Rough Quarter, Investors Buckle Up (WSJ)
  • From heroes to bystanders? Central banks' growth challenge (Reuters)
  • Russian Airstrike in Syria Targeted CIA-Backed Rebels, U.S. Officials Say (WSJ)
  • Kremlin says Syria air strikes target list of groups, not just Islamic State (Reuters)
  • That’s information warfare? Russia accused of killing civilians in Syria (RT)
  • Euro zone factory growth eases in August despite modest price rises (Reuters)
  • How Glencore's Crazy Month Makes Greek Banks Look Tame (BBG)

[ “white collar crime.”.. esta fracesita me recuerda el Film de Robert de Niro  “Mid Night Run” , one of his best  films.. a comedy-thriller  of good taste & great ending  ]

In a recent appearance before Congress, Deputy Attorney General Sally Quillian Yates declared that the US Department of Justice is going to ratchet up its prosecution of individuals employed in corporations as part of a larger push against “white collar crime.” Within the next year, we should expect to see mid-level business and finance executives doing “perp walks” in front of the news media, as federal prosecutors will charge them with various “economic crimes” in hopes that they will implicate their superiors. All of us by now know the drill and in a time of anemic economic growth complete with business failures, it won’t be hard to find scapegoats.


España. Capitalismo excelente. Dos historias alemanas: Volkswagen y el reino de España. Albert Recio Andreu
Brasil. -Lula y el extravío de la izquierda brasileña. Héctor Miguel Tovar Valentines
Paramilitarismo en Colombia.  ¿Política de Estado o sombra militar?. Sara Leukos

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