sábado, 3 de octubre de 2015


OCT 3 15 SIT EC y POL 

[ So far the US incurs in mendacity & cowardy, besides total lack of ethics , when not admitting its fault. The crimes (several bombardment to a hospital ) committed  in Kunduz was admitted by a NATO official and admitted too by MSF (Medicos sin Fronteras) in which there are several Americans.  Why? Perhaps because of Obama’s shame ...his lying to the nation on Russia.. his accusing him of not having precision in their targets when bombarding sites in Syria. It was not the case, the fact is that those sites uncover the US implication in supporting ISIS. A general  FACT is that all airplane attack implies the risk of collateral damage.. ( por tanto no hay que tirar piedras  al techo de vidrio ). ..In the case of Russia, they plan to destroy  the war infrastructure used by ISIS to facilitate the Iranian troops work…In the case of the US … when Bush father- killed almost one hundred  thousand of Iraqi soldiers surrendered & coming back from Kuwait invasion, that was a war crime & crime against humanity, according to J Carter. The US fault became worse in the case of Bush’s son in the Presidence.. he wiped out entire cities in Iraq with the carpet bombing of the civilian population.  There was not negligence nor lack of communication that could’ve been the case on this hospital. But here the fault is not the action in itself,  it is the lack of decency to face with Facts. ]

Read RT on this case

US forces conducted an airstrike in Kunduz at 2:15am on Saturday, said NATO coalition spokesman Colonel Brian Tribus. “The strike may have resulted in collateral damage to a nearby medical facility,” he said. .. “This incident is under investigation.”

MSF(Medecins Sans Frontieres: Doctors Without Borders)   said “all indications” suggest US-led forces carried out the bombing. "All indications currently point to the bombing being carried out by international Coalition forces,"

Fighting has been continuing around Kunduz for the past six days after Taliban overran the city on Monday. The US military supported Afghan forces with airstrikes in order to drive the militants back on Thursday.

The three-day Taliban takeover of Kunduz, a city of some 300,000, was an embarrassing blow to the government of President Ashraf Ghani. During the three days under Taliban captivity, extremists, according Amnesty International, engaged in atrocities, extra-judicial killings, torture, and the harassment of civilians.
MSF said in a statement that the hospital was bombed by a series of aerial raids at approximately 15 minute intervals. The bombs “very precisely” and “repeatedly” hit the main central hospital building, housing the intensive care unit, emergency rooms, and physiotherapy ward, it added.


[ There was a huge misbalance of power in the Middle East. Israel terrorized them with its nukes & brutal bombardment of Palestine & neighbors whenever they wanted. The US was blackmailing & humiliating Iran with a deal & fake promises, while imposing severe check on their nuclear capacity to get electricity for the whole country & the region. Meanwhile the US was allowing Israel to continue manufacturing Nukes and give them away top of the art weaponry. Bastó que Irán se levante con ayuda de Russia para que muchos pueblos se alisten para el combate.  Iran sufrió muchos atropellos, como otros pueblos lo sufren aun, negocio con el imperio y poco fue lo que consiguió. Irán dijo BASTA y la rueda de la historia empezó a caminar nuevas rutas]

"I know there is a major battle upon us and everything needed for this battle will be made available"..
.[ who said that? .. it was either OB or Putin. So, the battle is on. What else is coming? ]

[ THE TWO FRONTS ARE SET IN THE MIDDLE EAST. In the fight against terrorism is either  “you are with us or against us” said today not only RU but also the whole world, not just Bush after the inside job Sept 11, but the whole international community. The terrorist threat is not only against Syria today, and  Iran or Russia then after, it is against Europe too (the massive migration of refuges is destabilizing the EU and there are evidences that ISIS mercenaries had been used in Ukraine to put down the Federated-autonomy proposal from the South), and it may involve also the terrorist attacks in Afghanistan, China & who knows in other countries as well.  If WASHINGTON, RIYADH, JERUSALEM, LONDON –W-R-J-L -- and associates in  NATO planned to use the ISIS jihadist to terrorize the world.. it won’t happen anymore, they will be crashed & destroyed  wherever they are. .. It is expected the response from W-R-J-L  to put in motion other regional fronts against terrorism. .. No way to stop news on this confrontation.. all the lies said by the US corporate media is being read in reverse .. the reality of genocides in Libya, Iraq and other places .. made us to read in reverse what Fox-CNN & associated press said. 

The resistance against imperial terrorism has already set many brigades of volunteers fighting all over the world against their  brutality.  They are now being assemble fast to join the current fight against military, economic and political-ideological terrorism by the US & NATO associates. The time-context created such dynamic .. it is a law of history that is in motion “you create heavy winds.. you will get the storm” .. too much imperial destruction & genocide is not accepted anymore ... “el que a hierro mata.. a hierro muere” ...  

Many people was waiting for the falling of the empire to stand up, and that explain why in Asia, Africa & America Latina the small brigades of rebels are joining together to create Fronts to respond to the savage and brutal destruction of entire State nations by the current imperial terrorism .. Most of these people has nothing to lose.. their life have no sense .. worse if is said that there will be a nuke-war.. they won’t be deterred by such imperial blackmail … Even if WW3 became real, that will be a plus for giving their life to a good cause.. The fight against terrorism worldwide has nothing to do with dictates from RU or China.. it is simply the law of history that is taking its course: the laws of rebellions & revolutions well summarized by the American scholar Theda Skocpol. This is what explains people’s response.  ]
Russia Claims ISIS Now On The Ropes As Fighters Desert After 60 Airstrikes In 72 Hours. S-by Tyler Durden on 10/03/2015 [ A battle is a battle, either you win or die.. Why they were left  alive? ]

"A bunker-busting BETAB-500 air bomb dropped from a Sukhoi Su-34 bomber near Raqqa has eliminated the command post of one of the terror groups, together with an underground storage facility for explosives and munitions. Panic and desertion have begun. 600 fighters have left positions."

We are a product of our time and place. We live in a dystopian future that makes Brave New World look positively mundane in comparison. Mass shootings are the natural outcome of a society that mentally shackles its population while pumping it full of psychotropic drugs and violent imagery. It tells us to turn away from bullying while it dumps payloads of high explosives on hospitals and schools. It tells us to empathize with women while objectifying them via pornography.

[ We are not predestined like cattle.. neither by gods, devils nor other humans .. We can change our time and place at will and under the limits of reason.. mass shooting is not a natural outcome of any society.. it is so only a feature of our society .. a highly polarized society in which the 1% get all & the rest their crumbs.. a society in which xenophobia and racism is rampant .. a society in which greed, fraudulent speculation is legal.. a society in which the GDP is kept afloat by producing weapons WMD & by manufacturing genocidal wars to plunder  abroad..  a society in which women have the lowest rate of rights compared to other developed nation and whose young females have not job-market to fit their credentials .. Women whose salaries are far below from men. So these are the women forced to street prostitution, pornography & drugs.. (legal business in Las Vegas) that is fostered by the macho-men of Wall Street and other rich people.. This is our society and this only happens in current time of history.. the time of decadence and debacle ]
"Everyone Is Doing It": How Carmakers Manipulate Emissions Test Results Submitted by Tyler Durden on 10/03/2015 [Here something on our nasty competition with VW cars in Germany ]
According to a follow report, it is only a matter of time before far more widespread crackdowns take place within the auto industry where emissions fraud now appears as systemic as that of the global banking sector.
      [Our profitable business of WMD with Saudis made us responsible for their massacre of        Children ]

On Monday, a missile from a Saudi-led airstrike struck a Yemeni wedding reception in the village of Al-Wahijah, located near the Red Sea. The explosion resulted in 131 deaths, and the incident is being labeled as one of the deadliest attacks on civilians during the six-month conflict. In total, there have been 7,217 civilian casualties, including 2,355 killed and 4,862 wounded in the six months since the fighting began, according to the United Nations.

[ We & UK are the ones who manage to nominate Saudis in the UN committee of Human Rights .. UK made the papers and we put the servants nominated by Bolton in the UN ]

[ This “collateral damage” is nothing compared to what we did in Iraq.. And we have the nerve of talking  ethics .. besides manipulating data (before RU planes departed in Syria we were talking on civilian casualties) .. That is the ethic of hypocrisy & cynicism.. the anti-ethics..  That happens because RU uncover our complicity & partnership with ISIS.. in the destruction of Syria.. as it happened  before in Iraq – Libya,  and in Kosovo & Panama before, and in Chile also ]
[ Check this one in case you miss it. It is about weapons of mass deception : we bomb, kill & lie]

Can you tell truth from lies in mass media? RT’s Miguel Francis-Santiago delves deep to try to understand the intricacies of information war. He meets media experts and puts together the Mosaic of Facts, showing how public opinion is manipulated, not just over the Ukrainian Crisis but throughout the world.

THE 4TH MEDIA  http://www.4thmedia.org/



 by Eric Zuesse.  Oct 2-15
EU Is Abandoning U.S. on Overthrowing Assad
Obama Cannot Defeat Assad without EU’s Help
EU Also Rejects Obama’s TTIP & TISA Demands
Obama’s Presidential ‘Legacy’ Heads to Failure

Here a typical neocon thought:

The Obama administration not only restricts the freedom of the nation in a very Soviet-like manner but also does whatever it takes to diminish US influence on the international arena, Washington Times author Todd Wood writes.
The policy of the Obama administration — be it the Iran Nuclear Deal or withdrawal of troops from the Middle East or an artificial fight with ISIL — is just aimed at weakening US international influence. Obama doesn't love America, Wood believes, and his forecast for the country's future is quite gloomy.

"America will never be great again until we regain this focus, this passion, this love of freedom, and the will to spread it, support it, nurture it overseas," he wrote.

This  continues  =
è if you don’t open the web above, you do not miss nothing
Over 450 Syrian militants and 250 criminals wanted by government have laid down their arms and return to peaceful life in the south-west of war-torn country.


CrossTalk.  Mideast alliances




Perú “3 de Octubre”.  Velasco a propósito de Bambas, Tía María, la dupla FMI-BM. Rubén Ramos
Ecuador. -30-S: lecciones para todos Jaime Galarza Zavala
EE.UU. -El autor del tiroteo en Oregon adquirió hasta 13 armas legalmente y reabre el debate en EE.UU. . [ Mas del 50% del USA tiene armas en su casa y los psycopatas no llegan al 1% ]


Iraq to share Daesh intel with Iran, Russia. Sat Oct 3, 2015 The Iraqi prime minister says his country is ready to share intelligence on Daesh with Iran, Russia, and Syria upon their request.
'US should not meddle in Syrian crisis'. Sat Oct 3, 2015 Democratic presidential candidate Bernie Sanders has advised US officials not to worsen the situation in Syria.
Oregon shooter killed himself: Police . Sat Oct 3, 2015 The shooter in the mass shooting at an Oregon community college committed suicide after a shootout with police, police has said.
[ I LIKE THIS OFFICIAL STORY  Why to spend time in Courts with these walking zombies?  .. They deserve their own medicine .. Send it to heaven in one shoot, the Islamic God is waiting for them.. I’m sure that in the islamic  “tradition” they have also a Purgatory Court..  Two friends in a SU-CHI party-meeting told me that this Court give them a bottle of “purgante”  strong enough to purge out from their brain all the stupid taras or dogmas from the ISIS heritage. They are not real islamic, they told me. This is why I love the official story of “suicide” ]

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