miércoles, 30 de septiembre de 2015




Global 'Wealth' Destruction - World Market Cap Plunges $13 Trillion To 2 Year Lows. Submitted by Tyler Durden on 09/29/2015 [this message was kept hidden .. just released early this morning ]

[ GLOBAL RECESSION.. undeniable reality.. raising  interest rate will be a declaration of financial war against emerging market .. that will be a catastrophe for America ]

Since the start of June, global equity markets have lost over $13 trillion. World market capitalization has fallen back below $60 trillion for the first time since February 2014 as it appears the world's central planners' print-or-die policy to create wealth (and in some magical thinking - economic growth) has failed - and failed dramatically. To rub more salt in the wounds of monetray policy mumbo-jumbo, despite endless rate cuts and balance sheet expansion around the world, the last 4 months have seen an 18% collapse - the largest since Lehman. CHECK ALSO Europe Joins Japan In Deflation, Surge Driven By Hopes For More Japan, ECB QE  AND THIS: German Unemployment Unexpectedly Rises in Sign of Economic Risks http://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2015-09-30/german-unemployment-unexpectedly-rises-in-sign-of-economic-risks , and this Japan Industrial Output Slide Hints at Recession (WSJ) http://www.wsj.com/articles/japan-industrial-output-slide-hints-at-recession-1443582684

[ This is real RU “we are against ISIL in Syria” they said & they do it ... the opposite that we were doing ]

"The military goal of these operations is exclusively limited to air support for the Syrian government forces in their campaign against ISIL. The point here is not in achieving any foreign policy goals or satisfying ambitions. We’re talking exclusively about Russia’s national interests." CHECK ALSO Caught On Tape: Dramatic Footage Of Russia's First Airstrikes In Syria Moscow doesn’t appear to be wasting any time.

[ No yet, please.. imploran otros con cara de espanto .. hay esperanza, el QE4-16, dicen ]

"financial markets are NOT yet pricing for a recession, rather they are merely flirting with the idea… should give those heavily invested in policymaker faith/hope a lot of food for thought...  the next Fed “put” is not likely until the S&P 500 is trading in the 1500s at least (so more likely to be a Q1 2016 item rather than Q4 2015); and in terms of what the Fed could do, clearly QE4 has to be in the Fed’s toolkit"

 [ algunos billonarios mafiosos empiezan a “suicidarse”.. muerte de causa natural, dicen ]

Trafigura, the privately-held company (with publicly traded bonds), announced that its founder and biggest shareholder, french billionaire Claude Dauphin has died at the age of 64.

[ otros aun pescan a rio revuelto.. no temen ser expropiados the day after neoliberalism ]

As of this moment the S&P is soaring and is set for the 8th best gain in 2015. Why? Here is one reason, from the latest Gartman letter: "Essentially… there are still many who deny that this is a bear market, we fear that it has a good distance to the downside yet to travel. Merely to get to “The Box” shall take the S&P to 1420? 1550! Rallies are to be sold." 

[ Gartman forgot to say Who are the stupids to buy it ]


[ La clave del éxito fue negarlo y evitar el pánico e imprimir más dólares de la nada y sobrevaluados ]

La mafia lo sabe. Leamos:

“For the first time since 2009, all six major Fed regional activity surveys are in contraction territory... time to hike rates? [NOPE.. is time for suicide of the Mafia who profit with QEs, bailouts & predatory speculation. ..Si no tienen cojones para el suicidio .. al pueblo no les va a faltar para expropiarlos  ]  

"Bad news is good news" again... for the global money-printing reflation trade...

[ HACIA UN NUEVO SISTEMA. Por Hugo Adan. Sept 30

Eso de creer que el QE4, sus bailout y sus legionarios “inversores” van a salvar el imperio de la caída --que todos sabemos esta en proceso--, eso es esperar peras del olmo..es ridiculo!.. El sistema mundial no aceptara el “QE4 Hope” .. apenas se de, se  cerraran los mercados emergentes al emprendedor mafioso del norte que quiera comprar o “invertir” en recursos del Sur… Para que servirían los dólares del QE4? Solo para aliviar el “constipation” en el baño.. y no faltara un millonario loco que lance dollares desde una avioneta y otros que los quemen en Plazas públicas. Lo que viene con el QE4 –si ocurre- es el suicidio del dollar y del imperio USA.. me refiero al “sentanazo” brusco.

El colapso imperial será suave solo si existen los peldaños de la inmensa escalera que hay que bajar .. Si se cortan esos peldaños lo que viene es aquello, la caída brusca … esto es lo que ocurriría con el QE4 y los bailouts, y la mafia especuladora. .. La unica salida a la recesión ya en camino es adecuar y re-editar el Glass-Steagall Act de FDR .. eso implica ZERO tolerancia al capital financiero especulador.. Desde aquí se debe negociar un NUEVO DEAL o acuerdo mundial.. Esto sin duda requiere nuevas monedas mundiales  para los depósitos bancarios y el comercio mundial.. además del desmontaje de los silos nucleares para dar respaldo a una economía auto-sostenible y no basada en el chantaje y la inestabilidad que genera.

La posibilidad de una sola moneda como lo propuso el IMF para salvar el dollar dentro de una canasta de monedas.. ya no es posible. Los niveles de desarrollo con crecimiento a niveles regionales y los nuevos avances tecnológicos han creado un mundo que no cabe en una formula con moneda unica. .. Lo que si cabe es un acuerdo para respaldar las monedas regionales con oro .. lo que supone prohibir imprimirlo de la nada con los QEs..

Esto para el imperio actual significaria crear un nuevo dollar con respaldo en oro. Según la cantidad existente se procedería al desmontaje del gasto insulso. No creo que valga la pena seguir financiando aliados para guerras y propósitos de contención inventados. Tampoco tendría sentido mantener con los nuevos dólares respaldados en oro la cantidad de estaciones militares que tenemos a nivel mundial a base de los falsos dólares de QEs. Los nuevos dólares deberán servir para la reconstrucción de America sobre nuevas bases sociales, económicas y políticas. Ese proyecto necesita ser elaborado con cuidado y con “responsabilidad social” como decían los alemanes antes de embarcarse en las funestas guerra del imperio Americano..

Lo que viene es un mundo sin imperio único, quizá multipolar, pero jamas basado en la guerra ni en el chantaje del poder militar, sino en nueva tecnología para el desarrollo con crecimiento a nivel mundial. El viejo suenio de vivir de la mano de obra esclava de los chinos y africanos.. se acabó. Querer insistir en ello es de idiotas, ni Asia, Africa ni America lo tolerarían.

El nuevo despertar empieza por reconocer el desastre que aquello significó a nivel global..
Si se acuerda en el NEW DEAL mundial el perdonar los delitos de aquel mal sueño, en buena hora. Pero mejor si se los sanciona con un Nuevo Juicio tipo Nurenberg  para evitar que lo de ayer se repita ... pronto.

Demás está decir que la estación de Nato en Frankfurt tampoco se toleraría, quizá el edificio serviría para el nuevo juicio y luego como museo que exhiba la indecencia moral de quienes crearon el nightmare de ayer. Y demás esta decir que si el US quiere aliados en el Sur (caso Peru por su oro) tendrá que pagar por el precio que corresponde a este metal estratégico que la nación peruana habrá de nacionalizar. Y demás está decir también que EU no podrá gozar de los beneficios de un sistema tributario basado en la deuda externa de Estados soberanos arruinados por empresarios buitres.  

Si USA quiere bajar la escalera sin sufrir el doloroso sentanazo que implica no tener peldaños donde afirmar su tránsito hacia la nueva realidad .. deberá evitar que el sur lo corte esos peldaños. Debera en cambio pensar en la posibilidad de aliados con la mismas potencialidad para crear una o dos américas unidas, pero libre y totalmente autónomas, la del norte y la del Sur ] Hugo Adan. Sept 30-15
Submitted by Tyler Durden on 09/30/2015 - 07:25
  • Asia shares rally, but on track for worst quarterly loss in four years (Reuters)
  • Global Rally Shows Relief at End of $11 Trillion Stocks Meltdown (BBG)
  • Glencore Extends Rebound as Turmoil Shows Signs of Easing (BBG)
  • Putin wins parliamentary backing for air strikes in Syria (Reuters)
  • China Cuts Minimum Home Down Payment for First-Time Buyers (BBG)
  • German Unemployment Unexpectedly Rises in Sign of Economic Risks (BBG)
  • Japan Industrial Output Slide Hints at Recession (WSJ)


U.S. President Obama’s central case against Syria’s Bashar al-Assad s that Assad was behind the sarin gas attack in Ghouta Syria on 21 August 2013 — but it’s all a well-proven lie, as will be shown here.
The great investigative journalist Christof Lehmann headlined on 7 October 2013 at his nsnbc news site, «Top US and Saudi Officials responsible for Chemical Weapons in Syria», and he opened:
«Evidence leads directly to the White House, the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff Martin Dempsey, CIA Director John Brennan, Saudi Intelligence Chief Prince Bandar, and Saudi Arabia´s Interior Ministry». (The U.S. has been allied with the Saudi royal family since 1945.) è it continues. Open the web above
Argentina has often been held up as the next most likely location for a shale revolution, with some of the largest shale oil and gas reserves in the world.
Argentina could hold more than 800 trillion cubic feet of shale gas, more than the U.S., and second only to China, according to the EIA. Its shale oil resources, at 27 billion barrels, are also significant. è
Debt has skyrocketed globally. And see this.
Governments have – of course – dramatically increased their debt since 2008 to fund questionable actions.
American corporations are piling on record amounts of debt. And see this. è it continues..


Opinión. Críticas al capitalismo desde América Latina: La necesidad de romper con un "colonialismo simpático" Eduardo Gudynas
YEMEN como laboratorio. ¿Por qué Occidente calla ante esta guerra salvaje? Martha Mundy


THE 4TH MEDIA http://www.4thmedia.org/

by The Saker | Thursday, October 1-15

Here only extracts

Historically speaking, the strongest regional threat to Syria over the last few centuries came from Turkey, and to date, Turkey continues to occupy the Syrian regions of Celicia and Iskandarun. The Saudis and Qataris are the new kids on the block, with no historic experience and depth.

Erdogan biggest popular demise began when he decided to partake in the “War On Syria”. His aim was to separate the Syrian and Iraqi Kurds from Turkish Kurds and thereby hamper any opportunity for them to unite. That was to be achieved by driving off the Syrian Kurds, and have them replaced by the many dissident Syrian refugees who flocked into Turkey during the early period of the conflict.

By the way, many of those refugees were Islamist fighters, who were in Turkey on standby, waiting to be deployed into Syria by none other than Sultan Erdogan. When Erdogan did not receive the endorsement of his Western allies, he decided to walk away and dump those refugees and send them to the West. The wave of Syrian refugees flocking into Europe are leaving to Europe from Turkey now, not from Syria.

By evicting the refugees, Erdogan is punishing his former Western partners, focusing on domestic issues, and clearly giving the message that he no longer wishes to mobilize militants into Syria. For Erdogan therefore, the “War On Syria” is a game over and he is picking up the pieces and trying to gain as much as possible, and first and foremost, to save his own skin and survive to win the upcoming November 2015 parliamentary elections.
Erdogan has reverberated Kerry’s words and declared that the removal of Assad is not necessary at this stage. FOR TURKEY, IT IS GAME OVER.

OTHER ENEMIES OF SYRIA  “who are in survival mode” are two: The Saudis and the 14th of March Coalition.
The Lebanese 14th of March Coalition, is a very loosely put together coalition of Lebanese Syria haters. What united their passions was their hatred towards Syria, and the combined Prince Bandar Bin Sultan and Saad Hariri funds. Bandar has lost his office and clout, and Hariri is going bankrupt. Without money to feed the thugs in the streets of Lebanon, this coalition is doomed to crumble, and very soon. Furthermore, their territory does not have common borders with Syria for them to use for smuggling weapons to terrorists.

The main remaining players are Saudi Arabia and Qatar.

The Saudi attack on Yemen, dubbed “Operation Storm of Resolve”, was meant to be quick and decisive. It is increasingly turning into a very costly quagmire. A few days ago, a Yemeni offensive in Ma’arab, killed more than 300 coalition soldiers and injured at least as many. When the Yemeni Army Chief recently announced that the Saudi capital Riyadh and biggest city Jeddhah are legitimate Yemeni targets, he meant business. The next few days or weeks will show whether he is indeed capable of targeting the depths of Saudi Arabia.

The old guards within the Al-Saud are blaming the young deputy Crown Prince Mohamad (son of current king) for the gamble and its failure.  A secret document allegedly written by a Saudi Prince asking for the King to abdicate and for his Crown Prince and Deputy Crown Prince to be dismissed. It also asked the old guards to reach a consensus about appointing a new king.

The dissent is not only based on the infamous military gambles, but also touches on the King and his close cronies of squandering finances and theft to the tune of hundreds of billions of dollars. Saudi Arabia does not only have to contend with very low petrol prices, but also soaring costs of wars, dissent and royal theft. Saudi Arabia is indeed in a serious budget deficit that can only be lifted if petrol prices go up and its expenses are dramatically cut; neither one of which is likely to change soon.

To make it worse for the Saudi Royals the Iran nuclear deal was the biggest slap on the face they have ever received from their American “friends”. Ironically, when the deal was ratified, the Saudi King was visiting Washington and his Foreign Minister had to sheepishly praise it. King Salman returned from Washington empty handed. His refusal to resume talks with Syria under the auspices of Russia is only based on obstinance and no more.

This obstinance is not going to give the Saudis any power on the battle field in Syria. They are still providing cash, lots of cash, but the battles they had been waging via Jordan have all failed. With the advances of the Syrian Army and Hezbollah in the Qalamoun and Zabadani regions, it won’t be long before they close in and reach the Jordanian borders. While Saudi Arabia has not formally abandoned the fight in Syria, it has been rendered powerless.

As for Qatar, it has no backing and clout other than the petro-dollar-god. They cannot provide regional leadership. Qatar are a bit of a joke on that matter. But such is the ego of oil Arab sheikhs and princes:  they believe that money gives them substance and enables them to buy anything and anyone.

Qatar had to operate in Syria via hired agents, the biggest of which was Turkey and the others are 14th of March gangs in Lebanon. Erdogan is now too busy saving his skin to worry about what Qatar wants, but Qatar may continue to pour money into Lebanon. This inflow of funds alone however will not have a great impact on the events in Syria. It can only further destabilize Lebanon

The last bad boy on the block; Israel.
What would Israel do when the Syrian Army win becomes inevitable?  The fact that Iran is now a much stronger nation than it was before the nuclear deal. Hezbollah is much stronger than it was in July 2006. Israel can act foolishly and launch a major offensive against Syria, and perhaps even include Iran and Hezbollah, but this will be much more than it can chew.
Another fact: The Russian initiative has changed many dynamics and aborted a multitude of potential scenarios, including any Israeli interference. It is very clear that Netanyahu came back from his recent trip to Moscow very disappointed. It is obvious that he received  a very clear message from Putin demanding that Israel stays out because Russia is now in charge.

Now, let’s pay attention to the psychopaths and sociopaths, the real enemies of Syria fall in these categories. They hate President Assad for no reason other than he is an Alawite, or because their [??] to  Americans and Israel, or hate Syria because it stands in the way of their personal, regional and sectarian ambitions. The only strong passion that united them was hatred; nothing but sheer blind hatred. United by that hatred, diverged by failure and self-concerns, those deeply troubled fiends will not accept to go away.

President Putin has decided to break the deadlock.
The next few weeks, or perhaps days, will hopefully present a whole new decisive balance of power that will further bolster the many recent gains that the gallant Syrian Army and mighty Resistance have scored thus far, and all the culprits will have no choice other than submitting to the new status quo.

The Russian scenario brings to mind thus far unconfirmed news about another actor; China. It has been reported, but not confirmed, that China has sent its aircraft carrier to Syria. If this proves to be true and accurate, then the Chinese role brings in a whole new facet to the ever-changing “War On Syria”.

For Russia to act alone is a Russian affair, but if and when China pitches in, it becomes a BRICS affair. Is the BRICS alliance giving NATO a clear and loud message that it is now going to be present, and in a very big way, in the Middle East?

Summing up
With over two hundred thousand Syrian men and women and children who were killed, thousands of girls who were raped and sold as slaves and coerced to marry against their will, history destroyed and looted, Syria continues to stand tall, and it will return better and stronger than ever.
With this thought, I keep my fingers crossed and pray for the best.
The Saker | Thursday, October 1

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