viernes, 26 de junio de 2020

TRUMP CAN WIN RE-ELECTION : piece of cake to him, BUT

TRUMP CAN WIN RE-ELECTION : piece of cake to him, BUT
Most Presidents not convicted in Court won re-election.

Hugo Adan.  6/25/20

That is Why I said Trump can win re-election, if the Supreme-Court  allowed.
FDR won the 3rd consecutive election, he wasn’t convicted but Supreme Court but his 3rd victory  was nullified for extra-legal micro & macro reasons. FDR accepted such decision.

 My comments are based on:
In the relentlessly circular world of MMT, government is the source of all finance and in effect all wealth...
Economy & Politis don’t move in closed circles, they move in spiral & toward a better way of political system.  That is called “development” or progressive move.
What happen with FDR is that Law prohibited a 3rd round . Even when he win the election, the Supreme Court  canceled his election for extra “legal reason” though the internal &macro-political reason  were most  important  factors to nullify results (the opposition accused FDR of being communist). BUT the main reason was the bomb to JAPAN and the chances of Stalin to respond (they were about to produce a nuke-bomb).
The Supreme Court used this  ‘legal reason’ to nullify the third victory of FDR and new round of elections were set. 
Trump is going the 2nd round (re-election) and there not real  legal charges on him.  Trump was help by Mrs Pelosi’s fake impeachment. 
Besides, comparing the US with other world  nations affected by the pandemia and Economic crisis, the US is not good  but not in horrible situation.
Now he can simply use the machine to print USD and target  key sectors of the National electorate. He may start with  the young people who finished University studies and have big debts.  So, with a decree of ZERO DEBT  will get  many, many  new votes for him.
The same with other sectors of the population (his advisors may’ve working on other isues).
Some political scientist can create an index with the 8 requisites for real democracy in America  [..Source? How much you pay?..]  to give science base for new opinion POLLS , now manipulated by the billionaires  supporting Biden.
In less than a month Trump can change the direction of votes among those who decided to go to the ballot-box. That will assure his victory.
In short: if well guided,Trump can easily win his re-election.. piece of cake. Politic Scientist can do this Index  in 15 days and for no less than $2 mill.
Presidential-Election depends on money.. on right inversion. So, business is business, the political scientist will say.
His victory will be piece of cake.
 Now Trump is 17 point behind Biden but with the ZERO DEBT ++ they will be tie at the end of July and at the end of Aug  Trump will be 5 points ahead  and so on.
In the coming debate with Biden,..  Trump is expected to continue his attacks on Libya’ issue: the stolen GOLD from Gadhafi ‘ Nation. Plus his complicity in the assimilation of 4 members of Benghazi US Embassy and the PACT with Saudis to create ISIS, the Saudi terrorist group to destroyed Syria. There are of course many other felonies in which the VP Biden was involved.
Trump has already started this campaign and he need to present  clear evidences during the Public Debates Coming. There are other felonies committed by VP Biden when he was in power.  No mercy, and Trump wins.  Piece of cake to him.
There are two factors that will decree his failure in elections 2020: First the war with China & 2nd the war with VEN & IRAN.
China & RU are allies & are in much better economic and political situation than the US with Trump regime.
Our Economy is really in horrible situation and Biden can get the data to confront Trump on this issue.
Trump political cohesion inside his party REPs is going down. His misuses of the military (crimes against blacks) proved his inefficiency as Govt and total lack of minimal ethics (mobilize the military for his personal political interest) revealed no sense of moral principles.
He lost not only the black electorate but also the young whites + latinos and many American-asian. There is not way to rescue them, even if he decree the ZERO DEBT. 
With this internal division of the nation no way to confront an external war with China (even if the Senate & House approve this war) the chances to get national cohesion for war are weak and US-military division will start once this war with China-RU is declared.
This war will be a WW3 with nukes & millions of casualties in both sides. No winner is expected, MAD will prevail. 
Many pandemias will decimate the rest of global population not in war.
Many US embassies & US companies at global level will be bombed by civilian brigades.
We are not ready for WW3. It was a very stupid act to send 3 destroyers to foreign waters. 
Simple solution to this chaos: bring the 3 destroyers back to US and asap. Trump has to stop also his threats to VEN & IRAN. There is not context for WW3, much less for fascistic dictatorship.  

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