Hugo Adan.
When I
read the title & Introduction of the art
below , immediately came to my mind the transatlantic projects we had in
South Am. We planned to unite all the south part (BRA-N/PARAG-PE-BOL
& CHI) with trains & roads crossing from the Atlantic to Pacific Oceans.
And in the North part we planned to unite Ecuador – Peru – Ven & COL with
BRA with roads & trains and then
using the AMAZON RIVER
to unite pacific cost with Atlantic cost of BRA.
dreams? NO. We started the roads & trains ruts in BRA & Peru.
BUT the US cut this project with the pro-yanki regime of Alan Garcia. This ominous
criminal regime (he killed prisoners of war already in Jail) cut the budget
because US investors were not available &
nor included in the project. Garcia was indicted for corruption and commit
China is interested in financing & re-starting both projects but there is another puppet of
the US putting problem. Fortunately the Bolsonaro regime –the US puppet in BRA-
is losing power & soon he will be defeated. Then the decline of US
in South America will open doors for real development of the South.
Full potentials for Development
are waiting in South –Am. It is with all this in mind that I read the article below and this is my reaction to it:
The fundamental
problem of the Third World is that the concept of reason is conspicuous by its absence. Without
“reason,” intellectual and financial capital is not accumulated...
DECLINE OF IMPERIAL POWER THAT IS COMING. After US final collapse (either via armed REV inside or via CIRCULATION OF ELITES as designed by W
Pareto (1921): the alternancia, cooptation &
replacement of all oligarchical elites will take place. A world without
empires will emerge.
All is needed is to
create a PEOPLE FRONT where the unity of the
differences may prevail and the final aim of HOMEOSTASIS
is achieved (point of equilibrium ) as named by Pareto.
The Marxists Richard
Wolf & Stephen Resnick (1987) called this aim a “Paretian
optimum “ and use it in
current debates on economics.
I n 1999 the German Niklas Luhmann & his team added
the quality of AUTOPOIESIS or self-reproduction
(plus other qualities) to the Homeostasis equilibrium. Luhmann never called himself a Socialist, but
the Chilians in his team YES. They were the real creators of “autopoiesis”.
It is in
this perspective that we have to see & understand the previous article on China : A
Collapsing Dollar and
China's Monetary Strategy . This
article in my view is incomplete (it needed a macro system approach in reference to Us Econ & Politics today
and I’m waiting for a debate on this topic) .
Meanwhile this article left clear that China is going back to pure socialism. In fact we
needed another MAO after the cultural Rev in China. Lin Piao didn’t clean the remains of oligarchy in Taiwan.
The US empire stop the REV over there and the owners of this system can
still stop the process of China to a new stage of Socialism.
That is why we need to defeat Trump’s oligarchy in America.
Biden belongs to the same rotten pack and we hope that a 3rd option
manage to register the PROPLE FRONT for as to go to the ballot box.
Otherwise we will continue the nascent REV in America without the
distraction of fake and fraudulent (buying votes by billionaires) .. election process with Trump & Biden.
The old Paretian project
of Homeostasis has been renewed with the NEW DEALs with
FDR . Neither Pareto nor FDR called Socialism their project for obvious &
similar reason: billionaires phobia on socialism predicated up to nausea in
their press-titute.
Now SOCIALISM became the dominant view among today rebels
& we keep in mind Pareto & FDR as icons of our socialism, besides classical
socialist among Marxist and Anarchist.
More on this background
I will provided in my working book PERSPECTIVE of
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