viernes, 19 de junio de 2020


By Hugo Adan

This is my answer to one person who has no sense of history: 
In short, the 2020 recession will usher in a new “Progressive Era” of the early 1900s, or, more accurately, another “Regressive Era.”
The progress of history doesn’t happen in direct line (from A to B to C-D.. etc) , it goes in spiral  and in ascending way  (from worse to best). When history is repetitive is bad sign, it mean that critical contradiction inside our was not  solved.
 The old duopoly political system we have is repetitive (Dems & Reps-reproduce the same militaristic stupidity of the past: state invest in weapons & wars, not in best health nor education for all.
That type of history has  arrived to its end since ‘our assumed enemies’ has similar power & similar end too: not winners, but MAD plus total destruction of the world with new pandemics, ZERO economic progress.  
All this is symptom that a new REV is coming in America & the world too,  since it is the end of neo- liberalism what is at stake. Neo-liberalism  in fact doesn’t exist anymore. That we have instead  is different types of monopolies, all  controlled by huge billionaires.  This is the history  that is arriving to its end.
The contradictions of upper classes with middle and lower classes (the labor) will be resolved  when the oppressed make a UNITED FRONT to defend their interest, then we will talk of a real  REVOLUTION in process.
Radical change is ubiquitous, nothing can stopped (much less fraudulent elections: buying votes mascaraed with invented pools). Most people in America has decided ABSTENTION  instead of going to the ballot box.
History  progress doesn’t  move in close circles, its spiral move may have little set backs , but never total  regression to the pass, only brief step back  to soon make two steps forward.
SO, after the coming  REVOLUTION  there will not be total ‘regresive era’ to the past. History in America proved so and is going to do it again after a socialist revolution coming.
The new  revolution will not look like others in our past not in the world. This one will be heroic creation of our new nation. We won’t die bending our knee to the ruling class, nor will die in the bed of pandemics, said young people.
 The coming revolution is going to be a new creation of our Nation, different to previous types of Revolution in the world. Young people in America has already decided their destiny.  That why we said : AMERICAN LIFE MATTERS!  

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