sábado, 21 de abril de 2018



By Hugo Adan  April 21 2018

Our Economy  is miss-investing our resources in WMD & WARS.. This system only  benefit  few profiteers of the  neoliberal economy. We need to re-invest our resources toward a sustainable development. We’re close to accomplish this objective.. the political context  and the Econ stagnation .. say so.

There is a division inside the apparatus that control the Govt - the so called “deep state”-  the anti-war sector  is getting up.. And the dominant investor sector –those associated with MIC (Milit Ind Comp ) are receiving tough critics from investors associated to direct Economic Production: all QEs and money from big bankers are being wasted to recycle the same garbage system. In the bottom, the distress of working classes and the students without clear future in the current market are becoming more and more radical every day. 

 We need a cup-d-etat –a soft one- a one from the bottom up that connect mass rebellion with new top leaders.. implemented via Referendums and we need it before Nov Election. This implies re-directing the mass -rebellion of the masses against the current global chaos (PEACE vs WARs) and the immediate change of the electoral system. No more super-packs and NO more super-delegates, could be the  start to ignite the new  protest on streets.

Investing to buy Elections should be considered a crime against Democracy  and this implies stop feeding the corporate media and their stuff with millions donated by  billionaires. The political debates should be run by C-Span, the free media supported by all states. 

The duopoly  system (Dems n Reps ) are financed by the oligarchy to serve their interest (via frauds). We need to change this system, if the leaders of both parties do not accept it, we should boycott  election of NOV by calling for ABSTENTION.

This rebellion can create context for a 3rd  option or for a multi-party system.. We suggest that all parties who get 2% of signatures of the total electorate  in every State district  should be allow to register as new party and those who obtain 5% of the votes , should get a State representation.

The National rebellion demanding NEW ELECTORAL RULES will open the road toward  the destruction of the duopoly system ..and  the construction  of a powerful   PEOPLE’S FRONT . LA 1ra  MISION DEL PEOPLES’ FRONT is to destroy the corrupted bureaucray  inside the DEM & GOP parties. HOW TO? By separating their progressive people  from those rotten bureaucracies. The PEOPLE’S FRONT  will be in charge of re-defining the new structure of  power for democratic Govts in all States of America. That implies setting up the strategy to defeat the neoliberal system & the pro-WW3 supporters in America.   

The new structure of power has to liquidate the parasitic Washington FED. How to?  By mixing i parliamentary Democracy with executive power. How to?  By  installing multiple autonomous FEDS acroos America via Referendums. The big bankers  and Corp of billionaires may try to implement their own secession plan,, but the People Front will indict them for the economic  chaos and damage caused to our sustainable development

A new political context will emerge with new types of right and left.  In THE RIGHT will be included all  sections  of neocons (now in power) from the GOP and the conservatives & pro-WW3 inside the DEM Party. In THE LEFT will  be included The Green party  and the Socialist parties already existing plus the revolutionary sections of the GOP –l would called GOP-R to the groups lead by Ron and Rand Paul and the groups pro MISES -theory & their Institute.  It doesn't make sense that honest people be subordinated to the neocons ruling the GOP  actual. They should create their Party asociated to the  PEOPLE’s FRONT. It doesn't make sense either that progresive people inside the DEMs party remain subordinated to the corrupt bureaucracy of the Clintons mafia. They should also create their own party . I would called  DEM-R also integrated to the PEOPLE FRONT.

The US-Election s in Nov 2018 is open the chance to implement a new type of coup-d-etat (golpe de Estado): a one from the bottom up created via Referendums and oriented to build a New Democracy in which a multiple party system will have proportional representation in power. I guess this new system of power will be a mix of Parliamentary Democrcy  with Executive power. The leaders, time-table, tasks and resources will be constructed in the dynamic of this rebellion.

THIS project has nothing to do with the RU Bolshevik Rev, nor the Mao’s Rev in China. This is inspired by the experience of FDR in the 1930. There will be several  New Deals across the Nation toward one single objective: to implement a real new democracy in America. There will be also New Glass-Steagal-Acts in different States  to stop the predatoy  legacy of speculative investors and their parasitic monopolies against middle & WORKING –classes. The Tobin tax will be imposed on all those parasitic billonaries. IF they  don’t accepted they will be indicted for the damage caused to our Economy and our Nation, and they may be expropriated, if they resist. 

We also take the experience from Latin Am countries: In Peru the Presid Velasco Alvarado created Peasant Federations (kind of political party) to support his “anti-oligachical Agrarian Reform”. It was a great reform but ignored the peasant communities. After Velasco was assassinated, the peasant communities took control  of  the Federacion created for Velasco (via sinamos) and make real cooperatives. The lesson:  we do not have to destroy  org created to serve the oligarchy. We can control them and give it the right direction. The same happen in Nicaragua and other countries in Central America. In all of them it wasn’t necessary a People Front to  articulate peasants to fight with the central power. The articulation  was done by Theology of liberation (a kind of religious org). Theology of Liberation is an underground Christian Org  run by nuns & lower clergy. Reagan administration named them “communists” and  order to kill them in Central America, several nuns and the Bishop Romero were killed. Even though the Peasant succeeded and the Rev is still on in Nicaragua.

The same can be done here in America, we do not have to destroy the GOP nor DEM Party. Since it will be difficult to take out their rotten bureaucracies, better to create the GOP-R and the DEM-R,  But here we have to depart from zero because we do not have organized cells (the community base in the South) and  we don’t  have the People’s Front to articulate the cells’ action. So we have to create first cells inside both parties with a minimum of 3 persons by cell. In the south we said that a ceel is small group of persons with enough will and clarity to shake the sea, the earth and the sky. The FRONT mission is to destroy the current oligarchical system of power and to install a new, real democratic System.

In America, the right strategy is demanding the immediate change of the  of current  electoral system State by State. OUR STRATEGIG PROGRAM CONTAIN  FIVE POINTS: 

1-      Not to superpaks and super-delegates. They are the source of cronyism or corruption
2-      Set 2% of signatures from the total electorate in a district to register a new party
3-      Set 5% of the valid votes in elections to get proportional  power in a new State System
4-      Desing a frame to mix Parlamentarism with Executive power to change State Constit
5-      Not more manufacture of WMD nor wars: deal with superpower SN to dismantle nukes

America has  human resources, technology and creativity to put forward this rebellion in favor of NEW DEMOCRACY in our country. 


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