martes, 3 de abril de 2018


APR  3  18  SIT EC y POL
ND denounce Global-neoliberal debacle y propone State-Social + Capit-compet in Econ

Neoliberal globalization is over. Financiers know it, they documented with graphics

US economic situation today:
See Chart:

The day's other main event, the IPO of SPOT, was both a winner - pricing at $165, some 25% above the indicative level of $130 - and a loser, with the price declining all day since the break, down 15%, or $4.5 Billion, from the initial price, trading around $150 at last check.
See Chart:

At the end of the (generally boring) day, it was - and remains - all about Amazon, and what Trump will end up deciding: is he willing to sacrifice the stock market (of whose all time highs he has been proud after calling it a bubble back in 2016) just to continue the vendetta against Jeff Bezos, or will he quietly let the feud fade away, allowing stocks to gradually make their way back to all time highs... unless of course the trade war with China escalates in the meantime, in which case all bets are off.

Rick Rule, CEO of Sprott U.S. Holdings, and a commodity veteran who has been in the market for over 40 years, thinks a trade war could finally push gold over the $1,400/oz. level.
See Chart:

It is obvious that Rule's reasoning for a potential sharp rise in gold is far more centered around inflation and a potential loss of confidence in the dollar than just overall stock market volatility.
See Chart:

As we discussed two weeks ago, the "decision point" for gold could be forthcoming and the demise of the dollar could finally be on the horizon: Russia and China are increasing their reserves and the US dollar is backed by nothing but "confidence" and $123 trillion in debt:
Other countries are now faced with a choice: whether to keep and to add to their gold reserves or hold on to the dollarwhich is backed with $123 trillion in debt.

China and Russia aren’t the only countries increasing their gold reserves. The Hungarian National Bank (“MNB”) has 3 tons of gold, valued at $130 million, stored in London. It has decided to return this gold to Hungary. Other countries are following Hungary’s example as they restore and replenish their gold reserves. Germany’s Bundesbank has recalled $28 billion of their gold reserves formerly stored in New York and Paris.

Is the US getting nervous? US Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin made an almost unprecedented and very public visit to Fort Knox, where $200 billion worth of gold is stored. “It’s still here,” Mnuchin joked. Or was he simply relieved? Gold has is becoming more important globally than ever. We may see another “gold rush,” and that does not bode well for the US dollar.
See Chart:
“Gold backed Mony vs Fiat Currency”

A couple things are certain: with each passing day we get closer to that critical test of how much global confidence there truly is in the reserve currency; meanwhile this 40-year market veteran's opinion is worth considering and it now appears that for Gold bulls the $1400 level will be critical; once it breaks, it could well be the catalyst that unleashes the demand that pushes gold back on the path toward its all time highs.

According to MS, all US-listed ETFs (Equities & Fixed Income) have seen over $6Bn of outflows over the past week, "so this feels much less like a rotation and much more like money being taken out of the market."

VOO had its largest single day outflow last Monday (note that flows on Bloomberg are one day delayed, so the flow shows up on Tuesday’s trade date – this is true of most ETFs).
See Chart:
Source: Bloomberg

There is a similar trend happening across broader US Equities and Mutual Funds
See Chart:

And a similar trend the Asset Manager Space, which was noted by MS' futures team last week.
See Chart:

In light of this, how should traders proceed? Morgan Stanley's advice: "Investors looking for a broad market hedge can consider S&P Put Spreads. The SPX May 2500/2400 put spread indicatively costs ~80bps (-3.25% / -7% OTM ref 2585, -15^, 4x max risk/reward)."
See Chart:

"The issue with speculator money is they can come in and drive prices up and once they see signs of something happening, they quickly leave and drag prices down."
See Chart:

This morning at 8am, the New York Fed launched a much-anticipated, if largely worthless (for now) benchmark interest rate to replace Libor.
See Chart:

Seudo democ y sist  duopolico in US is obsolete; it’s  full of frauds & corruption. Urge cambiarlo

"Until we can have a wall and proper security, we are going to be guarding our border with the military. That's a big step."

"Mexican immigration authorities said they plan on disbanding the Central American caravan by Wednesday in Oaxaca. The most vulnerable will get humanitarian visas."
Global depression is on…China, RU, Iran search for State socialis+K- compet. D rest in limbo

"We have not identified the precise source"

“The Chinese side came to let the Americans know about the close ties between the Russian and Chinese armed forces."

The US Trade Representative released a list of Chinese product subject to tariffs as part of Trump s Section 301 crackdown on Beijing, focusing on China's high tech product push.

And that problem is the Bank of Japan; Japan hasn’t spent the last three decades struggling with its economy so much as trying to deal with an over-aggressive central bank that is actually powerless to fix the problem (as they understand it).
See Chart:

US politics crisis: Trump captured by Deep state to reproduce old cronyism without alter-plan


Geopolitics & Econ-Pol crisis that leads to more business-wars:  its profiteers US-NATO

Is France at War with Turkey? By G ColmáinYou don’t think so.. me dia  se ven l gatos N

Deep on the US political crisis, their internal conflicts n chances of WW3

Rethink Weapons Exports  By Kristin Y. Christman
It is not the first time that a 'western' service stage such a 'provocation'.
Si no org la violencia Rev no existimos.. fue ese el mensaje de MLK jr? O fue de los Black Panters?



Geopolitics & the nasty business of US-NATO-Global-wars uncovered ..

Manbij is a region in northern Syria ‘which is facing the threat of a Turkish offensive’ See to believe
Nice history..
Follow sports in INSTAGRAM
Keiser Report  Episode 1209   Max and Stacy discuss the peasant uprising the billionaires fear... will it keep the middle classes from buying luxury consumer goods? 

Latino America looking for alternatives to neoliberalism to break with Empire: 

Mund    -el conflicto nuclear en la Peníns de Corea  Apunt de Xavier y Teresa
BRA        -Brasil: Río no es un laboratorio  Emir Sader
ALC        -Paraguay: Tres semanas difíciles para GANAR  Celso Guanipa
                --Perú:  Vizcarra no llegará al 2021  Hernán de la Cruz
                --Abril: mes de contundentes victorias  Patricio Montesinos
                -ARG: Macri: expresión del proyecto que instauró la dictadura  G R
                -ARG: Nace el área ‘género’ del MTE-Rural La Plata  Diana Carol
                -BRA: Lula y expectativas políticas sobre su detención Amilcar S
                -Chile: Mar para Bolivia, una defensa admirable Miguel Lawner
COL        -Gaitán: la nueva Colombia está por nacer  Editorial
                -Cauca:  Asesinan liberador de la Madre Tierra en Corinto MLD…
Cuba      -Temas:   Por un socialismo sin miedo (y III)  Christine Arnaud
                -La universidad que queremos  Lissy Rodríguez Guerrero
                -Economía libre y Estado regulador : un mito”  Carmela Negrete
CULT      -Marx y su encuentro con la Economía Política (II)  Nicolás González
OPIN     -Marielle y los marcados para morir  Agnese Marra
                -Culpable aunque seas inocente  Rodolfo Bueno
                --La necesidad de Memoria Histórica latinoamericana  Ilka Oliva C
MX         -Trump se mete en la campaña electoral mexicana G Villagrán
                -Injerencia híbrida en la frontera norte?  Mario Ramos
                -“Si van a México, no apaguen el motor del avión”…  Carlos Diez
                --Facebook, la política y el poder   Ángel González
Ecuad    - Lenin Moreno: “Somos gente de izq”  IZQ que corta internet a J Assange? Ah.. Ah
RT           ¿Despliegue militar en la frontera con México?  Informal declaratoria de guerra?
El chocolate puede prolongar la vida SI es de cacao puro como el de Perú
                Que si China declara ilegal la venta de carros polucionad del US y que si …
Keiser Report   ¿Qué temen los ricos?

Global situation described by Iranian observers..




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