jueves, 26 de abril de 2018

APR 25 18 SIT EC y POL

APR  25 18  SIT EC y POL
ND denounce Global-neoliberal debacle y propone State-Social + Capit-compet in Econ



Latino America looking for alternatives to neoliberalism to break with Empire: 

COL        -“Nunca pienso someterme a una corte yanqui”  Jesús Santrich  FARC
                -Medellín inició congreso “Para no volver a la guerra”  varios
India      -Imaginar el futuro de India: una introducción   Ashish Kothari
BRA        -La democracia asesinada   João Whitaker
                -Mes de asesinatos: de Marielle Franco y Anderson Gomes MA J
EU          UK:  Corbyn, la reconquist del Partido Laboris por la Izq  F Chesnais
Book      -Los humilladores de la humanidad   Arturo Garcés
                - Parlamento cubano: algunos probl  frente a 2018 (I)   JC Guanche
ALC        -Qué pasa en Nicar? Enfoque desde la IZQ crítica  Tomas Andino
                -Cómo combinar la acción “desde abajo” y “por arriba”?  Fdo Dorado
                -empresa transparent y ciudadano activ: para Tiempos Mejores C V
                -ARG: Partido peronista o peronismo partido   Martín Rodríguez
USA       -Aura H, inmigrante refugiada: "No me voy a quedar callada"  Amy G
Chile     -El fondo del problema Caos Nac  Eduardo Contreras
                Vergonzosa pieza de teatro: Trato a Macron como perrito faldero.. Se lo merece

Deep on the US political crisis, their internal conflicts n chances of WW3

Macron's Dangerous Trump Bromance   By Finian Cunningham   Continue
The French president is little more than a cypher, a flunkey, a perfect little poodle for Washington.
Where Is The Shame?   By Paul Craig Roberts
Why aren’t Trump, May, and Macron on trial?  Continue

We’re about to learn a lot more about how the Democratic Party really works behind the scenes.
The bill has been heralded in Israel as a “a landmark bill” that will lead change in the U.S. n world.

Focus on US issues


Geopolitics & Econ-Pol crisis that leads to more business-wars:  its profiteers US-NATO


Neoliberal globalization is over. Financiers know it, they documented with graphics

The US economic situation today

No macro data today for US but earnings "beats" were met with "sell the news" but dip-buyers stepped in to save the day...
Futures show the chaotic trading around the pre-open to EU close... and then the standard buying panic into the close...
See Chart

Banks were mixed today but Goldman keeps sliding...
See Chart

Bond yields and the dollar continue to rise together - and stocks fall...
See Chart:

Breaking its 100DMA, testing up to its 200DMA...
See Chart

The Department of Justice is reportedly investigating Huawei Technologies, the Chinese smartphone giant, for possible sanctions violations related to Iran...
See Chart

Nasdaq is now at 3-week lows...
See Chart:

After Boeing's beat sparked pre-market buying, sending The Dow green as the cash session opened, TV pundits proclaimed the 'greatness' of earnings season. But that didn't last long...
See Chart:

It appears investors are losing faith in the 'follow-the-leader' strategy, as the iShares Edge MSCI USA Momentum Factor ETF lost almost $500 million, the biggest withdrawal since the fund's inception...
See Chart:

"If wealth without work is one of Ghandi’s seven deadly sins, paper wealth without production that is consumed is surely inflationary..."

Read this:
Wealth Without Production = Inflation 

If wealth without work is one of Ghandi’s  seven deadly sins, paper wealth without production that is consumed is surely inflationary.  Go no further than than the real estate market to confirm this thesis.

How ironic it is the global central banks that have printed trillions over the last decade to generate the asset inflation to stimulate demand to keep the global economy afloat have not suffered the inflationary consequences of their actions.  At least, not yet.

The rich have become richer and spend proportionally less, and the poor have become poorer and cannot spend more.

Rents and housing prices are skyrocketing, though maybe not in Manhattan.
Food prices are rising.
Gas prices are spiking.
My Verizon bill suddenly spiked $150 per month with new surcharges, so off to Sprint.
Moreover, there is no labor to rebuild the housing market in our fire-ravaged county.
So, of course, there is no inflation.
And how the heck do you correctly measure inflation with dynamic pricing anyway?
Do you have any question the methodology the BLS will or is using?

Two-year Treasuries offer reasonable returns for the first time in a decade. Tied as they are to Federal Reserve policy, they will only stop rising once markets feel they have the central bank’s intentions fully baked into bond prices.
See Chart:

The rising popularity of passive investing will play a role in making it more likely that correlations between asset classes and sectors will behave differently in the next downturn than they have in the past.

Under Appreciated Price Action
S&P 500/UST Correlation
See Chart:

Something is different this time
See Chart:

This graph serves as a reminder that passive investing has grown significantly over the past 10 years. In our opinion this popularity will play a role in making it more likely that correlations between asset classes and sectors will behave differently in the next downturn than they have in the past. As such alternative hedging strategies should be considered now.

  • Passive funds and strategies have increased the likelihood that future correlations between asset classes and the S&P 500 and its constituents are higher
  • Equity and fixed income correlations have increased recently, rendering fixed income hedges for equities not as dependable
  • Gold and commodities as measured by the CRB index have also not been as good an equity hedge as in the past
  • Long equity volatility (VIX) has thus far proven a good ballast for stock and fixed income hedging
  • Traditional safety, low beta, equity sectors have been well correlated to other sectors and the equity market as a whole
  • Higher beta equity indexes (Russel 2k and the NASDAQ) have moved nearly perfectly in line with the S&P 500
  • It is too early to tell if the market is topping or just taking a breather, but the signals discussed in this article and others we did not highlight, should be taken seriously

Seudo democ y sist  duopolico in US is obsolete; it’s  full of frauds & corruption. Urge cambiarlo

“On overseas trips, the admiral would go down the aisle way of the airplane and say, 'All right, who wants to go to sleep?' And hand out the prescription drugs like they were candy..."

"New York, Los Angeles, Chicago - the places where power and capital have traditionally congregated - have becomeso over-regulated, so overpriced and mismanaged, and so morally bankrupt and soft on crime that people are leaving in droves. "
Global depression is on…China, RU, Iran search for State socialis+K- compet. D rest in limbo

"We live in an era that represents an ultimate crossroads for civilization; a time of great uncertainty. Will we seek truth in the trials we face, and thus the ability to create our own solutions?  Or, will we take a seemingly easier road by embracing whatever solutions are handed to us by the establishment?"

While Israel wants "freedom of action over Syria’s sky", Russia is about to supply Assad with modern anti-aircraft missiles while warning that Israel that any attacks would lead to "catastrophic consequences"

The ECB's CSPP pace has fallen sharply over the last four weeks Is this a signal that a new CSPP regime has started in Q2, three months earlier than we expected? According to DB, "the ECB may well have decided to slow down corporate purchases in Q2 already in order to wean the market off the addictive effects of the CSPP."

One unexploded Tomahawk cruise missile and one high accuracy air-launched missile launched by the US and its allies on Syria on April 14 have been brought to Moscow...

"France will not leave the JCPOA because we've signed it. We can work on a more comprehensive deal."

US politics crisis: Trump captured by Deep state to reproduce old cronyism without alter-plan


Global situation described by Iranian observers..



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