martes, 17 de abril de 2018

APR 17 18 SIT EC y POL

APR  17 18  SIT EC y POL
ND denounce Global-neoliberal debacle y propone State-Social + Capit-compet in Econ


Earlier, the White House had reiterated President Donald Trump’s promise to pull US troops from Syria as soon as possible to “let the other people take care of it.”
Continue reading below: Get the introduction first: Toward Mission Accomplished
Hugo Adan  April 17 2018
So far: Trump said one thing, & does the opposite.. Read the article below.. As businessman, his Gluttony for money  has prevailed. His rule is the rule of Wall Street speculators  -or Las Vegas gamblers-business-  in which the end (getting money)  justify the means .

He is just  the opposite of a real Political man, a man oriented to PEACE and equilibrium of forces and needs  for/and between  all social classes, nationalities and genders.

For him the individual prosperity of billionaires is the end and they’re the  driving force of prosperity for all in the US. This miss-conception of freedom is called neoliberalism & it is this policy that is ruining our nation & the whole world today.

This neoliberal  system have created the rulers  with  no political principals, and no political ethics at all in our country, in UK , France & other imperial States.

Their temporary success is being rejected  now by the nations that elected them.

Their power is fake and mostly manufactured by paid corporate media. It is a fake power like their money  created from the thin air (besides plundering and piracy on poor nations ).

Their fake power will be hit by the tornados of masses who are rejecting them in their own nations.
That is the destiny of Trump and his fellow allies.
Does Trump gluttony for money fits with decent role of US Presidency?  
Many people disagree .. even republicans .. So, his chances for re-election are going down.

All his political future depends on bringing the troops home from Syria..
If he doesn’t do it, the nation will take him out..
and  when the nation drop him in the trash-can of history . .
 our Nation will say very loudly: “MISSION ACCOMPLISHED”  ] ]

Earlier, the White House had reiterated President Donald Trump’s promise to pull US troops from Syria as soon as possible to “let the other people take care of it.”

The Trump administration DECIDED  -disregarding the sovereignty of the Syrian State- to replace American troops with Arab forces in Syria to “stabilize the situation in the northeastern part of the country”, the Wall Street Journal reported, citing American officials.

[[ Possible beneficiaries –not mentioned:  Israel  and Turkey (if split from RU) ]]

Although nothing is official yet, it is known that Trump’s national security adviser John Bolton recently held a phone conversation with Abbas Kamel, Egypt’s acting intelligence chief, to see if Cairo was willing to contribute to the implementation of the plan.

The Wall Street Journal suggested  “The United States has elaborated this plan with an eye to preventing the emergence of a ‘security vacuum’ in Syria  –perhaps to prevent the chaos they created in Lybia- , which would allow Daesh –or ISIS terrorists-  to return to the region “

However, assembling new forces seems challenging to senior fellow at the Middle East Institute Charles Lister, who thinks that “Saudi Arabia and the UAE are involved militarily in Yemen, and Egypt would be reluctant to defend territory that wasn’t controlled by the regime of President Bashar al-Assad.”

Wall Street Journal’s article follows:  another report about the US establishing a new military base in the war-torn country at an oilfield in Deir ez-Zor – which contradicts President Trump’s promise to leave Syria “very soon.” 

Prior to the phone call to Egypt, the United States had reportedly requested Saudi Arabia, Qatar and the United Arab Emirates allocate billions of dollars to restore the northeastern part of Syria. The unnamed officials told the Wall Street Journal that Washington wanted Arab nations to send their servicemen to the area.

But.. Earlier this week, the White House had stated that the US “mission had not hanged,”as President Trump still wanted American troops to come home as quickly as possible,” despite his French counterpart Emmanuel Macron’s claims that he had convinced Trump to maintain a US presence in Syria for a longer term.

[[ In short: the US-NATO allies  are in limbo. For the Nation and international community that is now demanding PEACE not war, Trump is promising to bring troops from Syria as soon as possible.. but behind this echelons .. the war-mongers of NATO allies want to continue the nasty business of war ]]
RU response was quick.. Read what RT announced:
The joint US, British and French assault on Syria last week was an abject failure in terms of wiping out Syria’s chemical weapons capabilities, Israeli intelligence officials said Tuesday.
Trade war is affecting national consumers.  We demand a mutual deal to stop this nasty game
The cannibals of al-Nusra and ISIS do not have limits .. not point in pardoning their faults
NATO missiles surrounding RU and these penalties.. enough to go to 1at nuke strike on NATO
With a clown as commander in chief  .. not chances of success
World wide people in streets will affect the nasty business of war.. Its POL leader will fall
Turkish academic Hasan Unal told Sputnik, explaining how Bashar al-Assad's possible ouster may nullify the results of Ankara's Euphrates Shield and Olive Branch operations. The only option for Erdogan is to help Assad to take out from Syria the US army.. then come RU good business relation
Keiser Report   Episode 1215  Max and Stacy discuss trading chlorinated chicken for Brexit as ‘global Britain’ takes on ‘free trade’ with the USA. 2nd half: Max continues his interview with Craig Hemke  about JP Morgan’s massive silver hoard & markets forecast where they may be heading.

Latino America looking for alternatives to neoliberalism to break with Empire: 

Israel     -¡Hijo de puta, qué video!  Gideon Levy
                -bombardeos US-FR y UK a la luz del derecho internacional  Nic  B
                -Cuando la mentira es la verdad  Mariano Vazquez
                --Siria es hoy más fuerte que ayer  Juan Lu González
                -Con Trump o sin Trump, US seguira con su siniestro plan  A Maira
                -URUG: legisladores del Frente Amplio rechazan el TLC Mercosur-UE
COL        -Cultivo de coca, entre el campo y el narcotráfico  Bibiana Ramírez
                --La captura de Santrich y el proceso de paz  Farid Samir B V
                --Crean Comité por la Libertad de Jesus Santrich  Hernán Durango
Peru      -Significado de la derrota imperial en Lima  Luis Bilbao
OPIN     -Bienvenido al futuro, brother Orwell:  2018  León Bendesky
                -Praxis y ciencias  Iñaki Gil de San Vicente
                -Neoliberalismo versus democracia  Jordi Córdoba
                -La gran revolución del siglo XXI  Jorge Majfud
CULT      -Neoliberalismo y literat:  El carácter de clase al desnudo  A Bolívar
                -Aprobada moción sobre amianto:  Exigimos plan de desmantelam
                - ¡La Cuarta Revolución Industrial ya está aquí!  Varios
AFRIC    -Madagascar, "edén" que sangra  Darcy Borrero Batista
ALC        -Perú:  A propósito de las Cumbres  Gustavo Espinoza
-Quo vadis Brasil y Am latina:  ¿Cómo salir de la tormenta? Pierre S
                --El combate continúa  Miguel Manzanera
                -US en la cumbre: Guardián de la democracia?  Tamara Lajtman
                -ARG: -Reclaman suspender negociaciones TLC Mercosur-U E
                -BOL: Estado de situación politica, riesgos y perspectivas    A V I
Cuba      --Ignorar un problema no lo hace desaparecer  Lázaro González
                --La emigración, vieja arma subversiva del US   Arthur González
USA       --Trump y el mov obrero:  Más allá del daño inmediato  Dan La Botz
                -Un mundo de muros… y cañones   Alberto Acosta,
RT           ¿Por qué Trump plantea regresar al acuerdo TPP? Porque es Empresar disfunc e inepto

Deep on the US political crisis, their internal conflicts n chances of WW3

In video filmed here, you see people “suffering from hypoxia – not gas poisoning.”  Continue
Sad spectacle to see U.S. rubbishing the Constitution and trying to silence critics  Continue
U.S.-led strikes on Syria proves that Wash has direct ties with terrorists, Rouhani said Continue
AngloZionist Hegemony is a threat to entire planet, but nobody besides RU-Iran is wilg to take it on
Attempting the Unachievable  By Abdel Bari Atwan
New resistance is rapidly being formed to confront the 2000 invaders in Syria  Continue
Corbyn accuses May of bowing to Trump on 'legally questionable' Syria strikesContinue
"We said before and once again that these organizations are on the payroll of US-UK  Goverts and some other allied countries"  Continue
Syria’s air defence shoots down nine ‘Israeli missiles’ after fresh airstrike over Damascus  Continue
Israel fell it has been left on its own when it comes to the Iranian presence in Syria 
Former Mossad head Efraim Halevy said that a confrontation with Russia is inevitableContinue

Focus on US issues


Geopolitics & Econ-Pol crisis that leads to more business-wars:  its profiteers US-NATO


Neoliberal globalization is over. Financiers know it, they documented with graphics

US Economic situation today:  We all will get the crisis  “I don’t care” denial won’t solve the probl

The Treasury yield curve is collapsing...
See Chart:

But because stocks are up...
See Chart

This is the message from the mainstream media...
Nasdaq led the way today, decoupling from everything as US cash markets opened..
See Chart:

But for now - Lobbing bombs at another country is a buying-panic-inspiring moment once again...
On the day Nasdaq was en fuego, Trannies were down on the day as airlines fell)
See Chart:

Bob Pisani explains today's rally: "The important thing is if you take Syria and China trade wars out of the headlines, you get back to the real market based on earnings" - hmm, Robert, banks are down on good earnings, and are we supposed to believe that Syria and trade wars are over?
Netflix sparked a buying panic in tech stocks broadly...
See Chart:

Head and Shoulders anyone?
See Chart:

And even more notable, despite blockbuster Goldman earnings - banks underperformed - sending the tech/financials ratio to its highest since June 2000
See Chart:

Bank stocks are not lovin' the yield curve collapse (or the plunge in vol!)...
See Chart:

Southwest was whacked after the awful events in Philly...
See Chart:

VIX tumbled to a 14 handle once again...
See Chart:

And if the historical relationship between VIX and the yield curve holds, then this dip in vol is for buying.
See Chart:

And bonds are not lovin' the exuberant tech buying-panic...
See Chart:

And the yield curve is in freefall...
See Chart

The Dollar Index spiked in early trading as German economic 'hope' collapsed (and EUR tumbled)... and extended gains on Mnuchin's walk back of Trump FX tweet...
See Chart:

Mal de todos.. Consuelo de tontos
Bonus Chart: German Stocks soared today - to the highest since early Fed - as Economic 'hope' crashed to the lowest since 2012!!
See Chart:

QT MORE: HOW many workers  are been dismissed?  .. How many families in pain?  Are we going to continue the war-trade with China & military war with RU llies? .. Who are the main US profiteers from this war?.. How many soldiers-life we are going to expend  to feed profiteers gluttony? .
National experts on race have been deployed - including the ADL, NAACP and Eric Holder.

"The current market action is exhibiting elements of a market having entered a potential topping process yet several historical elements are still missing to confirm a top being in place, hence staying open minded and flexible may not be the worst course of action."

Following the exuberance in January and subsequent corrective actions in February and March and now into April there has been a lot of speculation that markets may have topped in this cycle or are in the process of topping.

Firstly, let’s look at the current situation. What made the first quarter notable was the strong outperformance of the Nasdaq versus other indices. Specifically we can observe that the Nasdaq made a new high in March while the $DJIA, for example, did not:
SEE Chart:

Notably we’ve seen a similar constellation before. If you are guessing the year 2000 you are guessing correctly. Not only did we see a similar event, but it also occurred during a comparable time frame:

The common aspect in all of these: Expanding volatility, wider price ranges and negative RSI divergences and then eventually a lower high.
In short: These tops were processes.
How does this compare to now?
See Chart:

We have expanding volatility and price ranges, but we don’t yet have a negative divergence on the RSI and that is a notable deviation from the historical script.
While RSI divergences are standard technical factors for consideration there are also larger macro factors of interest and I’ve found industrial production and CPI of particular interest.

Here’s a chart I personally find fascinating. It’s a monthly chart that incorporates CPI data into the $SPX in form of a ratio. On this monthly chart below it too shows a very distinct pattern of negative RSI divergences for all the previous big market tops
See chart:

However I need to reiterate: Every single one of these 4 tops had a negative RSI divergence to show on the ratio on the monthly chart. We don’t see that here. Yet.
One general word of caution about this chart: The data set is lagging and currently it shows the data as of March hence CPI is critically important to watch in the weeks and months ahead.
In this context another chart of interest: Industrial production versus $SPX:
See Chart:

Several key takeaways:
The current market action is exhibiting elements of a market having entered a potential topping process yet several historical elements are still missing to confirm a top being in place, hence staying open minded and flexible may not be the worst course of action.
We’ll likely know more following this earnings season in April/May.

IBM once again tried to fool investors with a kitchen sink of adjustments and one-time items. Not this time...
See Chart:
Is this a good news for IBM?

"We'll make sure taxpayers have extensionsonce the system comes up to make sure they can use it and it in no way impacts people paying their taxes,"

Seudo democ y sist  duopolico in US is obsolete; it’s  full of frauds & corruption. Urge cambiarlo

"The Deep State funds the ongoing civic decay in order to keep the public distracted by inconsequential social issues. Fantasizing about a savior coming to the rescue and singlehandedly solving our problems is wishful thinking. Denial is not a plan. It is time to face the hard truths."
ONE more evidence that TRUMP is not running the Govt:   Does it matters?
There was some confusion earlier this evening over whether President Trump had met directly with Kim Jong Un. The White House clarified he hadn’t, but it turns out that at least one member of his administration has...

So much for President Donald Trump'spromises to pull US troops out of Syria...
Global depression is on…China, RU, Iran search for State socialis+K- compet. D rest in limbo

The Kremlin has been working with the country's banking system to devise protective measures that would mitigate the impact of any new sanctions levied by the US and its allies.

"We have requested Rusal stop shipments of aluminum for our term contracts as we can't make payment in U.S. dollars and we don't want to take the risk of becoming a secondary sanction target by the United States."
The sale comes one day after another Bitcoin wallet dumped $50 million at an average price of $8,026
US politics crisis: Trump captured by Deep state to reproduce old cronyism without alter-plan


Global situation described by Iranian observers..

Iran-Turkey cooperation must stop escalation of tensions in Syria: Rouhani


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