sábado, 14 de abril de 2018

APR 14 18 SIT EC y POL

APR  14 18  SIT EC y POL
ND denounce Global-neoliberal debacle y propone State-Social + Capit-compet in Econ


Even when is pending proper investigation on
Asad alleged use of Chem on his own people
Tramp proceed to order heavy attack on Syria
He violated the US Const Law & Internat Laws .
How many more civilians have been targed now?
How many houses been destroyed in Damascus?
How many families and kids affected by this  hit?
What if the same happens in cities of US-UK n FR?
Is it or not a war crime & crime against humanity? 
Syria already suffered horrible genocides by US ++
We just added one more pain to them last night.
Who commit this inhumane abuse? US-UK n FR
Siento  mucha pena y mucha vergüenza por este abuso.
EXIGIMOS Reconstruir las ciudades Sirias afectadas por la guerra.
EXIGIMOS SANCION LEGAL  e inmediata  reparación a sus familias.
Hugo Adan. Abril 14, 2018

On Friday, US President Donald Trump ordered to "launch precision strikes on Syria" in response to the alleged chemical weapons attack in Douma, described by Moscow and Damascus as a false flag. The attack was joined by British and French air forces.

More than 100 cruise and air-to-surface missiles were launched at "civilian and military facilities" in Syria on April 14 in line with US President Donald Trump's order.

The US warships Porter, Cook и Higgins carried out the attack from the Red Sea, while the French and UK fighters Mirage and Tornado, respectively, interacted with the US bombers B-1 over the Mediterranean Sea.

Watch this video:
OPEN THIS https://youtu.be/mQZC7ulv-ao

Military sources have told Sputnik Arabic that the strikes on Syria had been conducted from a French base in the United Arab Emirates, British bases in Jordan and Cyprus, as well as the US' Incirlik Airbase in Turkey.

The attacks were launched on research centers in the administrative area of Barzeh and the village of Jamraya in the capital [Damascus] suburbs as well as the Jebel el Mania district west of Damascus. According to the source, the strikes on the western part of the Homs province have been fully repelled and that the missiles had not caused any damage.

According to the Russian Defense Ministry, the Syrian defense forces managed to intercept 71 cruise missile out of 103, including all that had been fired at Dumayr military airport located 40 kilometers (24 miles) north-east of Damascus.

JOURNAL  Nueva Democracia:  http://nd-hugoadan.blogspot.com/
APR  14  18  SIT EC y POL
ND denounce Global-neoliberal debacle y propone State-Social + Capit-compet in Econ


[[ FACT: UK and France don’t have any  verifiable “Proof” to be sent to proper authority. This false flag –as the previous one from UK- has the intention to escalate this tension toward WW3 with RU-CH. ]]
[[ So, total success?: not missiles intercepted, no deaths  nor injuries at all .. only Nikki Haley, the Ambassador of lies to UN.. will eat such a crab.. she is well paid for it.. so, is OK to be ridiculous ]]

 [[ This attack was irresponsible –founded on lies- so IF this continue.. the tit for tat is what follows. It will be sad to see London, Paris and W-DC+ Penta.. burning in pain.. War is a zero-sum game.. and the law is that retaliation must cause double pain.  So, better stop this now.. or a real WW3 will come. So far, the US army was very lucky: not one single RU soldier was touch.. I know RU were expecting so, to fumigate all the sites were missiles & planes departed toward  Damascus. Maybe this was part of the talk between Putin  and  Trump before the attack: if you touch me, I will respond it immediately. Both wanted to see how their war machinery is working. Trump said “excellent” and Putin admit that only 71% was OK –it is this what Syrians called “ victory” - the other 29%  -loss of effectiveness to put down the US-UK-FR  missiles – is not because of a fault in the machinery anti-missiles.. but because those Syrians who operated were not well trained. ]]
RELATED 2:  Their focus is TRADE WAR and the joke below is valid:
She said that poisoning in Damascus outskirts is similar with the poisoning of former Russian ex spy Sergei Skripal and his daughter Yulia in UK’s Salisbury on March 4.  The reply was: the only similarity is that both were fabricated lies from your Govmt.  So, tell us:  what is your evil intention with them?
The World According to Jesse  Jimmy Dore, Direct Democracy & Michael Allman
Keiser Report   Episode 1214  Max and Stacy discuss the history of US labor in relation to its competritors UK Germany, Canada.. 

Latino America looking for alternatives to neoliberalism to break with Empire: 

BRA        - Un atentado a la democracia   Manuela d’ Ávila y Guilherme B.
ECON    - La vida hoy : entre endeudam y aseguramiento    Carlo Gatti y A M
ARG       - Corte Suprema contra los derechos sindicales  Mario Hernandez
VID-R    - Estados Unidos Desclasificado  Pablo Bohorquez
Siria       - -Llueven bombas sobre Damasco   Eduardo Luque
USA       - inmigrante:   Adiós al sueño americano  Iván F. Mérida A.
Cuba      - -¡Cuba, que digna eres!   Patricio Montesinos

Geopolitics & Econ-Pol crisis that leads to more business-wars:  its profiteers US-NATO


Neoliberal globalization is over. Financiers know it, they documented with graphics

“We believe there is actually a market today in the secondary market for people who want to buy nonprime loans... We’re not going back to the bad old days of ninja lending, when people
with no jobs, no income, and no assets were getting loans.”

Record student loan balances? Check. Trillion dollar credit card debt? Check. Six tech stocks dominating the Nasdaq? Check. Subprime auto loans at record levels? Check.
All that’s missing is subprime mortgages and we’d have every bubble base covered.
See Figure

"Due to the many criticisms and changing methodologies of the consumer price index as a true measure of inflation, we use the price of gold as a very good proxy of the true value of a dollar over long periods of time."
See Chart:

"...the threat to the economy posed by the greatest corporate zombie army in history is surely enough to make Minsky roll over in his grave..."
this is what reminded me of Minsky when I read the recent article in Grant’s with the accompanying chart below. It shows the percent of companies in the S&P 500 that would fall into Minsky’s “Ponzi unit” category. SpecificallyBianco Research defines these “zombies” as companies whose interest expense is greater than their 3-year average EBIT (earnings before interest and taxes). Currently, we face the greatest percentage of “Ponzi units” in at least 20 years.
See Chart:

The US' declaration that the overnight missile strikes against Syria would be limited and a "one-time shot" may tamp down some of the risk to oil prices spiking when markets open Monday
See Chart
Sirian oil-gas infrastructure

It appears that China is ready to re-enable some speculative excess once again in its stock market...

See Chart:

An ulterior motive for Chinese authorities to unleash the infamous China gambling mania once again on stocks may be more about maintaining confidence in the economy - remember a strong stock market MUST mean a strong economy.
Just as surging commodity prices meant surging global demand and a strong economy, right? Oh wait, silly - that was nothing but reflexive shifts with China's almost incessant credit impulse...
See Chart:

"We know for certain that between April 3 and April 6 the so-called White Helmets were seriously pressured from London to speed up the provocation that they were preparing..."
Seudo democ y sist  duopolico in US is obsolete; it’s  full of frauds & corruption. Urge cambiarlo

Description: https://www.zerohedge.com/sites/default/files/styles/teaser_small/public/2018-04/deep.jpg?itok=tEDZxqCV
".. the Deep State has moved heaven and earth to bring the Donald into its thrall and to bury every vestige of his incipient pivot toward an honest and affordable national security policy based on America First."

"A perfectly executed strike last night. Thank you to France and the United Kingdom for their wisdom and the power of their fine Military. Could not have had a better result..."


Global depression is on…China, RU, Iran search for State socialis+K- compet. D rest in limbo

According to a reported in i24, a huge explosion was heard at the Iranian base Jabal Azzan located in Syria's Aleppo province after it was struck by four Israeli Airstrikes.

"All the terrorists have left Douma city, their last bastion in eastern Ghouta,"
the Syrian army said.

"Damascus is shrugging off the US strikes, which turned out to be more limited than feared. People are dancing in the streets, waving Assad’s portrait & saying Trump has failed."

Global situation described by Iranian observers..



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