jueves, 19 de abril de 2018

APR 18 18 SIT EC y POL

APR  18 18  SIT EC y POL
ND denounce Global-neoliberal debacle y propone State-Social + Capit-compet in Econ


US unable to use language of PEACE but promise war “if new” Chem-Att is alleged.. by US-NATO?
With better salaries & transport infrastructure plus Shangai Pact: they create own internal-regional  market. Even though, they will insist in diplomacy (no sanctions) with the US while aimed to decrease their exposure to foreign Trade. No more trade-war, PEACE instead. If US want war, they’ll respond.
IF you love futbol OPEN THIS: SHEER DELIGHTFUL moments IN WORLD CUPS Best goals best players
Just US’ puppets retaliation on Turkey alliance with RU-China.. NOTHING TO LOSE.. The EU is going down, collapsing. With RU-China, Turkey get access to Shangai Econ Club and the RU oil network. 

Latino America looking for alternatives to neoliberalism to break with Empire: 

ECON    El negocio de especular con el cáncer  Juan Luis Sánchez
BRA        ¿Inocente o culpable?   Raúl Zibechi
RZ enjuicia a Lula  “más allá del juez Moro” según sus propias palabras. Si los de IZQ hacen esto  es porque tienen deudas con la derecha. Si esa regla es válida, la pregunta del caso es “como vamos por casa”. Defendio RZ con su vidaalguna Rev Latino Americana?.  Es fácil escribir, pero las palabras se las lleva el viento si no pesan en la historia. La vida de Lula si pesa. El no se dedicó a escribir libritos, el puedo su vida al servicio de la Nación.
Cuba      Sobrevivirá Cuba al final de la era Castro?  Marc Vandepitte
A pesar del bloqueo imperialista –que no duro 1 década sino casi 6- la dignidad y altura Rev del pueblo Cubano jamás fue avasallada. La pobreza decretada por el bloqueo no impidió que Cuba envie médicos a los pueblos del Caribe. La memoria histórica sobre la epopeya antimperial de los milicianos dirigidos por Fidel y El CHE jamás se olvidara. Nadie –y menos los que solo pasaron  ‘maravillosas vacaciones’ en la Isla –palabras de Marc V- pueden discutir eso. Los latinos estamos seguros de que aquella memoria alumbrará  el futuro por venir.  
OPIN     La mentira más grande del mundo  Pablo González Casanova

Hugo Adan  Abril 18 – 18

El artículo de abajo me inspiro a escribir esta rápida revisión entre cibernetica y geo-política
Defino cibernética como la ciencia de comunicación veloz sobre estudios comparativos y automáticos  de sistemas conexos. En la base de esta ciencia está el “systems-theory” (ST) donde no son los inputs y el dinero invertido los que definen los outputs o resultados, sino su DINÁMICA: el correcto uso y control de los inputs. Los inputs pueden ser escasos pero en su dinámica pueden multiplicarse y crear resultados inesperados. Un país puede tener el ejército  más grande y mejor armado y aun así perder la guerra, decía von Clausevitz (no es extranio que otro alemán crease el “systems Theory”: von Bertalanffy) . O que otro país tan pobre como Cuba llegase a tener la mejor Educ y salud del mundo (20 años después de la Rev). En el US fue Parsons quien aplico la teoría ST a la educación y nadie duda que fue el mejor estudio de la Ed USA. Y no hablamos todavía de cibernetica, sino de la teoría de base que se usa en ella, el Systems Theory o ciencia de los sistemas conexos.

Fue en medicina que se la uso por 1ra vez la cibernetica y en el estudio del sistema cerebral y su relación con el sistema  nervioso y se logró la comunicación mecánica, eléctrica y automática entre  ambos. Hoy la cibernetica se lo aplica al estudio de la inter-relación entre sistemas políticos, es lo que llamamos cibernetica en geo-politica. Si la IBM daba 4 o más posibles respuestas a ataque de caballo (knight) en un tablero de ajedrez, la cibernetica da la misma cantidad de información veloz sobre inter-relaciones geo-políticas. Y en ambas dos artes: cibernetica y ajedrez los rusos son hoy los maestros.


La cibernética está my avanzada en JA-US-RU-UK –GER- FR y ahora China. Pero de esto no depende el control Geo-político del mundo. Depende donde se la aplique y de la dinámica de su aplicación: en nuestro caso, de la aplicación del  high-tech o alta  tecnología, al tema guerra.  El monopolio de esta aplicación lo tuvo el US. Pero ya no lo tiene, RU mostro al mundo que tiene lo más avanzado en cibernetica militar. Y lo probó en el caso Siria. A las 4am del dia 13 fueron los bombardeos a Syria y 15 minutos después,  después RU publicó en Sputnik el dato exacto de donde vinieron los misiles, los aviones y además los silos nucleares que ellos harían estallar en países europeos de NATO, si los bombardeos continuaban.

Esta INFO la sacaron luego de circulación, pero la CIA capturo parte de ello. La emboscada a NATO estaba clara y la orden del US fue suspender los bombardeos y abandonar el plan de liquidar a Assad en Damascus. El plan USA incluía el envío de más soldados para apropiarse de la zona petrolera de Siria. Hoy indican que no habrá cambio de régimen, ni envío de mas tropas. Se dice que en su lugar vendrán los mercenaios pagados por Saudis y aliados. Pero eso tampoco camina, estos saben que para RU también sería fácil incinerarlos.  In short: Siria fue y es una trampa para NATO y quien venga allí. La guerra en Siria está perdida y lo único que queda es el retiro de tropas USA o su muerte lenta.

El único problema para RU son los Turcos: están dentro de Siria, y dentro de NATO tambien. Ademas tienen armas Rusas que quizá las usaron para derribar misiles de NATO, pero los Sirios no los quieren dentro. RU si quiere alianza con los Turkos porque sabe que ayudarían a derrotar a los europeos de NATO, si hay WW3. Los europeos ya habían rechazado su ingreso al EU. Hoy lo corroboraron.

De forma que el control total del mundo no depende solo del avance cibernético sino de las alianzas que se tejan durante la DINÁMICA de las guerras como la de Siria. Lo  ocurrido en N-Korea lo probó también. China tejió la alianza entre las 2 Koreas si  los del norte ponen a disposición de un Gbno unido su aparato militar. La unica condición que pusieron los del N-K  fue el retiro de los Thaad-US-missiles o su control por un Gbno Unido. Luego se conversaría un pacto de no agresión mutua entre ambas Koreas y el US. Lo del desmantelamiento nuclear quedaría sujeto a que las grandes potencias acuerden su desmantelamiento nuclear. Luego vendría el de Korea y otros paises como Pakistan e India.

Otro factor que decide el control del mundo son los cambios interno en los poderes ejecutivos en ambas  dos alianzas: las del US-NATO  (estos no tienen control sobre Israel) y la de RU-Chi e Iran plus Turkia (si sale de NATO) y si atacan NATO en el campo de batalla o en l proceso pre-WW3. Es posible que los neocons sean derrotados en Nov y que Trump no sea re-electo.  Lo mismo ocurriría en Europa con los Gbnos pro-WW3.

Esta es una visión rápida y ligera del control geo-politico mundial hoy. En un ensayo posterior enviare fuentes y más INFO.
Es cierto, el high tech o cibernetica no ha sido aplicada por los RU para destruir el mundo. Al contrario, fue RU quien logro que se detengan los bombardeos, aunque aun el Gov de Trump  insiste en ello.
US unable to use language of PEACE but promise war “if new” Chemical –Attack  is alleged..
by whom:  By US-NATO as happen before?.. without any evidence that Assad did it
In my opinion RU should re-take their demand to DISMANTLE NUKES. Forget and forgive their lies AND PRESS THE AGENDA FOR PEACE. Focus in the need to dismantle nukes, in case they want to “use force” or launch a “new strike  on Syria” : meaning START WW3.  Trump may want to put his agenda of “dismantling nukes in Korea”  as blackmail for peace. NK was never a real threat  to US, on the contrary : the US was intended to hit NK instead of Syria and it was the courageous rejection of such stupid paranoia plus the open help of China that make the US to change his mind. There is only two ways of avoinding Trump’ blackmail 1. Cancel the meeting  up to the end of Nov. 2. Prepare a response similar to the one in Syria with the help of RU and China. To avoid this situation RU should press now for the dismantle of Nukes now.

Deep on the US political crisis, their internal conflicts n chances of WW3

Pyongyang and Seoul have technically been at war since the 1950-1953 Korean conflict ended with a truce — and not a peace treaty  Continue
US and UK  are now accusing Russia of "tampering" with the site in Douma. - Continue
There was no nerve gas attack. In fact, there was no attack at all. - Continue
Russia broke US plan into pieces, & imposed withdrawal of tens of thous of militants. - Continue
Israel’s fingerprints are all over Am intervention, reflecting Jewish power in the US  Continue
The Amer ruling class’ dream is to rule over a world from the luxury of their billion-dollar bunkers! -

Geopolitics & Econ-Pol crisis that leads to more business-wars:  its profiteers US-NATO


Neoliberal globalization is over. Financiers know it, they documented with graphics

The US economic situation today:  be calm .. you won’t get a heart attack yet

Good is bad, up is down, stocks are safe, war is peace... [ it sounds Orwellian thought ]
Futures show overnight gains, a dump at the open followed by panic-buying... and then a weak close...
SEE Chart:

The Treasury yield curve was in freefall...
See Chart:

The Dollar Index held on to gains for a second day in a row - despite some notable swings...
See Chart

See Chart:

What are the probable next chapters to be written? We can see two:
  1. The Fed lifts short rates and long maturity rates rise in tandem. In this event, discount rates rise out the curve leading to a correction in asset prices. Rising 10-year Treasury rates would set up a “collision” between riskless yields on the one hand and equity dividend yields and commercial real-estate cap rates on the other. History augurs against “immaculate” rate increases.
  2. The Fed lifts short rates but long rates stay “anchored,” causing the yield curve to flatten. In that event, term premia evaporate as long rates and short rates converge. This is a distinctly bad outcome for virtually all financial intermediaries as the very basis of banking, insurance, mortgage REITs, etc. lies in using short-term funding to finance long-term lending. As term premia skinny, so do net interest margins (NIMs). At some point, rationally managed enterprises understand that shrunken NIMs requires some form of de-risking, often in the form of a balance sheet de-leveraging. The result? Credit becomes both less available and more expensive.
See Chart:
US Treasury curve

And this chart 
on Treasury spread
Riring some unforeseen zig back to a “Goldilocks” market, monetary policy has entered its late stage. Those years of cheap money that sent enterprise multiples skyward have left a credit binge in its wake.
Excesses in leverage are increasingly visible in wide swathes of the economy, perhaps no more so than in the corporate sector:
See Chart:
“Corporate Debt as % of GDP*
Must read this honest investor dreamer at  Authored by Tad Rivelle via TCW.com,

With a total of $164 trillion in debt, representing 225% of global GDP, there is now more debt than there was at the peak of the 2008 financial crisis, and the biggest risk is the United States...

Fast forward exactly one year to today, when the IMF once again sounded the alarm on debt, only this time on the public side of the ledger, warning about - what else - excessive global borrowing, and noting that with a total of $164 trillion of debt, or 225% of global debt to GDP...
SEE Chart:  Global debt

Some more details from the IMF: while advanced economies are responsible for most global debt, in the last ten years, emerging market economies have been responsible for most of the increase. In fact, as we showed several months ago, China alone contributed 43% to the increase in total global debt since 2007. In contrast, the contribution from low income developing countries is barely noticeable.
See Charts:

When looking at the big picture, needless to say it's all about the US, China and Japan: these three countries alone accounted for half of the $164tr total in global public and private sector debt. And speaking again of China, its debt surged from $1.7 trillion in 2001 to $25.5 trillion in 2016, and was described by the IMF as the "driving force" behind the increase in global debts, accounting for three-quarters of the rise in private sector debt in the past decade.
Here we should note that the IMF's definition of debt is clearly different from that of the Institute of International Finance (IIF), which last week calculated that global debt had hit $237 trillion in debt or 318% debt/GDP.
See Chart:

As an amusing aside, in a blog post posted alongside the Fiscal Monitor report, IMF director Vitor Gaspar said that the "United States stands out" and singled out the US for criticism, warning was the only advanced country that was not planning to have a falling burden of debt because tax cuts would keep public borrowing high
See Chart:

Here, the Keynesian would probably go nuts, and say that such a policy promotes saving, and is tantamount to austerity, which for some reason, is equivalent to economic death in a world where total debt/GDP is either 225% or 316% depending on whose methodology one uses.

Actually, come to think of it, it all makes sense when one considers that it is the very policies that define modern finance and economics, that have led the world to this precipice. In fact, reading the IMF report between the lines, it is nothign more than advance scapegoating for the inevitable global debt crisis that is coming, and which not even the IMF is hiding any more. What is most comical - if completely expected - is that the IMF is now blaming it all on Trump: not on generations of economists who steered the world to the point where there is more than $3 of debt for every $1 of GDP, and not on central bankers who flooded the world with debt so that the richest 0.01% can be richer than their wildest dream. Nope: it's all Trump's fault.
Somehow we doubt this advance damage control will work after the next, AND LIKELY FINAL, CRASH.

Fannie Mae forecasts an economic slowdown by 2019...
Listen Video at:

So much for the euphoria: it now appears that the benefit from Trump's tax cuts for much of the middle class will be mostly, if not fully wiped out.
See Chart:

Seudo democ y sist  duopolico in US is obsolete; it’s  full of frauds & corruption. Urge cambiarlo

The mission of the regional force would be to work with the local Kurdish and Arab fighters the U.S. has been supporting to ensure Islamic State cannot make a comeback...

“Neither U.S. Attorney John Huber nor a special counsel (if appointed)
should report to Rosenstein." 

Amid the ongoing Facebook/Cambridge Analytica debacle over their general surveillance and misuse of users’ private data, there is an emerging trend that is infinitely more disturbing.
Future choice for Americans:

Self-destruction isn't a bug, it's a feature of our socio-economic system...

The Japanese term describing a life of meaning, purpose and positive social roles--ikigai-- has caught on in certain policy circles. A life of meaning, purpose and positive social roles is the core reason (along with a diet of plant-based real food) that Okinawans are remarkably healthy and long-lived.
See Graph: IKIGAI  and several charts

Global depression is on…China, RU, Iran search for State socialis+K- compet. D rest in limbo

The raft of new Russian retaliatory measures specifies a ban on "imports of US agricultural, alcoholic, tobacco products and medical drugs" and also halts cooperation "in nuclear energy, aircraft manufacturing and supplies of rocket engines."

State-run Chinese papers said the number of warships assembled
 “the largest of its kind in 600 years.”

“There are decades where nothing happens;
and there are weeks where decades happen.”

Brazil's agriculture minister is accusing the European Union of trying to start a trade war with South America's largest economy after it threatened to cut off imports of domestic Brazilian chicken following a food-contamination invented scandal...

Having blown through almost US$7 billion in the last few days to rescue the Hong Kong Dollar from breaking the weaker-end of its peg-band, the HKD is jumping (most in 3 months) following comments that HKMA doesn't see "large-scale shorting" but more arbitrage activities.  See Chart

"The true war, a secret war, is being fought between liberty champions and lying globalists. For now it remains a cold war, a battle of principles and facts versus disinformation and fear. One day this war will become a hot one. Until that time, distractions will assail the public like a hailstorm."

"If we don’t think it’s going to be successful, WE WON’T HAVE IT..."

[[  It won’t be successful for neocon plans.. so cancel the meeting. IF Kim Jong will do it, as expected,  you will be embarrassed  ]]

US politics crisis: Trump captured by Deep state to reproduce old cronyism without alter-plan


Global situation described by Iranian observers..



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