viernes, 20 de abril de 2018

APR 20 18 SIT EC y POL

APR  20 18  SIT EC y POL
ND denounce Global-neoliberal debacle y propone State-Social + Capit-compet in Econ



Latino America looking for alternatives to neoliberalism to break with Empire:  

ECON    -Trabajo, cuidados y… renta básica   Nuria Alabao
                --Desigualdad y explotación  Michael Roberts
USA       Eddie Conway, ex-PN:  “Obama fue versión ‘light’ de George Bush Jr.”
                -¡Por la vida, la salud y la libertad de Mumia! Protesta el 30 d Abril
ISRA       Por qué Israel quiere acabar con la UNRWA?  David Hearst
Cultu     -Antes del alba. La evolución  Nicholas Wade
                -Marx: Instrumentos para comprender el Siglo XXI  M Husson
ALC        -La derecha reescribe la historia latinoamericana  Emir Sader
                -La necesidad impostergable de un nuevo Estado  Carlos Verón
                -Cumbres al borde del abismo  Alcides Alejandro Murua
                -Apagón eléctrico absoluto en Puerto Rico EL 2do en una semana
ARG       -Sobre iras, ascos y náuseas  María Julia Bertomeu
                -Mercado laboral: situación del trabajo registrado  Mariano Pasi
COL        -Cabalga Plan de Exterminio en Colombia  Cecilia Zamudio
Cuba      -¿Qué entender por sociedad civil?  Elier Ramírez Cañedo
                -Feliz confirmación de democracia en Cuba  Manuel E. Yepe
Españ    -De aquellos barros estos lodos  Joan Coscubiela
                --La resistencia   Xabier Anza
MEX       -Superexplotación, despojo y barbarie (y IV)  José Luis Ríos
Mund    Cisnes blancos coreanos  Francisco Márquez de la Rubia
Video    -Sartre sobre Fanon: Los condenados de la tierra
Futbol   --Comparta las delicias de las Copas Mundiales de la FIFA. ABRE:
ALAI       -¡Libertad para Assange!   Pedro Pierre
                -Abril con sabor a Tierra   Carlos Ruperto Fermín
                -Resistencia y defensa del agua y territorios en Brasil L Bonecini
COL        -Entre risas y trizas   Héctor Alonso Moreno   
BRA        -Jueza impidió la visita de Pérez Esquivel a Lula Cerrar Emb USA: raiz del lumpenaje polit
En este Pdo está la pedófila Clinton y notables amos del Fraude elect: Es basural de falsa Izq
Por que estos religiosos tarados no castigan el sistema neolib que las dejo sin trabajo?. La crueldad sádica de herederos de la Sta Inquisicion y degolladore wahabitas Saudis es + pervera  que la prostit

Deep on the US political crisis, their internal conflicts n chances of WW3

Geopolitics & Econ-Pol crisis that leads to more business-wars:  its profiteers US-NATO

Unpersons   By William Blum,  sospechas discutibles de W. Blum

Neoliberal globalization is over. Financiers know it, they documented with graphics

The US Economic situation today

Take your pick - Good, Bad, or Ugly..
  • The Dollar's best week in over 4 months
  • Silver's best week in 4 months
  • Bitcoin's best 2-week gain in 4 months
Not Good:
  • 30Y Bond's worst week in 3 months
  • 10Y highest yield close since Dec 2013
  • Semi stocks worst week in a month
  • Techs worst weekly underperformance relative to Banks in over 3 months
  • Gold's worst week relative to silver since Sept 2016
How about next week? Do you feel lucky?

Odd week, all in all - major reversal midweek in many momentum strategies.
Big shift in momentum midweek, left Dow, S&P and Nasdaq unchanged on the week, Trannies outperformed...
See Chart:

Growth was favored early in the week but rejected for value after Wednesday's open...
See Chart:

Real Yields and Breakevens surged...but breakevens dumped and pumped today...
See Chart;

 The Dollar Index surged this week back to its highest level since The Fed hiked rates in March...
See Chart:

This was silver's biggest week relative to gold since Sept 2016... (early indications are that the record net short silver position has started to liquidate)
See Chart:

The SMART money is still leaving...
See Chart:

Bonus Chart:  Why the sudden reversal midweek? Simple - The HKMA had to start buying Hongkers to protect the peg and started selling everything else!!
See Chart:

"Inflation has once again become a hot topic of discussion. Core CPI has returned to 2%, oil is near $70 a barrel, and copper is well over $3 per pound. What is easily forgotten, yet not hard to show, is that inflation is the last of the lagging indicators."

See Chart:

Wall Street's exposure to subprime lending "nonbanks" has quietly increased sixfold between 2010 and 2017 to a record high $345 billion. Here's how...
See Chart:

“The trick of successful investors is to sell when they want to
, not when they have to.”

STAGFLATION – persistent high inflation combined with high unemployment and stagnant demand in a country’s economy.”

How can that happen? Exactly in the way you are witnessing now.
While the current Administration is keen on equalizing trade through tariffs, trade deals, and trade deficit reduction, they have also embarked on a deficit expanding spending spree which has deleterious long-term effects on economic growth. At the same time, the administration is attacking
our major trading partners, particularly China, leading to a push to shift away from the U.S. dollar as a reserve currency.
See Chart:

What does all that mean?
Here is the problem with the current trajectory.
  • A weaker dollar leads to higher commodity prices creating cost-push inflation.
  • As fears of inflation infiltrate the markets, interest rates increase which raises borrowing costs.
  • As the dollar weakens, exports come under pressure which comprises about 40% of corporate profits.
  • Higher input costs, borrowing costs, and weaker profits ultimately force corporations to suppress wage growth to protect profits.
  • As wage growth is suppressed, particularly with a heavily indebted consumer, demand falls as higher costs, both product and borrowing costs, cannot be compensated for.
  • As demand falls, companies react by reducing the highest costs to their bottom lines: wages and employment.
  • As profits come under pressure, stock prices fall which negatively impacts the “wealth effect” further curtailing consumptive demand.
  • As the economy slumps into recession, unemployment rise sharply, demand falls, and interest rates decline sharply. 

As I discussed just recently, the bottom 80% of U.S. households are heavily indebted with no wage growth to offset the rising costs in “non-discretionary” spending requirements of rent, utilities, food and healthcare and debt payments.
However, as the dollar weakens, the input costs to manufacturers rise leading to concerns of inflationary pressures which pushes interest rates higher.

The biggest risk to the markets, and investors, is both the current Administrations trade policies, particularly as it relates to China, and the reduction of the Federal Reserve’s balance sheet. Combined, these two represent the largest buyers of U.S. Treasuries which is most inopportune at a time where the fiscal deficit is set to swell creating a surge in U.S. debt issuance. (The chart below is the annual rate of change of foreign holdings of U.S. Treasuries versus the annual change in interest rates.)
See Chart:

Furthermore, this is all occurring at a time when global liquidity is being withdrawn.
The removal of global policy stimulus has naturally come about as the world economy finally managed a couple of quarters of synchronised growth in 2017. But our view is that this growth is tenuous and very late-cycle, particularly in China and the US, as the credit cycle has already turned. And the next challenges for markets are just around the corner.”
Here the readings for this weekend:

Economy & Fed

Most Read On RIA
Research / Interesting Reads

Seudo democ y sist  duopolico in US is obsolete; it’s  full of frauds & corruption. Urge cambiarlo

"There’s now a huge mismatch between the use of USD in the global financial system and the U.S. share of the world economy. China and Russia are acutely aware of this and have been taking major steps to transition to a more multi-polar currency world..."

China's nearly 200% tariff on imports of US sorghum is already having a profound impact on the global grain trade. And in the latest evidence of this...

“The main reason for the president to go to war in Syria was to get Stormy Daniels, the Russia scandal, James Comey and a host of other things that have imperiled his presidency off the TV screens. Nothing does it like a strike. Our media is quite puerile like that. When they see missiles flying they get transfixed and they love to report on it.”

As soon as I shake these Feds that are following me, I’ll be back and we’ll go to dinner..."

It all comes out in discovery...

Hillary attempt  to sue all of them,  1st because she was assumed there was a  PACT against her, and 2nd because all that is alleged on her political life are lies.

The FACT is that there were never such PACT and 2nd the INFO is real and is based on Facts. All of them belongs to public domain since she was Sec of State of the US. As such, she was working with other countries abroad in our name & representing  our national interest, not her personal or private interest.

She supposed to record all talking with  representatives of other nations  & she commit of serious fault when not using the phone given to her or by erasing the records. Those rules were breached by Hilarry and are pending of sanction. In addition, there are codes of  ethical conduct while she is in power, and she violated too.   

If we take at randomn 10 of the 50 Clinton felonies summarized by R Barsocchini we can create 10 files with more evidences in each one, enough to indict her. So it is Hillary the person that deserve to be placed in jail . Many of the 50 Clinton felonies summarized by R Barsocchini were noticed by US voters and that is the reason why she lost the election.

 In short: given the electoral  trap of voting for the lesser evil , she was the worse evil, that is why she lost the eleccion. Do not blame Assange, Snowden, Trump or anyone for spreading news  that are of public domain.

In addition,  Her using of superpacks to buy elections and the way of collecting  of money with the Clinton Foundation and the uses of super-delegates to alter the partial results during the primaries is considered in Europa, India and many countries as a crime against democracy. She was in fact the MOST CORRUTPTED candidate in the US  history of  election. 

The political history of this ultra conservative & corrupt  lady is well described by Robert Barsocchini See:  THE VIOLENT CRIMES AND SHADY DEALINGS OF HILLARY CLINTON. OPEN 


By Steve Pieczenik


I mention two URL options because the tape is being blocked . IF so go to
I can cite other Docts  but I think is enough for today regarding Hillary’ political corruptions.

CIA Director Pompeo Oversees Capture Of UN Pedophile Who Leaked Video Of Hillary Clinton Killing a Child. OPEN the art below 
See this VIDEO: 

Killary Clinton Defended The Man Who Raped An Innocent Young Girl and Subsequently Laughed About It!
By Matthias Chang
In 1975, a girl who was only 12 years old was raped by a 42 year old man. Hillary Clinton volunteered to defend the rapist. In court, Hillary told the court that the girl made up the story because the girl enjoyed fantasizing about older man.
Hillary succeeded in getting the man freed. In 1980, Hillary gave an interview and admitted she knew that the man was guilty. AND SHE LAUGHED about it.

The recent emails show all too clearly she is a child abuser as well, and was on the “LOLITA EXPRESS”, the private jet of billionaire, JEFFREY EPSTEIN, who transported amongst others, Bill Clinton, Prince Andrew and also HILLARY AND HUMA ABEDIN and WERE INDUKLGING IN PEDOPHILIA!

The question is: Do women really owed a vote to Hillary because is a woman? .. What if Hillary and her husband committed the crime of Pedofelia (sexual abuse of female minors) more than 20 times? Check the tape below. This topic was never touched in the electoral debates. 


YES, there were many issues to be investigated and only one indictment was totally finished: the obstruction of justice, enough to put Hillary more than 20 years in jail. Perhaps  the  2nd issue Pedophilia (sexually abuse of minors) is already been finished, nobody knows. If happens that will be the burial of Hillary. This issue has already being investigated, and very soon its results will be put it across, it is that the tape below suggested:




Hillary Paid Raped Victim (A Child) Who Was Raped By Bill Clinton Years Ago, To Accuse Donald Trump

An extraordinary Foreign Intelligence Service (SVR) report circulating in the Kremlin today says that the US Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) allowed Director Sergey Naryshkin to have complete “unrestricted/unfettered” access to their top-secret evidence proving that former President Bill Clinton raped a 13-year-old girl child, and that Hillary Clinton, in turn, paid this young girl child $200,000 to accuse Donald Trump instead—but who when confronted by the FBI this past week, dropped her lawsuit against Trump and was put under their protection.

OPEN   TO SEE THE PICTURE of a Raped victim who was a young girl when raped by this Sex Predator ; BILL CLINTON and to read the complete article:   He re the last paragraphs of this article:

“Important to note, and as we had previously reported on, Israel’s Institute for Intelligence and Special Operations (MOSSAD) “Clothing Shop Network has been indentified by the SVR as the main “organizer/facilitator” behind the “international money man of mysteryJEFFERY EPSTEIN—who has, also, been labeled as “The Billionaire Pedophile Who Could Bring Down Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton”.

The husband of the prosecutor gunned down..

As to how the billionaire pedophile Jeffery Epstein could bring down both Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump, this report explains, involves the testimony of a young women, only identified as JANE DOE”, who was the main witness for the State of Georgia prosecutor for human trafficking Camila Wright, and who this past year was prepared to indict Bill Clinton—until her husband, Shahriar Zolfaghari, was gunned down on 31 May.

Following the brutal slaying of prosecutor Wright’s husband, this report continues, FBI “files/documents” “seen/observed” by Director Naryshkin show that operatives for Hillary Clinton met with “Jane Doe” and paid to her $200,000 to change her testimony and accuse Donald Trump of raping her by filing a US federal lawsuit against him.

I Skip several paragraphs

Immediately following the FBI allowing SVR Director Naryshkin to “view/examine” their files proving Hillary Clinton’s crimes involving this girl child Bill Clinton had raped, this report grimly concludes, US forces loyal to both the Obama regime and Hillary Clinton launched an unprovoked and unprecedented cyber attack against the entire Federation for the purpose of sabotage—and to which the Kremlin gravely responded to by stating: “If no official reaction from the American administration follows, it would mean state cyber terrorism exists in the US”.

Global depression is on…China, RU, Iran search for State socialis+K- compet. D rest in limbo

"...we will never use nuclear weapons unless there is nuclear threat or nuclear provocation to our country,"



Global situation described by Iranian observers..


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