lunes, 2 de abril de 2018


APR  2  18  SIT EC y POL
ND denounce Global-neoliberal debacle y propone State-Social + Capit-compet in Econ

Neoliberal globalization is over. Financiers know it, they documented with graphics

US Economic situation today: Bloodbath

Well that really escalated quickly...
After last week's "paint the tape ahead of a long-weekend" melt-up into the close, the first trading day of the second quarter was a bloodbath... In fact the worst since The Great Depression...
See Chart:
 ‘S&P performance on the first date of Q2’

Woah...a ubiquitous opening bounce, then puked into Europe's close, then another attempt to ignite momentum, fails and stocks puked into red for the year again..
See Chart:

3rd dead cat bounce in a week...
See Chart:

The S&P 500 and The Dow broke below their critical 200DMA... (Nasdaq is closest to its 200DMA since Brexit plunge) -
See Chart:

Highest volatility : VIX topped 25, leading the US equity index vols higher today...
See Chart:

..  Tech led the tumble  ..
See Chart:

Lowest close for NYSE FANG+ Index since January 5th...
See Chart:

Stocks caught down to bonds' reality once again...
See Chart:

The Dollar Index rebounded modestly as safe-haven liquidity flows picked up like last week...
See Chart:

Despite dollar strength, PMs rallied on the day as crude was crushed...
See Chart:

Bonus Chart: Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice - you can't get fooled again...
See Chart:

[[ The Data above is enough to impeach Trump for lies on full employment, prices & prosperity .. And saying that spending on WMD, financing military drills  and creating war with small nations is the US way to economic growth n prosperity: NOT anymore: we got the red point of MAD (Mutual assured destruct). So, It is a very  irresponsible negligence to continue the path of previous neocons. We’ve committed  war crimes & crimes against humanity when destroying entire State-Nations & millions of life. Because of Trump policies we are now in the verge of WW3. This is A CRIMINAL NEGLIGENCE. ]]
In Short: We are in real bankruptcy with huge DEBT recycled by printing money from the thin air. All our nation is heavily indebted too. This is a fake neoliberal economy whose final crush is ad portas. We can’t continue this economic farce via fascistic political regime.. This  will be a way of creating People REV in America against the FED and for secession. The soldiers will join the rebels against the rulers and capital punishment will be re-instated across the nation on the ruling class.   
It is clear: ‘ If we lose the economic battle we lose the base for all other battles’. Von Clausewitz

"The US dollar remains on the cusp. It is anyone’s guess which way it will go. But the roadmap to a financial disaster was printed thousands of years ago. Is anyone paying attention?"

A wheel barrel became a wallet.
Throughout the 20th century, many other countries flooded their economy with fiat currency – and collapsed as a result. The direct correlation between government interference with money and the devaluation of currency seems to escape many.
See Chart:

There is no escaping history. Paper money and out-of-control national debts have always devalued the currency and caused massive inflation. The US dollar remains on the cusp. It is anyone’s guess which way it will go. But the roadmap to a financial disaster was printed thousands of years ago. Is anyone paying attention?

As it turns out, McDonald's widely lauded "wage hike" was little more than a publicity stunt.
READ this:
McDonald's widely lauded "wage hike" was little more than a publicity stunt. In the three years since McDonald's announced the wage hike in 2015, the firm has essentially frozen employee wages, often leaving them just a few cents above minimum wage, as Bloomberg has discovered.
"They need to give us the dollar that they promised us," said one of those employees, Fanny Velazquez, who’s worked for the corporation for a decade. "I can’t pay my rent or my bills."

US consumers have accumulated an aggregate $1.04 trillion credit card debt...
See Chart:

At the same time, the savings rate for US consumers has plummeted to its lowest level since November 2007.
See Chart:
[[ CARTEL interesting name for neoliberal Econ.. pero suena a mafia-business.. ]]

"The vise will tighten until something breaks. It could be the currency, it could be the political status quo, it could be the credit/debt system - or all three."
See Chart:
In the sources below:
Or the original source:

Seudo democ y sist  duopolico in US is obsolete; it’s  full of frauds & corruption. Urge cambiarlo

THE GOOD-fake news:

Even CNN and AP polls reveal Trump's popularity is soaring...
[[ I guess they made a mistake.. they should’ve put 60% approval.. more reliable & more help  to T.]]
The BAD news for Mx and all Latinos:

The Trump administration is said to be pushing for the U.S., Canada and Mexico to reach a Nafta deal in principle to be announced at the Summit of the Americas in Peru on April 13-14, Bloomberg reported citing three people familiar.
Global depression is on…China, RU, Iran search for State socialis+K- compet. D rest in limbo

En la Guerra de las mentiras, los chinos no pierden tiempo:

".... it challenges the current dollar-dominated pricing scheme of crude oil markets - commonly known as the petrodollar system - which helps underpin the dollar's status as the major international reserve currency. "

"Yes, there are people from Saudi Arabia who financed terrorist groups. "

US politics crisis: Trump captured by Deep state to reproduce old cronyism without alter-plan


Geopolitics & Econ-Pol crisis that leads to more business-wars:  its profiteers US-NATO


Deep on the US political crisis, their internal conflicts n chances of WW3

Details on 'Novichok' nerve agents were published in a 2007 book by Vil Mirzayanaov, a Soviet scientist offered asylum in the United States.
After the publication the U.S. and the UK actively suppressed international discussions about the book and the 'Novichok' chemical weapon agents. Documents from the U.S. State Department published by Wikileaks show that then Secretary of State Hillary Clinton directed her diplomats to not talk about Novichok and to play down the matter should it arise in chemical weapon control talks.
How military prop  has changed, how war has been privatised, and how imperialm is coming home.
Russian Exodus from the West   By Peter Koenig
Both parties are stupid, lying, clueless war mongers, led by ancient, decay whores for rapac Capitm
Ex Israeli Intel Boss: Putin Is Too Soft On West  Must Watch You can not be polite to bully
Sick Semper Tyrannis  By P Edwards America lost in a fog of immorality and Tyranny
The Isolation Of Julian Assange Must Stop  Open Letter to President Of Ecuador, signed by Noam Chomsky, Chris Hedges, John PIlger, et al

Geopolitics & the nasty business of US-NATO-Global-wars uncovered ..

"When they say that the order came from the very top, then, firstly, President Putin personally commented on this situation and said that only a completely biased person, a person who started a terrible, insane provocation, can insist on that Russia had a motive. As it is done by our British colleagues. What was our motive? On the eve of presidential elections, on the eve of the World Cup in football? " the Foreign Minister told a press 
"Now our Western partners, I mean primarily the United Kingdom, the United States and several countries that have blindly followed them”
If London fails to answer Russia's questions on the Skripal case at the upcoming meeting   (April 4) of the Organization for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons (OPCW) Executive Council, it will mean that the entire incident was a provocation, Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov emphasized.
The Holocaust Law, criminalize and blamed the Polish nation for Nazi atrocities.  That was a “legislative failure” and a “political mistake.”.  The Holocaust Law, which was declared partially unconstitutional by the Polish attorney general’s office, has soured Warsaw’s relations with Israel and has been criticized by the United States and Ukraine.
[[ Read my short story-tell  ‘Poder del pedo australiano’: Se tiró un pedo y la víbora salió volando ]]
En el pais de caníbales wahabi solo los hombres –con derecho a 4 mujeres- pueden espiar esposas. Esto serviría para cuento corto sobre misogenia en las 3 relig del M-East. La biblia me ayudaría pues condeno a las mujeres a parir con dolor y callar tiranía del alto clero para evitar ser quemadas vivas.

Latino America looking for alternatives to neoliberalism to break with Empire: 

OPIN     Ent a Lucía Topolansky, VP de Urug: “Hay una crisis de utopías” FR
                -destruc de socied y natura por capital:  Para saber a qué atenerse
                - -Pan y fiscalidad  Iulen Lizaso
                - -El bicentenario de Marx  Gustavo Espinoza
USA       El Estados Unidos de Trump  Nate Terani  1ro los usa, hoy los quema
                Chelsea al Senado: "Estuve en la cárcel, estuve en la guerra”  AG-DM
FEM       Marzo 8: Cuando las mujeres dijimos basta  Justa Montero
COL        -ELN vs. EPL: ¿Zidres o zonas de reserva campesina? Carlos Meneses
                -La máx aspiraci de Gvo Petro es el Estado de bienestar  Oto Higuita
                -Coyuntura política, alianzas y primera vuelta  Kevin Siza
ECOL      la "modernidad seca":  Ciudad del Cabo se queda sin agua  R Vega
                - La muerte tiene premio Adriana Meyer   ascienden a asesinos
Brasil     -La fuerza democrática de Lula  Emir Sader
                -Una dictadura de baja intensidad  Vanessa Dourado
                -El fascismo amenaza a Brasil  Juan Manuel Karg
M-Or     - todos defender la Rev en Rojava:  Afrin no ha caído  Varios
                -Israel: mundo al revés en sociedad enferma  Pablo Jofré Leal
                - ¿Por qué Israel comete tantos crímenes?   Ramón Pedregal
Cuba      María Santucho:  “En Cuba viví orgullosa de mi apellido”  Fico T
                - Abril en Victoria   Adán Chávez Frías
RT           Trump ofreció a Putin celebrar una cumbre en Washington Cuando? Antes o desp WW3?
Cienc     Crean un radar para salvar al mundo de los mosquitos asesinos las arañas crearon el mej  R
                [[  leer mi cuentito corto: ‘Buena como amiga y como asesina tambien’ ]]
Cienc     Científicos explican el comportamiento anormal del agua Y quien.. las agüitas de la quebrad

Global situation described by Iranian observers..



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