jueves, 12 de abril de 2018

APR 11 18 SIT EC y POL P2

APR  11 18  SIT EC y POL  P2
ND denounce Global-neoliberal debacle y propone State-Social + Capit-compet in Econ


US Defense Secretary James Mattis keeps his tone low, speaking about the alleged chemical attack in Douma.  When asked about the evidence supporting accusations against Syrian Presi  Assad's forces for the alleged chemical attack, "Mad Dog" Mattis responded in measured tones:
"We're still assessing the intelligence - ourselves and our allies. We're still working on this," Mattis stated.

[[ Interesting: the bulldogs have been unlashed, destroyers sent & T. threats more furious every hour .  I wonder : is  "Mad Dog" Mattis a real tramposo?. In time of US decomposit anything could happen ]]
T May Blames Syrian Government for Alleged Chemical Attack she wants to get a title: Queen of lies
Putin  won’t pay attention to it: Russia Is Not Part of Twitter Diplomacy
Trump expect that his terrorist’ allied inhale DU after USA missiles..love bet hyenas is ‘admirable’
One more chance to “fake ruler” : CrossTalk  Path to war

Latino America looking for alternatives to neoliberalism to break with Empire: 

COL        -Jesús Santrich, advertencia de lo que se viene  José Antonio G
                - Lucharemos hasta el final por un país en paz  FARC
                - -Un desencuentro con la vida  José Giron Sierra
ALC        -Pueblos Indígenas y la Cumbre de las Américas  Luis Hallazi
                -Guatemala:  Tiempos de tormenta  Carolina Vásquez
                - Ni siquiera temblaria  Perú si llegase Trump a Lima   Patricio M
                -Cumbre de las Américas  Julian L  Ordenes del Pentagono contra Ven
OPIN     - Calaveras  Ramón Reig  Sobre fosas comunes .. Abundan en Siria
                -Del pucherazo al "trumpazo": moderniz de la democ  Antonio Lorca
                -El autoritarismo que duele a las oligarquías  Carlos Luque
FEM       -Marxismo y feminismo P2: historia y conceptos  Silvia Federici
USA       -Llevando el mundo al borde de la aniquilación  Rick Sterling
                - Bolton, el ‘diplomático’ más venenoso del mundo  A Jalife
                -Martin Luther King era radical, no manchem su legado Cornel West
                - Trump cancela viaje a Cumbre de las Américas  David Brooks
                -neoliberalismo: como transforma las ideas en creencias" J Vázquez
ECOL      -El valle de la desesperanza  M Calix El Valle de Siria en Honduras
ECON    -Renta básica universal:  De izq o de derecha?  Julie Wark y Danel R
                US: -A 10 años de Bear Stearns  Alejandro Nadal  Las quiebras
BRA        - mais um ser humano, sou uma ideia J Blanco Y las ideas se luchan
                --Una primavera de millones de Lulas  Ilka Oliva Corado
                - -El PT ratifica a Lula como su candidato  Dario Pignotti
                - Lula y nosotros  Emir Sader 
Or-M     - -La fortaleza del ejército sirio  Guido Luppino
Cuba      - -Con Cuba, entre vítores, lágrimas y banderas…  Andrés Gómez
                - -Un diálogo sobre la Constitución cubana  Julio César
ALAI       Ataque con armas químicas en Siria? Otro invento para atacar RU
La caja de pandora el WW3 la abrió Israel con dos caza F15: Quien la cierra?
RT           Trump: "Prepárate, Rusia, los misiles llegarán a Siria"  Tambien al US

Deep on the US political crisis, their internal conflicts n chances of WW3

Trump Warns Russia Missiles 'Will Be Coming' in Syria By R Burns, J ederman & Catherine L/ AP
Russian Ambassador said any missiles fired at Syria would be shot down & the launching sites targeted. A stark warning of a potential major confrontation. [ I guess they will go to the jugular ]

Focus on US issues


Geopolitics & Econ-Pol crisis that leads to more business-wars:  its profiteers US-NATO

What if RU hit directly US (9 sites), 7 sites in Europa. Dimona in ISR plus Ryad? Bye-Bye NATO. RU may have not quantity of weapons.. but a proper use of available.. will be enough to send NATO to hell

Neoliberal globalization is over. Financiers know it, they documented with graphics

Current Economic situation:

No good reason... just made me laugh...
As always, the US cash open sparked a buying panic sending stocks into the green after concerns overnight on Airstrike warnings and Trump's tweets but any relief from Trump's subsequent more-diplomatic tweet was lost as stocks rolled over hard.
Futures show the action best...
See Chart:

Most of the FANGMAN stocks ended lower...(NFLX - black, and FB - red ended higher)
See Chart:

Once again, bonds and stocks have decoupled...

Treasury yields were broadly lower (2Y unchanged) with the long-end outperforming.
See Chart:

And the yield curve tumbled to fresh 11 year flats... (2s10s hit a 45bps handle)
See Chart:

The Dollar was heading for freefall until it was rescued momentarily by hawkish fed minutes..
SEE Chart:

Though the Powers That Be will attempt to placate or suppress the Revolt of the Powerless,the genies of political disunity and social disorder cannot be put back in the bottle...
The saying "the worm has turned" refers to the moment when the downtrodden have finally had enough, and turn on their powerful oppressors. The worms have finally turned against the privileged elites -- who have benefited so greatly from globalization, corruption, central bank stimulus and the profiteering of state-enforced cartels. It doesn’t matter as much as the punditry assumes whether they are turning Left or Right; the important thing is that the powerless have finally started challenging their privileged overlords.

In the current era, eight interconnected trends/cycles are either reaching the end of their run or reversing:

-- Central bank distortion/manipulation of markets.
-- The business cycle of credit/debt expansion and contraction.
-- The yield/interest rate cycle.
-- The commodity cycle.
-- The stock market cycle.
-- Regulation.
-- Globalization.
-- Demographics.

So as these 8 key trends and cycles change, what can we as individuals do?
In Part 2: 6 Essential Strategies For Prospering Through The Next Crisis, we detail specific steps to take with your money, your career, your lifestyle, your possessions and your mindset that will dramatically improve your odds of ending up on the winning side of these cycle reversals.


Herbert Stein’s Law states “What Can’t Go On Forever, Doesn’t.” 
This is a neat summary of the present trade and currency imbalance. China makes real goods and the U.S. consumes them by typing digits on a keyboard. This is the very definition of what cannot go on forever.

  • How long do you expect a nation can make nothing and consume everything?
  • How long do you expect a nation without manufacturing, without a workforce, and now without a viable military to remain pre-eminent?
  • How long does wealth and influence remain in a nation that makes nothing, does nothing, and knows nothing?

Reminds me of that other Law: “A fool and his money should be parted as soon as possible”, for to be wealthy, and helpless, and dumb, is not a combination that lasts for very long.

Since China cannot send the U.S. free goods forever, ergo, they won’t. That means slowly or quickly, now or later, they will cut us off. Right now it appears that can never happen, but I assure you it will very soon. And what will the U.S. do then?

Actually, that’s very simple: the U.S. will have to close a $600B trade deficit instantly. Roughly, that means the U.S. will no longer import $600B worth of goods and be $600B/year poorer, or $2,000/year per person. Nor is this unusual. History is rife with examples of nations that once were prosperous and were suddenly cut off: Spain and Greece come immediately to mind. So how does this happen?

The Core nation, the trading hub has failed dozens of times in history, from Venice to Holland, Spain to England, and although most of history was on a gold standard, nevertheless the same thing happened: repudiation and devaluation of the currency. That’s why a U.K. Pound is no longer a troy pound of pure silver ($192) and why the U.S. Dollar is no longer 1/20th ounce of gold ($267). So let’s run down how this might unfold.

Like other empires, the U.S. rose to prominence with hard work and industry. Like other empires, this personal and physical industry was the foundation of an effective military. This military eventually stood alone, leaving the U.S. to set the rules of trade, the rules of diplomacy, and the rules of conduct. Like other nations, the U.S. bent those rules in its own favor, both early and late.

However: math, the cruelest of Mother Nature’s laws, is not fooled. If you bend the rules to create market distortions, those distortions are indeed created. If there were fair trade, a gold standard, a nation that increases their wealth would find its currency rise. A rising currency would dampen manufacturing and efficiency, the gold would flow back out, and the unfair advantage would be corrected. But only in a free market. Any market on Earth has an Army, and that Army’s job day and night is to make sure that unfair advantage does NOT end.

Mother Nature is never deterred. However long it takes, she waits. Lacking fair trade, an abnormally strong currency does the only other thing it can: destroy the Core nation’s industry, totally and completely. More certain than a nuclear explosion, economics will not miss a single spot until the wrong is righted and the truth is out. At first the low-gain commodity industries go: mining, shipping, smelting; then their sooty kinsmen: heavy rail, ships, ports, transportation.

After that go the[y] lighter industries: manufacturing, stamping, autos, and so on up to mainframes, silicon chips and phones, and with them, their children, manufacturing processes and R&D. However, as London and NY showed, you can forestall currency correction even now by moving market distortions into services and financial engineering. At this point, however, the Core nation has nothing left but Banks, Universities, and the Government/Military, and no underlying economy to support them.

However, what Charles Hugh Smith calls the fiefdoms of monopoly cartels and apparatchiks of the 1% now lead an empty parade, horse-whipping the un-compliant 99% into supporting an economy that exists only in their minds. And then “What can’t go on, doesn’t.” THE EMPIRE COLLAPSES FROM WITHIN, to the total surprise of historians of the 1%, and the total lack of interest of the 99%, for whom it had already collapsed decades before.

And of the other side? The artificially low currency leads to low costs, low labor, high enterprise, and in the mirror image of the Core nation, the increase in wealth, and the addition of commodity goods, then heavy industry, then manufacturing, then R&D. Whose fault is that? Not the Vandals; not China. It was Rome; it was D.C.

What is this whole imbalance based on? In our case, the artificially strong dollar, backed by a worldwide U.S. military. So how must it end?  With a weak dollar, falling real markets, and a U.S. military returning home.

You say this can’t happen? Yet it must happen. To say otherwise means China will give us free goods for 10,000 years, and the U.S. will get always weaker that whole time. So how does the transition go?

The U.S. financial bulwark cracks, being highest and most based on psychology, not reality, very likely in conjunction to a military failure or withdrawal, as in empire finance, the military and currency are equivalent. Slowly, then rapidly, the tide flows out, the U.S. dollar gets weaker, the Chinese Yuan gets stronger, and the whole process reversed as it should have done years ago
See Chart
Inflation over centuries

If boutique and robotic goods are the new industries, what do we do with 200 million unemployed? We won’t have 200 million. That’s a consequence of the distorted extreme of our finance, our centralization, our currency. At the same time, if work requires fewer workers, we won’t find a solution. Why?
Because you can’t have 200 million unemployed. Not even 100 million. The resulting inequity and income disparity can and has caused a revolution. Faced with that, any nation will adjust because they must or perish. As difficult as Americans can be, they are a practical people above all. This has happened to dozens of nations in the past: Spain, France, Germany, England, China, Japan, and they all still exist. Things rotated out in the big wheel of time. New things were made and the old ones faded away, and we will too. We’re going back to being just one of many nations, and a fair and productive one too. There are ways and we will find them. How can I be so sure? Because “What Can’t Go On Forever, Doesn’t,” and it won’t this time either.
There are here good reflections ..But at the end, some distortion prevail.. mere wishful thinking.

SOLUTION:  IF  current crisis  view  is “That’s a consequence of the distorted extreme of our finance, our centralization, our currency.” Then:  the real solution is

1- to go beyond neoliberalism controlled by nasty-speculator financiers, & supported by parasitic military.  That means:  
2- To decentralize the FED-State system  and get a rational secession without shadow Govt with parasitic bureaucracy  at political & military levels. We don’t need them in small or middle size separate States.
 3- Take Education and Health out of private hands and Banks out of big Corp.. put all of them in the hands of a new State committed to serve their Nation.
4- Two single rules  must prevail :
A- the best health and education for all; and
B- solid Econ base supporting middle & small  enterprises with special focus on coops associations. We don’t need big bankers, we need association of coop-banks. We don’t need a big parasitic army.. we need a strong police cleaned from racism & misogyny ]]

Remember, the chief of the Hong Kong Monetary Authority said "stay calm!"
See Chart:

This is the weakest against the dollar in over 30 years...
See Chart:

So who is to blame for the HKD's sudden demise? Simple - The Fed! (and HKMA gave you the answer in the previous paragraph)
As SCMP details, the main culprit behind the local currency’s slump is the carry trade, an arbitrage whereby investors borrow low-yielding currencies to buy high-yielding currencies.
See Chart:

This is an arbitrage, where traders take advantage of differences in prices, selling a low-yielding product (the Hong Kong dollar) to buy a high-yielding product (the US dollar). In this case, the price difference is between the local borrowing cost known as the Hong Kong interbank offered rate (Hibor) and the US borrowing cost known as the Libor.
Simply put, traders are borrowing against the low Hibor, selling the Hong Kong dollar to buy the US currency for investments in high-yielding US assets. The difference between the two is widest since 2008.

As more traders pile on to the carry, more pressure is placed on the Hong Kong dollar, causing it to weaken further against the US currency... and The Fed's plan to hike rates (as many as four times) will do nothing to help ease the situation - meaning any dollars sold in defense of the weaker HKD will be battling global carry trade flows driven by The Fed's tightening.

13 MILLION...!

Gluskin Sheff's Chief Economist and Strategist David Rosenberg is repeatedly asked:
"What statistic troubles him most?"
As he tweeted  today, his answer is simple:
13 Million!
As Rosie explains:
"That's the number of people who have joined the financial services industry since the last credit collapse ended..."

Why is that so "troubling"?
"These youngsters have only known bull markets in everything from weed to FANGs to Picassos to Crypto...uber low interest-rates, endless QEs, and economic expansion..."
See Chart:
"And are they in for the surprise of their lives!!"

Demand for mortgage refinancing has plunged to a level not seen since Lehman filed for bankruptcy, and the near-shutdown in the mortgage pipeline is wreaking havoc on bank lending revenues.
SEE Chart:

Seudo democ y sist  duopolico in US is obsolete; it’s  full of frauds & corruption. Urge cambiarlo

Here are six very simple reasons why Trump will go to war in Syria, all of which have nothing to do with a trumped up “heinous” chemical attack from an “animal” dictator, or spreading democracy to the Middle East...

POTUS Trump knows that the chemical attack in Syria is a hoax and false flag.

The mainstream media knows that the chemical attack in Syria is a hoax and false flag.

All of Congress knows that the chemical attack in Syria is a hoax and false flag.

The entire world knows that Assad is not that stupid (he is a doctor and ophthalmologist) so as to gas women and children at the very moment he is winning the war in Syria…launching a chemical weapons strike for shits and giggle, moments after Trump announced a US pullout from Syria.

Here are six very simple reasons why Trump will go to war in Syria, all of which have nothing to do with a trumped up “heinous” chemical attack from an “animal” dictator, or spreading democracy to the Middle East…

1. The Petrodollar (via comment on The Gateway Pundit):
“The Chinese have recently issued the gold backed Yuan, which they, and others, have vowed to use to sell/purchase oil (amongst other things).
The last two nations that tried to introduce a currency to compete against the petrodollar were Libya and Iraq. The US needs that pipeline through Syria even more than ever now, especially if they are to compete for European gas/oil markets (presently controlled by Russia and their pipeline) and the Chinese Yuan.
But i’m sure none of that has anything to do with it…”

2. John McCain and the MIC:
McCain is the Deep State president, and the number one war salesman for the military industrial complex.

Libya, Ukraine, Syria…McCain is the angel of death, and the MIC sends him around the world to arm neo-nazis in Ukraine, Al Qaeda terrorists, ISIS head choppers, and any other group that is willing to start fake “civil wars” or illegal “coups”, all for the profit of the military industrial complex.

3. Saudi Arabia and MbS:
Saudis crown prince just wrapped up a US PR tour and is now in France.
Western leaders and mainstream media “liberals” are creaming in their pants over the Saudi leader, hailing him as a visionary, renaissance man.

They fail to report on how MbS is slaughtering Yemeni citizens by the thousands, or how his Saudi dictatorship is one of the most repressive regimes in the world.

Also forgotten is that Saudi Arabia supported Al Qaeda during the 9/11 terrorist attack, and are admittedly funding and training Al Qaeda and ISIS terrorists in Syria…terrorists that make their way to Europe, and eventually run over innocent people with cars and trucks.

No matter…MbS (and his billions in cash) has the ear of Trump and Macronnow both the US and France are giddy about attacking Syria.

4. Israel:
Israel has been itching to destroy Syria for decades.

They struck Syria’s T-4 airbase in Homs province, without warning or just cause. Five out of eight missiles found themselves neutralized.
Three, however, found their mark – the western part of the airbase, as The Duran reported.

According to NBC news, Israel informed the United States prior to their strike on the Syrian base, but did not warn Russia.
Russian military could have been present at the Syrian base during the attack, yet Israel did not warn Moscow.
In its actions, Israel is trying to create the trip wire necessary to propel the world towards a hot war between the United States and Russia.

Israel’s goal…take over Syria, or at the very least install a government in Damascus that will report directly to Israel.

5. Cover up past and present American, Deep State false flags in Syria:
Russia’s control of Douma, and its ability to now conduct a full investigation is a big reason why the Deep State is so eager to bomb Syria as soon as possible.

As a result of the total surrender of the Jihadis previously in control of Douma on Sunday, it is the Russian military who this time are in control of the alleged crime scene.
This has put the Russians in a position where for the first time they are able both to invite the OPCW inspectors to attend the crime scene and to provide them with protection if they are there, whilst at the same time monitoring and supervising their work.

If the chemical attack on Douma really is fictitious – as the Russians insist it is – then for the first time their control of the crime scene puts the Russians in a strong position to prove it.

The point was made forcefully by Russia’s UN ambassador Vassily Nebenzia at the UN Security Council session today, and it also received indirect backing from the UN Secretariat, who admitted that they could not confirm that a chemical weapons attack had happened, and who called upon all sides to show restraint until a proper investigation of the incident had taken place.

Nebenzia followed this up by inviting OPCW inspectors to the scene as early as tomorrow Tuesday.
By now it should surprise no-one that the fact that the Russians are in control of the crime scene and may on this occasion be able to prove conclusively that no chemical weapons attack happened in Douma, instead of deterring a US attack, is actually making it more likely.

This is because the credibility of the various ‘witnesses’ to the Douma attack – who are of course the same witnesses who were previously ‘witnesses’ to the 2013 East Ghouta and the 2017 Khan Sheikhoun attacks – is now on the line, as is the credibility of those Western governments – first and foremost the US government – who believed or who pretended to believe them.
I would add that not only is the credibility of the US government and of other Western governments on the line. So is the credibility of Western journalists who also believed or pretended to believe the ‘witnesses’.

6. Distract from Michael Cohen and Stormy Daniels:
Bill Clinton did it when he attacked Serbia, so as to distract from Monica’s BJ in the oval office, and now Trump has the opportunity to bomb Syria so as to distract from Cohen, Mueller and porn star Stormy Daniels.
[[ PRESS manipulation: What a distraction from T. sexual scandal to then start a barbarian  war.]]


The inclusion of Russia’s aluminum giant RUSAL on the US sanctions list may significantly alter the metals market, threatening to break global supply chains and spark a deficit in the crucial industrial metal.
Aluminum futures surged by nearly 10 percent in London after the US Treasury Department sanctioned RUSAL and its owner Oleg Deripaska Friday.

Metal stocks have continued to rally this week after the London Metal Exchange fell in line with the US measure and suspended trading of RUSAL shares.

The Russian company is the world’s second-largest aluminum producer and one of the biggest global supplies. RUSAL covers some 14 percent of global supplies outside top producer China, according to analysts at CRU. The producer’s shares plunged nearly 50 percent since Friday, when the US imposed the penalties.

Nearly 30 percent of Russia’s aluminum exports go to the US market, so the move against RUSAL is a serious blow for the company, according to expert analyst at Russian broker Finam, Aleksey Kalachev. He says that the aluminum giant might redeploy the deals into alternative currencies

RUSAL’s share in the US market comprises some 15 percent. “The company’s exit from the market will trigger a local deficit in the US, which in turn will lead to a price rally for American consumers,” Kalachev told RT, citing the recent surge of the US aluminum stocks.
See Chart at:

The US could partially replace the Russian giant with suppliers from Canada and Australia, as well as from Middle East producers, including Saudi Arabia and the UAE, according to a B&N Bank analyst, Anton Pokatovich“However, Canadian production capacity is currently fully engaged with orders and is not likely to fully replace Russian imports,” he said.

Pokatovich added that even a short-term deficit would provoke price hikes for the metal, though they are not likely to go beyond $2,300 per ton from the current $2,112.

Apart from the US, the sanctioned producer will definitely retain Turkey as its second export market, according to the Finam broker“It’s difficult to say what impact the punitive measures will have on the EU, which is currently the third biggest market for RUSAL,” said Kalachev.

HERE: The Russian businessmen added to US sanctions:

-Andrey Akimov
-Vladimir Bogdanov
-Sergey Fursenko
-Suleiman Kerimov
-Igor Rotenberg
-Kirill Shamalov
-Andrey Skoch
-Oleg Deripaska
-Viktor Vekselberg
-Vladislav Reznik
-Aleksey Kostin
MORE https://on.rt.com/92pe


"If there is one thing the last 48 hours have proved to me, it’s this.  Donald Trump is no longer acting President.  The coup against Trump has been completed..."

[[ WHAT DIFFERENCE IT MAKES ..if he is converted into puppet of shadow Govt or Deep State. WHAT WE WANT IS EITHER HIS RESIGNATION or IMPEACHMENT  for lying to the nation on Econ issues and fostering  explosive inequality with policies that favor of billionaires and for being in favor of crimes against humanity (fostering WW3) and isolating US from the world = total  inefficient rule. ]]

A retired American four-star general and former Vice Chief of Staff of the United States Armyissued a disturbing warning that “war is on the horizon” with Russia, Iran, and Syria - following the horrific chemical weapons attack in Syria.
Global depression is on…China, RU, Iran search for State socialis+K- compet. D rest in limbo

Shortly after Theresa May declared that she could act in Syria without approval from Parliament, the Telegraph is reporting that the prime minister has ordered UK submarines to travel within striking range of Syria.

"There was no chemical attack in Douma, pure and simple... We've seen another staged event."
If the engine of the machine -called development- fails.. the whole system fail

The growing slowdown in China’s industrial economy is likely to push commodity prices lower through 2018 (the data continues to support this view). Caveat emptor.
See Chart:

WHAT’S DRIVING COMMODITY-PRICE DEFLATION IN CHINA? As we’ve argued before, and as noted in Exhibit 2 below, it appears the swift collapse in China’s credit impulse (i.e., a fancy way of saying China is issuing less debt as a % of GDP) is driving a correction in China’s commodity consumption.

Why does this matter? Well,  in our view, steel price strength in 2017 was due to China’s steel exports falling 33.4Mmt, or the second largest decline ever, trailing only that seen in 2009 (Exhibit 5) – China produces roughly half of world’s steel, meaning when they export less, global prices rally. While the driver in 2009 was the global financial crisis (“GFC”), the driver in 2017 was a record credit stimulus in China (i.e., $4.9tn in new credit issued) driving domestic demand, and thus boosting domestic Chinese steel prices.

So, in general, while in most years China’s steel prices lag the rest of the world, in 2017 they were much higher; this, in turn, pushed mills in China to ship more domestically vs. to other countries, and thus drove up global steel prices –given China was >50% of global steel production in 2017, this had a big impact on global steel prices. However, this dynamic is now in reverse (Exhibit 6), which we believe forebodes risk to global steel prices.

Exhibit 2: China's Credit Impulse Y/Y% vs. Metals Commodity Index
See Chart 2:

The other charts are not shown in this article
Perhaps in this site: Vertical Research Group

SABOTAGED SOCIALISM ALWAYS ENDS IN DISASTER West sabotaged RU & China & are Icons of S now

"Is Venezuela the latest failure in socialism?. Will American millennials and eager advocates of a socialist regime learn a lesson? It remains to be seen. But if they have their way, who will be left?"

[[ The most evil imperial blockage was perpetrated against Ven .. They even try to kill Pres Chavez.. They didn’t succed and the Rev is still on with Maduro.. US Embassies are coodinat effort to isolate Maduro .. it happen recently in Lima and the Pres PPK who did it ..is out. They will try again and they will create the flame to burn the current Presid. ]]

US politics crisis: Trump captured by Deep state to reproduce old cronyism without alter-plan


Global situation described by Iranian observers..

Future Saudi king in Paris  fumigating the mind of French leaders with oil money


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