lunes, 9 de abril de 2018


APR  9 18  SIT EC y POL
ND denounce Global-neoliberal debacle y propone State-Social + Capit-compet in Econ

WW3 is the worse crime against humanity in current  history
WW3 to feed the gluttony of billionaires (1% of the world) IS:
the worse evilness world-wide. it deserves death penalty at least
plus confiscation of all their assets: by a new NUREMBEERG trial.
Solution N.1: Deal to dismantle nuclear weapons from top-down.
S. N.2: Deal to dismantle neolib-Econ to cancel explosive Inequality
Both S.1 & S2:  go together: no space for any type of  Imperial ism
in near future. Sovereign g debt will be declared null & canceled.  


"The United Nations is unable to independently verify or attribute responsibility for this attack, but we call on all parties to show utmost restraint and avoid any further escalation or confrontation," said Staffan de Mistura, the UN Special Envoy to Syria
[[ NO sense in the allegation of Syrian using  chemical weapons..  the reverse is obvious ]]
Russia has been "unpardonably threatened" since the alleged attacks took place in Douma, Russian diplomat Vasily Nebenzya said
President Bashar al-Assad since he is winning the war against the rebel uprisings. As experts have noted, leaders attack civilians when they are desperate, but Assad is not desperate. 
[[ Very irresponsible words from POTUS usual. THE FACT IS: WE ARE FOSTERING WW3.. and we may have it –I hope NO-.. if Tramp  continue making  non-sense  Urge cambiarlo: end justify means ]]
[[ Guess: who support Islamic terror in Syria?.. If you want the list ask the CIA  ]]
The NY Times first reported that FBI agents seized several documents including some related to the $130,000 payment made to adult film actress Stormy Daniels, whose real name is Stephanie Clifford.
See RELATED twit
Or open News source:
It is expected that RU-Syria & allies don’t rule out severe US casualties
UK Labour Party Launches London Election Campaign  End of RU phobia manufacturers?
Do the right thing: get out of Syria and dump NATO: 95% of Turkey against NATO 
It is expected a tit x tat against the terrorist coalition operating in Syria from NATO
Subordination to NATO can’t be covered with grape leaf. ERDO: Just get out from NATO and Syria & keep the unity of your nation, especially Istanbul. With RU you can get oil business, with US nothing
No space for fake rulers
Una pluma mas a la gallina, no la convierte en  avestruz

Latino America looking for alternatives to neoliberalism to break with Empire: 

FEM       -Marxismo y feminismo: una perspectiva histórica Cathy Andrews
                -Asambl Gral ONU pone freno a dominaci masculina  Thalif Deen
                -Perú:  Trump lleva su guardia pretoriana a Lima   Mariana Á
BRA        Degradación política y confusión   Ariel Goldstein
                - flujo y reflujo entre izquierda y derecha en Am Lat   Roberto R              
Or-M     - -El tablero actual en Medio Oriente  Guillermo Almeyra
BRA        - la conspiración de las cucarachas  Arsinoé O
                - Un magistrado con apuro  Emir Sader
                - El juez Moro ordenó el arresto  de Lula   Eric Nepomuceno
OPIN     - ¿Gafas que lo ven todo?  Silvia R  Orwell  in China?
                -US y UE controlan y espían a usuarios en la redes  Diego Olivera
ECON    - Apunte (5º) sobre superación de la crisis:  Fernando G. Jaén
                -Ni nuevo ni liberal: sobre fracaso  del “neoliberalismo”  Manuel N
ISRA       - -La impunidad mediática de Israel   Luis E. Sabini
                -Dilemas y desafíos para trabajad  honorarios del Estado  Catalina R
Cuba      - -El problema no es la tripartición de poderes  Eduardo Pérez
VEN       - -Palabras y hechos : desenterrar  ideales chavistas Cira P y Ch-G           
                -Colombia 2018: silencio y exterminio   Ava Gómez Daza  
                - México Abecedario del racismo mexicano  Genaro Rodríguez
                - Chile Volviendo a la paradoja de los derechos humanos Mariana Z
                - Perú   Los estudiantes  Gustavo Espinoza
                - Brasil La democracia brasileña en el abismo  CLACSO
                - Alerta con la VIII Cumbre de las Am en perjuicio de Ven!  C Lippo
                - Golpe sobre golpe: derec  xenóf, Pdo militar y fut sombrío  Aram A
                Lo que quiere T. es iniciar la barbarie WW3 .. sim importar vidas ni polucion Nuc mundial.
                Cree que eso unirá el US a su favor en Elec del 20.. Al contr: el separatism es lo q viene

Neoliberal globalization is over. Financiers know it, they documented with graphics

"The tech sector’s growth, power & visibility make it extremely vulnerable to increased regulation & taxation, most especially if recession wrecks government finances."

See Chart:
Equity bubless poppet by regulations

See chart:

Their influence in American society is starting to be realized, although it is leaving a negative mark on the economy as one thing is obvious: Millennials and debt go hand-in-hand.

See Chart

How much do you currently have in your savings account?
See Chart:

Has debt ever caused you to delay any of these life events?
See Chart:

In short, the heavily indebted millennial could soon experience a period of deleveraging, as their balance sheets are extremely weak with no savings to cushion the fall. The party is nearing an end, and the millennial generation will be holding the bag.

"Just like the weather, financial markets go through cycles... Most years, weather doesn’t change suddenly. We get some transition time between the colder and warmer seasons. I fear we may be in an economic transition right now. And it may not be in the direction of the springtime or summer we would prefer."

Money Velocity at Great Depression Levels
We’ll begin with charts from Lacy Hunt, chief economist at Hoisington Management and all-around monetary genius.
He is one of the few who watch the velocity of money, which has been falling for the last 20 years. This is not the stuff that GDP-growth dreams are made of.
See Chart:

Unproductive Debt
Debt is another big issue for Lacy.  Debt is like addictive drugs. And as with most drugs, the dose needed to achieve the desired effect tends to increase over time.
The next chart shows the additional economic output (GDP) generated by each additional dollar of business debt in the US.
See Chart:

Deficit Headache
Next up are charts from Louis Gave, one of the Gavekal founders and a human research machine.
First, we have this chart of the 30-year Treasury yield since 2010. Note the very consistent downward trendline. Note also what it did in early 2018.
See Chart:

Other things are happening, too, as Louis notes in the chart. If a US economy that is growing slowly at best, along with continued stimulus from Europe, China, and Japan, isn’t enough to keep US bond yields from rising, what will?
And if yields rise a great deal more, recession odds will rise, too. By definition, recessions are deflationary.  And we will see interest rates decline in the developed world when recession comes again.
That prospect is very real, given how low rates already are.
Our growing government debt is part of the problem. Louis graphed it as a percentage of GDP going back to 1966.
See Chart:

Tech Trouble
This next chart comes from Jeffrey Gundlach of DoubleLine Capital. It may be either good news or bad news, and even Gundlach isn’t sure which.
See Chart:

Monetary Madness
Finally, let’s wrap up with two charts from Grant Williams. Here’s a chart summarizing US monetary policyand how it evolved over the years.
See Chart:

The last chart adds the 10-year bond yield to the chart above. It looks similar to Louis Gave’s 30-year yield chart but goes back further. Here again we see a nice downtrend that appears to be getting broken.
See Chart:

Ominously, you can see from Grant’s labels with arrows that peak yields tended to correspond with crises. If the current breakout persists, it is probably going to get its own label… and I bet we won’t like it.
Join hundreds of thousands of other readers of Thoughts from the Frontline.Sharp macroeconomic analysis, big market calls, and shrewd predictions are all in a week’s work for visionary thinker and acclaimed financial expert John Mauldin. Since 2001, investors have turned to his Thoughts from the Frontline to be informed about what’s really going on in the economy. Join hundreds of thousands of readers, and get it free in your inbox every week.

We have made our economies fully dependent on banks creating loans out of thin air. Which is a ridiculous model, and as Steve says: “That is no way to run an economy”, but we still have. And if and when home prices start to fall, and fewer people buy homes, the money supply will first stop rising, and then start falling, and we will have the mother of all deflations.
See Chart:

My main point: if you return mortgage lending to money-circulating building societies, rather than money-creating banks, who’s going to create the money? Don’t let’s forget that a huge part of our present money supply comes from those banks, and much of that from the mortgage loans they issue. Steve may well have thought about this (was he afraid to ask?), and I’d be curious to see his views.
Inflation/deflation is a function of money supply x money velocity (MxV). There are multiple ways to define this, and discuss it, but in the end this remains valid.
This is what the US money supply (stock) has done over the past 30-odd years
See Chart:

And here is the Case/Shiller home price index for the US over roughly that period. The correlation is painfully clear. Except maybe for that drop in 2008, but the Fed caught that one. Can’t let the money supply fall off a cliff.
See Chart:

And why can’t we afford to let the money supply fall off a cliff? Because money velocity already has:
See Chart:

How dramatic that fall has been is perhaps even clearer on a shorter time-frame.
See Chart:

The banks are the most powerful party at the table right now, and controlled demolition of what we have today, as sensible as it may be for society at large, is not for them. Which makes this not only a financial problem, but a political one too: where does power reside. Down the line, it doesn’t even seem to matter much who gives out the loans, there will be very few takers.

Seudo democ y sist  duopolico in US is obsolete; it’s  full of frauds & corruption. Urge cambiarlo

"President Obama, do not attack Syria. There is no upside and tremendous downside."  -Donald Trump, 2013
by George Washington - Apr 9, 2018 2:02 pm
Prove That You're Smarter than Crooked Hillary, "Threat to Our Country Obama" or "Biggest Mistake" George W. Bush
WORLD ISSUES and M-East  From US views
Global depression is on…China, RU, Iran search for State socialis+K- compet. D rest in limbo

“This concerns both Turkey and Iran – we are considering an option of payment in national currencies with them."

US politics crisis: Trump captured by Deep state to reproduce old cronyism without alter-plan


Geopolitics & Econ-Pol crisis that leads to more business-wars:  its profiteers US-NATO


Deep on the US political crisis, their internal conflicts n chances of WW3

US already attack RU in Syria with missiles .. It was a de-FACTO war declaration
Trump is simply not fit to be President
On the Silencing of Julian Assange By J Pilger, Christine Assange, D Bernstein and R Credico

Global situation described by Iranian observers..



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