jueves, 7 de enero de 2016



2-Saudi warplanes attack Iranian embassy in Yemen – Iran. El conflicto en el Medio Oriente amenaza con escalar y poner en riesgo la seguridad mundial. What is the US plan on this issue? .. This looks like a plan to attack Iran with Saudis, Turkey and Israel .. is that the case?.



"When 63% of all Americans can’t handle a $500 emergency, and 46% of households making over $75,000 can’t handle a $500 emergency, then they are just plain stupid, frivolous, and incapable of distinguishing between wants and needs. Delayed gratification is a trait almost non-existent among Americans today."



It's requiring more borrowed yen/yuan/dollars/euros just to keep the global economy from collapsing in a heap of impaired debt. The costs of waste, fraud and mal-investment are finally coming home to roost, and while near-zero interest rates serve to mask the future costs, near-zero rates cannot stem the rising tide of mal-investment. Rather, near-zero rates have fueled mal-investment, waste and unproductive spending. The diminishing returns on that strategy of "growth" are inescapable.

The diminishing returns on additional debt is clearly visible in these charts.

Has borrowing and blowing $9 trillion solved any structural problem in the U.S. economy? NO.

The strategy of borrowing and blowing trillions has backed the global economy into a corner: expand debt or die.

[Eso tiene límites, por un lado la caída del petro-dolar y de otro lado la existencia de bancos donde los ricos y yupies pueden depositar sus barras y/o monedas de oro y en base a ello usar tarjeta de crédito  para compras en el mercado, si esto se extiende al comercio internacional, adiós al dólar. Existe también la opción del bitcoin : It's Official: Bitcoin Was The Top Performing Currency Of 2015 indica un art de abajo. Hay ya varios Estado-Nacion que admiten legalmente su uso y no hay formas legales de impedirlo . Pronto esto va a ser más fácil que vender o comprar armas. ]
Aliso Canyon's Historic Gas Leak Puts Sempra Energy In "Uncharted Regulatory Territory". Submitted by Tyler Durden on 01/07/2016. Sempra Energy may be entering uncharted regulatory and technical territory with the massive and uncontained Aliso Canyon gas leak, according to Bloomberg Intelligence, as the company and its regulators simply cannot find historical leaks of this magnitude. Sempra’s Southern California Gas Co.
It's Official: Bitcoin Was The Top Performing Currency Of 2015. Submitted by Tyler Durden on 01/07/2016: Despite the U.S. dollar strength, the best performing currency in 2015 was not the dollar. In fact, the top currency of 2015 is likely to be considered the furthest thing from the greenback.

Peter Schiff Warns: "The Whole Economy Has Imploded... Collapse Is Coming" by Mac Slavo via SHTFPlan.com, VIDEO URL: https://youtu.be/GnRLivDE8iA

Schiff argue that the economy is on a downhill trajectory and this time there’ll be no stopping it. All of the emergency measures implemented by the government following the Crash of 2008 were merely temporary stop-gaps. The light at the end of the tunnel being touted by officials as recovery, Schiff has famously said, is actually an oncoming train. And if the forecast he laid out in his latest interview is as accurate as those he shared in 2007, then the train is about to derail. .. We’re broke. We’re basically living off of debt. We’ve had a huge transformation of the American economy. Look at all the Americans now on food stamps, on disability, on unemployment. The whole economy has imploded… the bottom hasn’t dropped out yet because we’re able to go deeper into debt. But the collapse is coming.
This Wasn't Supposed To Happen. Submitted by Tyler Durden on 01/07/2016

Two words - "policy" and "error" Gold up 3%, Long bonds up 2%, Stocks down 5% since the Fed hiked rates: This was not supposed to happen!

What rate hike? The market is starting to whisper about an imminent rate cut. What does it say about The Fed when one month after they confidently hike rates (for whatever reason they concocted), the market implies a rate cut is more likely to come next.
And this is what The Fed offers:
Actually, not so clear at all, considering the US is now in an industrial recession.
And then there was this:
At this point we would show a chart demonstrating the "accuracy" of Fed predictions but by now that would be redundant.
"In Jeopardy" The Bull Market Is Breaking Bad-der. Submitted by Tyler Durden on 01/07/16: This week has seen a slew of significant levels related to the post-2009 bull market break on several key stock indices.
Bill Gross Warns Of Demographic Doomsday. Submitted by Tyler Durden on 01/07/2016: "Demographics may not rule absolutely, but they likely will dominate investment markets and returns for the next few decades until the Boomer phenomena fades away. The 1% – in addition to the 99 – will need extra doses of Xanax, or additional slices of cake, to cope."
Initial Jobless Claims Regime Shifts - Average Jumps To 6-Month Highs. S- by Tyler Durden on 01/07/16: The much-watched four-week average of initial jobless claims rose to 277k, accelerating to the highest levels since early July 2015. This "trend shift" began as rate-hike odds increased in October...

Gold, Bitcoin Soar After China Liquidates Most Reserves On Record To Defend Currency. Submitted by Tyler Durden on 01/07/2016: More importantly, the $108 billion decline from $3.438 trillion to $3.330 trillion - far greater than the $20 billion estimated - was the largest on record, and shows that while on the surface the Yuan was stable, behind the scenes the PBOC was furiously dumping securities to prevent an all out currency rout as outflows hit a record.
Submitted by Tyler Durden on 01/07/2016 - 07:40
  • China turmoil sends oil, stocks sliding (Reuters)
  • China's Stock Traders Go Home After 29 Minutes (BBG)
  • Yuan hits weakest since Feb 2011 on fresh low midpoint (Reuters)
  • Stocks Extend Rout, Oil Slides on China as Soros Warns of Crisis (BBG)
  • China's 29 Minutes of Chaos: Stunned Brokers and a Race to Sell (BBG)
  • North Korea Uses Bomb Test to Boost Dictatorship (WSJ)
Global Stocks Crash After Spiraling Chinese Devaluation Unleashes Worldwide Chaos And Selling Submitted by Tyler Durden on 01/07/2016: Once China set the Yuan fixing some 0.5% lower, the biggest drop since the August devaluation, all hell broke loose and unleashed a global selling panic after China's stock market was promptly shut down less than 30 minutes into trading, then European shares dropped the most in more than 4 months as Asian equities plunges, as did US stock futures, the dollar weakened against the euro and the yen; crude plunged to fresh 12 year lows. Gold rose.
Nomi Prins was right: “The potential for chaotic fluctuations in any element of the capital markets is greater than ever. The butterfly effect - the flutter of a wing in one part of the planet altering the course of seemingly unrelated events in another part - is on center stage”  Nomi Prins' Financial Road Map For 2016: "The Potential For Chaotic Fluctuations Is Greater Than Ever"

"We Came, We Saw, He Died" – Revisiting The Incredible Disaster That Is Libya: Libya has not only failed to evolve into a democracy; it has devolved into a failed state...As bad as Libya’s human rights situation was under Qaddafi, it has gotten worse since NATO ousted him."
[ Que pasaje dantesco y vergonsozo de la politica americana. Ojala no ocurra otra vez.]


Perfect Storm!?. Submitted by Tyler Durden on 01/07/2016: “…this time around a whole bunch of seemingly-unrelated things are unraveling all at once.

[ Los billonarios no solo van a ser protegidos por la stasi-suiza, también se les enviaran las 1,000 teutonas que acaban de ser inoculadas con el virus canibalesco de “turistas” islámicos. De forma que -si alguien se atreve a tocar a los pillo-narios de Davos- estas voraces criaturas se los comerán enteritos y no dejaran ni los huesos. .. Hambre y ganas no les falta. Y si se trata de servir a papis bien forrados con dólares y euros, con mayor razón. ]
[ Es posible solo si ocurre una masacre terrorista similar a la de Waco Texas… solo entonces podría ocurrir una respuesta terrorista similar a la de Oklahoma.]

Iran Accuses Saudi Arabia Of Bombing Its Embassy In Yemen. S- by Tyler Durden on 01/07/2016
In a move that could very well lead Iran to take the "proxy" out of Yemen's proxy war, Saudi Arabia has reportedly bombed the Iranian embassy in Sana'a, injuring staff in what Tehran says was a "deliberate" attack. "My classmate and I were at recess when a huge explosion hit the neighborhood. We ran to the side and she fell to the ground in fear."
Iran Accuses Saudi Arabia Of Bombing Its Embassy In Yemen. S- by Tyler Durden on 01/07/2016: In a move that could very well lead Iran to take the "proxy" out of Yemen's proxy war, Saudi Arabia has reportedly bombed the Iranian embassy in Sana'a, injuring staff in what Tehran says was a "deliberate" attack. "My classmate and I were at recess when a huge explosion hit the neighborhood. We ran to the side and she fell to the ground in fear."

[ This looks like a plan to attack Iran with Saudis, Turkey and Israel .. is this the case?. ]







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