domingo, 24 de enero de 2016

JAN 23 16 SIT EC y POL

JAN 23 16 SIT EC y POL

But Hillary Clinton has a demonstrated record of showing contempt for the rule of law.
  • She refused to tell the truth about the deadly Benghazi terrorist attack that took place on her watch as Secretary of State
  • She violated the law and avoided accountability by using secret email accounts as Secretary of State
  • She abused her public office to funnel money to personal accounts – much of which is now sloshing around her vanity “charity” that could be renamed “The Clinton Corruption Foundation.”
This is all unacceptable.
In this country our leaders are bound by the rule of law. She must be held accountable for her actions.
Sign the petition now to demand that Hillary Clinton answer for her corruption!


Norway's Biggest Bank Demands Cash Ban. Submitted by Tyler Durden on 01/23/2016 :  "There are so many dangers anddisadvantages associated with cash, we have concluded that it should be phased out..."   [ The road to the collapse of the dollar and other western currencies. Bye bye bye dollar-euro  supremacy. Adios IMF too.. we don’t want their SDR the way is set now. Welcome to the BANCO DEL SUR in Latin America. !!]
"But It's Only A Manufacturing Recession, What's The Big Deal" - Here's The Answer. Submitted by Tyler Durden on 01/23/2016 : Despite the services economy starting to turn down towards manufacturing's inevitable recessionary prints, there remains a hope-strewn crowd of status-quo face-savers desperately clinging to the linear-thinking "but manufacturing is only 12% of economic output and thus is no longer a good bellwether for the overall economy"narrative. Here is why they are wrong not to worry...
The Institutionalized Looting Of America. Submitted by Tyler Durden on 01/23/2016 : The US has been in a cycle of bubbles, busts, and crashes since at least 1995, and more likely since Alan Greenspan became the Chairman of the Federal Reserve in August, 1987. It has become a machine for transferring income, wealth, ownership, and power to the very top. This is not 'the new normal.'  This is financial corruption and the erosion of systemic integrity.

The US has been in a cycle of bubbles, busts, and crashes since at least 1995, and more likely since Alan Greenspan became the Chairman of the Federal Reserve in August, 1987.
The cycle is the same, only the depth and duration seems to change in a continuing 'wash and rinse' of the public money and the real economy.
It has become a machine for transferring income, wealth, ownership, and power to the very top.
This is not 'the new normal.'   This is financial corruption and the erosion of systemic integrity.

Are there any markets that have not been shown to have been systematically manipulated, for years?. This is just institutionalized looting.
Energy Creditors Lucky To Recover 15 Cents On The Dollar In Bankruptcy. Submitted by Tyler Durden on 01/23/2016 : As part of its 363 Asset Sale, the 3rd largest bankruptcy of 2015 after Samson Energy and Sabine Oil, that of Quicksilver, the estate was only able to collect $245 million in cash proceeds from BlueStone Natural Resources. With $2.35 billion in debt, Quicksilver was one of the first casualties of the energy bust when it filed on March 17, 2015. Today's news means that the recovery for its creditors is a paltry 10 cents on every dollar of total debt.
ObamaTrade Will Cost 448,000 American Jobs, New Study Finds. Submitted by Tyler Durden on 01/23/2016 : A new analysis of the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) international trade deal has found claims of increased jobs are likely exaggerated..."TPP would lead to employment losses in all countries, with a total of 771,000 lost jobs. The United States would be the hardest hit, with a loss of 448,000 jobs."  [ TPP is not only scum for the US .. it is worse for emerging markets like Laztin American economies.. TPP is only good for the US mafia of speculators associated to  Wall Street.]
How Billionaires Are Investing In 2016: "The Only Winning Move Is Not To Play The Game". Submitted by Tyler Durden on 01/23/2016 : In short, they say, the only winning move is not to play the game. “The trade now is to hold as much cash as possible,” said Nikhil Srinivasan, chief investment officer for Generali, a European insurer with $480 billion in assets.“Equity markets could go down 15% to 20%.”
The Islamization Of America In 2015 (Part 1). Submitted by Tyler Durden on 01/23/2016 : "I pledge allegiance to the Flag of the United States of America, and to the Republic for which it stands, one Nation under Allah...." . [ How much money we spend supporting the ISIS terrorists .. How many life and destruction we caused in Syria, Libya, Iraq.. A new Nuremberg trial will say the truth.]
Here Are The 100 Biggest Hedge Funds And Their Favorite Stocks. Submitted by Tyler Durden on 01/23/2016. : Courtesy of Bank of America, here is a list of the 100 top hedge funds in the US and their 100 favorite stock holdings - assuming the status quo continues, expect very substantial asset declines among these 100 when we rerun this analysis in 52 week  time.
[ Know the mafia who plundered  the world.]
700 Days In No Man's Land - Why They Can't Keep It Up. Submitted by Tyler Durden on 01/23/2016 : The global economy has had its artificial boom and CapEx frenzy already and years of deflationary liquidation and correction lie ahead. Money printing has failed. Any effort by the central banks to double down on another $20 trillion of bond purchases would blow the world’s financial casinos sky high. Contemporary central bankers function like a team of monetary wranglers, herding the retail cattle toward the asset gathers. At the end of the day, the asset gathers will profoundly regret what they are clamoring for.
Anyone Using New York City Roads After 2:30pm Will Be Arrested : Submitted by Tyler Durden on 01/23/2016 [ Queda prohibido asaltar a los ricos?. .. Opium dreams !! ]

The End Is Nigh For The Fed's "Bubble Epoch". Submitted by Tyler Durden on 01/23/2016 : Over the short run, markets respond to myths. Investors are ready to believe almost anything... for a while. But over the long run, there is reality. No matter how badly investors want asset prices to go up, they don’t always comply. Greenspan, Bernanke, and Yellen are, after all, only human. They respond to myths as much as anyone... maybe more. [ This is the end of the neoliberal agenda .. Sanders will come to power to confirm it ! ]
Bloomberg May Run For President After Becoming "Frustrated" With Race Gone "Haywire". Submitted by Tyler Durden on 01/23/2016 [ ANOTHER CLOWN WITH MONEY? ] : Michael Bloomberg is set to make a run at the White House as an independent candidate, multiple sources say. Although commentators are divided on the effect Bloomberg's entry would have on Trump and Sanders, one thing is certain: Hillary Clinton has the most to lose. Read this: Confident Trump Says "Could Shoot Somebody" & Still Win . [ Why they don’t shoot themselves and adios to their circus show? ]
Why Are There No Stock Buyers? Goldman Has Five Answers. Submitted by Tyler Durden on 01/23/2016 : 1. who is brave enough to catch a proverbial falling knife?
2. US industrial activity is contracting and the consumer will soon follow
3. the plunge in crude will lead to further cuts in capex and a profit downturn across many industries
4. China’s economy is slowing and the RMB will soon be devalued
5. share prices need to fall further to offer an attractive risk-adjusted return given heightened economic and market risks
Fruit, Vegetable Prices Soar In Canada: "If You Insist On Eating Tomatoes, You're Going To Pay For It". Submitted by Tyler Durden on 01/23/2016 : "Going forward I think we’ll see even higher upward pressure on imported fruits and vegetables. .. If people insist on eating fresh tomatoes and pineapple in January, they’ll be forced to pay for it.[IN THE US PRICES ARE GOING UP TOO, very fast! ]
So What Now?.  Submitted by Tyler Durden on 01/23/2016 The Global Dow followed the old Wall Street adage about bull markets taking the escalator and bear markets, the elevator. In fact, it may have simply jumped down the elevator shaft as, in a span of just 10 days, the index found itself already down at that lower support level. So what now? The risk has been wrung out and back up the escalator we go? Well, not necessarily.
--- Original.
Well, like the Value Line Geometric Composite that we covered on Wednesday, the Global Dow followed the old Wall Street adage about bull markets taking the escalator and bear markets, the elevator. In fact, it may have simply jumped down the elevator shaft as, in a span of just 10 days, the index found itself already down at that lower support level.

So the good news for bulls is that, despite a painful elevator ride down, the Global Dow did bounce where it should have. Thus, a tradable intermediate-term rally is quite possible. The bad news is that the speed of the descent suggests that prices are unlikely finished testing this area in the short run – and likely to threaten the area again in the long run.
*  *  *
More from Dana Lyons, JLFMI and My401kPro.
Putin Is Winning The Final Chess Match With Obama. Submitted by Tyler Durden on 01/23/2016 : The world is now in recession at best and maybe flirting with a global depression. This means politicians will do what is best for their national political future and the consequences for the national economy, citizens or business future is of little consequence to them. This also suggests that global alliances will mean little when domestic national politicians are fighting for survival. Here is how the chess matches have turned out so far in the Putin/Obama competition.
Calais On Lockdown After 100s Of Migrants Storm UK-Bound Ferry : Submitted by Tyler Durden on 01/23/2016 : Sky News reports the port of Calais has been temporarily closed as 100s of migrants stormed on to a ship in the hope of reaching the UK. About 50 migrants are thought to have made their way on to a P&O-operated vessel called Spirit of Britain, and police are at the scene and have reportedly deployed water cannons to break up the crowds of protesters.
Putin Is Winning The Final Chess Match With Obama. Submitted by Tyler Durden on 01/23/2016 : The world is now in recession at best and maybe flirting with a global depression. This means politicians will do what is best for their national political future and the consequences for the national economy, citizens or business future is of little consequence to them. This also suggests that global alliances will mean little when domestic national politicians are fighting for survival. Here is how the chess matches have turned out so far in the Putin/Obama competition.
Calais On Lockdown After 100s Of Migrants Storm UK-Bound Ferry : Submitted by Tyler Durden on 01/23/2016 : Sky News reports the port of Calais has been temporarily closed as 100s of migrants stormed on to a ship in the hope of reaching the UK. About 50 migrants are thought to have made their way on to a P&O-operated vessel called Spirit of Britain, and police are at the scene and have reportedly deployed water cannons to break up the crowds of protesters. [ INVASORES .. INVADIDOS! ]
Mitch McConnell Moves To Grant The President Unlimited War Powers With No Expiration Date. Submitted by Tyler Durden on 01/22/2016 : The always shady Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell is moving to fast track an Authorization of Military Force (AUMF) for the President that would allow for unrestricted warfare against ISIS. .. this is primarily a means to ensure that whoever takes control in 2017 receives a blank check for unrestrained militarism with no expiration date. This is terrifying.
[ WE AL KNOW what Obama and its acolytes means when he said we are going to fight ISIS. .. that  is called Orwellian language:  War is Peace.. JUST THE OPPOSITE.] 
More on Orwell’s: double speak. Is This The Hillary Clinton "Smoking Gun"?. Submitted by Tyler Durden on 01/22/2016 : “..during last Sunday’s Democratic debate, Clinton resoundingly stated: “No one is too big for jail.”  Although the context was referencing bank CEOs and Hedge fund managers, the obvious correlation left many scratching their heads and wondering—did Hillary Clinton just say, “I dare you” to the FBI?”   [SHE REALLY BELIEVE IS ABOVE THE LAW ]
If You Don't Conform To The Crowd Now - You're A "Radical". Submitted by Tyler Durden on 01/22/2016 :  They’ve spiked the punch bowl with so many lies. Home prices always go up. The debt doesn’t matter because we owe it to ourselves. We can always print more money. None of this nonsense is true. But the financial establishment tells us so. Big media repeats it over and over again. Eventually hundreds of millions of people believe it. And anyone who dares question the sanctity of this system is labeled a radical.

Iran, Saudi Arabia "Clash" Over Syria At "Secret", Closed-Door Meeting In Davos. Submitted by Tyler Durden on 01/23/2016. "I really like what you say but when I look at what you do, I wonder"...


“Buying Hillary Clinton”: The Courting of Wall Street. She already got the money .. that was her 2nd dream .. But she will never get the Presidence .. I do prefer Monica Lewinsly instead, not money.


Bernie Sanders Could Win. By Ted Rall. The independent senator from Vermont says the economic system is rigged against working-class Americans.. the electoral political system is a subsidiary of those who rule the economy .. The political system was rigged against him .. Despite the formidable institutional obstacles stacked on him, Sanders is doing great: largely considered a shoo-in to win!
U.S. to Put More 'Boots on the Ground' in Iraq to Combat ISIL. By Adam Johnson. All that RU may do is give arms to Assad army .. Wipe out the Syrian airport they took it & shoot any plane supporting ISIS .. Then Obama will receive the final “congratulation” farewell from the neocons.. bye bye aid to Hillary!
Examining the Syria War Chessboard. Must Watch - By The Empire Files. The war in Syria is an unparalleled crisis. It has gone far beyond an internal political struggle
U.S. Relies Heavily on Saudi Money to Support Syrian Rebels. By Mark Mazzetti. The Saudis contribute both weapons and large sums of money, and the C.I.A takes the lead in training the rebels.
Egypt, Five Years Later: A Human-rights Catastrophe of America’s Making. By Ganzeer . After vowing to support the country's revolutionaries, the U.S. is now aiding and abetting their violent oppression.
Emancipating the Military, Containing the Citizenry. By Fred Reed. The Pentagon learned a lot from Vietnam: It learned that its greatest enemies are the press and the American public.


Deuda externa privada se triplica en paises de LA caso Perú, BRA, Guat, Nicar. Par



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