lunes, 18 de enero de 2016

JAN 17 16 SIT EC y POL

JAN 17 16 SIT EC y POL 

THE CHANGING FACES OF A CHAMELEON. Yesterday: Obama Takes Iran Victory Lap:   Yesterday was "Implementation Day" for the Iran nuclear accord and no one is happier about it than Presid Obama who is set to explain to America why rapprochement with Tehran is in everyone's best interests. www.zeerohedge . TODAY US Treasury imposes new ballistic missile sanctions on Iran. Of course Obama is behind this move. Reuters noticed:  “President Barack Obama’s administration delayed implementing the sanctions for more than two weeks, while negotiations to release two US prisoners being held in Iran were taking place, Reuters reported”. Perhaps TOMORROW  he will say that we should follow the example of Martin Lutter King. .. That will be pathetic, to say the less.


CRACKS AT THE CORE OF THE CORE [ in the neoliberal system ]. Exceprted from Doug Noland's Credit Bubble Bulletin,  Submitted by Tyler Durden on 01/17/16 : It’s the “Core of the Core” that has attracted enormous amounts of “money” over recent years. It’s also here where I believe leverage has quietly been used most aggressively. Over recent years it became one massive Crowded Trade. Now the sophisticated players must contemplate beating the unsuspecting public to the exits.


The world has changed significantly – perhaps profoundly – over recent weeks. The Shanghai Composite has dropped 17.4% over the past month (Shenzhen down 21%). Hong Kong’s Hang Seng Index was down 8.2% over the past month, with Hang Seng Financials sinking 11.9%. WTI crude is down 26% since December 15th. Over this period, the GSCI Commodities Index sank 12.2%. The Mexican peso has declined almost 7% in a month, the Russian ruble 10% and the South African rand 12%. A Friday headline from the Financial Times: “Emerging market stocks retreat to lowest since 09.”

Recent weeks point to decisive cracks at the “Core” of the U.S. financial Bubble. The S&P500 has been hit with an 8.0% two-week decline. Notably, favored stocks and sectors have performed poorly. Indicative of rapidly deteriorating economic prospects, the Dow Transports were down 10.9% to begin 2016. The banks (KBW) sank 12.9%, with the broker/dealers (XBD) down 14.1% y-t-d. The Nasdaq100 (NDX) fell 10%. The Biotechs were down 16.0% in two weeks. The small cap Russell 2000 was hit 11.3%.

Bubbles tend to be varied and complex. In their most basic form, I define a Bubble as a self-reinforcing but inevitably unsustainable inflation. This inflation can be in a wide range of price levels – securities and asset prices, incomes, spending, corporate profits, investment and speculation. Such inflations are always fueled by some type of underlying monetary expansion – typically monetary disorder. Bubbles are always and everywhere a Credit phenomenon, although the underlying source of monetary fuel often goes largely unrecognized.

It is the “Core of the Core” where Federal Reserve (and global central bank) policies have left their greatest mark. It is at the “Core of the Core” where momentous misperceptions and market mispricing have become deeply entrenched. It’s the “Core of the Core” that has attracted enormous amounts of “money” over recent years. It’s also here where I believe leverage has quietly been used most aggressively. Over recent years it became one massive Crowded Trade. Now the sophisticated players must contemplate beating the unsuspecting public to the exits.

[In the ] “Core of the Core” analysis, investment-grade corporate debt has rather abruptly joined the market turmoil. After a rocky first week of 2016, investment-grade debt spreads widened again this week to a three-year high, as investment-grade funds suffered their eighth straight week of outflows. .. 
Throughout the global government finance Bubble period, I have often invoked the concept “Moneyness of Risk Assets.” With the Federal Reserve and global central banks determined to do just about anything to uphold booming securities markets, the marketplace perceived that safety and liquidity were virtually ensured. Trillions flowed into global stock and bond mutual funds, the majority into perceived low-risk U.S. equities indexes and investment-grade corporate debt products.

As securities market inflation inflated Household Net Worth, spending increases bolstered corporate profits and income growth. Booming markets, especially ultra-easy financial conditions throughout the corporate Credit market, spurred stock buybacks and incited record M&A  [Money-Assets?] activity. As noted above, Bubbles are self-reinforcing but inevitably unsustainable. Especially with faltering Bubbles at the “Core of the Core,” wealth effects will now operate in reverse. Spending (household and corporate) will slow, with domestic issues joining international to pummel corporate profits. Significant tightening in corporate Credit will weigh heavily on both stock repurchases and M&A. And as economic prospects darken at home and abroad, there will be reinforcing downward pressure on U.S. equities and investment-grade corporate debt.

The bottom line is that Bubbles destroy and redistribute wealth, though the true effects are masked for a while by inflated securities and asset markets – along with resulting unsustainable spending patterns and economic activity. Regrettably, years of policy mismanagement, gross financial excess, deep structural maladjustment and the most imbalanced economy in our nation’s history will now come home to roost. At this point, I cannot confidently forecast how quickly the bust will unfold. I do, however, believe this process has begun as Bubbles falter at the “Core of the Core.”
The Fed's Stunning Admission Of What Happens Next. Submitted by Tyler Durden on 01/17/2016 : "The events of 1929 taught us that the absence of any rise in prices did not prove that no crisis was pending. 1937 has taught us that an abundant supply of gold and a cheap money policy do not prevent prices from falling."
What Crisis Is The Gold/Oil Ratio Predicting This Time?. Submitted by Tyler Durden on 01/17/2016 : For the last 30 years, when the ratio of gold-to-oil spikes, something systemically serious occurs globally (as opposed to the usual bullshit "this is transitory" statements). So what happens next?
Wells Fargo Is Bad, But Citi Is Worse. Submitted by Tyler Durden on 01/17/2016.:  "While we are taking what we believe to be the appropriate reserves for that, I'm just not prepared to give you a specific number right now as far as the amount of reserves that we have on that particular book of business."

[ Los grandes banqueros que especularon y se enriquecieron con el system neoliberal  se estan yendo a la merda  Y la cosa va a ser más grave cuando ingrese el SDR en reemplazo del dólar. ]
Foreign Central Banks Furiously Dump US Treasuries: Record $47 Billion Sold In First Two Weeks Of 2016. Submitted by Tyler Durden on 01/17/2016 : According to the latest Fed data, after a drop of $12 billion in the first week of the year, another $34.5 billion in Treasurys held in custody was sold in the week ended January 13, bringing the total to just $2.962 trillion, below the previous recent low recorded in early November, and at levels not seen since April 2015. Adding up the flows from the first two weeks of the year reveals the worst and most custody holdings "outflowing" start to the year in history.

[ Durante la Guerra con Korea –despues de la 2da Guerra mundial, cuando rusos y americanos se repartían el mundo- se decía “si cae Kolea .. cae pantalón”, hoy se dice “si cae el dólar, cae calzón”.]

Peak Desperation: Clinton Campaign Deploys Wall Street 'Strategist' To Attack Bernie Sanders. Submitted by Tyler Durden on 01/17/2016 : Hillary Clinton’s campaign is absolutely imploding right now. When people get desperate, they do desperate things, and the latest move by the Clinton campaign reeks of putrid, panicked desperation. Of course, it makes perfect sense that Hillary Clinton, JP Morgan and Bank of America would share the same strategist. After all, they are the exact same brand.
The State Of Our Denial Is Strong. Submitted by Tyler Durden on 01/17/2016 : Well, things did 'change'...


Obama Takes Iran Victory Lap - Live Feed. Submitted by Tyler Durden on 01/17/2016 : Yesterday was "Implementation Day" for the Iran nuclear accord and no one is happier about it than President Obama who is set to explain to America why rapprochement with Tehran is in everyone's best interests.
[ He couldn’t explained .. Obama is behind the  US Treasury imposes new ballistic missile sanctions on Iran “President Barack Obama’s administration delayed implementing the sanctions for more than two weeks, while negotiations to release two US prisoners being held in Iran were taking place, Reuters reported”. In doing so, he left clear that there are private interest  who has more power than his  Presidency .. Israel and Saudis plus Turkey & Qatar are behind those interests.. of course the corporate media didn’t  mentioned them. Obama decided to accommodate himself to them and serve their interests .. Why? Because of their policy in the ME (including the open & now hidden support to ISIS) that match with Obama stupid theory of “Regimen Change” in Syria. .. In less than 24 hours he changed his mood on Iran with the story tale that they have missiles pointing at NATO allies.. One is asking why to elect a president  if these puppets sell themselves to big mafias with insane interests?... Perhaps tomorrow he will talk on the example of Martin Luter King, just when he did the opposite.]  
Iran Unleashes Oil Flood, Will Quintuple Crude Revenue In 2016. Submitted by Tyler Durden on 01/17/2016 : Iran is about to get a lot richer and according to President Rouhani, "everybody is happy except the Zionists, the warmongers who are fuelling sectarian war among the Islamic nation, and the hardliners in the U.S. congress.".  SEE ALSO: Oil Plunges To $28 Cycle Lows As Iran Supply Looms, Stocks Slide: Iran supply looms over an already over-glutted global crude market. Brent is down even more (-3.7%). Dow futures are down 60 points at the open.
Iran supply looms over an already over-glutted global crude market. Brent is down even more (-3.7%). Dow futures are down 60 points at the open.

[ The Obama policy REGIMEN CHANGE is the most inhumane barbarity in current history.]




The Citadel Is Breached: Congress Taps the Fed for Infrastructure Funding. By Ellen Brown . Countries with less in the way of assets have overtaken the US in innovation and efficiency.
Face It: A Vote for Hillary Clinton Is a Vote for War. By Nick Gillespie. Can we please stop kidding ourselves that the likely Democratic candidate is different from most of her would-be Republican rivals?
Russian Defense Ministry Learns Who Is Behind Syrian Observatory For Human Rights. By Igor konashenkov. The organization’s head and sole employee was the man called Ossama Suleiman, who moved to the UK in 2000 after having served three prison terms in Syria


Mundo Tiembla el negocio del petróleo. Michael T. Klare
EE.UU. Socialismo en EE.UU.?. Vicenç Navarro
ALC. Guatemala le apuesta al retroceso. Ilka Oliva Corado
Bolivia . -Referendum .  El gonismo conduce el voto por el "No". Eduardo Paz Rada



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