domingo, 10 de enero de 2016

JAN 10 16 SIT EC y POL

JAN 10 16 SIT EC y POL

THE SECRET OIL WAR HAS BEGUN  : The powerful Koch Brothers, whose secret donations control America’s press, not just Fox News and InfoWars, but all of it, television and movies, thousands of internet websites and even comment boards, particularly financial boards where rumors that manipulate markets are spread, started it.
The attack was two pronged:
  • Create a phony one day oil shortage by misreporting US production and inventories. That had to be done on a much larger than usual scale because of Obama’s new policy of allowing American crude oil exports.
  • Inform paid stooges at the Pentagon to report an incident in the Persian Gulf, either by staging one or, if necessary, even killing Americans and blaming Iran. They had done this many times before as covered in Jeff Stein’s Washington Post myopic on Veterans Today editor Gwyneth Todd. The Pentagon, in 2007, attempted to assassinate Todd, then working for the State Department in Bahrain, and blame Iran. 
The oil shortage, 2.6 million barrels removed from the books, drove price up nearly a dollar a barrel. This combined with an imaginary Iranian missing firing only one kilometer away from the American aircraft carrier Theodore Roosevelt, had a powerful effect for 24 hours.


EC0NOMICS many billions (or trillions) did China's so-called "national team" spend to prop up stocks in recent months? According to Goldman not less than CNY1.8 trillion in the June-November period. .. China not only allows the Yuan to depreciate aggressively in hopes of boosting inflation (even if all it will achieve is to stimulate social unrest) but steps aside the next time the market crashes.
[ Se cansaron de cacarear el cuento de que la Econ China se está disolviendo por no seguir las recetas USA y ahora empiezan a admitir verdades.. que China limpio la casa y no depende de los dólares del imperio  .. cosa que el US no puede hacer porque la deuda es inmensa y la mayoría de los bonos del tesoro USA los posee China y otros contendores en el mercado mundial. ]

Estos gráficos revelan la verdad:

El problema es que –according to Golman- hay  “individuals shareholders” (asi le llama a Corp mafiosas que operan en China) que poseen algo más del 5% y que tienen que vender sus acciones asap (casi 1 tn en Rmb o yuans ya depreciados) y venderlas a quien tiene control del mercado asiático: China, y vender en la semana que viene. Veremos que ocurre. Pero aquí va el grafico al respecto:

“If the PBOC is not there to provide the bid, all hell could break once again, as soon as start of trading tonight East Coast time”, dice Goldman.

[ Eso significa que si la Banca China no compra esas acciones.. se va al infierno la felicidad de compradores de baratos productos Chinos en el mercado mundial.. pues estos “podrían subir de precio”. ]

"NEOCONNED".  [ So far, the best art on terrorism imperial & crimes against humanity.]  by Paul Craig Roberts, submitted by Tyler Durden on 01/10/2016

The Proof Is In: The US Government Is The Most Complete Criminal Organization In Human History.

Unique among the countries on earth, the US government insists that its laws and dictates take precedence over the sovereignty of nations.
Consider a few examples...
Washington first forced the Swiss government to violate its own banking laws. Then Washington forced Switzerland to repeal its bank secrecy laws. Allegedly, Switzerland is a democracy, but the country’s laws are determined in Washington…
Consider the “soccer scandal” that Washington concocted, apparently for the purpose of embarrassing Russia. The soccer organization’s home is Switzerland, but this did not stop Washington from sending FBI agents into Switzerland to arrest Swiss citizens.
Consider the $9 billion fine that Washington imposed on a French bank for failure to fully comply with Washington’s sanctions against Iran. This is even more audaciously illegal in view of the fact that the sanctions were imposed on the basis of concocted and fabricated lies.
Or consider that Washington asserted its authority over the contract between a French shipbuilder and the Russian government and forced the French company to violate a contract .. a part of Washington teaching the Russians a lesson for not following orders on Crimea.
Try to imagine a world in which every country asserted the extra-territoriality of its law. The planet would be in permanent chaos with world GDP expended in legal and military battles.

Neoconned Washington claims that as History chose America to exercise its hegemony over the world, no other law is relevant. Only Washington’s will counts. .. [Case..] Richard Armitage, Deputy Secretary of State (an unelected position) told the President of Pakistan to do as he is told or “we will bomb you into the stone age.”  In fact, Washington did bomb large areas of Pakistan, murdering thousands of women, children, and village elders. .. [Justification?.. None]
As horrendous as all of this is, the worst of Washington’s crimes against other peoples is when Washington kidnaps citizens of other countries and renditions them to Guantanamo in Cuba or to secret dungeons in criminal states such as Egypt and Poland to be held and tortured in violation both of US law and international law. These egregious crimes prove beyond any doubt that the US government is the worst criminal enterprise that has ever existed on Earth.
When the criminal neoconservative George W. Bush regime launched its illegal invasion of Afghanistan, the criminal regime in Washington desperately needed “terrorists” in order to provide a justification for an illegal invasion that constitutes a war crime under international law. However, there were not any terrorists. So Washington dropped leaflets over warlord territories offering thousands in dollars in bounty money for “terrorists.” .. The only evidence that the “terrorists” were terrorists is that the innocent people were sold to the Americans by warlords as “terrorists.”
Yesterday Fayez Mohammed Ahmed Al-Kandari was released after 14 years of torture by “freedom and democracy America.” The United States military officer, Col. Barry Wingard, who represented Al-Kandari said that “there simply is no evidence other than he is a Muslim in Afghanistan at the wrong time, other than double and triple hearsay statements, something I have never seen as justification for incarceration.” Much less, a cause for a litany of multi-year torture to force confession of alleged offenses.
Do not expect the Western prostitute media to report these facts to you. To find out, you must go to RT or to Stephen Lendman. The presstitute Western media is part of Washington’s criminal operation.

One thing my years in Washington taught me is that most politicians are followers, not leaders. Therefore we should not waste time and resources trying to educate politicians. Politicians will not support individual liberty and limited government unless and until they are forced to do so by the people.


MIDDLE EAST CRISIS: las mini-guerras que pueden desatar la 3ra Guerra mundial.



Merkel prepara una deportación masiva de refugiados tras los asaltos sexuales en Colonia . A esto apuntaba el cuento de las 1,000 teutonas violadas. El pueblo alemán se comió la enchilada de Merkel, aunque este ya había dado muestras de xenofobia nazi al quemar edificios para asilar refugiados.
Desclasifican documentos de Bill Clinton, ¿qué pensaba de Putin?   
No interesa lo que pensaba ayer, sus acciones si cuentan. El hecho es que Bill Clinton no solo masacró cultistas en Waco-Texas, además facilito la corrupción y saqueo financiero de bancos y corp especuladoras al abolir el Glass-Steagall Act; es decir, instauro libertad total para el saqueo mundial por grandes empresas especuladoras USA y sentó las bases para la compra de elecciones por los super-packs. Desde entonces la diferencias entre Dems y Reps desapareció. Hoy son lo mismo .. y financiados por las mismas corporaciones a quienes sirven. Eso explica la venta de Mrs Clinton a la pharma y el fracaso del prometido proyecto Salud  “one single payer”. Los Clinton son traidores a la causa popular!.



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