miércoles, 20 de enero de 2016

JAN 20 16 SIT EC y POL

JAN 20 16 SIT EC y POL

Lofgren’s THE AMERICAN DEEP STATE . Summary: Here is the Forward to Mike Lofgren’s important new book about our Deep State, the center of the New America. The influence of the Deep State affects the daily headlines, yet remains unremarked. Lofgren’s book sketches the big picture of this institution.


Why We Need A Recession. . by Ronald-Peter Stoferle via The Mises Institute, Submitted by Tyler Durden on 01/20/2016 : "The return to monetary stability does not generate a crisis. It only brings to light the malinvestments and other mistakes that were made under the hallucination of the illusory prosperity created by the easy money." www.zerohedge  .  Interesting article.. & divertido

According to the National Bureau of Economic Research (NBER), a recession is defined as a “significant decline in economic activity spread across the economy, lasting more than a few months.” Often, this is understood as two consecutive quarters of negative economic growth as measured by a country’s GDP.
Public opinion is generally quite simple in regard to recession: upswings are generally welcomed, recessions are to be avoided. The “Austrians” are however at odds with this general consensus — we regard recessions as healthy and necessary. Economic downturns only correct the aberrations and excesses of a boom. The benefits of recessions include:
  • Sclerotic structures in the labor market are broken up and labor costs decline.
  • Productivity and competitiveness increase.
  • Misallocations are corrected and unprofitable investments abandoned, written off, or liquidated.
  • Government mismanagement of the economy is exposed.
  • Investors and entrepreneurs who were taking too great risks suffer losses and prices adjust to reflect consumer preferences.
  • Recessions also allow a restructuring of production processes.
At the end of the corrective process, the foundation for a renewed upswing is more stable and healthy. We thus see deflationary corrections as a precondition for growth in prosperity that is sustainable in the long term. Ludwig von Mises understood this when he observed:

The return to monetary stability does not generate a crisis. It only brings to light the malinvestments and other mistakes that were made under the hallucination of the illusory prosperity created by the easy money.

1-Can the Government Save Face?
2-Politics Trumps Economics
3- Concern from Outside the Austrian Camp

New debt serves primarily to keep the fragile edifice of debt from collapsing; it doesn’t lead to new investment activity.

According to F.A. Hayek, these united global crisis defense mechanisms only postpone the crisis which will take place at any rate, only later and much more severely:
To combat a depression by a forced credit expansion, is akin to the attempt to fight an evil by its own causes; because we suffer from a misdirection of production, we want even more misdirection — an approach that necessarily leads to an even more serious crisis once the credit expansion comes to an end.

[ No creo que los doctores de la Ec Americana quieran curar la hepatitis terminal de los borrachos y mafiosos neoliberales dándoles nuevas dosis de alcohol y droga (QE4).. en buena hora si la intención en mandarlos a la tumba “once and for all” de una vez por todas .. pero creo que hay otra forma mas rápida de despacharlos .. cortarles la mamadera. ]

Before: both lines, especially the light blue, showed recession. After: the dark blue= no recession

500! (And Falling). Submitted by Tyler Durden on 01/20/2016 : DOW(N) Jones Industrials 500 points off the close and falling...


Markets In TurmOIL: Futures Plunge, Japan Enters Bear Market, Crude And Commodity Currencies Crash. Submitted by Tyler Durden on 01/20/2016 : It all started early last night when the front month oil contract dipped below $28 giving a taste of what was to come. It was all downhill from there.
First Chinese stocks ended the recent ramp higher, with the Shanghai Composite closing down 1% back under 3000, then Japan's rout accelerated with both the Nikkei (-3.7%) and the Topix Index sinking into bear markets, both falling more than 20% from their 2015 highs.


[ It follows a very good summary of the world economic crisis .. the best so far.]
World Enters Bear Market - Global Equity "Dead Cat Bubble" Bursts. Submitted by Tyler Durden on 01/20/2016 : History repeats, if you're just willing to listen. The "Dead-Cat-Bubble" is dead as global stocks enter a bear market (down 20% from May 2015 highs) and US equities catch down to the rest of the world.

"If Assets Remain Correlated, They'll Be A Depression": Ray Dalio Says QE4 Just Around The Corner. Submitted by Tyler Durden on 01/20/2016 : Ray Dalio on Wednesday and unsurprisingly, the “zen master” again predicted the Fed will reverse course and embark on more QE.

[ QE4 won’t solve nothing .. it will feed the mafias profiting from neoliberal frauds .. the debt will be worse.. the final collapse cannot be reversed.]
Soon Comes The Deluge. Submitted by Tyler Durden on 01/20/2016 : .. another dead-cat bounce or two. But this market is going down for the count owing to a perfect storm.
Is The Selling Over? Not According To This Chart. Submitted by Tyler Durden on 01/20/2016 : You decide...

But, but, but "it's just energy" - "storm in a teacup"?
Except investment grade credit is exploding too now, crushing the dreams of a post-earnings "buyback"-driven rebound...
Someone Is Wrong Here. Submitted by Tyler Durden on 01/20/2016 :
WSJ: "Economists, business executives and American workers have waited a long time for the U.S. to shake off its postrecession hangover. Robust growth often seemed right around the corner—maybe next quarter, maybe next year. Not anymore."
CBO: "CBO anticipates that the economy will expand solidly this year and next. Over the following years, CBO projects, output will grow at a more modest pace, constrained by relatively slow growth in the nation’s supply of labor. Nevertheless, in those later years, output is anticipated to grow."
More Bad News For The Fed: CPI Drops In December Despite Rising Shelter Prices. Submitted by Tyler Durden on 01/20/2016 : Great news for American Consumers - the price of the stuff you buy with stagnant incomes dropped in December by 0.1% (missing expectations of a 0.0% move). But what's good for Americans is bad news for The Fed as this is a resumption of deflation from mid-2015, and the biggest miss since January 2015. And then there is the ugly news that behind ths headline is a 3.7% surge in shelter costs YoY.
Another Blow For The Fed - Earnings Growth Slows To Weakest Since 2014. Submitted by Tyler Durden on 01/20/2016 : Real average weekly earnings rose a de minimus 0.1% MoM in December leaving 2015's YoY growth in earnings at just 1.6% - the weakest since Nov 2014. This Fed-narrative-destroying growth is less than half the rate in January 2015 when it peaked.
Submitted by Tyler Durden on 01/20/2016 - 07:38
  • Oil slump rocks markets again in equity rout (Reuters)
  • Global Stocks on Brink of Bear Market as Oil Slides; Ruble Drops (BBG)
  • Global Stocks Slide on Oil Rout (WSJ)
  • Emerging Markets Roiled as Stock Selloff Surpasses Asian Crisis (BBG)
  • Rising Debt in Emerging Markets Poses Global Threat (WSJ)
  • China shares slip as oil slides, outweighing stimulus hopes (Reuters)



(SEE special report on POLITICIS in the US: How to win an election) 

[ When ISSIS is blame .. we all know who is behind .. so not surprise if US embassies are blown out. ]


Planet of Fear By Pepe Escobar
Hillary Clinton’s Emails Confirm The “Real Agenda” Behind the US-NATO War on Libya By Timothy Guzman, [[ Oculto mucho.. pero hay verdades que el viento no pudo llevarse..su complicidad en el mas siniestro asesinato de un Presidente .. Los usos actuales del mercenarismo Issis se iniciaron con ella.]





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