sábado, 9 de enero de 2016



Texas Governor Calls For Constitutional Convention To "Wrest Power From A Federal Government Run Amok"

[ YES,  WE NEED A NEW CONSTITUTION, and not only to make justice to the ranchers of Oregon (Why the Gov give land to rich corporations exploring  gas with frackings  that create severe damage to the environment and not give land and protection to the ranchers whose agro business do favor the nation?). WE NEED A NEW CONSTITUTION TO RE-INSTALL THE GLASS STEGALL ACT to limit the power of big bankers & financial corporation that are creating explosive inequality. The type of business they do is called financialization and its impact in macro & micro economy  is very negative. It destroy the essence of productive capitalism (manufacture & agro-business are been abandoned)  while predatory speculation is rewarded with tons of money (QEs) created from the thin air that aggravates our debt. This system promote vulture capitalism, frauds and misappropriation of foreign resources via predatory investment  and manipulation of sovereign debt in emerging economies.  WE NEED A NEW CONSTITUTION TO RESTORE THE GLASS-STEAGAL  ACT  and put down this corrupted & predatory system known as neoliberalism. The money given to bankers and financial speculators (bail outs) are not returned and much less invested to alleviate unemployment  nor compensate fairly the salaries of our working classes.  This system is obsolete and is the reason why we are going to a huge depression similar to the one in 1930. WE NEED A NEW COSTITUTION TO REFORM THE CURRENT POLITICAL SYSTEM that has been corrupted, degraded & distorted by those involved in the business of “financialization” and their secret “super-packs” .. Our democracy has been dismantled by bankers & financial speculators .. we urgently need a NEW CONSTITUTION TO RE-BUILD OUR NATION.



Brief extract:
As we've exhaustively documented, corruption is rampant in the the U.S. today.
In addition, widespread corruption leads to runaway inequality. Specifically, one of the biggest causes of runaway inequality is that the big banks are manipulating every market, and committing massive crimes.  Fraud disproportionately benefits the big banks, makes boom-bust cycles more severe, and otherwise harms the economy … all of which increase inequality and warp the market. These actions artificially redistribute wealth from honest, hard-working people to a handful of crooks.  And corrupt government officials have aided and abetted this.
Runaway inequality - in turn - leads to the fall of empires ... through unrest or revolution.
Institutional corruption is also leading to a lack of trust ... which is collapsing the economy.
Indeed, the U.S.A. is following the pattern of ALL past empires as they declined:
  • They financialize their economy ... going from manufacturing to speculation
  • They incur very high levels of debt
  • They overreach in costly military adventures
  • They become arrogant and lazy
  • They collapse soon after their peak
No wonder the American Empire is starting to collapse ...


3-ECONOMIC EFFECTS OF FINANCIALIZATION also in https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Financialization

Gold In 2016: "Economic Power Is Shifting". Submitted by Tyler Durden on 01/09/2016: An unseen bubble at the heart of the financial system is deflating with unknown consequences. When bubbles deflate, and here we are talking about one in the hundreds of trillions, bad debts are usually exposed. Even though much of the reduction in outstanding OTC derivatives is due to consolidation of positions following the Frank Dodd Act, much of it is not. When free markets reassert themselves, and they always do, the disruption promises to be substantial. We appear to be in the early stages of this event. If so, demand for physical gold can be expected to escalate rapidly as a financial crisis unfolds.
What The Charts Say: "US Stocks Are In Riskiest Position In Seven Years". Submitted by Tyler Durden on 01/09/2016: "After suffering the worst start to a new year in history, the U.S. stock market has entered correction territory which is defined by a drop of 10% from its old high. The following "hateful eight" charts pretty much speak for themselves... This doesn't bode well for U.S. stocks which are now in the riskiest position since the bull market started seven years ago."
Explaining American Men's 'Electile' Dysfunction In 1 Serious Chart . Submitted by Tyler Durden on 01/09/2016  ON LABOR FORCE IN US. Having fallen consistently from almost 90% particpation in the labor force in 1948 to just 68.5% in 2015, it appears that crossing below the 70% participation rate has pushed American men to their limit of faith in career politicians.

Newsflash From The December 'Jobs' Report - The US Economy Is Dead In The Water.  by David Stockman via Contra Corner blog, Submitted by Tyler Durden on 01/09/2016: Here’s a newsflash that CNBC didn’t mention. .. Yet the December 2015 number of breadwinner jobs was still 1.1 million jobs below that posted for the first month of this century!

In fact, not withstanding the “blow-out” December numbers, the US economy still has 11% fewer jobs in goods production—-mining, energy, manufacturing and construction—–than it did at the December 2007 cyclical peak, and 21% fewer than at the turn of the century.

By contrast, what is being swapped in are what we have called Part-Time Economy jobs, where there have been modest cyclically comparable gains in job levels during the past 15 years. Needless to say, however, the average annualized pay rate in this category is less than $20,000.

The monetary central planners at the Fed and their economist cheerleaders have never forecast a recession. That’s because they embrace the cardinal Keynesian Error, which holds that private capitalism is inherently unstable and prone to extreme cyclical swings—-even a tendency toward depressionary black holes.

Notwithstanding the thumping repudiation of that conceit which occurred during the great financial crisis and recession, the predicate remains that this time is different. To wit, the monetary central planners now have it right and will steer the US economy deftly to the nirvana of permanent Full Employment, world without end.


How The Feds Got All That Western Land (and Why It's A Problem). Submitted by Tyler Durden on 01/09/2016: Government owned and subsidized lands in the American West have been a source of conflict among competing interest groups since the 19th century. Since the very beginning of white settlement, lands have been used by the federal government as part of a political scheme to subsidize and reward certain groups while punishing others. The current standoff between ranchers and federal officials in Oregon is simply the latest chapter in a long contentious and sometimes bloody history of groups competing for control over government-owned lands in the West, and by ensuring that lands continue to be allocated by political means rather than through the market, government ownership of lands simply perpetuates conflict in the region.


Texas Governor Calls For Constitutional Convention To "Wrest Power From A Federal Government Run Amok". Submitted by Tyler Durden on 01/09/2016: "The increasingly frequent departures from Constitutional principles are destroying the Rule of Law foundation on which this country was built... The cure to these problems will not come from Washington D.C. Instead, the states must lead the way. The irony for our generation is that the threat to our Republic doesn’t come just from foreign enemies, it comes, in part, from our very own leaders." - Texas governor Greg Abbott

[ YES,  WE NEED A NEW CONSTITUTION, and not only to make justice to the ranchers of Oregon (Why the Gov give land to rich corporations exploring  gas with frackings  that create severe damage to the environment and not give land and protection to the ranchers whose agro business do favor the nation?). WE NEED A NEW CONSTITUTION TO RE-INSTALL THE GLASS STEGALL ACT to limit the power of big bankers & financial corporation that are creating explosive inequality. The type of business they do is called financialization and its impact in macro & micro economy  is very negative. It destroy the essence of productive capitalism (manufacture & agro-business are been abandoned)  while predatory speculation is rewarded with tons of money (QEs) created from the thin air that aggravates our debt. This system promote vulture capitalism, frauds and misappropriation of foreign resources via predatory investment  and manipulation of sovereign debt in emerging economies.  WE NEED A NEW CONSTITUTION TO RESTORE THE GLASS-STEAGAL  ACT  and put down this corrupted & predatory system known as neoliberalism. The money given to bankers and financial speculators (bail outs) are not returned and much less invested to alleviate unemployment  nor compensate fairly the salaries of our working classes.  This system is obsolete and is the reason why we are going to a huge depression similar to the one in 1930. WE NEED A NEW COSTITUTION TO REFORM THE CURRENT POLITICAL SYSTEM that has been corrupted, degraded & distorted by those involved in the business of “financialization” and their secret “super-packs” .. Our democracy has been dismantled by bankers & financial speculators .. we urgently need a NEW CONSTITUTION TO RE-BUILD OUR NATION.]
Americans' Positive Perception Of NRA Soars As Obama Escalates Gun-Control Agenda. Submitted by Tyler Durden on 01/09/2016: Love guns or hate guns, one thing is becoming perfectly clear. The American public’s perception of guns and the NRA is moving in the exact opposite direction of Barack Obama’s message and agenda.

Caught On Tape: Iran Conducts Live-Fire Rocket Drill Next To US Carrier. Submitted by Tyler Durden on 01/09/2016: Late last month, amid heightened tensions between Washington and Tehran, Iran conducted a live-fire exercise in the Strait of Hormuz in close proximity to the USS Harry Truman, one of Ash Carter’s fleet of aircraft carriers. On Saturday, the US released a video of the incident.

The Kingdom of Saudi Arabia executed Shiite Muslim cleric Nimr al-Nimr on Saturday. Hours later, Iranian protestors set fire to the Saudi embassy in Tehran. On Sunday, the Saudi government, which considers itself the guardian of Sunni Islam, cut diplomatic ties with Iran, which is a Shiite Muslim theocracy.
But to the degree that the current crisis has anything to do with religion, it’s much less about whether Abu Bakr or Ali was Muhammad’s rightful successor and much more about who’s going to control something more concrete right now: oil.
What the map shows is that, due to a peculiar correlation of religious history and anaerobic decomposition of plankton, almost all the Persian Gulf’s fossil fuels are located underneath Shiites. This is true even in Sunni Saudi Arabia, where the major oil fields are in the Eastern Province, which has a majority Shiite population. As a result, one of the Saudi royal family’s deepest fears is that one day Saudi Shiites will secede, with their oil, and ally with Shiite Iran.
Without fossil fuels, however, this sectarianism toward Shiites would likely be less intense today. And it would definitely be less well-financed. Winston Churchill once described Iran’s oil – which the U.K. was busy stealing at the time — as “a prize from fairyland far beyond our brightest hopes.”
46 Months Of Accelerating Deflation Mean Beijing Is Now Trapped. Submitted by Tyler Durden on 01/09/2016. In short, our condolences China: having decided to adopt Western neo-Keynesian economics, with the typical monetarist bent, you too are now trapped with no way out. But don't worry: so is everyone else. Good luck.
[ In the current system of financialization is the US who’s in the trap.. the final China’s stroke on the camel is the total cut of trade in dollars .. IMF is imploring China not to get out from their SDR project .. but is late… Russia & Iran has now much of the oil trade.. so they don’t need the SDR.. they can set up a new  international currency for banking & trade.] 




Happy Birthday H-Bombs Marshall Kim. By Eric Margolis. In Pyongyang’s view, the US, Japan and South Korea all plan to invade North Korea, oust the Kim dynasty, and turn it into yet another western satrapy.
Fear And Loathing in the House of Saud. By Pepe Escobar. Desperation does not even begin to describe the current plight of the House of Saud.
Media Quiet as Saudi-led Coalition Bombs Center For The Blind In Yemen . By Ben Norton. The Saudi-led coalition is responsible for approximately two-thirds of civilian deaths, the U.N. says
The Deceptive Debate Over What Causes Terrorism Against the West. By Glenn Greenwald. Self-loving tribalistic Westerners want to completely absolve themselves and their own violent societies of having any role in the terrorist violence they love to denounce.
The Broader Design of the Anti-Syria Forces. By Kim Petersen and B. J. Sabri. Russia's intervention in Syria as a way to stop the United States from carrying out its plans for devouring the world, one country at a time.
Why the Feds Punk Out When Confronting White Rightwing Insurgents. By Glen Ford. When a criminal justice system born in Native American genocide and Black slave patrolling finds itself in conflict with conservative white Christian landowners, it short-circuits.
Latin America Has to Fight and Win!. By Andre Vltchek.  For now, Argentina is lost and Venezuela is deeply wounded, divided and frustrated.. but
Another Fabricated Jobs Report. By Paul Craig Roberts. This non-economy on the verge of collapse is said by the idiots in Washington to be a super-power.


Texas Governor Reveals a Republican Plan to Replace the U.S. Constitution. Posted on January 9, 2016 by Eric Zuesse.  Now that the Republican Party controls over two-thirds of America’s 50 State Senates, and also over two-thirds of America’s 50 State Houses, the Republican Governor of Texas, Greg Abbott, has laid out a plan to impose upon the nation a new Constitution
2016 Theme #5: The Systemic Failure of High Finance. Posted on January 9, 2016 by Charles Hugh Smith High finance and cheap credit have intensified structural problems such as rising inequality, not resolved them.
The implicit promise of the neoliberal project is that liberalizing private-sector markets and credit will magically grease the processes of growth and widespread prosperity.
When economies have the right systems in place–decentralized, somewhat free markets, an entrepreneurial spirit, many unmet needs, idle productive capacity and a credit-starved real economy–freeing up static markets and credit can unleash the productive capacity of the bottom level of the economy.


Más que chismes: Correos de Clinton revelan el verdadero motivo de la intervención en Libia en 2011 En las conversaciones desclasificadas por el Gobierno de EE.UU. se destaca la preocupación por las reservas de oro y petróleo de Gaddafi y su supuesto plan para crear una moneda que amenazaría al dólar y al euro.


CrossTalk. Saudi trajectory

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