lunes, 18 de enero de 2016

JAN 18 16 SIT EC y POL

JAN 18 16 SIT EC y POL 

 1-  BERNIE SANDERS: I DON'T TAKE MONEY FROM BIG BANKS | Democratic Debate | NBC News-YouTube .  A pesar de que la prensa oficial o mercenaria sigue alentado la candidatura de la dama que promete más Guerras imperiales y mas caos economico-politico, el apoyo a Sanders sigue creciendo.
"The first difference is I don't take money from big banks. I don't get personal speaking fees from Goldman Sachs," Sanders said.
2- AS GOES SYRIA, SO GOES THE WORLD. First appeared: Re printed in : Washington Post , since October 30, 2015, President Obama is sending a small number of Special Operations troops to Northern Syrian, marking the first full-time deployment of US forces to the chaotic country.” ..  If Syria (or failing Syria, Iran) should bomb Israel, a chunk of the covert eugenics program launched by America will have come to fruition. .. this may be the first time that a nation has deployed such a massive bio/chem weapon against its own citizens. .. The US population appears to have given the green light to a US invasion of Syria—a faraway country, inhabited by people who, on the surface at last, are alien to US culture and customs—the lesson of interconnectedness of all living beings must be attended to. .. If we fail to do so, devastation and death will visit our own shores, in a pre-planned “plague” which will forever change the face of America from one of diversity to one of homogeneity. 

Crash Risk & The Imminent Likelihood Of Recession.   Via John Hussman's Weekly Market Comment, Submitted by Tyler Durden on 01/18/16 : "... there is presently an enormous chasm between the point where self-reinforcing selling pressure by speculators is likely to emerge, and the much lower point where balancing buying pressure by value-conscious investors is likely to support the market. Because every seller necessarily requires a buyer, the enormous gap between the two represents substantial crash risk."
Art Cashin: This Is "What You Get Before You Slip Into A Crisis". Submitted by Tyler Durden on 01/18/2016 : "The Fed has painted itself into a corner... [the current situation's severity] is very similar to what you get before you slip into a crisis....The bumpy ride is probably not over yet... stay on guard."
Negative Oil Prices Arrive: Koch Brothers' Refinery "Pays" -$0.50 For North Dakota Crude. Submitted by Tyler Durden on 01/18/2016 : Do you have some extra space in your garage or attic? Or perhaps you own an oil tanker you aren’t currently using. Or maybe you have a storage unit that’s got a little extra room next to an old mattress and box springs. If so, you may want to call up oil producers in North Dakota and ask if they’d care to send you some free oil.

Italian Banks Collapse, Short Sales Banned As Loan Loss Fears Mount. Submitted by Tyler Durden on 01/18/2016. : Reuters reports that investors are growing increasingly nervous about how the sector will cope with lower interest rates and a 200 billion euro ($218 billion) pile of loans that are unlikely to be repaid. The broad banking sector is down 4% with stocks suspended, and in light of this bloodbath, Italian regulators have decided in their wisdom, to ban short-selling of some bank stocks (which has driven hedgers into the CDS market, spking BMPS credit risk).

[ La casa se desploma, pero la Banca del papado esta fuerte. .. Solo el pope salvará Italia! .. Ojala no les ocurra lo que le ocurrió al APRA en Perú: “Solo la corrupción salvará el país”. Deberian estar en la cárcel por asesinar presos en el Frontón –además de otros crímenes- pero ahí están.. encebados y bien maquillados. ]
What Happens To A Dream Deferred? Ask Martin Luther King Jr.. Submitted by Tyler Durden on 01/18/2016 :  More than 50 years after King was assassinated, his vision of a world without racism, militarism and materialism remains a distant dream. Indeed, the reality we must contend with is far different from King’s dream for the future: America has become a ticking time bomb of racial unrest and injustice, police militarization, surveillance, government corruption and ineptitude, the blowblack from a battlefield mindset and endless wars abroad, and a growing economic inequality between the haves and have nots. King’s own legacy has suffered in the process.
Germany & The Incompatibility Of Cultures. Submitted by Tyler Durden on 01/18/2016 : "The attackers might be politically motivated, but their fear can not be ignored. German society is changing, with right-wing Christian as well as Islamic groups getting stronger by the day. It is an alarming situation for the majority of secular people in Germany and Europe. What happened on New Year's Eve could change the way Germans live and treat foreigners forever."
[ Para Hitler quien no era compatible con la raza superior, los arios, debían ser eliminados. Para eso crearon los campos de concentración .. Pero les fue mal, los rusos incineraron a los arianos con Stalin. Pero han regresado los xenofóbicos nazis , esos que hoy inventan historias sobre rapto y violación de mil doncellas arianas, para continuar quemando las casas asignadas a los emigrados Sirios, a esos a quienes dejaron sin hogar con bombas alemanas en apoyo al plan  US-NATO  a favor de mercenarios terroristas del ISIS. Ese si fue un real ataque a Siria, de quienes se robó y aun se roba su petróleo. Esto es lo que está detrás de la tesis “incompatibilidad de culturas” de los teutones de hoy y de los racistas de America. ]
Demographic Doldrums: Visualizing 100 Years Of The Most Populous Countries. Submitted by Tyler Durden on 01/18/2016 : “I think ageing demographics is a bigger issue in China than people think. And the problems it creates should be become evident as early as 2016.” – Stan Druckenmiller, 2013
[ Back to Malthus? ]
What's Eroding The Middle Class?.  Submitted by Tyler Durden on 01/18/2016. : A society without a functioning middle layer of economic and social activity is not stable, though repression can mask this for a time. This erosion of a self-employed, independent middle class was an important pre-condition for the collapse of Rome and the French Revolution. There is zero evidence that any of the drivers of this erosion is going to reverse.

[ Si el saqueo neoliberal de las mafias especuladoras continua .. no habrá modo de revertir la eliminación de las capas medias y del capital productivo en América .. Por eso apoyamos a Sanders.]


“The Day After” ….The Implementation of the Iran Nuclear Deal. The US Has Never Sought Peace. By Soraya Sepahpourulrich. Peace and expansion/domination are incompatible.


You Won't Like It, But Here's the Answer to ISIS. By Peter Van Buren. Get out. Land the planes, ground the drones, and withdraw
Parallel Standards Offer Way Out Of Violence. By Kristin Christman. Can we prove to ISIS followers they can achieve just goals without violence?
Britain and Saudi Arabia Shoulder to Shoulder in Atrocities in Yemen. By Felicity Arbuthnot. The human cost, as ever, defies imagination.
Will Congress Stop the Iran Deal?. By Philip Giraldi. Congress has still more up its sleeve.
An Open Letter to President Obama. By Miko Peled. As President, for the last seven years you have given Israel your full support to kill, maim, arrest and torture men, women and children.
The Mirage of Justice. By Chris Hedges. Of the 2.2 million people we have incarcerated at the moment - 25 percent of the world’s prison population—2 million never had a trial.
An Oligarchy Has Broken Our Democracy. It Must Be Dislodged. By Mike Lofgren. A tell-tale sign of the Deep State’s involvement in policy is the use of fear to make Congress compliant.
Super-rich: 62 People Own As Much As Half The World. By Al Jazeera. "In a world where one in nine people goes to bed hungry every night, we cannot afford to carry on giving the richest an ever-bigger slice of the cake"





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