domingo, 1 de marzo de 2020


Trump’s delusion:: Pete Buttigieg  votes (if  out) will go to Biden, then Bernie loose
Just “Opium Dream”

By Hugo Adan  March 1-20
Based on:

"This is the REAL beginning of the Dems taking Bernie out of play"

This is the logic of Fraud (buying-selling votes). BUT billonaires can’t buy  d electorate, they only buy & sell  candidates. The people who vote has a different and opposite dynamic. Their mood  & final decision to vote  was never bought nor sold out in any advanced democracy in the world by the owners of the system.
The vote is secret and common people used this secrecy to express their distrust on the rich. In the US now we are watching the direct meddling of the rich  in elections, and neutral pool said  that Bloomberg –Trump are losing votes week by week. 

The initial idea  that Trump can be re-elected was feed by paid  press-titute  LIES that rich investors can save America. The fact is that they cannot even save themselves: the  real of return for their investment is almost ZERO. They only recycle the fake economy with the free money gave by Trump vi a QEs & Bail outs . 

Bloomberg promised to continue this system by correcting Trump’s  little mistakes. They are allies against Sanders and those who support Bernie are  against the ultra-rich meddling in election /re-election. 

IF they manage to take Sanders out of the Dems party, the 3rd option: RUN  AS INDEPENDENT PARTY  could  be the first solution. That implies a strong denounce to Dems & REPs duopoly party Syst as corrupt-fraudulent-system  pay by the ultra rich. 

World history in advanced democracies taught a lesson to the rich: don’t  medley  in election directly. They has been detested  & retaliated  with the secret vote in the ballot box.  

The same situation happens with candidates supported by millionaires  (not matter how famous & honorable they were, take the case of the novelist Vargas Llosa in Peru) they were   abandoned by the Nation during elections time

 In simple words: buying election is FRAUD and the poor & middle class in any nation knew it.
The time for retaliation is coming.  Commandos REV across America are ready to ACT.
We the Socialist Will WIN!!

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