sábado, 7 de marzo de 2020


ND  MAR 7  20  SIT EC y POL 
ND denounce Global-neoliberal debacle y propone State-Social + Capit-compet in Eco

Neoliberal globalization is over. Financiers know it, they documented with graphics

Consumers see the stock market as a gauge of the health of the economy and the state of their personal finances. When the stock market sells off violently, it sends an ominous message.
See Charts:
More empty Stores:
As concerns of Covid-19 outbreak increase across the US, Costco stores are experiencing the second weekend of panic-buying of food, water, and hand sanitizers.  

The Apocalypse is here….Yikes! This is at the Costco at Still Creek on a Saturday morning. And it’s still 25 min till opening. LOL
See Picture:

See other pictures at:

...a collateral call. Another big one...

The 3-month Treasury bill’s equivalent YIELD has plunged, absolutely plunged. 
 The rest of the yield curve, is all about consequences. If rate cuts were expected to be effective then, cue Janet Yellen in 2011, bond yields would be rising sharply. THEY ARE NOT, to put it mildly.
See Chart
US Yield curve: Down

There was even a textbook gold slam today, one that was so on-the-nose I don’t think I’ve ever seen it quite so obvious before. An initial slam at 8:30am (which some may characterize as a reaction to the blowout payroll report, which is fine but I don’t agree) followed by the big one clustered in just before, and right up to, 10:30am.

What’s special about especially 10:30am? Closing the books on yesterday’s overnight repo.
See Chart:
Golg futures went up

With yields taking the elevator downward, after pushing stock investors down the empty shaft first (liquidations), you don’t hear much about “too many” Treasuries these days.
See Chart
Euro-Dollar Futures curve (in red)  

Thus, as Euro$ #4 starts to get as nasty as we thought it could, I can’t help but think ahead to what inevitably will follow no matter how this all still turns out. Whatever waits us around the next corner, beyond it will be only Euro$ #5. Doesn’t that just explain the prospect of negative UST yields!
See Chart:
Inflation Expectations (in red line)

They really don’t know what they are doing. And that’s really sad because it wouldn’t take all that much to change it. Especially on a day like today. It’s all right here.

No es tarea fácil lo que viene en un futuro cercano

Hugo Adan  Marzo 7, 2020

Fed Chair Powell has been busy trying to explain his reason for the  "emergency" 50bps rate cut.
Powell said,  “My colleagues and I took this action to help the U.S. economy keep strong in the face of new risks to the economic outlook.”
Read  his Message:

Critique 1:
Regardless of what he says Fed Chair Powell has confirmed the Fed plans to continue its role as the great enabler. This means central banks across the globe can now lower their rates or do additional stimulus without damaging the delicate balance in the relationship in the value of one major currency to another. This is adding credence to the myth that today major currencies  can’t fail.

Critique 2:
Not only is a rate cut uncalled for at this time, but because it will also do little to strengthen the economy. What it will do is continue to prop up asset prices and encourage risk-taking and mal-investment..

In the Austrian business cycle theorymal-investments are badly allocated business investments, due to the artificially low cost of credit and an unsustainable increase in the money supply. 

Eso equivale a decir que a Powell no le quedó otra que empujar la carreta hacia adelante inyectando dinero (USD con creditos a bajo costo) que es lo que ya hizo antes y le dio resultado.  

Aun cuando eso creo la desigualdad explosiva del  neoliberalismo actual (explosión que los millonarios  saben que si va a ocurrir tarde o temprano), no tienen otra salida que hacer lo que hace el centro imperial con Powell. Ya todos los paises del sistema  neoliberal lo hacen y han logrado sobrevivir.

Todos saben que la carreta neoliberal ya no tiene ruedas (la inversión productiva no rinde lo que la especulación del WS y la venta de armas y guerra fuera si dan) por tanto si es posible y muy fácil empujar la carreta hacia adelante inyectándole dinero fabricado de la nada.

Y digo que es tarea fácil porque la carreta esta de bajada y lo que viene el precipicio o el hundimiento del Titanic. Los billonarios que lucraron de este sistema lo saben y han convertido el dinero falso en oro y han logrado ocultar ese oro no en los  bancos de su propio país sino en paraísos fiscales y en las bóvedas de Londres.

A FDR –el mas grande Presid del US-  le fue fácil decretar la  confiscación del oro y crear una sólida moneda (el USD con base en oro) para su plan de Crecimiento Econ sostenido via New Deals. Y digo que confiscar ese oro fue fácil porque estaba dentro del país durante la 1ra recesión mundial (1929-35), pero ahora no lo está.

Para confiscar ese oro hoy, tendrían que unirse la mayoría de los empresarios del sector productivo del mundo (excluir a los especuladores) en Estados con labor organizado e iniciar un proceso revolucionario  ya sea por via pacifica (lo que implica toma del poder via elecciones) y/o via auto-golpes de Estado desde Gbnos progresistas en el control del Estado.

La otra opción es la violencia Revolucionaria  si el pueblo es agredido con métodos fascistas. Solo  entonces se justificaría el uso de la guillotinas de Robespierre o el paredón de Fidel contra los billonarios que no acepten la confiscación del oro y el ponerlo al servicio de  toda la Nación. 

NO ES TAREA FÁCIL LO QUE VIENE EN UN FUTURO CERCANO, pero esas 2 son opciones viables y por supuesto lo más deseable es la Rev no violenta, esta es la propuesta actual de los socialistas del US que lidera Bernie Sanders.

Seudo democ duopolico in US is obsolete; it’s full of frauds & corruption. Urge cambio

"We're expecting a large fault rupture, almost six feet, a lot of liquefaction impacts..."

A new report by the San Diego chapter of the Earthquake Engineering Research Institute (EERI), found a fault that runs through the heart of San Diego could be a much more serious problem than previously thought, reported Log Angeles Times.
See Chart + map:

"We're expecting a large fault rupture, almost six feet, a lot of liquefaction impacts, which basically is softening of the soil that causes a lot of impact to underground infrastructure like water distribution pipes," said Heidi Tremayne, executive director of the EERI. "We're worried that coastal communities could really be lacking some basic services for many months after an earthquake of this magnitude."
See Charts:

With an 18% chance that Rose Canyon Fault could trigger a big quake in the next three decades, EERI said damage from it would cost upwards of $38 billion and account for $5.2 billion in lost income for local businesses. 

There's without any doubt that California as a whole is long overdue for a destructive earthquake. We noted back in December that "very unusual seismic activity" was taking place off the West Coast.

Seismologists warned about a year ago that California's seismic activity is in an "earthquake drought." With fears of large quakes could be nearing

Back to USD based on gold?  That will be the solution to many US Econ problems

Gold, which—unlike people and our economies—is immune to the virus. It is the currency of last resort and avoids the concern that paper currencies could be a medium of transfer for the virus.

A Yale professor interviewed the ultra-wealthy in Teton County, WY to find out what it’s like to be really, really rich.
Most of them have Blue-SS Card and all of them pay car+other taxes.. WHY NOT to..

"Every single person, no matter your documentation status"

US-WORLD  ISSUES (Geo Econ, Geo Pol & global Wars)
Global depression is on…China, RU, Iran search for State socialis+K-, D rest in limbo

Important to learn geopolitics & the chances of WW3
There comes a point where negotiating with your adversaries ends, where someone finally says, “ENOUGH.”

In the midst of the worst market meltdown in a dozen years which has at its source problems within global dollar-funding markets, Russia found itself in the position to exercise the Power of No.

Multiple overlapping crises are happening worldwide right now and they all interlock into a fabric of chaos. 

Between political instability in Europe, presidential primary shenanigans in the U.S., coronavirus creating mass hysteria and Turkey’s military adventurism in Syria, the eastern Mediterranean and Libya, markets are finally calling the bluff of central bankers who have been propping up asset prices for years.

But, at its core, the current crisis stems from the simple truth that those prices around the world are vastly overvalued.

Western government and central bank policies have used the power of the dollar to push the world to this state.

And that state is, at best, meta-stable.
And all it took to push a correction into a full-scale panic was the Russians saying, “NO.”

Since peaking after the killing of Iranian General Qassem Soleimani oil prices have been a one-way trade. Down.
See Chart:
Brent Crude after killing  Soleimani

Credit markets are melting down. Stock markets are the tail, credit markets are the dog. And this dog was run over by a bus.

The Fed intervenes to keep short term interest rates from rising to preserve the fiction it is still in control.

The market wants higher rates for short-term access to dollars.

The Fed tried to help by cutting rates by 0.5% but all that did was tell people the Fed was as scared as they were.  The selling resumed and gold bounced back to it’s recent high near $1690, only to be swatted down on the New York open this morning.

That didn’t work either.
See Chart:
Gold futures went UP 

And into this mess OPEC tried to save itself by asking for a historic production cut. 

OPEC needs this cut to remain relevant. The cartel is dying. It’s been dying for years, kept on life support by Russia’s willingness to trade favors to achieve other geostrategic goals.

I’ve said before that OPEC production cuts are not bullish for oil just like rate cuts are not inflationary during crisis periods.

But finally Russia said No. And they didn’t equivocate. They told everyone they are prepared for lower oil prices.

There comes a point where negotiating with your adversaries ends, where someone finally says, “Enough.” Russia has been attacked mercilessly by the West for the crime of being Russia.

And I’ve documented nearly every twist and turn of how they have skillfully buttressed their position waiting for the right moment to get maximum return to reverse the tables on their tormentors.

And, to me, this was that perfect moment for them to finally say “No,” to get maximum effect.
In a world of cartelized markets the world over, where prices are set by external actors, it is easy to forget that in the real economy (regardless of your political persuasion) the world is an auction and everything is up for bid

High bid wins.
So, the most important geostrategic question is, “Who produces the marginal barrel of oil?”

For more than three years now, President Trump has supported his policy of Energy Dominance in a Quixotic quest for the U.S. to become that supplier.  Trillions of dollars have been spent on building up domestic production to their current, unsustainable levels.

What he could never do, however, was push Russia off that bid.

The reason U.S. production rates are unsustainable is because their costs are higher per barrel than the marginal price especially when all other prices are deflating.  Simple, straightforward economics. 

That’s where the Russians’ power comes from

When you don’t owe anyone anything you are free to tell them, “No.”

All of this adds up to Russia holding the whip hand over the global market for oil. 
The ability to say, “No.”
READ the last part of this art: is very, very interesting

Washington has been loudly backing Turkey’s military offensive in Idlib, and isn't happy that Ankara has made a deal not to go to war.

RU’phobia is on in US & with full display of distortions & LIES

“The Kremlin has decided to sacrifice OPEC+ to stop U.S. shale producers and punish the U.S. for messing with Nord Stream 2.”

GEO-POL n GEO-ECO  ..Focus on neoliberal expansion via wars & danger of WW3

- Biden and Sanders Intensify Mutual Attacks Ahead of Six-State Vote on 10 March     Just the power of money (biden)  vs. the power of PEOPLE. This time Peop will win

Lat Am search f alternatives to neo-fascist regimes & terrorist imperial chaos


UE:  La batalla de Lesbos  Miguel Urbán
España  Memoria histórica y democrática sin justicia?    Sabino Cuadra
Mund:  Morada oculta de la producción global  Intan Suwandi
España:   Jordi Cuixart y nuestro derecho a protestar  Joaquín Urias
Siria :  La estrategia del régimen de Al-Assad  Luc Mathieu. Et al
Arg –deuda:  Un problema de costos  Eduardo Lucita
Crisis-clima: control de población no es la respuesta  Yifat Susskind
Mundo rural   Cartografía ecosocial de protestas rurales  Ángel Calle


El Pentágono  El islam político contra China  por Thierry Meyssan


Manifiesto del Partido Comunista   K. Marx & F. Engels (1848)
Asi se templo el acero  Cuento Ruso. Anonimo
EL MÉTODO DE STALIN   Por: Eduardo Ibarra (*).


El mundo se enfrenta a una 'pandemia silenciosa' más peligrosa que los virus  https://actualidad.rt.com/actualidad/345251-mundo-enfrenta-pandemia-silenciosa-peligrosa
El 'CV' en 2008 fueron los bancos que "dieron lugar a la pandemia fraude y dinero fíat" https://actualidad.rt.com/programas/keiser_report/345269-coronavirus-2008-bancos-pandemia-fraude


Geopolitics & Econ-Pol crisis that leads to more business-wars from US-NATO  allies


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