lunes, 23 de marzo de 2020


ND  MAR 23  20  SIT EC y POL 
ND denounce Global-neoliberal debacle y propone State-Social + Capit-compet in Eco

Neoliberal globalization is over. Financiers know it, they documented with graphics

He aquí la visión de 1 empresario racional sobre la debacle actual
"In 2006–2007, I talked about the possibility of an imminent financial crisis, but at the same time I also talked about the solution. The solution was that the Fed floods the system with cash... Here, I don’t know if this is the solution."
... overnight Minerd published another report to clients titled "The Great Leverage Unwind", in which he warns that "funding and trading markets are not functioning well due to excessive leverage needing to be unwound in the financial system" and summarizes what lies ahead by saying that "we will likely experience something that is just as severe as, if not worse than, the current  financial crisis." 
His full note is below
The Great Leverage Unwind
We entered into the current crisis with a whole financial system that had been incentivized by policymakers to take on EXCESSIVE LEVELS OF DEBT AND LEVERAGE. The turmoil we are seeing right now is the result of the unwinding of this leverage. The primary catalyst of the turmoil is the collapse in economic activity due to the COVID-19 shutdown, but the fact that funding and trading markets are not functioning well is due to excessive leverage needing to be unwound in the financial system.
See Chart:
Recession = Housing bubble + Centrals Bankers bubble vs.US nominal GDP

The first order of that unwind is what we have been seeing over the last week or two, where hedge funds and mutual funds are in a mad dash to get to cash.
See Chart:
Consolidated Equity position

In order to get a foundation under the markets, we’re going to need something very large, something in the $2 trillion range in the form of a pool of liquidity that can be made quickly available to businesses and corporations that need it, along with the financing facilities of $2 trillion–$4 trillion from the FedA structure like this will be much more efficient than a targeted approach of trying to engineer bailouts industry by industry, which would just take too long.
In addition to Troubled Asset Relief Program (TARP)-like programs to assist companies and industries, there is no other choice but for the Fed to step up to keep markets functioning. That’s why I’ve been saying that we would need to see about $4.5 trillion of quantitative easing (QE) before everything was resolved.
That might sound like an alarmingly big number, but to put it in perspective the Bank of Japan’s balance sheet is the equivalent of 105 percent of GDP. So, the United States is a piker on QE.
BBB-rated corporate bonds, which make up a majority of the investment,  at corporate universe. Many of these BBB-rated companies don’t pass the criteria to be rated BBB by the rating agencies. asset coverage, and accepting promises that these companies will de-lever. Kraft-Heinz is a good example of what happens when the rating agencies, confronted with the fact that Kraft-Heinz wasn’t making the progress it promised, downgraded the company to BB.
See Chart:
Market cap of Bloomberg Barclays Corporate Indexes
There are approximately $1 trillion worth of investment-grade corporate bonds that are in danger of being downgraded like Kraft-Heinz. Currently, the high-yield market has approximately $1 trillion outstanding, meaning the size of these possible downgrades would double its size. I do not believe that the current concessions on high yield in terms of their spread to Treasurys or absolute yields is sufficient to clear that supply.
This reluctance to capitulate is not an uncommon phenomenon. A lot of investors hang on to positions and hope. Occasionally a blind squirrel will arrive and buy at a non-market price, but as the supply of CLO assets that need to be sold continues to increase, the prices are slowly (or rapidly) going to start coming down.
Many sellers today are what I call securitization tourists. These are the hedge funds, insurance companies, pension funds, and others who, in their great search for yield over the last two to three years, kept reaching for it in securitizations.  Aircraft securitizations, which are secured by airplane leases from airlines, are in trouble.
Interestingly, aircraft securitizations have not moved into the realm of pricing that would be appropriate. Investors are offering securitizations at 85 or 90 cents on the dollar, when many securitizations reasonably should be worth 50 or 65 cents on the dollar, or maybe lower.
If there is a risk to what I’m saying, the risk is that it will be worse, not better.  I’m not betting on a global depression, but I’m saying that for the first time in the post-war era we are really getting too close for comfort.
In 2006–2007, I talked about the possibility of an imminent financial crisis, but at the same time I also talked about the solution. The solution was that the Fed floods the system with cash, the government does a bunch of prop-up programs, and we come out of it. Here, I don’t know the solution.  So, in all likelihood we will experience something that is just as severe as, if not worse than, the current financial crisis.
In the meantime, a lot of debt has to be unwound or restructured. This will result in the Fed having to keep the liquidity spigots open for a long time.

After years of pain, the CMBX shorts finally won.

Seudo democ duopolico in US is obsolete; it’s full of frauds & corruption. Urge cambio

This is the collapse of neoliberal Economics. The CV didn’t create Recession. It worsen
More serious than the first or second-order, effects are third-order effects
Panicked people are emptying supermarket shelves and stockpiling toilet paper. Hand sanitizer is impossible to find anywhere.
Is the impact of the fear and hysteria greater than the risk of the virus itself?
Doug Casey: Yes, very much so.
  • The virus itself is what we can call a first-order effect.
  • The second-order effects - like the economy shutting down from hysteria - are actually much more serious.
  • The third-order effects - new laws and state action - this have the longest-lasting consequences. We can talk about them in a minute.
So what’s the worst-case scenario regarding this virus? 
Nobody really knows because it is a new virus.
More serious than the first-order or second-order effects are third-order effects.
Governments all around the world are putting in onerous new laws and regulations about travel, movement, and business. These things have to be paid for, which means higher taxes. But that’s almost impossible in a collapsing economy. So, not just the Americans—everybody is going to print up boatloads of new money.
Continue reading at..
Did you ever think we’d reach the point in the United States where you had to have papers to freely travel from one place to another? It appears we’re at the point...
We have plenty of human capital: strong backs and agile minds. They just have to be reconditioned off their addictions to canned entertainments, drugs, and the Faustian raptures of techno-narcissism...
I never subscribed to Marxism, but old Karl sure had a point when he said:
“All that is solid melts into air, all that is holy is profaned, and man is at last compelled to face with sober senses his real conditions of life, and his relations with his kind.”
Is that exactly where we’re at, or what?
The hologram of capital that was not really there dissolves before our eyes.
Now, under the shadow of COVID-19, everybody has been sent home to wait and see what happens next, hostages to the flat-screen, where the cable networks show little besides a non-stop real-time horror movie called THE END OF YOUR FUTURE.
CONTINUE READING but don’t panic nor be afraid.. is what they want from you to then later manipulate your ‘lost of future’ with another pandemia worse even: WW3
We exited the eye of the hurricane and have seen our ship of state capsized, as an immense wave of reality has destroyed the delusions of millions and exposed the Fed as a feckless fraud...
This is the collapse of neoliberal Economics. The CV didn’t create Recession. It worsen
More serious than the first or second-order effects are  the third-order effects
Panicked people are emptying supermarket shelves and stockpiling toilet paper. Hand sanitizer is impossible to find anywhere.
Is the impact of the fear and hysteria greater than the risk of the virus itself?
Doug Casey: Yes, very much so.
  • The virus itself is what we can call a first-order effect.
  • The second-order effects - like the economy shutting down from hysteria - are actually much more serious.
  • The third-order effects - new laws and state action - this have the longest-lasting consequences. We can talk about them in a minute.
So what’s the worst-case scenario regarding this virus? 
Nobody really knows because it is a new virus.
More serious than the first-order or second-order effects are third-order effects.
Governments all around the world are putting in onerous new laws and regulations about travel, movement, and business. These things have to be paid for, which means higher taxes. But that’s almost impossible in a collapsing economy. So, not just the Americans—everybody is going to print up boatloads of new money.
Continue reading at..
“My sense is we’re not making a whole lot of progress today &
we’re back tomorrow.”
Did you ever think we’d reach the point in the United States where you had to have papers to freely travel from one place to another? It appears we’re at the point...

US-WORLD  ISSUES (Geo Econ, Geo Pol & global Wars)
Global depression is on…China, RU, Iran search for State socialis+K-, D rest in limbo

1.7 billion people - nearly 2/7th of the Earth's population - have now been asked to stay home in more than 50 countries and territories due to the coronavirus outbreak...
"Stamping the upper part of hands,
is essential and very useful to reduce the spread."
GOLD is one of the motives for WW3
Crash conditions will likely inspire more and more people to demand physical delivery on precious metals over the course of 2020, as fears of paper market shutdowns due to the pandemic grow.”
This collapse in broader CMBX indexes as "the big short 2.0" gradually comes to fruition, has led to spillover effects across the entire Commercial Mortgage-Backed space –CMBX-, resulting in the first hung debt .

GEO-POL n GEO-ECO  ..Focus on neoliberal expansion via wars & danger of WW3


Lat Am search f alternatives to neo-fascist regimes & terrorist imperial chaos



Lo último sobre la pandemia de coronavirus en el mundo
Anuncian éxito de primeras pruebas de la vacuna contra el coronavirus en Francia
Trump prohíbe subir  precios y acaparar productos en medio de la pandemia CV
Descubren nuevos síntomas del CV que ayudarían a identificar 'portadores ocultos'
ONU llama a un cese el fuego global para poder hacer frente al coronavirus

Analysis on US Politics & Geopolitics

Emanuel Pastreich  The Global Media and CV

Geopolitics & Econ-Pol crisis that leads to more business-wars from US-NATO  allies


Amy Goodman’  team


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