martes, 3 de marzo de 2020


ND denounce Global-neoliberal debacle y propone State-Social + Capit-compet in Eco

Neoliberal globalization is over. Financiers know it, they documented with graphics

The BoJ bought a bucketload of ETFs overnight,and lifted Japanese stocks. ThePBOC's National Team performed miracles lifting Chinese stocks amid collapsing PMIs. The IMF/World Bank promised "help" and everyone is now anticipating the G7 - because they've always been so great at agreeing on a unifying action!
And all of that (along with Jay Powell's brief statement on Friday and Kudlow/ Mnuchin's calls for an emergency rate cut) was enough to lift US stocks, but a ton of worsening US virus headlines sparked some weakness as the day wore on, only to be rescued by Trump's optimistic tone on vaccines and treatments... That is 1850 points off the overnight lows.
See Chart:

Today's stunning 1293 point gain by the Dow was by far the greatest point gain ever!
See Chart:

The market priced in 75bps of cuts in March earlier today, but slipped back to just 25bps (one rate cut) as stocks soared into the close...
See Chart:

Chinese markets were aggressively bid last night by someone...
See Chart:

European markets were mostly higher today (ex Italy)...
See Chart:

S&P topped 3,000; Dow topped 26,000 (and led the day). Trannies were unable to stay positive...
See Chart:

The big banks bounced after their bloodbath...
See Chart:

VIX fell today by the most since XIVmageddon in Feb 2018...
See Chart:

Treasury yields collapsed today - led by the short-end, before blowing out late on...
See Chart:

The long-end bond yields broke a 7-day compression streak...
See Chart:
USE 30Y Yield

Yield curve steepened dramatically...
See Chart:

The B-Dollar was clubbed like a baby seal today, plunging most since Sep 2019...
See Chart:

Commodities were all higher as the dollar plunged with crude soaring and PMs barely clinging on...
See Chart:

Finally, we're not cheap!
See Chart:

Seudo democ duopolico in US is obsolete; it’s full of frauds & corruption. Urge cambio

LA NATION  no se va a cruzar de brazos. Los va a usar y con fuerza. Cods Rev ready t act
"This is the REAL beginning of the Dems taking Bernie out of play"
Probable se tenga que postergar las elecciones.. es lo que busca T para su WW3 Pero ni esto ni el torching, menos el CV, le sirven para su re-elección. La guerra fuera solo servirá para su pronta salida. Lo más grave es LA GUERRA CIVIL QUE ABRA DE INICIARSE SI SE CANCELA LA DEMOCRACIA EN EL US. Si se usa el fascim policial o de las Fuerzas armadas, peor aún. Los billonarios serán 1er target y con su dinero el pueblo tendrá mejores armas. La Democ lo demanda asi y el pueblo vencerá!. Tendremos nueva Amer por via pacifica o via armada!!
La corrupción y el chantaje fuera del pais se perdona o no? Hillary sigue perdonada
"Blue Star sought to leverage Hunter Biden's role as a board member of Burisma to gain access to, and potentially influence matters at, the State Department"
US politics is a Factory of Clowns .. all of them seeking to lick the as of billionaires. La politica USAna es una fábrica de payasos: todos buscan lamerle el culo a millonarios.
And they're all piling on...
En que se diferencia este  del resto?  No creo que esté enamorado de Biden.. Por la sonrisa idiota que muestra.. creo que está interesado en la hija de Biden
                                                                                                                                                                "Healthcare and energy, would see their profits under a Sanders administration"
"The lack of testing is a scandal...This is the cover up."
Update (1805ET): During VP Pence's virus press conference, FDA Commissioner Stephen Hahn confirmed that the US will be able to perform around 1 million tests by the end of the week. What this means is simple - more tests, more positives. And we wonder - absent G& actual action, not just talk - if this will take the shine back off stocks.
However, As Jedd Kegum noted on Twitter, the CDC has stopped disclosing the number of Americans tested for coronavirus.
On the left is how the website looked last night. On the right is what it looks like now, with the testing info removed.
See Graph
[[ In Short: not 1 but 43 cases in March 2 in the US ]]
Update (1850ET): IN Washington Governor and former Democratic presidential candidate Jay Inslee said Monday that Washingtonians shouldn't be surprised when authorities start cancelling "big public events" - though he assured the public that he wasn't requesting a mass cancellation right now (despite the fact that 6 people are dead in his state).
Saying that :  Eight US states have no confirmed cases of the coronavirus: Washington, California, Illinois, Rhode Island, New York, Florida, Oregon and New Hampshire is a LIE
In other news, critics slammed VP Mike Pence after the CDC abruptly delayed a Monday briefing.  [Meaning: there is a cover up. Official authorities : Lying to Public ]

No solo se miente en el US.. se miente a nivel mundial. Listen this Video:
Video: WHO Briefing on Corona Virus 
STOP BUYING MASKS they won’t  protect form Corona Virus
Please listen suggestions from Chinese experts:

So we have again the Kafka ‘s case of: THE EMPEROR’S NEW CLOTHES (naked)
No even 1% votes but with bikini she made news because she is anti-Sanders. Mom  you’re  naked..
                                                                                                                                                                The culling of the Democratic field continues...
Yes Mom you naked.. please cover your indecent obesity  (of your mind).
Her departure leaves Warren, Bernie, Biden and Bloomberg in the race.
SEE Chart:
Chance of Winning

IF BLoomberg  QUIT before or during the Convention on Tuesday.. PEOPLE ‘ ANTI- BILLONAIRES VOTE will go to SANDERS, don’t matter what Bloomberg said on him.

US-WORLD  ISSUES (Geo Econ, Geo Pol & global Wars)
Global depression is on…China, RU, Iran search for State socialis+K-, D rest in limbo

The last time the G-7 met to bail out the world was in February 2016 during the famous "Shanghai Accord" which unleashed a wave of bullishness that lasted over a year. Is history about to repeat itself at 7am on Tuesday morning?
In our modern world, information is power... Under severe circumstances, those in control will take extreme measures to keep it...
Video in current time:
Religion is False cover from Corona Virus & wars, 2 plagues of out time. It covers it up & help to spread  both.
Is the world's largest constitutionally atheist state facing a revival of the 10 biblical plagues of Egypt?
In crisis like this -CV + Wars- la Fe no mueve montañas. La fe religiosa deviene  densa nube a flor de tierra que impide ver hacia adelante: facilita la caída. NO la detiene. El ir a rezar en un templo puede producir más muertes que las mismas guerras y el CV juntos. El templo es forma idiotezca de buscar la muerte
                                                                                                                                                                Google delves deeper and deeper into the dark arts. It truly is "sinister"
Google is NOT more sinister than FASCISTIC  WARS. The fact is that other Comp can’t compete with Google under similar rules.
Mirar la paja en ojo ajeno y no la estaca en el propio: US labor must double mini salary
"It is extremely difficult for Uyghurs to refuse or escape these work assignments, which are enmeshed with the apparatus of detention and political indoctrination..."
Si no se dobla el salario mínimo del labor US, este seguirá sufriendo tanto o peor que los Uyghur Muslims de China. 

GEO-POL n GEO-ECO  ..Focus on neoliberal expansion via wars & danger of WW3


Lat Am search f alternatives to neo-fascist regimes & terrorist imperial chaos



Guaidó crea "falsos positivos" para provocar más sanciones contra Venezuela
OMS sobre el coronavirus: "Estamos en un territorio inexplorado"
US reducirá número de periodistas chinos acreditados en el país y limitará duración de estadía
Pentágono busca alcanzar Rusia y China con su nueva arma hipersónica  
Paro Nacional de Mujeres del 9M refuerza oleada feminista en México
China cierra uno de los hospitales temporales que construyó en Wuhan
Dos precandidatos demócratas se retiran de la carrera presidencial en EE.UU.
El dinero de la UE no sirvio para mitigar el flujo de migrantes a través de Turquía

Deep on the US political crisis: neofascism & internal conflicts that favor WW3

Assange Rips the Matrix  By Finian Cunningham
Why were Stocks Crashing?   By Mike Whitney

Analysis on US Politics & Geopolitics

Evaggelos Vallianatos  Billionaire Power and Politics

Geopolitics & Econ-Pol crisis that leads to more business-wars from US-NATO  allies


Amy Goodman’  team


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