martes, 17 de marzo de 2020


ND  MAR 17  20  SIT EC y POL 
ND denounce Global-neoliberal debacle y propone State-Social + Capit-compet in Eco

Neoliberal globalization is over. Financiers know it, they documented with graphics

MAD WORLD: We know the end: sInking of neoliberal TITANIC + lack of post-Neoliberal agenda. Meaning: the WEST agree on current mutual assured destruction
US futures traded limit up overnight, plunge back to the lows of the day, soared back above overnight highs, dumped again, ripped again, then slumped... 1000s of Dow points in the swings on the back of various political and monetary headlines of ever-increasing bailouts (and warnings)... THAT IS MALARKEY!  [ worse than ANARCHY ]
See Chart:

*  *  *
Legendary investor Jim Rogers warned that "the next time we are going to have a financial problem it's going to be the worst..." and right now it appears we are headed toward "the worst financial crisis of our lifetimes” and “we will know in a few months." However, Rogers noted, the reason behind such market mayhem is "not just the virus, it is certainly much more" than that.
Rather notably, the US equity market has started each day moving in the opposite direction from the previous day's late-day move every day for two weeks...
See Chart:

Goldman's illiquidity ratio, which measures the price impact of trading volumes, shows that liquidity has evaporated within US equities...
See Chart: 
The illiquidity ratio has jumped

Bid-ask spreads have widened to 8-year highs...
See Chart:
Median S&P 500 Stock bid-ask spread as % of price

Early in the day, stocks tumbled back into the red but ever-escalating helicopter money headlines and The Fed's CPFF and extended Repo helped lift the market to a big day, led by Small Caps...(NOTE - the drop around 12ET came after the White House Virus Task Force stated that "we are losing the fight to contain the virus."
See Chart:

For some context, this drop in stocks dwarfs the Y2K-post-Fed-liquidity plunge...
See Chart:
Nasdaq Y2K  vs. Nasdaq now

VIX dipped today back below 75, but remains extremely elevated...
See Chart:

There was a bloodbath in bondland today with yields exploding higher across the curve - long-end smashed hardest - 30Y spiked 35bps, 2Y +9bps...
See Chart:

See Chart:

US yield curve steepened as chatter increased of the helicopter money-drop in the US...
See Chart:
UST 2Y 10Y Yield Spread

In the past week, junk-bond investors have suffered through two of the worst days since the collapse of Lehman Brothers. The struggle reflects the spike in economic uncertainty and how many high-yield borrowers will have problems with bank lines. However, junk CDS spreads are pricing in a 43% five-year default probability. That’s high, but in 2009 CDS was pricing a more than 60% default probability, so it can go higher.
See Chart:

IG credit is even worse, with CDS pricing in a 9.9% default probability, which is extremely high...
See Chart:

WTI puked to a $26 handle!!
See Chart:

Finally, systemic risk continues to soar in deep, dark corners of the financial markets... Implied Correlation is at Lehman/EU Crisis levels...
See Chart:
S&P Implied Correlat: Systemic risk high vs Systemic risk low

But, we suspect this reracking has a lot further to go...
See Chart:
Hours worked to buy the Dow Jones: high
Tram-p-restitutes  hicieron lo max por ser oscuros con sus  ‘rerackings’ y otro sabotajes y creo que lo lograron… BUENAS  P…S .. les deben pagar bien.

Today at 6pm ET, the Fed,  announced the establishment of a Primary Dealer Credit Facility (PDCF) "to support the credit needs of households and businesses." What the Fed really meant is that it is now launching a way for dealers to monetize the stocks they own, as the facility will be collateralized, among others, by "equity securities."
But here is the punchline:
Credit extended to primary dealers under this facility may be collateralized by a broad range of investment grade debt securities, including commercial paper and municipal bonds, and a broad range of equity securities.
This means that as of this moment, EQUITIES - which are worth ZERO in a worst case scenario - are eligible collateral for Fed liquidity.
Here are some more details on the eligible collateral:
CONTINUE reading at:

Without action, the US unemployment rate could spike to a stunning 20%.
Bloomberg reports, according to sources familiar with the matter, that Mnuchin warned the Senate GOP members that without action, the US unemployment rate could spike to a stunning 20%.
See Chart:
US Unemployment rate wihout action
MEANING: With a total labor force or around 160 million, that would mean a sudden spike to over 30 million unemployed Americans
"The Fed and other Central Banks have fired all their ammunition and if the markets crash through last week's lows, there’s nothing left..."
It's time for Powell to sit down with people who understand what is going on and fix the underlying problem before it's too late.

Seudo democ duopolico in US is obsolete; it’s full of frauds & corruption. Urge cambio


These are the eight conditions she demands for any federal bailout cash to be released...
1. Companies must maintain their payrolls and use funds to keep people working or on payroll.
2. Companies must provide a $15 minimum wage as quickly as practicable but no later than one year of the national emergency declaration ending.
3. Companies are permanently prohibited from engaging in share repurchases.
4. Companies are prohibited from paying out dividends or executive bonuses while they are receiving any relief and for three years thereafter.
5. Companies must set aside at least one seat -- but potentially two or more, as the amount of relief increases -- on the board of directors for representatives elected by workers.
6. Collective bargaining agreements should remain in place and should not be reopened or renegotiated pursuant to this relief program.
7. Corporations must obtain shareholder and board approval for all political expenditures.
8. CEOs must be required to personally certify a company is compliance and face criminal penalties for violating these certifications.
So... no layoffs, no buybacks, no bonuses, high minimum wage, and union representation on board?
"There is a particular cruelty, irony that it is their core viewers, the Republican older viewers, who are the most at risk."
Esta dama debe ser una socialista R camuflada, pero no menciono a T en older
"...and suddenly millions of bailout-demanding voices cried out in terror and were suddenly silenced. I fear something terrible has happened."
Without action, the US unemployment rate could spike to a stunning 20%.
"Five hundred billion here, five hundred billion there. You know, pretty soon you’re talking about real money...”
The Federal Reserve cut rates to zero and expanded quantitative easing on Sunday. How did the markets reward this latest monetary stimulus?
They crashed.
In his podcast, Peter said he thinks we’ve passed the point of no return.

US-WORLD  ISSUES (Geo Econ, Geo Pol & global Wars)
Global depression is on…China, RU, Iran search for State socialis+K-, D rest in limbo

Jeffrey Gundlach, the billionaire chief investment officer of DoubleLine Capital, SAYS:

 The Fed’s rate cuts are “obviously an admission we’re not going back to anywhere normal", and says that we will soon need a $10 trillion Y axis on the Fed balance sheet chart as a result of the latest massive monetary injection.
See Chart
Fed’s Balance Sheet. Total Reserves & Repos

Gundlach also looked at the spread between the effective fed funds and the 10Y, which as regular readers know well, is where recessions usually begin, and where the yield curve steepens sharply in response.
See Chart:
Yield Curve : 10Y – Effective Fed Funds Spread

Summarizing the economic situation, Gundlach pronounces that "this is the end of the longest post-war expansion."
Readers can listen to the webcast at the following link.
With the CPFF back online, we may also see the return of AMLF, MMIFF, and PDCF. We could also see the return of TAF.

GEO-POL n GEO-ECO  ..Focus on neoliberal expansion via wars & danger of WW3


Lat Am search f alternatives to neo-fascist regimes & terrorist imperial chaos


Psychotic-D: ”Todos vamos a morir!”  & suicidio preventivo? W C. Medina

 La nueva economía post-CV: ¿repetir los errores o reconfigurar el contrato social?
Revelan qué con grupo sanguíneo A es más probable contraer el coronavirus
"Estamos en periodo interesante de la historia humana y vamos a un desastre"
¿Podrían los bancos liberar a sus clientes del pago de créditos por el coronavirus? En el US se acaba de aplazar el pago de deudas e impuestos no cancelarlos
El FMI desestima petición de ayuda de VEN para reforzar sistema sanitario ante el CV
Incluso 1 guerra nuclear 'a pequeña escala' entre India -Pakistán afectaría al mundo entero
US anuncia que retirará sus tropas de tres bases militares en Irak

Deep on the US political crisis: neofascism & internal conflicts that favor WW3


Analysis on US Politics & Geopolitics

-Seiji Yamada  Coronavirus for All  Nice dystopia
-Binoy Kampmark  Coronavirus as a Way of Life

Geopolitics & Econ-Pol crisis that leads to more business-wars from US-NATO  allies


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