lunes, 2 de marzo de 2020


ND denounce Global-neoliberal debacle y propone State-Social + Capit-compet in Eco
Neoliberal globalization is over. Financiers know it, they documented with graphics

PPT to the rescue! Dow futures are now up 850 points from the opening lows

Update (2000ET): Following, now confirmed, rumors of The BoJ "striving to provide market stability via open market operations and asset purchases", US TREASURY YIELDS ARE COLLAPSING...

2Y Yields are down a stunning 15bps and 30Y down 11bps to 1.58%...
See  Chart:

10Y is getting very close to 1.00%!
See Chart:
UST 10Y Yield

And bonds are signaling a lot more pain for stocks...
See Chart:
Nasdaq vs. 30Y Yield stocks refuse to bounce...
See Chart:

And eurodollars' open signaling 38bps of rate-cuts in March and 50ps by April...
See Chart:
Rate-Cuts Priced in  March- April

As the yield curve is getting dramatically more inverted (3m10y - 8bps)...
See Chart:

Safe-haven flows are flooding back into gold, pushing Futures back above $1600...
See Chart:
After Friday afternoon's combination of Jay Powell's statement and a major rebalancing flow sent stocks soaring into the close, a lack of the much-demanded 'coordinated global easing' this weekend has spoiled the party and futures are opening down hard.

Friday's almost 1000 point surge in less than an hour - on absolutely nothing but hope that somebody will do something
See Chart:

Oil is also collapsing with WTI at a $43 handle...
See Chart:

And bond prices have hit a new high, erasing the late-Friday spike in yields...
See Chart:

Deutsche Bank shows,overall liquidity for S&P500 futures has fallen to all time lows 
See Chart:

In short: absent central bank intervention, it will be virtually impossible for any major player to arrest the market's collapse.
Of course, that is a big ask the market is already pricing in almost 4 rate-cuts in 2020...
See Chart:
# of Rate-Cuts Priced -in  By End 2020

And almost completely priced-in 2 rate-cuts in March...
See Chart:
Fed Funds Effective Rates  vs. Market implied Rate for March 2020

That's a lot to expect from a Fed that doesn't want to signal panic and burn through its ammunition so fast without evidence of economic disruption.

"We see a high risk that the easing we expect over the next several weeks occurs in coordinated fashion, perhaps as early as the coming week."
 Goldman is now  forecasting rate cuts by most other G10 (and some EM) central banks, including a cumulative 100bp of cuts in Canada, 50bp in the UK, Australia, New Zealand, Norway, India and South Korea, and 10bp in the Euro area and Switzerland. The chart below shows Goldman's new central bank forecasts along with market pricing as of Friday’s close.
See Chart:

Seudo democ duopolico in US is obsolete; it’s full of frauds & corruption. Urge cambio

In a first, Syrian state media has translated Gabbard's speech and broadcast it all over Syria.

Trump’s delusion: Pete Buttigieg  votes (if  out) will go to Biden, then Bernie loose
Just “Opium Dream”
By Hugo Adan  March 1-20
Based on:

"This is the REAL beginning of the Dems taking Bernie out of play"

This is the logic of Fraud (buying-selling votes). BUT billonaires can’t buy  d electorate, they only buy & sell  candidates. The people who vote has a different and opposite dynamic. Their mood  & final decision to vote  was never bought nor sold out in any advanced democracy in the world by the owners of the system. 
The vote is secret and common people used this secrecy to express their distrust on the rich. In the US now we are watching the direct meddling of the rich  in elections, and neutral pool said  that Bloomberg –Trump are losing votes week by week.
The initial idea  that Trump can be re-elected was feed by paid  press-titute  LIES that rich investors can save America. The fact is that they cannot even save themselves: the  real of return for their investment is almost ZERO. They only recycle the fake economy with the free money gave by Trump vi a QEs & Bail outs .
Bloomberg promised to continue this system by correcting Trump’s  little mistakes. They are allies against Sanders and those who support Bernie are  against the ultra-rich meddling in election /re-election.
IF they manage to take Sanders out of the Dems party, the 3rd option: RUN  AS INDEPENDENT PARTY  could  be the first solution. That implies a strong denounce to Dems & REPs duopoly party Syst as corrupt-fraudulent-system  pay by the ultra rich.
World history in advanced democracies taught a lesson to the rich: don’t  medley  in election directly. They has been detested  & retaliated  with the secret vote in the ballot box. 
The same situation happens with candidates supported by millionaires  (not matter how famous & honorable they were, take the case of the novelist Vargas Llosa in Peru) they were   abandoned by the Nation during elections time.
 In simple words: buying election is FRAUD and the poor & middle class in any nation knew it.
The time for retaliation is coming.  Commandos REV across America are ready to ACT.
We the Socialist Will WIN!!

US-WORLD  ISSUES (Geo Econ, Geo Pol & global Wars)
Global depression is on…China, RU, Iran search for State socialis+K-, D rest in limbo

Evilness besides Xenophobia: We all know US used this bio-Chemical W Agst China

Soon after the story was gagged with the article subsequently taken down.
We published before the name of 2 scientist who blamed the US for this Type of war  But China decide that the pandemia has to be solved first & then continue research on its causes. We will publish new Info on this regard if evilness continue.  Meanwhile I will offer some  articles on this issue:

1-      A MOST CONVENIENT VIRUS    By Dmitry Orlov This virus was genetically engineered in one of the Pentagon’s biological weapons laboratories and then was introduced into China.

THERE IS MORE INFO that I will send at the end of March

The biggest mistake, and one that is almost guaranteed to be made, is to try to disguise the economic impact of the epidemic by cutting interest rates and injecting more liquidity...

This really is do or die time, humans. If we allow them to extradite and imprison Julian Assange for practicing journalism, that’s it. 
If we, the many, don’t have the spine to stand up against the few and say “No, we get to find out facts about you bastards and use it to inform our worldview, you don’t get to criminalize that,” then we certainly won’t have the spine it will take to wrest control of this world away from the hands of sociopathic plutocrats and take our fate into our own hands. 
We are deciding, right now, what we are made of. And what we want to become.
This is it... This is the part of the movie where we collectively choose the red pill or the blue pill
Read the whole article at:

In an interview with Germany's Der Speigel, Dr.Rubini believes that coronavirus will lead to a global economic disaster and that U.S. President Donald Trump will not be re-elected as a result."The Democratic field is poor, but Trump is dead. Quote me on that!"
That's Nouriel Roubini's take on how the escalating global health crisis will morph into a financial crisis (it's starting) and a political crisis...
Read the entire article at:
TRUMP’ WW3 AT PORTAS:  re-elect won’t  happen without victory in WW3
Fresh off a major Atlantic military exercise, USS Dwight D. Eisenhower heads near hot spots of Syria & Libya.
Chances of victory: NONE. Most likely result= MAD. How many US  soldiers lost? NO IDEA. How many millions of civilian people will dye in a nuke war? If 3 days =3 millions, said a journalist.  Preferiria que mueran 300 Billionaires del WS, concluyo.  Guerra justa?  Ninguna Guerra nuclear podria serlo. Pero nos diran que su objetivo fue la PAZ,  por tanto hubo causa justa. Pero War=Peace es solo un doublé think & speech de psicópatas. Que fue autorizada por senado Democ=“proper authority” . Falso: Democ no existe en el US: votan solo un 25% del electorado nacional y además con fraude legal= compra de votos. Intencion correcta (right intent) tampoco existe:  re-elegir a Trump, no justifica el WW3. Peacefull end: pacificación del mundo, fue lo que prometio Hitler en “su lucha”  y termino demolido en un bunker de Dresden. Esos 4 principios del “jus ad bellum” no se respetaron  antes de que se inicie la supuesta guerra justa. Menos aún se van a respetar los principios del “just in bellum” =durante la  guerra: A- no se usara armas bio-chemical  como el corona virus que se ideo en los labs del Penta y se introdujo clandestinam en China. Menos aun se va a respetar el principio B-de neutralidad para quienes no quieren apoyar ninguno de los 2 bandos. Los chantajes y las sanciones  del imperio serán más drásticas.  C  tampoco el imperio va a limpiar el environment polucionado por los nukes.  D- Tampoco se respetara el oro y los recursos financieros del país vencido en la guerra. Es justo el robo del oro y otros recuros lo 1ro que hará el imperio.  Si no lo cree pregunten a Hillary y Obama donde está el oro robado en Libya. El WW3 no lo va a re-elegir a Trump, al contrario lo va a poner a él y su familia en la mira de los snipers del  país y los de fuera.    ROubini  le canto bien el final a Trump  por la crisis y caos que viene creando. Lea: "This Crisis Will Spill Over Into Disaster"  the “U.S. President Donald Trump will not be re-elected as a result”.  En realidad la NO reelección  es lo mínimo que le podría ocurrir a Trump si decreta el WW3.  Siento pena por el  porque ayer que lo vi en su mensaje d TV lo note auto-destruido por su cara demacrada. Quizá los bribones que apoyo, ya lo están abandonando. La Circul de elites es drama , dijo Pareto.

GEO-POL n GEO-ECO  ..Focus on neoliberal expansion via wars & danger of WW3

- Erdogan Plans to Visit Russia on 5 March - Turkish President's Administration

Lat Am search f alternatives to neo-fascist regimes & terrorist imperial chaos


Militares rusos dicen que no garantizan la seguridad de los vuelos de aviones turcos sobre Siria
Ministerio de Defensa de Turquía confirma el derribo de 2 bombarderos Su-24 sirios en Idlib
Un grupo de ataque con un portaviones de EE.UU. entra en el Mediterráneo
Arrestos y miedo: nueva realidad para los migrantes cubanos en EE.UU.
ONU alerta de "violencia endémica" en Colombia y pide reforma del ESMAD

Geopolitics & Econ-Pol crisis that leads to more business-wars from US-NATO  allies


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