miércoles, 25 de julio de 2018

Wed JUL 25 18 SIT EC y POL

Wed  JUL 25  18  SIT EC y POL
ND denounce Global-neoliberal debacle y propone State-Social + Capit-compet in Econ

Neoliberal globalization is over. Financiers know it, they documented with graphics

WSJ columnists challenged Ira Sohn stock pickers by throwing darts to create a portfolio of 10 stocks to go up against the 12 stocks picked at Sohn?. (soy bean?) Three months later, the darts have prevailed.

First thing this morning, an overzealous WSJ Heard of the Street editor Spencer Jakab decided to mock Jeffrey Gundlach's predictions made three months ago at the Ira Sohn conference, recalling how Gundlach had the temerity to go against the grain of virtually every single hedge fund when revealing his trade recommendations:
Gundlach’s suggestion to short the shares of Facebook and to go long on an exchange-traded fund of oil and gas explorers, for example, would have lagged behind an S&P 500 Index fund by 24 percentage points through Monday’s close.

And surely at 6am this morning, Mr. Jakab would have preferred the following sells ide? (idle) "recommendations":
See Chart:

And here's why: as Jakab reports, "at the time of the conference, Heard on the Street columnists took on the stock pickers by throwing darts to create a portfolio of 10 stocks to go up against the 12 stocks picked by the Sohn speakers."

Readers an probably guess where this is going:
Three months later, the darts have prevailed. The Heard team’s 10 picks, eight long and two short, have returned 7.23% on average. The combined performance of 12 picks by Sohn attendees has been slightly negative, lagging behind the S&P 500 by more than 6 percentage points.

The other dart "picks" were PagSeguro, Paychex, Park Hotels and Four Corners, all of which have outperformed their respective "2 and 20" records.
See Chart:
The conference call is not going well...
Zuck is now down $20 billion after-hours.

Houston, we have a problem..
See Graph:

"...if you can’t win a trade war, you can try winning a currency war instead..."
                MUST READ

Seudo democ y sist  duopolico in US is obsolete; it’s  full of frauds & corruption. Urge cambiarlo

"We have had enough"

"Paul is positioning himself, smartly, totake advantage of the power vacuum left by the vacancy that will be left in the GOP this fall.  The old guard GOP establishment is losing control of the party...The Neoconservatives are openly jumping ship back to the Democrats."
In PEACE time there’re restriction to carry guns in public places.. In WAR time we must have guns

A three-Judge panel on the 9th US Circuit Court of Appeals ruled on Tuesday that the Second Amendment guarantees the right to openly carry a gun in public for self defense, after finding that a Hawaii court overstepped its authority to regulate the posession of firearms outside the home. 

The ruling by the San Francisco-based panel is the sixth US circuit court to similarly interpret the Second Amendment, which could clear a path for the US Supreme Court to weigh in on the issue - which would be the USSC's first significant gun rights case since 2010. 
The extent of the right to gun ownership is one of the most hotly contested debates in the United States, where there has been a steady stream of mass shootings.
In a 2-1 decision on Tuesday, the panel found Hawaii infringed on the rights of plaintiff George Young when it twice denied him a permit the state requires to openly carry a gun in public. -Reuters

"We do not take lightly the problem of gun violence," wrote Judge Diarmuid O’Scannlain in Tuesday’s ruling. “But, for better or for worse, the Second Amendment does protect a right to carry a firearm in public for self-defense.”

Hawaii's Attorney General Russell Suzuki says the ruling will "undermine Hawaii's strong gun control law and our commitment to protect the public." (Of course when seconds count, even Magnum PI was minutes away.) Suzuki said that state and local authorities would consult on potential next stepss. 

Dissenting on Tuesday's opinion was Judge Richard Clifton, who said that the Second Amendment did not preclude licensing rules in Hawaii and elsewhere

Open carry laws vary by state and type of firearm. The most restrictive states, for example, are California, Illinois, Florida and the District of Columbia - which prohibit residents from openly carrying any sort of firearm. Hawaii is somewhat less restrictive, as one of just 15 states which requires a license or permit to openly carry a handgun.  

Radioactive uranium has leaked through the floor of the Westinghouse South Carolina nuclear fuel plant and contaminated the soil.
Wishful thinking from DEMs.. the FACT is that T has power & the handle of the pot.. he can fry th 1st
"Will Donald Trump be killed at any point during 2018?"

US-WW ISSUES (Geo Econ, Geo Pol & global Wars)
Global depression is on…China, RU, Iran search for State socialis+K- compet. D rest in limbo

"In this world of bat-shit-crazy central bank policies, a smidgen of the asset that has maintained its status as a store of value for thousands of years seems prudent."
See Chart:

See more charts at

If they were killed anywhere else in the world other than Syria it'd be big breaking news - Syrian journalist

[[ What happens with the promised help from RU to Syria? .. pure blah blah? They should’ve took out any foreign invader to Syria.. specially the US and Israel (by association UK).. THEY’RE STILL THERE. Just give nukes to Iran to defend themselves from Israel-Saudis and from the US IF plan to defend them or attack to Iran.. FACT: si cae Iran, cae Siria. War is war.. All is a matter of answering tit for tat ]]
[[ Or is this JUST  TIT FOR TAT  ]]

"The darling of the war party needs to answer some questions..."

Putin argued, not unreasonably, that if Washington wants to extradite and talk to any of the twelve recently indicted GRU officers the Justice Department has named then reciprocity is in order for Americans and other identified individuals who are wanted by the Russian authorities for illegal activity while in Russia. And if Russian officials are fair game, so are American officials.

A prime target for such an interrogation would be President Barack Obama’s Ambassador to Russia Michael McFaul, who was widely criticized while in Moscow for being on an apparent mission to cultivate ties with the Russian political opposition and other “pro-democracy” groups. But McFaul was not specifically identified in the press conference, though Russian prosecutors have asked him to answer questions related to the ongoing investigation of another leading critic, Bill Browder, who was named by Putin during the question and answer session. Browder is a major hedge fund figure who, inter alia, is an American by birth. He renounced his U.S. citizenship in 1997 in exchange for British citizenship to avoid paying federal taxes on his worldwide income.

Bill Browder is what used to be referred to as an oligarch, having set up shop in 1999 as Hermitage Capital Management Fund, a hedge fund registered in tax havens Guernsey and the Cayman Islands. It focused on “investing” in Russia, taking advantage initially of the loans-for-shares scheme under Russia’s drunkard President Boris Yeltsin, and then continuing to profit greatly during the early years of Vladimir Putin. By 2005 Hermitage was the largest foreign investor in Russia.

CONTINUE  reading at:

Another day, another stimulus announcement by China.
See Chart:

US  inside  GEO-POL n GEO-ECO  ..Focus on neoliberal expansion via wars & danger of WW3



Lat Am NEW FOCUS: alternat to neo-fascist regimes, breaks to HR, Peace & support to US-terrorism 

ISR          Israel consolida su régimen nacionalsionista  Pablo Jofré
                -Honduras   Infancia sin futuro  Giorgio Trucchi
                -Otra América es posible, sin Trump y su muro,   Lilliam Oviedo
                -Sandinismo e imperio: la batalla decisiva  Atilio A. Boron
FEM       El largo camino del feminismo: dogmas y disensos  Paloma Uría
CULT      A favor del Gramsci leninista   Salvador López
                -Nigeria  Las mil vidas de Boko Haram  Guadi Calvo
                --De las protestas del Rif, al CETI de Melilla   Sonia Moreno
ECON    Bridget Anderson:  Estado del bienestar y renta básica universal
PAL        -Antes de que desaparezca Palestina  Homar Garcés
MEX       -Por la senda de Zapata
                -Peor enemigo: No es Trump sino el complejo militar  M Yepe
                -Perú  Refundar la república podrida Mariana Álvarez
                -ARG: El gran capital, el gobierno y el FMI en apuros  D Campione
                -Mex: Espacios de la burocracia en la reproducc del capital J L Ríos         
                -VEN: Estado de aburrimiento nacional Ana Cristina Bracho
                -ARG: Rechazo unánime a intervenc de Fuerzas Armadas Red Eco A
                -Am Lat: estrategia de Bolívar: integración de todo el continente  
                -USA Llegó la hora de frenar las guaperías de Trump  Luis M Arce  
                -Perú Congreso o poder constituyente  Juan Rojas Vargas
                -BRA Por Red de Legalidad Virtual para detener fascismo JE P

Analysis on US Politics & Geopolitics

Melvin Goodman   Donald the Destroyer

Geopolitics & Econ-Pol crisis that leads to more business-wars from US-NATO  allies


Focus on Trump policies & the Econ & Pol crisis he creates


Resume of Global News described by Iranian observers..



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