domingo, 1 de julio de 2018

JUN 30 18 SIT EC y POL

JUN 30 18  SIT EC y POL
ND denounce Global-neoliberal debacle y propone State-Social + Capit-compet in Econ

Neoliberal globalization is over. Financiers know it, they documented with graphics

With the "smart" money exiting the stock market in droves, yield curves collapsing, and continued extreme speculative positioning, the possibility of a crash is rising. Here are the cheapest way to hedge against a market shock.

With the "smart" money (as defined by Don Hays) exiting the stock market in droves, yield curves collapsing (now with extra help from a "Twisting" ECB), extreme speculative positioning in bonds, and a dramatically diverging economic reality from market narratives, the possibility of a crash - Fed triggered or not - is rising. Do 'they' know something the "dumb money" does not?
See Chart:

And with everyone still the same side of the rates boat...
See Chart:

... while Bank of America is warning that the current market feels ominously similar to that right before the 1998 Asia Crisis and LTCM blow up...
See Chart:

... the question is - what's the cheapest way to hedge against a crash scenario?
Bank of America's Jason Galazidis has some answers for traders looking for some protection. The screen below shows that the hedges, ranked by the average, which are most underpricing historical drawdowns are Gold calls, EUR 10y receivers and TLT (US 20y+ Treasury) calls:
See Chart:

“ is doubtful if electricity will ever be [widely] used” because it was too expensive to generate... - 1879
See Chart:

The 10% surge is a notable outlier after weeks of constant downward pressure, but we note it's already fading modestly along with the rest of cryptos.
See Chart:

Wall Street is no different from any other American industry. Growth and success will belong to the disruptors rather than incumbents...

Read this :
There are many causes for this downward slide, and each carries a well-worn narrative. A few standouts:
  • Declining asset management fees: Passive investing has seriously dented the popularity of active management, which has admittedly struggled to consistently outperform in the last 20 years of equity market volatility.
  • Lower sell side research margins: Wall Street analysts were hurt by Reg FD and AC, which seriously limited their ability to get a non-public (but once legal) investment edge and deliver that to clients for a premium price.
  • Lower hedge fund profitability: Low barriers to entry allowed too many hedge fund startups, compressing fees for even truly talented managers.
  • Lower equity trading profits: Decimalization, market fragmentation, higher technology costs and long stretches of central bank-driven volatility suppression have killed desk profitability.
Now, equities are an optimist’s game, and there’s no shortage of hopeful narratives that argue we’re at a bottom for many of these trends. The Fed is cutting back on its balance sheet, so volatility will return and lift trading profitability. The next bear market will see investors come back to active management. Asset allocators are more selective now, so the best hedge funds will regain pricing power.

We prefer to consider the decline of the US equity business writ large (both buyside and sellside) through a different lens: long term US equity returns. These, after all, are what pay for the money management, trading, and research services Wall Street has to offer. It is a lot easier to justify higher fees if returns are strong. And essentially impossible to pass along most costs when they are not.

Here are the trailing 20-year compounded average returns for the S&P 500 every 5 years since 1980, underlying data courtesy of NYU Professor Aswath Damodaran:
  • 1980: 8.3% 20-year trailing nominal returns
  • 1985: 8.6%
  • 1990: 11.1%
  • 1995: 14.5%
  • 2000: 15.5%
  • 2005: 11.9%
  • 2010: 9.1%
  • 2015: 8.1%
  • 2017: 7.1%
This data puts trends in the health of the US equity business in a different light than the narratives we outlined earlier. Equity owners – the ones that actually pay for services like money management, research and trading – have scaled their expenses based on their realized returns.

"On what plane of reality is it possible thattwo of the world’s most morally bankrupt corporations, Bayer and Monsanto, can be permitted to join forces to control about one-quarter of the world’s food supply. "

Seudo democ y sist  duopolico in US is obsolete; it’s  full of frauds & corruption. Urge cambiarlo

"To qualify for low-income housing in San Francisco County or the nearby San Mateo and Marin counties, a four-person householdcan make as much as $117,400 a year."

"The meeting that the Deep State strived to make impossible with fabricated 'Russiagate' assertions and an orchestrated 'investigation' by Mueller has now been set in place by no less than Deep State neocon operative John Bolton. "

"There’s nothing like a wounded animal."

US-WW ISSUES (World & War):  M-East .. plus
Global depression is on…China, RU, Iran search for State socialis+K- compet. D rest in limbo

On Sunday, Mexico will be the latest domino to fall to the global anti-establishment wave, and will elect its first "leftist populist" president in a generation with potentially far-reaching consequences for the country’s economy, trade, crime fighting and US relations.

"There is no way North Korea will ever give up its nuclear weapons - ever..."

The Pentagon is evaluating the costs of transferring or withdrawing troops from Germany, where the United States has its biggest contingent outside the country, The Washington Post reported on Friday, but the White House denied.
"We ultimately think that the PBoC will safeguard the 6.70 level in USD/CNY, as it would otherwise risk spurring another round of massive capital outflows as was seen after the devaluation in the autumn of 2016..."

"The decisions taken by the United States on this issue are not binding for us. Of course, we will follow the United Nations on its decision. Other than this, we will only follow our own national interests."

"Just spoke to King Salman of Saudi Arabia and ... I am asking that Saudi Arabia increase oil production, maybe up to 2,000,000 barrels, to make up the difference...Prices to high! He has agreed"

US  inside  GEO-POL n GEO-ECO  ..News



Latino America looking for alternatives to neoliberalism to break with Empire: 

PAL        Razan, enfermera voluntaria asesinada por los sionistas
USA       Pence paseó por América Latina su prepotencia imperial
                Venezuela y migrantes en la mira  Alvaro Verzi Rangel
MX         Necro-elecciones   Gilberto López y Rivas
Mund    -A propósito de Kabul…   Kathy Kelly
ECON    --Atraco a los salarios   Phil Mattera
                --Piñera, neoliberalismo y delincuencia  Eduardo Andrade Bone
Media   ---Periodismo en Sinaloa: autocensura o muerte  Jéssica y Antonio
ALC        -Honduras:  A nueve años del golpe de Estado  Pablo Ruiz
                -utopía?  Transformac socio-ecológ de Am Lat  Vivianne Ventura
                -Nicarag: terrorismo considerado como arte de manifestar Alex A
                -Nicarag: Derechos Humanos: informe de la CIDH  Nicolás Boeglin
                ARG: -Contra los despidos de periodistas en Arg   Alberto Mas
                ARG: -Los jinetes del Apocalipsis  Horacio Rovelli
                Chile: El Partido Socialista, neoliberalismo e izquierdas  Simón R
                COL:       -Tortura contra preso político colombiano
                                --Sí existe un sujeto campesino  Wilmar Harley Castillo
                                -- FARC-EP somos pueblo en armas y seguiremos luchando
                MEX:     -Dar al Peje lo que es del Peje  Guillermo Almeyra
                                --Una oportunidad para la izquierda  Ariel Goldstein
                                --Rebelión electoral en México  Alberto Carral
                                --Fraude: nodus político del establish en Méx  JL Ríos Vera
                -Migraciones, fantasmas y violencias insinuadas  Domingo Sanz
                -Los militares de tropa y marinería  Manuel Ruiz Robles
                -Estados Unidos: con Corea sí, pero no con Cuba  Jesús Arboleya
                -Estados Unidos preocup por presos en Cuba?  Arthur González
                - Honduras breve biograf de dictad burguesas   Juan López
                -USA: ¿Todos quieren ser Goebbels?  FBA  Domínguez
                -Am Lat:  Recuperar y reconst pensamien crítico  Aram  Aharonian  
                -COL: La economía de Duque ¡expectativas incómodas! J A Rendón   
                -MEX: El arduo camino a los Pinos   Mariano Vázquez
                -Am Lat: Con Trump nos esperan tiempos dramáticos Leonardo Boff

Geopolitics & Econ-Pol crisis that leads to more business-wars:  its profiteers US-NATO


Global situation described by Iranian observers..


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